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Sleep anxiety


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Hi guys! Just walked off my klonopin taper 11 days ago. For the most part, I am okay....of course my anxiety is heightened, I have an on and off again vertigo feeling, eating MSG really seems to not be pleasant...but the main thing for me, is the sleep anxiety that causes the insomnia. Does anyone have any tips PLEASE? When this all started 2 years ago, I lost a few nights of sleep in a row, which caused me to develop this intense physical anxiety. I was scared I wouldn't fall asleep, which then turns the anxiety on, thus not falling asleep due to the physical/mental symptoms. Its a vicious cycle and its been almost 3 years

Does anyone have any tips? Thank you

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This was an acceptance issue for me.  I had to come to terms with my insomnia.  It had to be OK with me to be awake at 3 am (or all night).  All of our lives we're told that we need 8 hours of sleep, and it used to upset me that I wasn't sleeping like I 'should'.  Being upset only made my sleep worse.  So I've learned to relax when I find myself awake in bed.  I'll listen to soft music or maybe some meditation, maybe read something or catch up on some email.  I try to make that time as relaxing/positive (and sometimes productive) as possible.


No dreading the bed. 


Sleep will come.

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I have similar problem. Crippling anxiety starts at 18 in the evening about sleep (i took benzos just at night before, for sleep), the moment head hits the pillow, heart is racing. I feel tired, sometimes i feel like I'm drifting into sleep but then suddenly this anxiety wave hits me and im just not able to sleep again. I know if its been an hour I wont be able to fall asleep again all night, some night Its horrible and lay in bed crying, why do I deserve this, am I gonna be this broken my whole life. Sometimes i just lay there, trying to accept. For me the fear is not how I function next day (I work as a doctor, im used to working sleep deprived), what Im dreading the horrible wave of anxiety that hits me, giving me that uneasy feeling in my stomach, how i lay there at night all alone...recently I have been having these tingling sensations when i lay in bed, i was like "oh no, just one more thing giving me even more anxiety", i went all nuts,, i gave up and took antihistamine ( they help me but ofc i wanna do it natural way) and felt like a failure. At times i think ..this is not a Wd this is just new me..I make myself anxious.

Would be great reading other people experiences about it.

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Hi guys! Just walked off my klonopin taper 11 days ago. For the most part, I am okay....of course my anxiety is heightened, I have an on and off again vertigo feeling, eating MSG really seems to not be pleasant...but the main thing for me, is the sleep anxiety that causes the insomnia. Does anyone have any tips PLEASE? When this all started 2 years ago, I lost a few nights of sleep in a row, which caused me to develop this intense physical anxiety. I was scared I wouldn't fall asleep, which then turns the anxiety on, thus not falling asleep due to the physical/mental symptoms. Its a vicious cycle and its been almost 3 years

Does anyone have any tips? Thank you


I had the same problem during my taper. It was also an acceptance issue for me which frankly took time. I would keep telling myself what the worst case scenario would be—up all night. Then I would tell myself if I am up all night but have something to do the next morning I can always change that appointment. This was an “out” I gave myself. When you have a plan B, even if in reality you don’t, it can help. I also tried not to make plans that didn’t have a real plan B....basically many things if you think about it.  :)

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Hey congratulations on finishing your taper! I'm on clonazepam too so it's always encouraging to see that people can successfully get off the darn thing.


I've been having major issues with sleep that got really bad in the last month. I can relate to the sleep anxiety part, especially if I have something planned for the next day.


I try and practice good sleep hygiene: I try and go to bed at a designated time and shut off all devices, have an eye mask to block out light/get that melatonin working, earplugs in case noises are causing me to awaken bothering me, etc. Admittedly this hasn't worked a few times this last month -then it becomes psychological- I get stressed about what if I don't sleep and that makes things worse.


Like others said just accepting that sleep might or might not happen may help. Just letting go might make all the difference. Interestingly enough I heard the same advice on this app I use. I've mentioned it a few times maybe I should just make a post. My Dr. actually suggested I check out 2 apps when I mentioned the worsening insomnia. It's in the top 2 if you search for meditation apps, there might be other great ones but this is just the one I chose to stick with.


Anyways I've been using an app called Calm that consists of 10-15 minute meditations or I'd call them "sessions" - some actually give great advice - they consist of different programs each with a certain number of sessions that tbh feel like a mini therapy sessions. They definitely have helped me relax in general - and they have a whole bunch of programs focused on sleep issues. Some are meant to be listened to in the morning, some at night. It also includes soothing sounds, people reading stories, etc. I can't recommend this app enough.


I've heard CBT is supposed to work wonders for insomnia. Right now I have issues with agoraphobia but really do want to start CBT. I just think any type of therapy works best if the sessions are at least once a week and that can be both expensive and inconvenient - just my opinion. That's why I like these apps so much. For me they're more than just meditation, they're like instant therapy sessions depending on what you chose to listen to. And the fact that you can work on yourself daily is what might help make progress.


I'm still dealing with insomnia and anxiety so I'm exploring some other apps as well just because finding the right therapist, and going in is too much for me right now. But yeah I think they can be a great resource and would recommend checking some out if you haven't and giving them a try. What I prefer about these apps as opposed to just youtube videos or spotify playlists is that you can actually customize your programs and track your progress.


Best of luck to you  :smitten:

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YouTube videos on anxiety seemed to help me. I like them right before bed while lying in bed.  Here is one I currently like


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