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Tapering off Ativan Support Thread


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That's very kind of you. You can see what folks are up to by going into "members" and searching under their name. You can read their posts, and see the date of their latest activity. Also send them a PM (private message). Which tells me, Cosmic, that you've been lurking around lately, even though you haven't posted for a while.


Perfectly permissible, and your buddies might worry about you. You OK, Cosmic?  ???





Hahaha sorry kiddo and aweigh. I'm trying to stay away from lurking the forums too much because sometimes I read stuff and it has a really negative impact on me. Therefore I've just been sticking to pm and kiddos blog. Aweigh I'm also looking more into your method you've been telling me about. In regards to my taper, I'm not entirely sure if I'm stabilizing yet, which was my primary goal. My physical symptoms have definitely minimized. My mental symptoms are still very difficult for me to deal with. I can easily say I've stabilized on the physical standpoint. I can do up to 2-3 hours of moderate exercise with no rebound. My teeth have stopped constant chattering after 2 months, which im taking as a good sign (lets hope) I'm still having obsessional and constant negative thoughts which is really having an impact on this whole thing for me. This coupled with fear/agoraphobia is really making it difficult for me to distract myself outside the confines of my own inner world. A couple of days ago I was toying with the idea of updosing. I think I'm gonna stick at this dose for a little longer and see the outcome.


Also, something id like to note, after realizing that i have been a consistent hyper ventilator and a chest breather ive been practicing long and slow diaphragmatic breathing. Ive been doing this every time i notice an accumulation of negativity come up. I can say that after two weeks of practicing this my body is getting adapted to this kind of breathing involuntarily now. Even when im sleeping im stomach breathing. I dont know if this is placebo or not but my derealization has also diminished a bit, which i believe is attributed to some degree to oxygen/cd levels and hyperventilation. 


I truly believe the best and most efficient way for Tapering is how greenirishtweed is doing it. Daily microcuts with liquid from compound pharmacy. If ever I'm able to find good stability I'm definitely jumping on that bandwagon.  If I can't get px for compound, both Aweigh and Sophiasnana have good liquid methods.


Aweigh I'll get back to you via pm


Glad to see everyone doing alright and so much interaction going on in this thread. Really nice to see

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Warrior - we are all here for eachother, you provide comfort as well. I'm glad you are starting to get that hang of this and that the fear component is starting to diminish. :smitten:


Cosmic - I know we already PM'd....but glad you are still slogging through. You can do it  :thumbsup:


Aweigh - thanks!


How is everyone else doing? Siggy, Omni, Mark, Judy


Hi Saga  :smitten:

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Warrior - we are all here for eachother, you provide comfort as well. I'm glad you are starting to get that hang of this and that the fear component is starting to diminish. :smitten:


Cosmic - I know we already PM'd....but glad you are still slogging through. You can do it  :thumbsup:


Aweigh - thanks!


How is everyone else doing? Siggy, Omni, Mark, Judy


Hi Saga  :smitte



Hi Kiddo: Thanks for checking in on us . You are so thoughtful. I have been on a bit of a rollercoaster trying to adjust to the Zoloft . Had a few good days over the weekend  last week , But after my last small cut of 2.5% have been having a lot of anxiety in my stomach and chest and more depressive days. I am concerned re: the distribution of the ativan in the pill and hassle of the scale inconsistencies. I got a Rx yesterday from my G.P. for Compounded liquid (1mg in 10ml) , thinking this may be more precise and I could taper easier. Went to see Pdoc today and  she is very against short acting Benzos and feels that it is adding to my depression,anxiety and sleep issues. She is pushing again for Clonazepam or Bromazepam ( don't know much about this one) But agreed to give me the usual Rx for Ativan ( thought I should keep the tabs incase the liquid does not work for me) until she returns from vacation in 5 weeks. So I have on hand Ativan tabs , the Rx for the compounded liquid and a bottle of Clonazepam ( which she ordered previously and I only tried for 1 night ) So She is getting very irritated with me that I am not taking her advice and trying the longer acting Clonazepam since she stated it also has antidepressant qualities to it. She also recommended an increase in the Zoloft to 125mg and gave Rx for this . I negotiated to with her to wait another week to see how I do before increasing Zoloft . I left there in tears not knowing how to proceed. My insurance company who asks for reports from her ( since I'm presently off work d/t my depression) may think that I'm being an "uncooperative" patient d/t not taking her advice about the clonazepam. Still thinking of what to do. Not sure yet. I'm praying on it! Take care of yourself and thanks for all your support. (P.S. ) Loved your beach pictures!

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Just saw all the action here...


Cosmic, I'm glad you're ok...I knew you were limiting your time on the boards so I wasn't terrible concerned. I understand how easy it is to terrify yourself and be influenced by other peoples stories and try to make them your own.


I'm glad the diaphragm breathing is helping you gain control. Physically you sound terrific! You'll get there mentally...you're still doing great!


Warrior, you're wonderful! So supportive...and finding your way. It takes time to adjust to tapering and you're expectations are always being challenged...but you're a very strong woman and it shows...thanks for the well wishes...


Judy, I fail to see how you're uncompliant. There is no reason you actually have to up your dose of Zoloft if you're not willing...if you need to fill it can you take the lower amount instead?


If I were changing to a longer acting benzo it would be Valium. Is she not willing to cross to Valium instead of Klonopin? Maybe take the Ashton Manuel with you as a guide and she will consider. If not truthfully I'd try to find another Dr.


I sense your frustration and I'm sorry you're finding yourself in this position...take care




Hope everyone else is doing well. Hi kiddo :smitten:



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Just saw all the action here...


Cosmic, I'm glad you're ok...I knew you were limiting your time on the boards so I wasn't terrible concerned. I understand how easy it is to terrify yourself and be influenced by other peoples stories and try to make them your own.


I'm glad the diaphragm breathing is helping you gain control. Physically you sound terrific! You'll get there mentally...you're still doing great!


Warrior, you're wonderful! So supportive...and finding your way. It takes time to adjust to tapering and you're expectations are always being challenged...but you're a very strong woman and it shows...thanks for the well wishes...


Judy, I fail to see how you're uncompliant. There is no reason you actually have to up your dose of Zoloft if you're not willing...if you need to fill it can you take the lower amount instead?


If I were changing to a longer acting benzo it would be Valium. Is she not willing to cross to Valium instead of Klonopin? Maybe take the Ashton Manuel with you as a guide and she will consider. If not truthfully I'd try to find another Dr.


I sense your frustration and I'm sorry you're finding yourself in this position...take care




Hope everyone else is doing well. Hi kiddo :smitten:



Thanks for your encouraging words Saga. I brought the rx for the compounded Ativan to the pharmacy today and it will be ready by Friday. I think I will try to stabilize on the liquid and it will most likely be more precise than shaving the pills and cutting and weighing them. The pharmacist made it up in a 0.5mg/ml solution. I don't mind the increase in Zoloft if I've been given enough time to see if the dose was effective, but I felt a bit rushed by her. So that is why I negotiated to give it another week or 2. I don't like taking an A.D. but since I've had a major depressive episode after my surgery, I really feel I need to get this depression dealt with so I can get back to work. I don't have to see pdoc  for another 5 weeks, so hopefully things will be improved by then. If the Ativan proves to difficult to taper even with the liquid I will discuss Valium with her. ( I was concerned about asking for this since I've read it can contribute to depression ( not sure if this is more than a problem than with Ativan or Clonazepam?) Anyhow, thanks again and I continue to send you healing thoughts and prayers.

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Judy I'm praying for you. I know its a battle but a  battle we all will win  :thumbsup:

Baby steps ,  baby steps !

Blessings to you my friend, :angel:




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Just popping in to say hello to everyone!!!


Hope ya'll are doing well.


I have been super busy, now that I am starting to really live life again. I think that I had no choice. My family needed me. My Mom and Grandma can no longer drive, and it is up to me to get them to all of their appts and take them shopping. So, getting myself out of the house and back into the real world has made a big difference in my attitude.


I feel more positive and upbeat than I have in a very long time. I am back to doing things that I have not had the mental or physical energy to do in the last year.


Is life perfect?? No!! But, I am making sure that I get up every morning with the intention of making each day as great as I can...for myself and my family. Losing two family members in 6 months, makes you appreciate the ones that you have left.


Cosmic...hang in there!!! Life will get better!!! I promise. I also had to limit coming on to BB, for awhile. Everything I read...I absorbed. Once I stopped doing that, things started to get better. I was so terrified of food!!! But, guess what...I am now eating almost anything I want. If I have symptoms, I just don't eat it again. So, it was really the symptoms that I was afraid of...not the food. I now eat at McDonald's, Wendy's, Sonic, Dairy Queen, and other restaurants. I am just a little choosier about what I eat at these places. I also have started eating cookies again. But, mainly the Keebler Simply Made cookies. No preservatives or artificial flavors. I am finally putting some weight back on.  :)


To Saga, Kiddo, Judy, Warrior, and everyone else...keep on, keepin' on. You are all great people that keeps this thread going for those that truly need answers, prayers, and comfort. We all need that!!!


Life can get better, even during a taper. You just have to learn new coping strategies and figure out what makes the symptoms better or worse.


Well, I hear my laundry calling me, so time to get back to it.




Nana  :smitten:

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Thanks Judy!!!


How are you doing??? Are things getting evened out for you??


I just want everyone to be as well as possible, during this time. A year ago, I was a complete mess!!! I could not leave my house, I couldn't drive, I couldn't swallow food, and I couldn't sleep. Of course, not knowing better, I had c/t'd Xanax so that was what made me a mess.


Reinstatement didn't really help at the time. I only started getting out and living life back in April. So, I had many months of total yuckiness!!!


But, I really can say that it makes you appreciate the good times that much more. Will I possibly hit a big nasty wave before this is all over with...probably. But, these better times will help me get through them.


I am by no means feeling perfect. My heart is still very reactive to things, so I have to be careful and not set off an SVT attack. But, I am much better than I was a year ago. At least my poor Grandma has stopped crying over me. Her and my Mom thought they were going to lose me a year ago. My Mom even told her Dr that the other day. That makes me very sad. And, it makes me try even harder to show them that I am better. Hey, I can be a really good faker when I need to be. But, I think that faking feeling good is what has pushed me into more and more windows. So, I guess I can't complain about that.


Hang in there, sweet lady!!! It really does get better!!!




Nana  :smitten:

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Thanks Nana. Its been a rough year for me as well so far after my surgery ,and I really haven't even been able to taper much d/t still stabilizing on a new Antidepressant.But I had a good day today and ordered the Compounded liquid Ativan which hopefully will make things a bit smoother and more precise . I know what you mean about feeling bad about family members worrying about you. Ihave had the same sadness about this. They have been an incredible support for me . I have had many "guardian angels" looking over me and feel very blessed that whatever may come , I will pull through it. Best wishes for your ongoing happiness and healing and please continue to stop by and visit here. You have come a long way and should be very proud of your success.
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Hi all, If anyone that has/or is using Compounded Liquid Ativan can give some advice (eg Laser Jet, Green Irish Tweed etc. )I will repost under General tapering thread as well since I didn't get responses I was hoping for. I picked up my Rx today which is 1mg/ml . 1month supply which has to be refrigerated . Any advice re: switching over from tabs to liquid. Was there any transitional problems you experienced? I read a post from forum member "Kickinit" on the taper thread that made me a bit nervous re: transitioning over .  But I feel that I should give it a try since I think in the long run it will be more precise, than cutting and weighing pills. I'm thinking I should start at .95 mg and try to taper at a reasonable rate . Not sure if I should try daily titrating? A bit unsure how to do this. I have a 1 ml syringe which goes down to .01ml so not sure if this syringe is appropriate for daily tapering since I have seen comments that people often cut .001 or .002 mg when they are cutting daily.  I have a family event on the weekend so if anyone that has tried the compounded liquid had problems with the transition from pills, that would be great to know, since then I would hold off until Monday to transition over. Thanks very much !
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Hi all, If anyone that has/or is using Compounded Liquid Ativan can give some advice (eg Laser Jet, Green Irish Tweed etc. )I will repost under General tapering thread as well since I didn't get responses I was hoping for. I picked up my Rx today which is 1mg/ml . 1month supply which has to be refrigerated . Any advice re: switching over from tabs to liquid. Was there any transitional problems you experienced? I read a post from forum member "Kickinit" on the taper thread that made me a bit nervous re: transitioning over .  But I feel that I should give it a try since I think in the long run it will be more precise, than cutting and weighing pills. I'm thinking I should start at .95 mg and try to taper at a reasonable rate . Not sure if I should try daily titrating? A bit unsure how to do this. I have a 1 ml syringe which goes down to .01ml so not sure if this syringe is appropriate for daily tapering since I have seen comments that people often cut .001 or .002 mg when they are cutting daily.  I have a family event on the weekend so if anyone that has tried the compounded liquid had problems with the transition from pills, that would be great to know, since then I would hold off until Monday to transition over. Thanks very much !


Kickinit is absolutely not stable at the dose they were on, even when using pills. I don't know if it was so much a transition to liquid that was the problem and more so the fact they they cut too quickly. I believe you need to be somewhat stable before switching.


I am switching over soon too and I have concerns.


Seeing as you are relatively sensitive, ex. 3% cut with an uncomfortable increase in sxs, you may very well respond well to daily titration.


The way to go is to start off very slow and see how you respond. Once you feel comfortable you can increase that amount daily.


Where did you hear people titrating @ 0.001/day?


Green is titrating 0.002 and his taper is going really smoothly. Many would Consider that a slow taper.

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Hi Judy - Laser isn't here very often but I had many discussions with him about his switch to liquid. He did it all at once and had no problems at all. I hope that helps. I know Green struggled a little bit when he switched for a few days but not badly. And it's been very smooth for him since. He also switched all at once.  :smitten:
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Thanks very much for the replies Cosmic and Kiddo. I'm not sure who I read was tapering .001 daily Comic, but I do remember Green stating he is doing .002 daily.
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Thanks very much for the replies Cosmic and Kiddo. I'm not sure who I read was tapering .001 daily Comic, but I do remember Green stating he is doing .002 daily.


Most people I've seen are Tapering 0.01 in the much higher numbers and 0.002-0.004 in the lower numbers. You may want to try something like 0.002 to begin and if everything goes smoothly after two or so weeks bump that up to 0.003

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I switched over straight away and had some minor discomfort for the first week or so. Not sure why yet. Possibly cuz the liquid may have a different concentration and may react differently in your body. Maybe because I forgot to shake it (although I was told that shouldn't matter with a solution). But like I said it wasn't that bad. Once I was used to it only then did I start cutting. I cut 0.002mg daily which equals roughly 0.2ml daily. So I'm currently at 0.356mg which in liquid comes out to 35.6ml. I divide that by 3 doses = 11.87ml per dose. In my opinion it's the best thing I ever did since starting this taper. To be honest I don't feel like I'm tapering at all. Knock on wood. The best thing to have is a 10ml & 1ml oral syringe. I also have an excel spreadsheet that calculates everything for me. Hope that helps.



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I switched over straight away and had some minor discomfort for the first week or so. Not sure why yet. Possibly cuz the liquid may have a different concentration and may react differently in your body. Maybe because I forgot to shake it (although I was told that shouldn't matter with a solution). But like I said it wasn't that bad. Once I was used to it only then did I start cutting. I cut 0.002mg daily which equals roughly 0.2ml daily. So I'm currently at 0.356mg which in liquid comes out to 35.6ml. I divide that by 3 doses = 11.87ml per dose. In my opinion it's the best thing I ever did since starting this taper. To be honest I don't feel like I'm tapering at all. Knock on wood. The best thing to have is a 10ml & 1ml oral syringe. I also have an excel spreadsheet that calculates everything for me. Hope that helps.




Thanks Green! So just trying to figure out why I would need the 10ml syringe. Is your solution is a larger amount of liquid? eg. 10mg/ml  as opposed to mine which is 1mg/ml.

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Judy, your liquid is more concentrated than GIT's suspension so you will need to use a smaller (e.g. 1mL) syringe than him. With a 1mg/ml suspension, it may be tough at some point to do daily microtaper using a 1.0 ml syringe with fine gradations. I had a 0.5 mg/ml suspension, which was twice as dilute as Judy's and weekly cuts, even small one's were straightforward. I could do 0.02 mg cuts, as they would = 0.04 ml, which was 4 gradation lines on the syringe, very easy to read in a well lit room.


Daily cuts might require a more dilute suspension (like GIT).

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Thanks very much for the replies Laser and GIT. So I'll work with what I have now the 1mg/1ml solution with the 1ml syringe, and try to figure out amount and frequency of cuts as I go along. The compounding pharmacist said he could make up future solutions to whatever dilution I would require.
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Judy,  Let us know how it goes. I'm thinking about you this weekend and pray all goes well with your liquid . Have a wonder time with your family .

I use a scale so I'm no help with that.  My mind is crazy lately , so hard to be on the computer.


Take care and stay strong . You can do this !


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Thanks Warrior. I'll definately post how it goes when I start the liquid . Probably will wait till early next week just to be on the safe side since my parents are visiting and I don't want to take a chance on any transitional issues . Hope your feeling better soon. Thanks for your kind words.
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  Judy  you are so sweet !  :smitten:

Just think when  this is over . What will we have to talk about LOL 

A great life is just around the corner for all of us . One step at a time !

  We will feel free as birds !



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Well i just got my c/o prescription for Valium.


This may be my last post on this thread...or for a bit.


Wondering if anyone might have some advice for me?


Its funny now that i have the prescription for valium and i have stabilized a bit

i am wondering if i should do the c/o.


The mind is a funny thing...and even funnier on this stuff!




I have had trouble with Lorazepam 1.35 mg with i/d withdrawal.

went and saw a specialist in SF area. Spent 90 minutes with me and said i was a perfect Candidate for crossover.


I have stabilized from a split dose .30 -5x a day in the beginning of July and a cut to .27 5x a day.

took me a bit to stabilize but i feel i am fairly stable with manageable sxs. I was rockin and rollin pretty bad until stabile.


So i am a bit nervous about the c/o and plan. I would love any advice on this.


My Dr. recommended taking 15 mg diazepam/ Valium to start which seems an updose. I was thinking of starting at

13.5 - 14 mg


I take a dose at 7AM  11AM  3PM  7PM and 11PM and i sleep for 7-8 hrs again but wake up a bit shaky.


My Dr. recommended c/o in 2 weeks and then drop 1-2 mg every 1-2 weeks.


He wants me to take 3x a day 5 mg to start. He said to start with  3PM and 7PM dose cut from Ativan and add 5 mg Valium.

Then cut the 11AM and 3PM dose and add 5 mg Valium. Then take 5 mg in AM and cut 7 AM dose of ativan...then drop the night dose.


Then when stabilized i can add two doses if i need to as i wean down.


I was hoping to get to 1 or two doses of valium a day but i guess the taper and my body decides.


Also any threads or posts you recommend would be well appreciated. I have probably read them but my nervousness is keeping me from remembering anything right now.


Now that i have the Valium my brain is starting to say i should just cut the Lorazepam and forget the crossover since i am stable....geesh this is rough going....lots of uncertainty!


Thanks for any help or support  :)







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