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Anyone currently using HeartMath with success?


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I think the visual part of the biofeedback could be helpful. I have a hard time with broken neurotransmitters with things like meditation.
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I have the Inner Balance app and ear clip device from HeartMath for iphone. It's easy and wonderful. Highly recommend!
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I find that anything that centers me for a bit does help. Since its chemical, it isn't a cure, but there are times when I feel totally at peace in the middle of pure chemical torture. I will tell you the things that helped me, in order.


1) NuCalm. This is expensive and could be replaced with meditation music I suspect. But the system is designed to change your brain waves to a meditative state. They send you these discs that are on some sort of meridian - I can't remember but it's on your left wrist. When I was anxious or in a panic, I'd listen to the tracks for hours a day. Sometimes it was the only thing I could do. I still do it every day. The music is supposedly designed by neuroscientists to calm the brain. I do believe it does. There are times when my brain rebels against it and I can't stop thinking - not often, but it happens. When it does, I just stop and try again later. Don't feel bad if meditation is hard sometimes. I usually repeat over and over "I am healing, I am recovering" or just count.


2) Inner Balance. This is less expensive biofeedback based on heart rate variability (HRV). It's nice because you can do it for just a few minutes and it centers you and gets you out of panic


3) Xen by Neuvana. This is a pricey little apparatus but I think really valuable. This device stimulates the vagus nerve in your ear, which activates the parasympathetic nervous system. You do it while listening to music. It is not as purely relaxing as the others, but therapeutic and builds over time.


You got this! Hugs!

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