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Has anyone tried Muscimol?


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On Reddit there's an  r/AmanitaMuscaria sub ( copy and paste into Reddit search bar) lots of information on there how to make your own 100% decarb    Muscimol stuff  minus the alcohol using the Amanita Muscaria  mushroom caps which are easy to get hold of and a LOT cheaper too, also lots of info about it on YouTube and the net as well.  These are all safe approved vendors that sell tinctures, caps, and mushroom powder  approved vendor list https://ko-fi.com/post/Vendor-list-H2H8HF7ZT



Nova  :smitten:

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Just curious if this stuff shows any promise for those who are in protracted status and already off benzos or is it primarily to help speed the taper or make tapering easier ?


I'd say the jury is still out on that question.  If indeed the mushroom does "heal" GABA receptors, which is seems to do while tapering, and protracted seems to be the result of receptors continuing to be injured, it's worth a try.


Remember it's a very personal thing unfortunately (much like benzo w/d) and a little goes a very long way. 


There seems to be very little downside if you approach this judicially from a known supplier. 


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Any reports of it helping with pain relief as that’s my “only” yet debilitating symptom head pain/pressure

I don’t THINK I react much to alcohol.  I don’t drink but I had half a beer and taste of champagne on new years and nothing major happened.  I don’t drink regularly though so unsure what would happen if I was using something with alcohol in it daily or multiple times a day.  I think I’d be ok but who knows

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Just curious if anyone knows of any sources full decarb that don’t use alcohol that ship to the US

Yes the one I posted about with the pic, Calm Mushroom Standardized Water-Based Extract, I actually sent it as a reply to you sweetie when you said you were concerned about alcohol in tinctures  I quoted you above the pic to let you know  but you must have missed it  :)



Nova  :smitten:

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Hi, Djoe

  You can check the Psyched Wellness.com. they are an company based in Canada, but their

products only available in US.

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Hi, Djoe

  You can check the Psyched Wellness.com. they are an company based in Canada, but their

products only available in US.



Thank you for that. it's always good to have several options.

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Hi, Djoe

  You can check the Psyched Wellness.com. they are an company based in Canada, but their

products only available in US.


The thing with CALM  ( psyched Wellness) is that they are marketing themselves as a sleep product and the suggested dosage is 1-2 Droppers full of product.  It's difficult to know what the concentration is making macrodosing a little more hit and miss.

I saw a talk given by the CEO of the company and he's all about the $$ -- producers that are more about the product are a different ilk.

Just FYI .


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Just curious if anyone knows of any sources full decarb that don’t use alcohol that ship to the US


I don't know if I said this before but the alcohol you would ingest would be so very very minuscule if you were to micro dose a tincture.

Really I take 2 drops a day.  Even for those very sensitive to alcohol and other things ( I am very sensitive to supplements) it shouldn't be a concern.


The CALM by psychwellness is  a bit of an outlier.  It doesn't give much information about their product.  I have some in my fridge but have been reluctant to take it after I saw the CEO speak.  He is all about the money to be made, not so interested in the healing to be done - my take.

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I noticed not being able to tell how much is in the liquid




Content 43 mg.  100 mg contains 1.45 mg of muscimol.  The recommended dose of 10 drops is 4-5 mg of muscimol.  It is necessary to take under the tongue and hold for 1-2 minutes, then swallow.  Quickly relieves anxiety, helps with withdrawal.

So 1 drop will be = to .5mg



Thanks :) And can the drops be put in spring water to take a smaller  amount than .5mg , about 0.25milligrams  or even 0.125 milligrams without losing their strength? If yes,  is it possible store the rest of the watered down .5mg so it don't lose its strength? And how do I store it?




Store the extract in a dark, cool place. You can dilute the extract with water if you like. But we recommend taking it sublingually because this method allows for rapid bioavailability.  With the sublingual method, active substances quickly enter the brain without using the gastrointestinal tract.  Muscimol as an agonist mimics the action of GABA molecules and easily crosses the blood-brain barrier.  You can use the transdermal method, apply to the skin. The extract is good for skin diseases.






Nova  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

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Found another one that's actually made especially  for micro dosing also alcohol free, and ships internationally 


Amanita Muscaria


We are proudly presenting the first Amanita Extract for everyday microdose use. The formula of our extracts differs widely from anything you may find elsewhere. This organic, eco-friendly and vegan product does not contain alcohol or any synthetic solvents but thanks to our new method of vacuum extraction all active compounds can be distilled and concentrated in a pure form. As a result, you can use only a few drops instead of a handful of dried amanitas.

Start with spending the first few days determining your dose. Initially, allow your body to respond to 2-3 drops. In most cases, 4 drops should be enough but it may vary depending on your body weight and metabolism.


Please remember that microdosing is not focused on immediate results or spectacular fireworks and entertainment. It is a long-distance psychosomatic journey that may support you in changing your behavioral patterns and improving your emotional life. In microdosing, the „right” dose is such that you can feel hardly anything right away but in a long term, you observe emotional, mental and behavioral effects. The main active compound of the amanita – muscimol – structurally mimics the brain neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), thus affecting the central nervous system. This is the basis of its mind-body action.


While using our extract, please keep in mind several qualities of the amanita and muscimol itself:


• It is NOT a narcotic or a psychedelic yet it has a psychoactive effect. It may turn your awareness inward or cause sleepiness. The capability to evoke meditative-like states in long-term use was also observed. Do not drive a car or do things that require staying focused directly after ingestion.

• It will calm you down and make you more resilient to stress and negative emotions. Anxiety and depressive-like states should be suppressed with time as well – the Amanita Extract may help you with personal issues, emotional insight and self-awareness. If you love to surround yourself with other people's dramas, throw this bottle away immediately!

• It will affect your sleep and dreams. There are dozens of personal reports that indicate sleep improvement and a possibility to counteract insomnia. Sleep becomes calmer and deeper which results in the quality of rest and regeneration. Dreams become more coherent and focused on personal issues as well. The improvement of dreams up to the level of lucid dreaming was also reported but it is not a typical experience.

• There are some reports about the anti-addictive effects of muscimol, but so far it has not been proven so the extract cannot be considered as a part of the treatment in any addiction. Of course, you may experiment for yourself.

• Muscimol is a non-addictive equivalent of the neurotransmitter GABA. It is not metabolised, does not accumulate in the human body and is wholly excreted with urine within 4-6 hours after ingestion.

Please remember this is not a magical potion for good fortune and beauty. Some of these things will happen spontaneously because of the muscimol's chemistry. Many others will happen only if you will treat it as a support in your own efforts. There are significant variations in the effectiveness depending on individual metabolism, physical condition and emotional balance.

You may also use our Extract externally. It contains natural amanita pigments: muscaflavin and muscarufin thus it's reddish-brown coloration. These substances are potent anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal agents that may help you to heal skin fungal and bacterial infections, as well as to accelerate wound healing. Just spread one or two drops on infected area. In a case of direct contact with eyes, wash it away with flux of cold water.





And now some technicalities:


• The extract contains 75% of Amanita Muscaria oleoresin dissolved in organic plant glycerol of pharmaceutical purity grade. This is required to keep the extract in a liquid state.

• Due to the high content of oleoresin, the extract may coagulate and/or crystalize at temperatures below 20°C. This may occur when the package will be delivered to you. To turn it into the liquid again place it in a warm place or warm (not hot) water. 35-40°C for 15 minutes will do. Shake it well.

• There is no need to keep it cold but keep it tightly closed to prevent air contact.

• It may be ingested in pure drops or dissolved in water, fruit or vegetable juice, wine etc. but NOT(!) in carbonated drinks.

• Our extract is fully decarboxylated and stabilized to low pH. Alkaline products or carbonated drinks ingested directly with the extract may cause mild nausea or stomach discomfort.

• 5 ml bottle contains about 100 drops.




Nova  :smitten:


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Ty for posting this.  I will admit Amanita and psilocybin have been two products I’ve been intimidated to try as I’ve been worried I’d have some awful trip and go backwards.  My anxiety is under control and the only symptoms I have left is my sleep is still pretty crappy having broken sleep where I wake up several times a night but able to get back to sleep. I don’t have very restful sleep don’t wake up feeling rested and I have pain head pressure headache 24/7.  I’ve always been kinda scared to take some psychoactive product because I had read where a few people took it and it made them develope panic attacks. I haven’t had a panic attack in several years now but that is what got me unknowingly started on this benzo journey and so always been intimidated to try something that may spark those to return. If muscimol can help with either sleep or pain I may have to give it a shot though and take the risk
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Ty for posting this.  I will admit Amanita and psilocybin have been two products I’ve been intimidated to try as I’ve been worried I’d have some awful trip and go backwards.  My anxiety is under control and the only symptoms I have left is my sleep is still pretty crappy having broken sleep where I wake up several times a night but able to get back to sleep. I don’t have very restful sleep don’t wake up feeling rested and I have pain head pressure headache 24/7.  I’ve always been kinda scared to take some psychoactive product because I had read where a few people took it and it made them develope panic attacks. I haven’t had a panic attack in several years now but that is what got me unknowingly started on this benzo journey and so always been intimidated to try something that may spark those to return. If muscimol can help with either sleep or pain I may have to give it a shot though and take the risk

JD, I'm so super sensitive EVERYTHING is a risk to me, but like you I'm willing to give it a shot, I also found out that where vitamins are concerned of your deficient that your going to feel like super hell when you begin taking them until levels build up to where they need to be, so sometimes what we believe is a 'bad'' effect is actually part of the healing process as in ''healing crisis'


I have the oil I bought for my hell nerve pain and I can actually feel that having an effect its in a small roll on, I was shocked as I thoughT it won't enter via the skin with the oil,  but it definitely does, its not stopping the pain as it takes time to accumulate, but it  'appears' it maybe working on something else?  and your not supposed to feel anything when micro dosing .


So its not going to be instant and its going to have to accumulate to do its thing BUT..its still working regardless its all about the accumulation kicking in. I only used the oil for 4 days but am going to leave off it for a while as there's no way to judge the dose or the strength like you can do with powders or liquids.


I also have severe head pressure and feel like I'm being crushed, but I'm still tapering and its hell., I ordered both sets of drops I posted and I can't wait for them to get here to be honest scared or not, I'm definitely going to try them.


I'm in my 60's now so times not on my side, and this is my 3rd and last attempt to GTFO this shit at my age I've never been of them for well over 20 year's now including this present taper which is a LOT worse each time, no way am I'm going to chance a 4th one, I wish to God  I'd stuck out the 1st one now not up dosed a few times and many.many long holds which didn't help except one time none have since then  but I can't cut any faster its too risky I'm too unwell to push it


Nova  :smitten:     

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I’m definitely interested to know if it helps. I’ve been off now for 16 months and the head pain and pressure has been with me prob since 3 months before i jumped so it’s been quite a long process of enduring this pain all day every day. I’m for the most part functional I am working I can drive semi short distances so on the outside it appears nothing is wrong with me but it’s not my reality my reality is that while I’m holding down a job it’s so difficult because of the pain and pressure in my head and and I feel it’s slowly chipping away at my ability to keep going so now I’m getting to the desperation phase of where I’m willing to try more risky things.  Please do keep me informed on aminita or anything else that helps relieve this head pain pressure
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I noticed not being able to tell how much is in the liquid




Content 43 mg.  100 mg contains 1.45 mg of muscimol.  The recommended dose of 10 drops is 4-5 mg of muscimol.  It is necessary to take under the tongue and hold for 1-2 minutes, then swallow.  Quickly relieves anxiety, helps with withdrawal.

So 1 drop will be = to .5mg



Thanks :) And can the drops be put in spring water to take a smaller  amount than .5mg , about 0.25milligrams  or even 0.125 milligrams without losing their strength? If yes,  is it possible store the rest of the watered down .5mg so it don't lose its strength? And how do I store it?




Store the extract in a dark, cool place. You can dilute the extract with water if you like. But we recommend taking it sublingually because this method allows for rapid bioavailability.  With the sublingual method, active substances quickly enter the brain without using the gastrointestinal tract.  Muscimol as an agonist mimics the action of GABA molecules and easily crosses the blood-brain barrier.  You can use the transdermal method, apply to the skin. The extract is good for skin diseases.






Nova  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:


Just to be clear I was talking about the other CALM from psych wellness.  ;)  The tinctures from other suppliers are pretty easily determined although I sure wouldn't start at such a high dosage as is recommended.


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Well I went ahead and placed the order for the green bottle of calm alcohol free stuff you posted nova.  Guess I’ll have to roll the dice and see what happens.  I just now placed the order so prob will be a bit before it arrives.  Please keep me updated on how well it works for you
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I noticed not being able to tell how much is in the liquid




Content 43 mg.  100 mg contains 1.45 mg of muscimol.  The recommended dose of 10 drops is 4-5 mg of muscimol.  It is necessary to take under the tongue and hold for 1-2 minutes, then swallow.  Quickly relieves anxiety, helps with withdrawal.

So 1 drop will be = to .5mg



Thanks :) And can the drops be put in spring water to take a smaller  amount than .5mg , about 0.25milligrams  or even 0.125 milligrams without losing their strength? If yes,  is it possible store the rest of the watered down .5mg so it don't lose its strength? And how do I store it?




Store the extract in a dark, cool place. You can dilute the extract with water if you like. But we recommend taking it sublingually because this method allows for rapid bioavailability.  With the sublingual method, active substances quickly enter the brain without using the gastrointestinal tract.  Muscimol as an agonist mimics the action of GABA molecules and easily crosses the blood-brain barrier.  You can use the transdermal method, apply to the skin. The extract is good for skin diseases.






Nova  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:


Just to be clear I was talking about the other CALM from psych wellness.  ;)  The tinctures from other suppliers are pretty easily determined although I sure wouldn't start at such a high dosage as is recommended.




There are some conflicting opinions on this product here:



I prepare my own tea and balm. There is a lot of info in amanitadreamer.net

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I noticed not being able to tell how much is in the liquid




Content 43 mg.  100 mg contains 1.45 mg of muscimol.  The recommended dose of 10 drops is 4-5 mg of muscimol.  It is necessary to take under the tongue and hold for 1-2 minutes, then swallow.  Quickly relieves anxiety, helps with withdrawal.

So 1 drop will be = to .5mg



Thanks :) And can the drops be put in spring water to take a smaller  amount than .5mg , about 0.25milligrams  or even 0.125 milligrams without losing their strength? If yes,  is it possible store the rest of the watered down .5mg so it don't lose its strength? And how do I store it?




Store the extract in a dark, cool place. You can dilute the extract with water if you like. But we recommend taking it sublingually because this method allows for rapid bioavailability.  With the sublingual method, active substances quickly enter the brain without using the gastrointestinal tract.  Muscimol as an agonist mimics the action of GABA molecules and easily crosses the blood-brain barrier.  You can use the transdermal method, apply to the skin. The extract is good for skin diseases.






Nova  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:


Just to be clear I was talking about the other CALM from psych wellness.  ;)  The tinctures from other suppliers are pretty easily determined although I sure wouldn't start at such a high dosage as is recommended.




There are some conflicting opinions on this product here:




I prepare my own tea and balm. There is a lot of info in amanitadreamer.net

they will always be confliction and opinions over everything and anything take a look around this forum for one.😀 The problem with rdoing your own IB  acid which needs to be taken out which is a problem as it’s glutamate basically and it’s also a pain in the arse to do it yourself at home.


yes it can be done with a lot of hard work when you’re fucked up on the benzos and even if  your not. but to do it properly not just What’s on Reddit but the way the scientist and pharmacologist do it is a totally different scenario altogether and besides that if you look around on that sub Reddit there is a lot of yay and  nay  about everything to do with this  and it can get confusing and headbanging on there regardless I’ve spoken to a lot of people who do research and they said it’s okay .


and I’ve also spoken for the last few days to the vendor and the people in the lab that work with the vendor and they are very well informed I am more than happy to try this product  I am more scared of supplements because you never know what the hell is in them because they are not regulated  either.



Nova ❤️

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I have the exact same bottle on the way nova.    Just curious what is going to be your dosing protocol a couple drops or the full 0.5ml sublingual daily every other day etc etc ???
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I noticed not being able to tell how much is in the liquid




Content 43 mg.  100 mg contains 1.45 mg of muscimol.  The recommended dose of 10 drops is 4-5 mg of muscimol.  It is necessary to take under the tongue and hold for 1-2 minutes, then swallow.  Quickly relieves anxiety, helps with withdrawal.

So 1 drop will be = to .5mg



Thanks :) And can the drops be put in spring water to take a smaller  amount than .5mg , about 0.25milligrams  or even 0.125 milligrams without losing their strength? If yes,  is it possible store the rest of the watered down .5mg so it don't lose its strength? And how do I store it?




Store the extract in a dark, cool place. You can dilute the extract with water if you like. But we recommend taking it sublingually because this method allows for rapid bioavailability.  With the sublingual method, active substances quickly enter the brain without using the gastrointestinal tract.  Muscimol as an agonist mimics the action of GABA molecules and easily crosses the blood-brain barrier.  You can use the transdermal method, apply to the skin. The extract is good for skin diseases.






Nova  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:


Just to be clear I was talking about the other CALM from psych wellness.  ;)  The tinctures from other suppliers are pretty easily determined although I sure wouldn't start at such a high dosage as is recommended.




There are some conflicting opinions on this product here:



I prepare my own tea and balm. There is a lot of info in amanitadreamer.net


Hi BZ,

Amanita dreamer has some info for sure, but her science is suspect (IMHO) and it's a bit difficult to get quick answers from her vids.

There are lots of other suppliers who have a more concise way of communicating and are clear about their science.

And yes as with anything, nothing works for everyone, just be careful about what threads you follow.

Are they using Amanita for tripping?

Are they preparing their own brew? -- difficult to get all the ibotenic acid out.

Are they using it for benzo w/d in a micro dose way?


Lots of questions I asked along the way to trying this out for myself....

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Hi SufferingSixty.


I think I'm going to give the Fully Decarbed Amanita Muscaria: Moon Serum a try. Thanks so much for all your info! I'm just above 3 mgs of diazepam myself and am getting hit pretty hard. Obviously, I will start out with the lowest possible dose and work my way up. I'll be patient for once!

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