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Tapering off Ativan Support Thread


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Pete - you've made a valiant effort trying to get not Ativan, maybe it is time to try and look at yor other options. Maybe go over to the Valium c/o thread and ask some questions.


Sunny - my scale is erratic too, I just do the best I can.


Liberty - I have significant time distortions as well, I believe it's just w/d as I never experienced it prior to benzo's.


LF2015 - I do a microtaper with a scale, I drop .01mg every 3-4 days, it's been better. You can likely much faster than I am since you are still on a large dose. Maybe you could try .01 every other day for a couple weeks and see how you feel.


Hi Laser  :smitten:



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have thought about switching to valium


pete I do believe valium would be better for you. It certainly was for me. And as you seem to be having such a hard time, why not give it a go? I don't think you will be worse off.


And making your own liquid valium with a bit of vodka is simple. Then you can make cuts as small as you need.


Ativan was not a good drug for me. I could never have gotten as far as I have on Ativan.


Just my opinion, of course . . .

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't understsd how to do these cuts you are talking about with one small lorazepam. I don't have a scale and I am in brain fog.

I don't understand a liquid taper. I am falling apart.

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Songbird - I'm sorry you are so distressed. This is an extremely difficult process. It's possible to just break your Ativan dose up and take pieces off every time your drop your dose, but it isn't ideal. I would highly recommend getting a scale for accuracy.


Kiddo  :)

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Thank you Kiddo. How long should it take to cut down just the one .05 lorazapam approximately? Like cut it in half for two weeks and then take  a half of a half for two weeks? I don't know about how long this one does should take. A month three months?

Any ideas are appreciated. I already cut it in half and challis said that may have been too much to start but I hate to go back up to the .05 but if I stay a wreck, maybe I should.

I still have my one clonopin at night. Thank you


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Hi Songbird......can you clarify if you are on .50mg or .05mg?


Also, how did you handle your 50% cut? What symptoms are you dealing with? Are you functional?



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Hi songbird.....what do you mean you can't tell the difference? Do you mean you feel no different since you made a 50% cut?
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Sorry for the ambiguity.

I didn't know the difference in the dose. And yes I felt the 50% cut. Insomnia, anxiety, shaky and ear ringing ( which I also have due to neck and jaw issues) but worsened with the cut.

I am now going to stay at the half of the .5 and see how that goes. Ugh

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Songbird - no need to apologize....I think holding your dose where it is now is the best thing to do. I'm sorry you're struggling so much. You are not alone. Please know that everything you're feeling will get better with time.
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Thank you. This is such a supportive community. I never understood what the drugs were doing to me. I don't know if I can make it through?

And I don't even know what tolerance withdrawal is. Can you explain. That's probably why I am so messed up at this point. Cry every morning. Then level out as the day goes on etc.

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Hi Songbird - when I found myself here I had no idea what was happening either. I had a suspicion it was the drugs....I was so afraid. In the beginning I cried for hours everyday, literally hours. I thought I'd never be well again. In my 17 months of tapering I've had more than enough depression, anxiety, muscle spasms, suicide ideation, intrusive thoughts, vertigo, headaches, blurry vision and burning skin to last a lifetime. I'm feeling better now as I near the end of my taper.


The support here on the forum is a tremendous gift. I'm not sure I would have survived without the empathy and guidance of fellow members. I'm happy to pay it forward.


Tolerance withdrawal is basically when you're taking the drug at your normal dose but it's no longer effective. You are essentially in withdrawal even though it's the same dose you've always taken. The only way to get relief is to raise your dose....BUT tolerance often sets in again quickly and then you need to taper off a higher amount. Tapering in tolerance is tough, but many members have been successful and gone on to complete recovery. Have you had a chance to read the success stories area of the forum? Or have you seen the support group for long time users? I can provide links for both is these areas if you like.


All your symptoms sound like withdrawal to me.....either tolerance from Klonopin or from dropping your Ativan dose. Tapering in tolerance requires you to dig deep, and taper safely but not necessarily as slow as some others go.


I will keep checking back to answer your questions or feel free to PM me.


You CAN make it through this......I can't tell you it will be easy but I believe it will be worth it  :smitten:



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Your reply was really helpful to me also. That slowly does not work for everyone.

I'mTapering off ativan after reaching tolerance level at 4-5 mgs...

I reduced quite quickly initially and am finding this last bit really hard. .currently on 1.675

I have had lots of advice to go slower , however, for me it seems to be working with how I'm doing, and even though its tough am pleased with my progress. My biggest withdrawel issues are insomnia, itching skin, and muscle cramps.. On the plus side my IBS and digestive issues have literally completely stopped . ( well for now anyway!) i was on losac every day for reflux and bad digestion. Haven't needed one in the last 60 plus days.

Mind you I am more careful with what I eat ,and exercise everyday , even if its just a walk round the block or in the local park. I think the exercise is a real big one.

After nearly 40 years on ativan this is liberating. Taking control of my life again...

This forum has been so instrumental in keeping my on track.. I just take it one day at a time...



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I'm also wondering if because  I have been at tolerance level for many years and haven't actually increased my dose, going on what you say , is that effectively I have been in withdrawel anyway , may be why I'm doing ok ?
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Hi Bertie, glad my post helped you as well. This is such a confusing class of drugs. Yes, that could absolutely why you're feeling better. For me personally, I've felt infinitely better as I have less drug in my system. It's still difficult, but much better.


You're doing great! Keep going  :smitten:

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Last night the ringing was so intrusive and loud. I had taken just the half of the .5 Ativan. I took my usual klonopin at 9 and fell asleep for about three hours. Woke up to she screeching laid in bed for hours until I finally got up and took a quarter tab of the Ativan and ate a half a banana.  I then slept for about two hours.

I don't know what you mean by tapering safely but not necessarily as slow as some others go. My dr doesn't even know about the taper. I am afraid he will not prescribe them at all and I will be in cold turkey.

I could deal with the not sleeping and other physical symptoms but the ear ringing is driving me mad.  It seems like the Ativan helped my tinnitus when I first started getting it last fall. So I kept on the full .5 and then when I was feeling some improvement I started the taper. I feel it could be permanent.

I am scared and freaking out. Starting to lose weight I tried so hard to gain. I am not a young person and I have a job to hold down.

Asking for Valium for my "small" dose won't fly. I asked my neurologist last year if I could try it instead of Ativan or klonopin and he said it's a dirty drug and I don't prescribe it.

I have been in a star of severe depression and crying for the past year. My sister kept saying I needed a psych and the meds were destroying me but I didn't believe it. I said they are helping me.

If I thought that the tinnitus would improve I would have more hope. I feel that the GABA receptors are damaged and so is my hearing as I have high frequency hearing loss in both ears. Not one ENT mentioned the benzos when they saw my chart.  Just said I had tmj and neck problems.

I am coming out of my skin.

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is it crazy to try a general taper off 6mg lorazepam? my problem is I just take it for sleep and have been on it just 3 months. I am seeing my shrink who feels she can help my insomnia since it was sudden onset. should have went to her first instead of taking this poison. I cant at this point dose 3 or 4 times a day as I just have taken it for sleep. given the short period of time ive been on could I just do a really slow general taper without valium crossover. the last 5 days ive used 5.75 and no problems sleeping. and yes I do have I/d w/d symptoms but manage them. so how wrong is my thinking that if my therapist helps the insomnia I could just keep cutting .25 a week until off which would be around 5 or6 months. am I dreaming?
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I suffer from moderate tinnitus and have found a white noise generator helps to mask the symptoms while in bed. I have also used the Relax Melodies iOS app (free) when traveling. I would expect there's a similar variety of Android apps.
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so how wrong is my thinking that if my therapist helps the insomnia I could just keep cutting .25 a week until off which would be around 5 or6 months. am I dreaming?


Probably. Withdrawal symptoms are a trailing indicator, showing up days or even weeks after you make your first cut that's "too much". How much is that? Everyone is different, but it really isn't worth the risk IMO. 


Initially, cutting your dose by .25 should be fine. Once that .25 gets to be much greater that 10% of your current total dose you'll be heading into uncharted territory.


I cut my dose in half in 8 weeks, with little discomfort. Then it hit me. Hard. Six weeks after I instituted a hold I'm still having days with bad symptoms. I'm afraid to move on, and when I do I assume it will take me years to get off of my .75mg daily dose.

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bertie if I read your sig right you went from 5mg to 1.25 daily in two months? what was your weekly reduce dosage. that works out to like .5 mg per week and a high percentage rate as you got lower, way more than the recommended 10%. and after 40 years usage? maybe I have hope after all.
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when I first started the taper thought the dmaller amounts would be a 'walk in the park'... You are so right !M i'm down to 1.625 and too scared to cut again right now because of the insomnia...its crippling... So will just hang on in here for a while. Disappointing but the result of me having gone too fast earlier on... !

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when I first started the taper thought the dmaller amounts would be a 'walk in the park'... You are so right !M i'm down to 1.625 and too scared to cut again right now because of the insomnia...its crippling... So will just hang on in here for a while. Disappointing but the result of me having gone too fast earlier on... !


Yes, I now understand why people who have tried and failed a taper have such a hard time the second time around. The anxiety over when the next wave of side effects will hit and how bad they'll be is paralyzing to me. My hope is to do a slow titration with liquid Ativan. The problem is getting my doc to prescribe it.

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Ativan taper is brutal. I can't tell my dr because he may tell me to go cold turkey. He thinks the dose is too low.

should I start back at the .5 and hope the ringing stops or is this a permanent side effect or keep going?

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How is everyone doing?  Been awhile since I have been on so trying to catch up on posts!!  I hope those of you who are stuggling find some relief!!  This is a crazy journey but one we all must take so hold on for the ride!! :thumbsup:  I am doing OK!!  Have good days and bad days..kind of like everyday life..just the good days are never great and the bad days are worse then your run of the mill bad day but we will survive!!  I am going to jump Friday...from .125 total.  I just cannot get these little pills to break up evenly so I am going to take the plunge!!  Wish me luck!  :laugh:
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I started a switch over to valium a week a go by swapping 1/8 th of my doses with 2.5 valium in the evening ..the pain in face and teeth has gone to another level . I  cant eat anything now as i cant bite and the pain in teeth and face is making want to jump out the window...

I don't know what to do cause if its going this way i'd be better re-instating lorazepam....

Also getting adrenaline surges for about 2 hours from 4am like i'm on speed.


What a mess.



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