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Tapering off Ativan Support Thread


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Okay so I need a general consensus around here. My Dr just found out I do not have the proper enzymes to break down benzos that go through the cyp450 enzyme system. That means I've pretty much been CTing Valium the whole time, and Klonopin too and why all other psych drugs make me go crazy etc. etc. anyways. He has switched me to Ativan...Ashton says 15mg of V is equal to 1.5mg of Ativan other places cite 3mg. Which is more correct? For those of you who have been on both or even a different benzo. I want to make sure I'm not getting underdosed here too.
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Green - I just send you a personal message, but now I realize my personal message responses are blocked. Can you reply on this thread? The question is:


Green - Can you tell me exactly how you figured the compound pharmacy taper? I'd like to do that too, but can't figure the math on what mixture to ask the pharmacy to create or how much to lower it and how often. My doctor will write the prescription but is asking me what to ask for.


I'm at .25 mg. Ativan now, just once per day - before bed. What do I ask for at the pharmacy - that is, what dose per ml or whatever? And how much do I take per night or week or whatever to slowly taper? The last cut I did was approximately .0625 (1/8 pill) 11 days ago and the w/d effects were brutal. I'd like to go more gradually with the rest of it, and liquid seems the way to go.


I'm also on 16.5 Valium, but want to get off the Ativan first. Those little pills are too hard to cut accurately, and I'm wary of figuring out a liquid titration method using the pills. Some Benzo Buddies are good at it, but I can't wrap my addled brain around it.




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Green - I just send you a personal message, but now I realize my personal message responses are blocked. Can you reply on this thread? The question is:


Green - Can you tell me exactly how you figured the compound pharmacy taper? I'd like to do that too, but can't figure the math on what mixture to ask the pharmacy to create or how much to lower it and how often. My doctor will write the prescription but is asking me what to ask for.


I'm at .25 mg. Ativan now, just once per day - before bed. What do I ask for at the pharmacy - that is, what dose per ml or whatever? And how much do I take per night or week or whatever to slowly taper? The last cut I did was approximately .0625 (1/8 pill) 11 days ago and the w/d effects were brutal. I'd like to go more gradually with the rest of it, and liquid seems the way to go.


I'm also on 16.5 Valium, but want to get off the Ativan first. Those little pills are too hard to cut accurately, and I'm wary of figuring out a liquid titration method using the pills. Some Benzo Buddies are good at it, but I can't wrap my addled brain around it.





I requested a 0.5 mg/ml ativan suspension. That concentration works out quite well at lower doses (e.g < 0.25 mg) using a 1 ml syringe to dose. If you dose 4 or more times per day you may prefer a 0.1 mg/ml suspension.

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Since I wanted to micro taper my solution was for 0.5mg Ativan per 50ml (In your case Miranda I would get 0.25mg Ativan into 25ml). After that it's very straight forward. I dose 3 times per day so when I started I took 50ml and divided it by 3 (roughly 16.6ml per dose). Try not to cut more than 10% every 2 weeks or so. I did daily tapering so I would go down 0.002mg of Ativan = 0.2ml per day. As I got lower I switched to 0.15ml and now I do 0.1ml per day. I hold on weekends. It's worked like a charm. I approached it like a scientist making precise cuts all formulated for me on a spreadsheet. I'm now down to hardly anything. From 50ml a day to now around 5.7ml per day. I'm 9/10 of the way there and have had zero symptoms for most of the way. Hope that helps.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Is anyone doing a microtaper daily? If so, how is it done and how are you doing on this kind of taper?

Hi oldgreymare, I am just starting a microtaper from Ativan. I have taken 1mg every day for 20 years. Like you, I can count on one hand the times I took any extra.  I got my taper ideas from this forum and help from other members who have been through it. Here's what they told me:

I dissolve 1 mg tablet in 2ml of 151 Rum (could also use 150 vodka, but I read that whatever you use needs to be 120 proof or higher to dissolve Ativan). I add the mixture to a "graduated cylinder" container and enough water to make 100 ml. I put all this in a jar with a tight lid in order to shake it up really well. Then I draw off .5ml of liquid each day (.5 ml the first day, 1ml the second day, 1.5 ml the third day, etc.) and drink what remains from the jar. It equals .005 mg of Ativan reduction a day. Microtaper for sure, but so far is manageable. You will need some stuff like the cylinder, a syringe and/or dropper to draw off the small amounts, etc. I also use my measuring cup to pour the water so I don't spill.

There is also a taper using milk but I can't tolerate milk. You can look that one up on the "titration methods" on this forum. Also if you use the search you can find more detailed plans. If you need more help finding the info let me know and I can send along the stuff that was sent to me.

Good luck, be gentle and keep me posted on your progress, we can do this one together!




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Wow, thank you so much for replying!! What is a graduated cylinder? Do you throw away the liquid you draw out of it? How would I do this for .50mg Ativan instead of 1mg? Do you only dose once a day? Very sorry for all the questions! Are you having any bad symptoms? How long until you are jumping?  Did you try any other way first?


Thanks again for taking the time to reply  :)

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Wow, thank you so much for replying!! What is a graduated cylinder? Do you throw away the liquid you draw out of it? How would I do this for .50mg Ativan instead of 1mg? Do you only dose once a day? Very sorry for all the questions! Are you having any bad symptoms? How long until you are jumping?  Did you try any other way first?


Thanks again for taking the time to reply  :)

Hi oldgreymare,

I will try to answer these as best I can. First, let me refer you to the experts. If you go to the home page of this website (benzobuddies.org) and look at the top, in the middle, there is a heading "Withdrawal Methods". Click on that, and then again at the top in the middle click on "Titration." This will give you some good info.

A graduated cylinder is a glass or plastic container (like a tall glass) that is marked with ml measurements. Amazon sells them cheaply. I just started a few days ago so yes, right now I am throwing away the small amount of liquid. When it gets to where I am supposed to be throwing out a third, I will start to keep it sealed in a jar in the refrigerator. My readings have said this solution will last about two days in the frig.

I only dose once a day, at bedtime, and I'm tapering from 1 mg. Some people talk about splitting their dose out over the day, which they say makes it easier. I guess it is up to what you can live with. I am happy to say that I am not having any w/d symptoms so far. I don't know how you feel about supplements and herbs, I take them and it seems to help. Others say not. There's a forum for "Alternative therapies and supplements" if you want to see more. Just remember, again, that what works is what works for you.

My "due date" for jumping assuming I don't have to "hold" at a dose anywhere is Nov. 10. I am shooting for being off by Christmas (as a present to myself). I don't know what will happen post-taper, but I am determined. I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and multiple sclerosis and I am really curious to see what happens after I "jump."

As far as a .5 schedule, I would suggest that you post this question to one of the "Planning Your Taper" forums (perhaps the Titration Taper Plans one) and get someone better than me with the math. (again, from the home page at the top, in the middle, click on "Forum". This takes you to the Forum home page and there are categories there to look at). I think you can start like I did with the .005mg each day (.5 ml)taper from 100 ml but I would double check, again with someone that knows more. They may suggest a slower taper since you are starting with a lower dose (with a lower dose each reduction represents a larger "cut" so you may need to slow it down). I used to be good with math but that seems to be one of the things I am having a hard time with the older I get.

Finally, the best things I can say are: Be Gentle with yourself. You don't have to apologize for asking questions, trust me, we ALL do and it's okay. Learn to be okay with making mistakes because I did already and so do we all. If you have family and/or friends, enlist their help (if you can trust them). It is important to have support. Have a mindset of I am determined to do this no matter what and you will get through. You may be one of the lucky ones that has minimal struggle with this! Even if you do struggle, to me the alternative is worse.

We have one thing working for us and one thing working against us, you and I. We are on "low to moderate" doses of the drug starting out. But, we have been on them for many years.

Please keep in touch either through posts or a private message frequently to let me know how you are doing. I need a "buddy" that is going through similar stuff to me and we have alot of common ground. Thanks, Good Luck and Take Care!



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Hi Oldgreymare,


Welcome.  I am  going to start my taper from 0.75 mg lorezepam on May 30--maybe even sooner if I still feel good over the next few days. It has taken me a while to stabilize because I was also drinking alcohol which of course I do not do anymore.  Sydney has given you good advice. I believe the daily taper is the best way to go.  I successfully tapered off 1.5 mg Lorezepam back in 2006 -2007. It was a smooth taper- I only had symptoms when I made a mistake with my dose.  Also, you have to adjust the daily amount you decrease as you get to lower dosages. Please keep us posted on how you are doing with your taper.


Sydney, I think being off by Christmas is a wonderful goal.  I am going to try to shoot for the same. I think for me it is doable as long as the symptoms do not get too bad--the main ones being high blood pressure spikes and a feeling of being off balance. I still have to work so I am going to take it as slow as I need to.





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Your solution should be good for a few days.  I only use water for mine, and I have kept it for several days. For 0.5 mg you might want to put your pill into 100 mL of water. That would be 0.005 mg/mL.  I am taking 0.75 mg, so I put 2 0.5 mg pills into a jar.  I then measure out 200 mL of water in the graduated cylinder and then add it to the jar. I remove 50 mL (save it for another dose) and then divide the remaining 150 mL into three doses.    If you are using the vodka or rum method, you can add the 2 mL of alcohol to the jar with the pill and wait for it to dissolve. Then add 98 mL of water (this will bring you up to 100 mL).


The first day you can remove 0.5 mL and then take the rest (you can divide it into two or three doses). The second day, remove 1 mL, the third 1.5 mL and so on. You do not want to cut more than 10% every two weeks. This will keep your two week cuts around 6 to 10% for the first 12 weeks. At the 12 week mark you should be down to 0.290 mg/day.  At this point, depending on how you feel, you might want to readjust the amount you remove each day.  As your dose gets lower, you will need to readjust how much liquid you remove each day. If you need help, just let me know. When I start my taper next week, I will be removing 1 mL a day for about 6 weeks and then I will have to readjust and taper less per day.  My 2 week cut by the sixth week will be about 11.5%.  If all goes well, I should be down to 0.5 mg by week 8.  So that is in 2 months time. For right now that is my goal. Once I get to 0.5 mg I will follow the instructions I gave you for your 0.5 mg.  Also, you will need a syringe so you can remove 0.5 mL.  You can pick them up at the pharmacy or order them on amazon.  I use a 10 mL syringe.  I hope this helps. Just let me know if you have any questions!!


Good luck!

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Thank you Anne! I have to be able to work as long as I can as I provide health insurance from my job. My husband may have Leukemia, I won't know until the tests come back in two weeks. My adult son moved back home and is having some issues so stress here all around. I don't know how I will make it until the blood tests come back for my husband.

This will be an ultra slow taper for me. I made a cut about 3 weeks ago but did the math wrong and it was like 25% and in 12 days I was pretty bad so I went back up to .50  I feel a bit defeated due to that  :'(  Plus my job is horrible and totally off the wall stress so all week I was either is bed crying or at work trying not to. My therapist says I need a less stressful job (no kidding)  ::) but I need the health insurance.

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I just pm'd a friend on here and told them that I wasn't going to post my news...but, I thought that maybe I should post it and give everyone hope that there is light at the end of the tunnel.




And yes, I am doing great!! You will see my success story posted on here in a month, since you have to be two months free to post one.


A daily taper, faith, family, friends, and a stubborn streak are the key elements to my success (along with some other stuff that I will share in my success story). My stubborn streak, lost many years ago, has come back with a vengeance!!


My benzo story was horrible, but my success is beautiful. And, yours will be, too!!!


Hang in there, my friends, you can do this!!




Nana  :smitten:

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Hi..I'm Rose..

I was on ativan many years. Then co to valium last year. 10 mgs. Tapered to 3.25 but was so depressed. Not well, my dr and I switched me to ativan 1 mg a few weeks ago..

I'm not tapering now...I have much stress at home,..life changes help with elderly moms care, adult son troubles, financial, etc....

I began zoloft 3 days ago for the major depression..I'm hopeful..


I'm just trying to find a way to take my ativan, lorazepam.

I was lately taking it .5 midday and .5. Bedtime..

Years ago, I only took it at bedtime, for sleep issues..

Now, I need to probably spaces it out....


Any one with experience can advise, suggest. Dosing..I'm not ready to taper yet..


I have terrible morning surges


4 am to about 8 am...had these all year tapering....


They didn't go away with the switch back..I thought they would...


Just wanted to see if any one did this...switch back to ativan from valium....

Any feedback is appreciated....



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rosegal, I take a larger dose in the morning when I wake. I find that helps get past the morning dread more than splitting my dose into two equal parts.


You could also be having issues getting used to Zoloft. I took it one time and couldn't stand it.

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Thank you so much for the info!!!! Yes PM's will probably be helpful during this  :)


You are welcome. Stay in touch and Good Luck!!

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Hi Oldgreymare,


Welcome.  I am  going to start my taper from 0.75 mg lorezepam on May 30--maybe even sooner if I still feel good over the next few days. It has taken me a while to stabilize because I was also drinking alcohol which of course I do not do anymore.  Sydney has given you good advice. I believe the daily taper is the best way to go.  I successfully tapered off 1.5 mg Lorezepam back in 2006 -2007. It was a smooth taper- I only had symptoms when I made a mistake with my dose.  Also, you have to adjust the daily amount you decrease as you get to lower dosages. Please keep us posted on how you are doing with your taper.


Sydney, I think being off by Christmas is a wonderful goal.  I am going to try to shoot for the same. I think for me it is doable as long as the symptoms do not get too bad--the main ones being high blood pressure spikes and a feeling of being off balance. I still have to work so I am going to take it as slow as I need to.




Hi Anne, thanks for the kind words. Maybe we can both celebrate our freedom from Benzos for the Holiday. My biggest worry is fast/pounding heartbeat, especially when I get toward the end. I am also still working so I too plan to be gentle with myself and take it as slow as it needs to go. No going back.

Keep me posted on how you are doing, okay? Take care!


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rosegal, I take a larger dose in the morning when I wake. I find that helps get past the morning dread more than splitting my dose into two equal parts.


You could also be having issues getting used to Zoloft. I took it one time and couldn't stand it.


Hi getmeoffthis,

I just wanted to comment that I absolutely love your picture and quote. It is the most inspiring thing I have seen in awhile. And you are right! If he survived, we will too! I will paste this photo or one like it on my bathroom mirror to look at every day.

Take care,


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Thank you...I am more anxious on the morning..I am dosing 3 x a day now..


Who is that in ur avatar.....Keith Richards?



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Hi Anne, thanks for the kind words. Maybe we can both celebrate our freedom from Benzos for the Holiday. My biggest worry is fast/pounding heartbeat, especially when I get toward the end. I am also still working so I too plan to be gentle with myself and take it as slow as it needs to go. No going back.

Keep me posted on how you are doing, okay? Take care!


Hi Sydney,


Yes, it would be great!!  After doing the calculations, keeping cuts between 8 and 10% every two weeks, I believe it will take me about a year to finish the taper. I am happy to say that by December I should be down to about 0.218 mg/day!! Like you, being worried about the heart rate, I am concerned about the high blood pressure spikes. Will take it one day at a time, and like you, will take it as slow as it needs to be. 


Yes, I will keep you posted. Please let me know how you are doing as you taper. It is wonderful to have this kind of support. My husband is very supportive, but it is nice to have the support of people that are going through the same thing.

Have a great day!!


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