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Wonderful guidance and I will take this into great consideration and tread slowly. One day at a time thing for sure. Thank you guys for jumping in and taking my hand in the last part of this long taper. Can ya believe that I have been at this for 7 years. But in the end, we are all winning this race! We will succeed and taste that sweet victory.

Happy New year dear ones!  :smitten:


7 years!!?? Holy cow, that gives me some hope. I'm pushing 4 years with a LONG way to go (especially at this rate). Congrats to you!!!



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Thank you Gard, libr and Bob7 -

All very helpful responses and I really appreciate you sharing your experiences and offering your support.  I’ve been one to hold a few days when things get scary, but recently experimenting with tapering on through waves.  A few other said they did that and had the windows and waves, regardless.  I sure I’m technically still in acute from K wds (coming off it TWICE last year, after 24 years). 


Bob7, great video on how to micro taper and I’ve been reading your plog.  Congratulations getting off this stuff, it’s great to see your weekly ratings improving. 


Love to all,





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Wonderful guidance and I will take this into great consideration and tread slowly. One day at a time thing for sure. Thank you guys for jumping in and taking my hand in the last part of this long taper. Can ya believe that I have been at this for 7 years. But in the end, we are all winning this race! We will succeed and taste that sweet victory.

Happy New year dear ones!  :smitten:


7 years!!?? Holy cow, that gives me some hope. I'm pushing 4 years with a LONG way to go (especially at this rate). Congrats to you!!!




Awe shucks Jeff, thanks!! You my friend will get there and know that you are chipping away at it in the best way for you. In the end I suppose it takes as long as it takes for our brains to heal & that is our goal........... healthy healed brain. YAHOO  :smitten:

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Thank you Gard, libr and Bob7 -

All very helpful responses and I really appreciate you sharing your experiences and offering your support.  I’ve been one to hold a few days when things get scary, but recently experimenting with tapering on through waves.  A few other said they did that and had the windows and waves, regardless.  I sure I’m technically still in acute from K wds (coming off it TWICE last year, after 24 years). 


Bob7, great video on how to micro taper and I’ve been reading your plog.  Congratulations getting off this stuff, it’s great to see your weekly ratings improving. 


Love to all,



I'm right there with you Uni, I just held for 2 weeks over the holiday and got some much needed rest while off work. I started back up 2 days ago and sure enough I woke up with heart palpitations last night. The pain is increasing again too.

It's quite frustrating because I know this will continue. I've been pushing through and I think this was my second hold. I also have overlapping windows and waves from a more abrupt WD from my antidepressant almost 3 yrs ago.

Hang in there, we will get through this. I'm praying to be done this year.

Peace  ;)

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    I followed the Ashton Method.  I went off 30 mg of Valium 2 mg a week.  Then when I got to 12 mg I went off 1 even 2 mg a week till I hit 10 mg.  So I went faster than Ashton Suggested and Yea, It was AS IF I went off COLD TURKEY.  I was literally crippled in every sense, every part of my body shook and no sleep.  And my BP Skyrocketed for 3 solid weeks over 200s.  Doctor's could not get it down.  It was frightening and it ran like that all night long as well.  I could barely eat or walk, I shook constantly. 


    This was before I found BB.  I had no knowledge of coming off quickly or the circumstances that would follow as a result of that decision.  It was the worst thing I've ever been through and I've been hit by a car, broken pelvis, broken jaw, teeth all destroyed, I could go on and on.  Nothing compares to what I just went through. 


  I am only just now starting a micro Liquid Taper plan that will take 10 months to come off only 5 mg.  Then another 10 months for the other 5 mgs totaling 10 mgs.  So this is 2 years out of my life.  I only took Adivan last year! 


    I had the FIRST WINDOW today that I've ever had in so many months but it didn't last long, as soon as 4:00 o'clock came round, it came back, I'm sitting here with a heating pad on my diaphragm to help with the nerves.


    But I will stay on this taper since it is so slow.  If sxs are too much to bear, then I'll HOLD again till it passes but I am determined to get off this poison one way or another.



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    I followed the Ashton Method.  I went off 30 mg of Valium 2 mg a week.  Then when I got to 12 mg I went off 1 even 2 mg a week till I hit 10 mg.  So I went faster than Ashton Suggested and Yea, It was AS IF I went off COLD TURKEY.  I was literally crippled in every sense, every part of my body shook and no sleep.  And my BP Skyrocketed for 3 solid weeks over 200s.  Doctor's could not get it down.  It was frightening and it ran like that all night long as well.  I could barely eat or walk, I shook constantly. 


    This was before I found BB.  I had no knowledge of coming off quickly or the circumstances that would follow as a result of that decision.  It was the worst thing I've ever been through and I've been hit by a car, broken pelvis, broken jaw, teeth all destroyed, I could go on and on.  Nothing compares to what I just went through. 


  I am only just now starting a micro Liquid Taper plan that will take 10 months to come off only 5 mg.  Then another 10 months for the other 5 mgs totaling 10 mgs.  So this is 2 years out of my life.  I only took Adivan last year! 


    I had the FIRST WINDOW today that I've ever had in so many months but it didn't last long, as soon as 4:00 o'clock came round, it came back, I'm sitting here with a heating pad on my diaphragm to help with the nerves.


    But I will stay on this taper since it is so slow.  If sxs are too much to bear, then I'll HOLD again till it passes but I am determined to get off this poison one way or another.




You had a window, that is wonderful, I am so happy for you.  I have never had one so I might be a little jealous  ;D. Love you though, Mary

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  You are so easy to LOVE truly!  My WINDOW is gone though.  As of 4pm. today.  So I am sitting with a heating pad on my Diaphragm right now to ease the pain that goes right through to my kidneys and adrenals.  The Adrenal Spit test showed I'm getting too much Cortisol at night and early mornings.  But it was nice for the few hours it lasted and I'm thanking the LORD for it.  :hug: :hug:

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  You are so easy to LOVE truly!  My WINDOW is gone though.  As of 4pm. today.  So I am sitting with a heating pad on my Diaphragm right now to ease the pain that goes right through to my kidneys and adrenals.  The Adrenal Spit test showed I'm getting too much Cortisol at night and early mornings.  But it was nice for the few hours it lasted and I'm thanking the LORD for it.  :hug: :hug:


Hope, I hope you have another one soon my friend  :smitten: :smitten:

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Hi everyone, I'm still debating if I want to keep going with cut and hold or if a microtaper is for me. If I didn't work and have a family I would like to do a micro but I find the thought of reducing everyday and not knowing what to expect a bit unnerving when I have to go to work and like to know what to expect. With the cut and hold I usually have symptoms for some days but they gradually improve so I can schedule to be resting some weekends. Maybe I've answered my own question but has anyone done the micro while working and did ok with it? I know everyone's situation is different but curious about your thoughts. I may try the 125 day dry taper or stick with cut and hold.


I'm also curious if anyone feels your sleep is less disrupted with a micro taper?

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Hi everyone, I'm still debating if I want to keep going with cut and hold or if a microtaper is for me. If I didn't work and have a family I would like to do a micro but I find the thought of reducing everyday and not knowing what to expect a bit unnerving when I have to go to work and like to know what to expect. With the cut and hold I usually have symptoms for some days but they gradually improve so I can schedule to be resting some weekends. Maybe I've answered my own question but has anyone done the micro while working and did ok with it? I know everyone's situation is different but curious about your thoughts. I may try the 125 day dry taper or stick with cut and hold.


I'm also curious if anyone feels your sleep is less disrupted with a micro taper?


The daily microtaper will be much less symptomatic than the C&H!  You’ll be way better off managing going to work or anywhere.

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Hi everyone, I'm still debating if I want to keep going with cut and hold or if a microtaper is for me. If I didn't work and have a family I would like to do a micro but I find the thought of reducing everyday and not knowing what to expect a bit unnerving when I have to go to work and like to know what to expect. With the cut and hold I usually have symptoms for some days but they gradually improve so I can schedule to be resting some weekends. Maybe I've answered my own question but has anyone done the micro while working and did ok with it? I know everyone's situation is different but curious about your thoughts. I may try the 125 day dry taper or stick with cut and hold.


I'm also curious if anyone feels your sleep is less disrupted with a micro taper?


The daily microtaper will be much less symptomatic than the C&H!  You’ll be way better off managing going to work or anywhere.


I'm sure consistently the symptoms are less but I guess I've grown accustomed to the intense symptoms a few days, lots of rest as I arrange my schedule around it then stabilize then start again. However just as my symptoms have evolved over time, my current method may not suit me anymore as I reduce the dose. Definitely open to other options. This is so crazy to navigate.

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Hi everyone, I'm still debating if I want to keep going with cut and hold or if a microtaper is for me. If I didn't work and have a family I would like to do a micro but I find the thought of reducing everyday and not knowing what to expect a bit unnerving when I have to go to work and like to know what to expect. With the cut and hold I usually have symptoms for some days but they gradually improve so I can schedule to be resting some weekends. Maybe I've answered my own question but has anyone done the micro while working and did ok with it? I know everyone's situation is different but curious about your thoughts. I may try the 125 day dry taper or stick with cut and hold.


I'm also curious if anyone feels your sleep is less disrupted with a micro taper?


The daily microtaper will be much less symptomatic than the C&H!  You’ll be way better off managing going to work or anywhere.


:thumbsup: :thumbsup:


The fact that you have a job and family is all the MORE reason to do a microtaper.  You will not get slammed with sxs like you do with C&H.  Sxs, if any, will emerge gradually, and you will have time to take any needed corrective action.

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Hi everyone, I'm still debating if I want to keep going with cut and hold or if a microtaper is for me. If I didn't work and have a family I would like to do a micro but I find the thought of reducing everyday and not knowing what to expect a bit unnerving when I have to go to work and like to know what to expect. With the cut and hold I usually have symptoms for some days but they gradually improve so I can schedule to be resting some weekends. Maybe I've answered my own question but has anyone done the micro while working and did ok with it? I know everyone's situation is different but curious about your thoughts. I may try the 125 day dry taper or stick with cut and hold.


I'm also curious if anyone feels your sleep is less disrupted with a micro taper?



The daily microtaper will be much less symptomatic than the C&H!  You’ll be way better off managing going to work or anywhere.


I agree with  circlestar and builder, especially as you go lower trying to work.  You need to go slow and watch those sxs, your goal is to keep enough med in your body daily to keep your sxs as stable as possible.  This is just my opinion, but good luck 🍀 whatever you decide.  Mary ☮️💜🙏

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    I have been on the liquid taper for the 3rd day yesterday.  3 ml were taken out of 300 ml of water.  Yet, the past two nights I could not sleep whereas before the taper, I was getting at least 5 hours sleep a night.  Last night was worse only 2 hours sleep.


  Could it be I was not on HOLD long enough or that I may be more sensitive to the taper already?  Would appreciate your advice.  Thanks.

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Hi everyone, I'm still debating if I want to keep going with cut and hold or if a microtaper is for me. If I didn't work and have a family I would like to do a micro but I find the thought of reducing everyday and not knowing what to expect a bit unnerving when I have to go to work and like to know what to expect. With the cut and hold I usually have symptoms for some days but they gradually improve so I can schedule to be resting some weekends. Maybe I've answered my own question but has anyone done the micro while working and did ok with it? I know everyone's situation is different but curious about your thoughts. I may try the 125 day dry taper or stick with cut and hold.


I'm also curious if anyone feels your sleep is less disrupted with a micro taper?



The daily microtaper will be much less symptomatic than the C&H!  You’ll be way better off managing going to work or anywhere.


I agree with  circlestar and builder, especially as you go lower trying to work.  You need to go slow and watch those sxs, your goal is to keep enough med in your body daily to keep your sxs as stable as possible.  This is just my opinion, but good luck 🍀 whatever you decide.  Mary ☮️💜🙏

Agree w/ all above. Switching from c/h to DMT made sxs better. Definitely Not worse, not more unpredictable. Actually it became more predictable. Bring in w/d makes our nervous system very sensitive ... so w/ MT, I can see what external triggers throw me into a wave...and try to avoid those. I can also see clearly what external things make me feel better. W/ c/h, I didn’t know if a wave was from the cut or something else or both. I work also and have a family and my current dose is just slightly lower than yours, mountaintop1. You’ve got this!

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Oh my yes!!! MT or DLMT was far better tolerated for me, esp the lower I have gotten in my overall dose. I did the c/h as well and am so very thankful I learned about the DLMT. ( there are many here who will help you through this as well, they have been a life for me)

SG, Builder and Chess where the ones who helped me at the very beginning. like most, I was terrified of the change and so easily confused with the simplest of instructions, to the point of feeling paralyzed by it.  But they patiently came right along side me as well as all of these wonderful people will do for you.) :smitten:

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Hi everyone, I'm still debating if I want to keep going with cut and hold or if a microtaper is for me. If I didn't work and have a family I would like to do a micro but I find the thought of reducing everyday and not knowing what to expect a bit unnerving when I have to go to work and like to know what to expect. With the cut and hold I usually have symptoms for some days but they gradually improve so I can schedule to be resting some weekends. Maybe I've answered my own question but has anyone done the micro while working and did ok with it? I know everyone's situation is different but curious about your thoughts. I may try the 125 day dry taper or stick with cut and hold.


I'm also curious if anyone feels your sleep is less disrupted with a micro taper?


The daily microtaper will be much less symptomatic than the C&H!  You’ll be way better off managing going to work or anywhere.


I'm sure consistently the symptoms are less but I guess I've grown accustomed to the intense symptoms a few days, lots of rest as I arrange my schedule around it then stabilize then start again. However just as my symptoms have evolved over time, my current method may not suit me anymore as I reduce the dose. Definitely open to other options. This is so crazy to navigate.


Some people like cut and hold for this very reason. They have a very predictable pattern of symptoms and can arrange their schedules around that pattern. So it makes sense for those people. But you seem to have noticed a change in your pattern and perhaps a need to change your system as well. Good that you are paying attention! You could try a micro taper at a very slow pace, perhaps half the monthly rate you are doing now, see if it works better for you. If it does, you can bump it up little by little. Since you are good at noticing your patterns, I'm sure you will find a system that works well for you.


Gardie  :)

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Hey everyone


Is anyone here micro tapering Valium at low doses?


I’m micro tapering (dry cutting using a scale and metal nail file) from 2.85mg Valium and not sure how quick to go or how long to hold?


I’m doing a micro taper  5% of my 2.85mg over 14 days which equals cutting about 0.002g off my tablets every other day. I can’t do 0.001g every day as I split my daily dose in two and my scale doesn’t measure .5’s if that makes sense.


Do I hold after two weeks for a bit?


My last cut and hold which was 5% from 3mg down to 2.85mg where I am now, I got slammed three times. The worst at 3 weeks after my cut. Therefore I’m seeing how long the half life is! I’m scared the micro taper cuts will catch up with me if I don’t hold for any significant period?


Any thoughts or advice :)


I’m extremely symptomatic already and in full blown withdrawal therefore I have not been able to stabilise. I get hit no matter what I do so just need to get off the drug as safely and quickly as possible...


I'm tapering Librium, Valium's evil cousin, and am now at the equivalent of 2mg of V. I liquefy. I don't trust my ability to accurately dry cut such small amounts. In fact, I used to change 1 capsule into 100ml. Now I change 1 capsule into 200ml. It enables me to make accurate, very tiny reductions. My monthly rate is 10%/month. So I take 10% and divide it by 30 days to get my daily reduction. I did some experimenting to get that rate. I would suggest going slowly, say 5%/month, or doing a long hold to stabilize (7 weeks is a rather short hold), but you say you want to get off was quickly as possible. So then there's nothing to do but keep going forward. 10% per month is the general rule of thumb. I wouldn't suggest going faster than that. I think many people who want off ASAP jump at .5mg of V.


Gardie :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am going to start doing a micro-taper using Tapering Strips (from the Netherlands) to go from 2-1mg of Valium in 28 days and then 1mg-0 in 28 days. Does this seem too fast. I am now at 2.5mg (down from 10mg) which I have done using cut and hold. I feel OK the past 2 days.


Thanks everyone


Here is the link to tapering strips:



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Thanks but it's too late now.  I went on Liquid Taper and was having severe sxs.  No one answered so after 7 days I went back to the tablets.
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