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Walking in nature has been healing, if anyone has pictures of their walks post it here


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19 hours ago, [[P...] said:

Those are such tall trees, where I live, we only find these in the mountains, love that you’re out in nature so much. 

Pam these trails remind me of Lord of the rings or the hobbit movie forests,  I can’t remember which one. The trees are tall and a bit scary. Nature is healing and I had a good day today. 

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Are the vines red in the summer months?  I think I’ve seen the shrubs you’re seeing if the only turn red in the winter.. These look like they’re planted so probably not the same thing.  

Can I help with the deleting situation, not sure why you can’t. 

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snipandzoomShelterIslandinthefog.thumb.JPG.990d6a6adfe01a31c358614a5246eb77.JPGI haven't taken any walks lately, but I have one I'll post of my fave place to walk, this is this last Summer.  This is encouraging me to go for a Winter walk ;)  thanks for the thread @[Pa...], oregonlady



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9 hours ago, [[P...] said:

Are the vines red in the summer months?  I think I’ve seen the shrubs you’re seeing if the only turn red in the winter.. These look like they’re planted so probably not the same thing.  

Can I help with the deleting situation, not sure why you can’t. 

Hi Pam, how do I delete a post? I go to the 3 dots on the right hand side of post but I can only edit. 
thise red shrubs look like they were put there about 2 months ago and only recently started turning red. 
I have no idea what they are and when I pass it, there’s no one at that moment to ask. But I’ll find someone to ask next time.

with all the rain from Monday there were so many floods where I live and that’s why the stream was so high and fast, like it was raging.  I’ve never seen it like that before. 

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8 hours ago, [[o...] said:

snipandzoomShelterIslandinthefog.thumb.JPG.990d6a6adfe01a31c358614a5246eb77.JPGI haven't taken any walks lately, but I have one I'll post of my fave place to walk, this is this last Summer.  This is encouraging me to go for a Winter walk ;)  thanks for the thread @[Pa...], oregonlady

Wow this is so beautiful, how far do you live from there? I love the ocean♥️

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I live about 1.5 miles inland from there @[Ja...].  I'm so glad it's that close though so I can get there easy from my apartment ;) The fog that morning hanging over the little island and rocks was really mesmerizing.  I just use my Android phone to take pics and it is amazing how I get so lucky sometimes as I have such a tremor ;)

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32 minutes ago, [[J...] said:

Your are so lucky to live that close and that picture came out truly beautiful. 
‘thank you Oregon lady 

I just wanted to say after reading part of your journal Jacky, how proud I am of you and all you're going through. You've come a long way and it's so encouraging to me to keep on going as well. 

I'll try and get more ocean pics for you, I even made one video but it didn't turn out, big hugs, hope, and encouragement, oregonlady ♥️

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On 19/12/2023 at 20:04, [[J...] said:

I don’t know what those red vines are, does anyone know what they are?


These two pictures are lovely. Imagine being a child again running and playing outside in this. Pictures like these make me feel young again and all is right with the world I am living in.

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You all inspired me with your walks, so I bundled up and went today! It was so nice, got very lucky with coastal weather being what it is in the PNW ;)  The BB Rocks is for all of us :hug:  I have more but need to go through them, and put up just a couple more in a bit, oregonlady hope and encouragement to all of you :hug:By the way, I felt kinda sick but and it was a battle between my recliner and the beach, now I feel way better mostly mentally and emotionally :)





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On 17/12/2023 at 11:25, [[J...] said:

I was exhausted today again but pushed through and walked 5 miles

Oh I just clicked the wrong button and lost my message but I love this little snip you took, what a beautiful place you live in to get to take walks like this @[Ja...]♥️♥️♥️ oregonlady :hug:

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18 hours ago, [[o...] said:

You all inspired me with your walks, so I bundled up and went today! It was so nice, got very lucky with coastal weather being what it is in the PNW ;)  The BB Rocks is for all of us :hug:  I have more but need to go through them, and put up just a couple more in a bit, oregonlady hope and encouragement to all of you :hug:By the way, I felt kinda sick but and it was a battle between my recliner and the beach, now I feel way better mostly mentally and emotionally :)




Hi OL, I love all your pictures especially the BB’s rock in the sand. how did you get to put 3 pictures in one post? I try and try but it doesn’t let me, it says my file is too big. I’m so happy you went for a walk and felt better even though you were tired. I love the ocean. 
‘thank you ♥️



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11 minutes ago, [[J...] said:

Hi OL, I love all your pictures especially the BB’s rock in the sand. how did you get to put 3 pictures in one post? I try and try but it doesn’t let me, it says my file is too big. I’m so happy you went for a walk and felt better even though you were tired. I love the ocean. 
‘thank you ♥️

Hi Jacky!!  Glad you liked the pics, the BB was fun to make, thought folks would get a kick out of it ;)

I'm not sure about getting all three in, but I resize my images in paint.net, free software.  If you need help, I can guide you through the steps.  Otherwise, If your pics are smaller, I am not sure why you couldn't upload more than one.  I click on Choose files, and think I can only upload one at a time, can't remember off hand. Some forums you can highlight each photo and upload all at same time, I'll have to try it out and let you know, on a "practice post"  Oh, it also says max of 48.83 MB and they may be for total of files ;) ps mine are 4.5 mb, 887 kb, and 133 kb, so well under 48-49 MB ;) let me know if you need help resizing, oregonlady :)

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10 minutes ago, [[o...] said:

Hi Jacky!!  Glad you liked the pics, the BB was fun to make, thought folks would get a kick out of it ;)

I'm not sure about getting all three in, but I resize my images in paint.net, free software.  If you need help, I can guide you through the steps.  Otherwise, If your pics are smaller, I am not sure why you couldn't upload more than one.  I click on Choose files, and think I can only upload one at a time, can't remember off hand. Some forums you can highlight each photo and upload all at same time, I'll have to try it out and let you know, on a "practice post"  Oh, it also says max of 48.83 MB and they may be for total of files ;) ps mine are 4.5 mb, 887 kb, and 133 kb, so well under 48-49 MB ;) let me know if you need help resizing, oregonlady :)


Thank you OL, I’m going to try to download paint.net and see if I could resize them through there first. 
my congnitive functions are not well at the moment and tapering is making it worse. But I’m going to keep trying.

if I can’t do it I’ll reach out again to you for help. 
‘thank you♥️🌷





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16 minutes ago, [[o...] said:

Hi Jacky!!  Glad you liked the pics, the BB was fun to make, thought folks would get a kick out of it ;)

I'm not sure about getting all three in, but I resize my images in paint.net, free software.  If you need help, I can guide you through the steps.  Otherwise, If your pics are smaller, I am not sure why you couldn't upload more than one.  I click on Choose files, and think I can only upload one at a time, can't remember off hand. Some forums you can highlight each photo and upload all at same time, I'll have to try it out and let you know, on a "practice post"  Oh, it also says max of 48.83 MB and they may be for total of files ;) ps mine are 4.5 mb, 887 kb, and 133 kb, so well under 48-49 MB ;) let me know if you need help resizing, oregonlady :)

Oregon lady is this the website?


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