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The Klonopin Klub


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To Non-abusing Addict,


I also experienced diarrhea along with other gastric issues and a constant urge to go to the bathroom. Those nerves were on hyper drive for weeks due to cutting way to much before I found BB and realized what I had done. I checked out ok at the doctor so I know it was w/d. Since doing a slower taper I have had s slight repeat of this for 2 to 4 days at times.


Glad you found us. Good luck and blessings as you get off K.


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hii.....petril is clonazepam......i hv told u abt my history..jst let me knw tht am i on d ryt track of medication.....i am 36 yrs old..i was taking libotryp which has chlorodiopoxide and amitriptyline..i was taking dis medicine for almost 5 yrs..den in d 5th yr i started having side effects...my doctor advised me that i dont need dis drug and shud cm out of it..den i started d course of tappering d drug..my doctor put me on amitop which contains amitriptyline and petril ..i started havinf petril 0.5 in d morning and den at nyt and amitop 1 tab at nyt..nw slowly slowly its been 5 mnths nw..and my medicine has reduced to 1 petril 0.5 at nyt..bt now after tappering it and til d tym i was on petril 0.5 at nyt and 0.25(half tab)in d morning for 40 daz i was comfortable..nw when i stopped morning dose and jst 1 tab of petril 0.5 at nyt i started feeling uncomfortable..like memory loss,darkness in front of eyes,hands legs sleep,heart palpatation not normal...confusion...plz help and advise dat am i going on d ryt track of tappering and how shud i tapper further and r these common side effects and shud i b strong to face it if i hv to get rid of d medicine....thnxxx and waiting for instant reply
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From Hopeful2013: " . . . cutting way to much before I found BB and realized what I had done." 


So familiar, Hopeful--that's precisely what happened to me.  By the time I found BB and started reading accounts I could have written myself, they were so similar, I was a couple of days into my third jump, and I was determined to make it successful (i.e. not reinstate), come hell or high water.  I think hell and high water both came, but by then I was also, finally, meditating, and I think that saw me through.  That and the support of this site and of friends and family.  I'm ten months off now (as of yesterday, officially ten months), and never again.


Hey, all--doing my now very occasional check-in.  Welcome to all the newcomers--I know you'll find much-needed support from the folks at KK.  And greetings to all my old friends here.


Jaxy, your long, sympathetic post was inspirational as always!


SkyZ, I hope you'll have a wonderful trip--maybe it will even be a welcome distraction?  Fingers crossed!


Everyone--take care of yourselves.  Take the kindest care of yourselves that you can--you deserve that gift.





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that was very inspirational, Jaxy.  Lots of new faces.  I've really been helped by the those who have come off recently and c came back to say... it was, "okay."  The sky does not have to fall when you jump.  i'm getting closer all the time... I so want to just make some big cuts but I've learned my lesson and easy does it... I cut Saturday.  they are such small pieces but I'm still dry cutting and weighing... today is a little loopy but I'm not particularly uncomfortable. I've seen some talk about dosing w/ cuts... I think most manufactures quarantee one cut (in half.)... but I have not had any t rouble and I can get about 8 pieces from each pill... I then cut and shave from there to get my dose.  Not home yet but have decided that i will go home... I'm not ready and his place is too small.  I don't know how you coupled folks do it.  i can remember being married but it was so long ago... like another life time... I am glad my anxiety hasn't blown him away... it is nice to have someone who cares, i just really can't remember, yet, how you mesh two lives.  In the meantime... the romance is nice!    :)  Sky, how did the audition go?  Njoy
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Hi all! .... and welcome to those who are new to KK!  You will find that there are many kind, supportive buds on here.


I have not been able to check in the last few days but felt I needed to share the following with you :


Having recently encountered hell with a kidney stone and experienced several hours at the ER, I just want to alert everyone not to make my mistake.  I don't know if it would have helped me to avoid this nightmare, but, the point is, I never did have that 'frequent urination' symptom medically checked out.  I let my new fear and distrust of doctors get in the way. 

So ... take good care of yourselves and get those tests done if you are encountering worrisome symptoms.


Wishing you well ...

Lizie  xx   


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I want in...


OK, you're in  :hug: We like you a lot. If you post in the New Members section of the Benzo Community Forum, you'll get lots of info and links, including how to make a signature line, which will let us know someting about your history and current situation.





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Hi BenzoKitten Welcome to KK and BB You will find lots of great help here from lots of caring folks I love this site It has really helped me Good luck and Hang in there




  Oh and hopeful2013 I could tell you were Just by how kind you are and your name


Cold turkey off Klonipin 2mg three times a day

A month later found a Dr to listen and started me all over on Klonipin (2mg three times a day)

Since I had been without it anyway started out on 3mg a day (1mg three times a day)

First taper to 2.5 mg a day Couldn't handle it (1mg twice a day 1/2mg once a day)

Went up to 2 and 3/4 pill a day ( 1mg twice a day 3/4 mg once a day)

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I still can't decide whether I would rather have kids during this experience and be unable to avoid life or not have them and sleep all day whenever I wanted. I have to work with what I have- so we went camping this weekend. There were lots of mosquitoes and the thing that made me feel better was imagining them all falling down dead after taking my Valium laced blood  >:D


Klubbers worrying about pill cuts being uneven- I think the drug has to be evenly distributed in the pill because otherwise how could they be sure that each pill they produced from the main tank/vat had the same amount? I definitely understand that it is difficult to make eg 0.06 cuts from a 1 mg pill, but I don't think it is because the pill has more on one side than the other. Fwiw.


Jaideep- hang in there. I read your message a couple of times and I am not really sure what your question is. But I can tell you that benzos make you feel every kind of awful and rapidly changing the dose makes it even worse.

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I still can't decide whether I would rather have kids during this experience and be unable to avoid life or not have them and sleep all day whenever I wanted. I have to work with what I have- so we went camping this weekend. There were lots of mosquitoes and the thing that made me feel better was imagining them all falling down dead after taking my Valium laced blood  >:D


Klubbers worrying about pill cuts being uneven- I think the drug has to be evenly distributed in the pill because otherwise how could they be sure that each pill they produced from the main tank/vat had the same amount? I definitely understand that it is difficult to make eg 0.06 cuts from a 1 mg pill, but I don't think it is because the pill has more on one side than the other. Fwiw.


Jaideep- hang in there. I read your message a couple of times and I am not really sure what your question is. But I can tell you that benzos make you feel every kind of awful and rapidly changing the dose makes it even worse.


I'm glad you said that, because I've been worried about it.  My taper has been on hold but am now getting ready to continue, but have been concerned about that. 


However, think I will wait 2 more weeks to continue.  My daughter is expecting and the OB is inducing her labor in a couple of weeks and she wants me to be with her during labor and delivery  :smitten:.  My first grandchild, and I want to feel my best so that I can enjoy becoming a first-time grandma.


My kids are grown, but I think it would be quite difficult to have kids at home (not adult kids, but kid-kids), while going through w/d. 

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Hi all! .... and welcome to those who are new to KK!  You will find that there are many kind, supportive buds on here.


I have not been able to check in the last few days but felt I needed to share the following with you :


Having recently encountered hell with a kidney stone and experienced several hours at the ER, I just want to alert everyone not to make my mistake.  I don't know if it would have helped me to avoid this nightmare, but, the point is, I never did have that 'frequent urination' symptom medically checked out.  I let my new fear and distrust of doctors get in the way. 

So ... take good care of yourselves and get those tests done if you are encountering worrisome symptoms.


Wishing you well ...

Lizie  xx 


Wow, sorry to hear about your kidney stone.  I've not had them but my daughter gets about one a year.


She just passed one last week (she's about 37 weeks pregnant).  This time was totally different though.  Most stone episodes for her last at least a week of off-and-on enormous pain, but this time she only had 2 sharp pains, went to the bathroom, and she caught the stone.  It's about 5cm.  Last one was around 3cm.  This one was off-white in color, previous one was dark brown.  :crazy:


Hope you stay stone-free. :)

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DG, I think being 37 wks pregnant and getting kidney stones is a good description of K w/d.  I laugh... :laugh:  you'  re gonna love those grandbabies!  I can take mine overnight with help.  It takes me a few days to recover once they leave but its worth it
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JKS, I love the image of mosquitoes collapsing from Valium overdose!  :laugh:


Sleep well, everyone.  :sleepy:





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Disney Girl -


Thank you for your support.  I appreciate it. 

Sorry to hear that your daughter suffers from this.



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Lizie, I hope you are feeling better now?  So sorry to hear you had to go through that with the kidney stone.  Thank you for your words of wisdom.  Feel better soon Lizie,



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So sorry to hear of the kidney stone situation, and glad youre doing better. Im guessing that staying well hydrated can help.


My husband thinks it's the answer to everything!


Well, I'm happy you're on the mend.



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Intend -


Thank you very much for your support!  It means a lot to me.


I hope you are having an easier time now.  It's quite a journey, isn't it?



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and there she lay, glad to be in no pain but, knowing, there was a glass wall between herself and everything around her.  Was it d/p or d/r... she really couldn't tell, so she lay there trying not to judge it or let anyone know her little secret.  - from the tales of Njoy :crazy:
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Not doing so well today.  I woke up this morning with big brain fog, and had trouble getting myself out the door to work.  I rented a car yesterday, and left my keys in it.  Secondly, I got flustered by like 10 things happening at once, and my cat ran away out the door. 


So far, I have been biting my pills in half, then into a quarter (0.5) mg to get the .125 taper.  I have also cut back on my coffee consumption to help with anxiety.  I sleep like a log at night, but act like one during the day, so i don't know if I am doing well.  A big part of me is scared that I'm not going to make it out of this by itself, or by not using some other drug as a crutch.

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Hello Klonopin Klub,


I wanted to say farewell to all of you.  I have not contributed a lot here but I have read through all of the post and it has been a life saver to me.  I must remove my membership from BB due to an unfortunate situation but I did not want to leave without saying goodbye and thanking all of you for the support.  I hope for only great things for all of you and I know that despite the fact that we are tapering, or off of the beast of benzos Klonopin, we will ALL heal and get out lives back.


Take care and lots of love and hugs!


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Hi all,


I wanted to respond to Jaxnj's comments on 'Progressive Chaos'.  I have been on .5 mg k since Aug 1994 due to extreme anxiety and insomnia.  I have never failed to take my nightly pill and have never updosed or tried to taper until March 2011 when I began my taper.


I had managed to 'hold my own' thru all those years, holding a mentally demanding job, raising a daughter and several house moves.  Over the years I had symptoms, small at the time, that should have led me to question the drug.  The first was a deterioration in hand-writing so I hated sending Christmas cards as I would have to write the news of the previous year.  Several times at work I made errors in simple math calculations but chalked it up to fatigue.  The first time it dawned on me that it was the k was when I developed rapid eye blinking each evening and saw on the internet that benzos could be involved.  Thank goodness I found that article!


So, I basically was able to hold it together all these years.  I only wish I knew how many memories I lost over that time.


A good topic - thanks.



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DG, I think being 37 wks pregnant and getting kidney stones is a good description of K w/d.  I laugh... :laugh:  you'  re gonna love those grandbabies!  I can take mine overnight with help.  It takes me a few days to recover once they leave but its worth it




Yes, she is ready to get back to her normal self.

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