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Tapering off Ativan Support Thread


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Thank you Luey. You all are becoming very special strangers to me. Thankful for this group. The only ones who truly understand.



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Hi all,


The next few days are going to be super hard. I'm closing my business of three years. I just feel so very down.  Through this process, I have felt poorly most of the day but have relief at night. It is very difficult for me to tease out my underlying anxiety and depression from the side effects of the withdrawal. I keep doubting that it is the withdrawal. Any words of wisdom would be appreciated.






I'm so sorry you have to close your business.  Often the end of one thing, though painful, leads to something even better down the road.  I hope that is the case for you.


It can be difficult to know which sx are caused by wd and which may be something else.  Nearly all my benzo wd sx are near identical to the concussion sx.  At first I didn't realize it was wd at all.  Now I tend to blame everything on wd but my dr says it could still be post concussion syndrome at times.  He reminded me again, that brain healing can take a very long time, with many ups and downs.


We will all be thinking good thoughts for you as you traverse these difficult days. G



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Thanks Gingermint. I appreciate the support.


I wanted to let you know that my transition from pill to liquid was seamless. Thanks for the help.



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Thanks Gingermint. I appreciate the support.


I wanted to let you know that my transition from pill to liquid was seamless. Thanks for the help.



That makes my day!  Thank you for letting me know.

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Hi group,


Luey glad I got a laugh. That’s what it feels like right now..Everest. Had a great window last night for about 6 hours. Cooked my wife dinner, listened to some great jazz and watched it rain. This morning window was slammed shut. Break out the surfboard for a wave ...

ld sorry to hear about your business. Thinking about you. Wish I could help on the anxiety/depression question, but have same concerns which is why I just started Zoloft...we shall see.

I’ve got miles to go on this taper it seems. .75 seems like a huge number when decimal points hurts so much.


Rest well.


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So many new people here , glad you all found it , this has been my savior for 1 1/2 years I am almost done and all I want  to say is it is possible , from were I was at 1 mg over a year and a half ago thinking that I would not make the next day I did . At one point I took it minute by minute to get thru a day .

Never slept for more than an hour at a time. And some days didn’t sleep at all .

After months of persistence and small cuts I am almost finished . My sleep is still affected but I do sleep at least 4 hours at a time . The best advice I could give is in time it passes and you do feel normal again .

Best to all lisa

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Hi Tech21,


Glad to hear from you. Can we see your profile signature to learn about your journey?


Your story is a rough one, especially in regards to sleep, but I'm so glad you are sleeping for at least 4 hours at a time. Also, very glad to hear that we will feel normal again some day.


Thanks for checking in. I'd love it if more experienced BB who tapered would do the same.



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Juju, yeah I got those surges as well. Basically just adrenaline surges. The early morning/middle of the night ones only happened the first couple months, then they greatly reduced. When I would get them during the day I would go out for a 5-10 minute run to try and burn off the excess adrenaline. That seemed to help.
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The adrenelin surges do suck. Mine are morning prevelant. Slowly getting better.


Well .....tapered to .50 :thumbsup:

Hope everyone is doing ok.





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The adrenelin surges do suck. Mine are morning prevelant. Slowly getting better.


Well .....tapered to .50 :thumbsup:

Hope everyone is doing ok.


.50...nice job!!!! Slowly and surely you will get better. Some stretches will be rougher but then it will ease and it will get better again. Soon your windows will be longer than the waves.

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Thanks April,


How are you doing?

Yesterday was fantastic and we (wife and I)needed to have that. Felt totally normal and happy for the first time in months. My mindset has changed after I saw how good it’s going to be after this battle.

Quick question for you on your taper numbers. After you dropped from.50 to .425 then .361, what percentage drop was that and would you by any chance have the corresponding dosage weight ? Seems like I’m following kinda the same plan as you have.


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Thanks April,


How are you doing?

Yesterday was fantastic and we (wife and I)needed to have that. Felt totally normal and happy for the first time in months. My mindset has changed after I saw how good it’s going to be after this battle.

Quick question for you on your taper numbers. After you dropped from.50 to .425 then .361, what percentage drop was that and would you by any chance have the corresponding dosage weight ? Seems like I’m following kinda the same plan as you have.



I'm doing ok. Not feeling good enough to resume the taper but I think I'm getting close. This Friday will be 2 weeks of holding so I think either way I'll carry on the taper on Friday pending I don't have a bad day.


I would definitely send them over however we aren't on the same pills. I am using a .5mg pill and you are using a 1mg pill so my weight numbers won't jive for you. I believe I gave you the math though on how to do it via private message last week. Check that out.


.50>.425 is a 15% drop, the math is (.50-.425)/.50 = .15

.425>.361 is a 15% drop as well

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Hi all,


Just checking in. Thinking of you all and wishing you extended windows and lots of peace.



Thanks ID.  I had a good day, some minor, what I call "head" sx, but nothing to slow me down.  Went hiking with a friend in the nearby state park.  Then said friend made us a pasta dinner with a slice of walnut pie.  It's so good to have a day of feeling mostly normal.  G

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Hello my wonderful LorazepamFriends,


I have passed the halfway mark. I am down to .65 and on my way to .5. Down from 1.5 where I started. I feel like I am making some good progress. I am still able to work and stay productive. I am very thankful for that.  Today was a little tough but I pushed through.  My work is a good distraction. Stressful at times but being remote is a life saver.  I did go out and about a bit this evening and ran errands.  It actually felt good to get out and drive and be around people, even in all the craziness. I did wear a mask and kept distance.


Tech - where are you at now?  You must be getting close.  I am glad you are getting at least some sleep.


Want-Good job on the reduction! Glad to hear you had such a great day.  I love those good days and hold onto them as a glimpse of being off benzos. Helps me through the rough ones.


April-So glad to hear things are improving. I know you want off this ASAP but sometimes we have to stop regroup and let things settle.  Hoping you can get back to reducing soon.


Ld-Thanks for checking in!  It is nice to have everyone posting and supporting each other. Hope you are feeling a bit better.

Ginger-Glad to hear you had a nice day as well.


Luey-  .30!!!!!! WOW. Down from 6mg.  That is an amazing accomplishment!  I am hoping your days remain peaceful and symptom free.


Beauty and Powerball-We miss you!


Wishing everyone a peaceful evening and continued progress.


Goodnight all



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Hi buddies, I’ve been busy and a little stressed about sickness this week. We have been strictly at home; my husband works from home and runs necessary errands masked. I’m hoping it’s enough to keep us well through the completion of my taper and then some.


I’ve felt really well the last several days, and I’ve been enjoying daily walks again. I don’t think I’ll take a good day for granted for the rest of my life.


I’ve so enjoyed seeing everyone’s progress tonight. LD, I’m glad you were able to transition easily to liquid!! Nice work, Juju! So much wisdom and wonderful advice these last few weeks here. Praying for big, wide open windows for all of us!



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JuJu, Thanks for asking. Look like Tech is near the end. I hate the word "jump.' Is sounds "risky." I know my metaphors are not for everyone but I got down to 0.01mg and then stepped "smoothly stepped out of the ocean water and up onto the sand." It was easy, not in the least bit frightening. I checked in on everyone here and things mostly seem ok. Luey, where are the benzo buddies who were taking the crazy high doses we took? Ibenzo I hope you are getting more stabilizing. 


I am entering my 8th night on my 1mg Xanax taper. So far so good. My sleep is still fully consolidated. My pscyh say 1mg typically takes 6 mo. My schedule personal schedule now is 8 mo. My ultra ultra thin cuts are manageable. Christmas week we are spending a full 9 days in a little remote Casita on Zihuatanejo, Mexico on the Pacific Coast, unless dead from Corona -  unlikely. NYC has a flat flat curve but the rest of the country is going to hell except the states where no one lives - like Wyoming. The Northeast still looks pretty good because our governors followed the science very closely.


I hope everyone here has a nice 4th. I was on 4mg and I made it. You all can too. Powerball.

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Hi all,


I HAVE stabilized now that I've slowed the heck down. I feel so much better. I also closed my business so I don't have that weight any longer.


Powerball, glad to hear that your new taper is going well. Your Christmas plans sound amazing.


Everyone, enjoy your holiday. I'm assuming that the decrease in communication here means that everyone is doing okay. I certainly hope so.





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I have a bit of the lonelys today.  My kids and Grandkids went to the inlaws for the Holiday. This is usually a day we have a house full. Lots of friends, laughter. games and pool splashing. I would complain about water trails across the wood floors.  I won't complain again about that. Funny how this process makes us appreciate things. It is so eerily quiet in the house and patio. Normally this time we are prepping food and putting up decorations in anticipation of our loved guests. It is a blessing in a lot of ways that we can't have our party.  I do miss it but know I would not be able to handle a big crowd and all that in my current state. Still makes me a bit sad.


Powerball-good to hear you have found a groove and are cutting successfully.  I knew you would. And keeping your beloved sleep that is great! We are trying to decide on a vacation spot for winter. We thought about Curacao. They have banned US citizens until things flatten out in all this mess. I am thinking the keys.  I have never been. Maybe Mexico-never been there either. Funny I live in Texas and never been to Mexico.


ld- how are you feeling?


Wishing all a happy 4th full of love and peace.



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So nice to hear from you Powerball , hope everyone not having a peaceful 4th . I will hold a couple days sleep is bad . 13.5 and holding for 2 days .

I messed up and deleted my signature months ago and never put it back

Long story shor been cutting for over a year and a half and it was not a pleasant ride . Started at 1 mg who would have though that could ever affect you but it can .

Best Lisa

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Hello all,


Hope that the weekend has been peaceful. Powerball, congrats on starting the taper!


I was able to split my.50 dose 3 days ago into am and pm. So far it’s not terribly uncomfortable. I knew going forward I’d have to split doses.

Had a couple of very good days that have turned my despair into sheer determination to succeed. The windows allowed me to see the normal, awesome life we have, and that flipped a switch..I’ve got this. I know it’s going to be tough, but I know I’ll win. I’m so grateful that happened.


Think I’m seeing benefits, slowly , from Zoloft. 4 weeks and three days.


      Take care...



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