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You too vertigo. I'll be here in a few months!  ;D


Good luck with the rest of your taper, babyrex.



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Hi-ya  V,



I still waxing and waning!!!!!!

I am craving sooooo much chocolate and sweet food and have gained a few too many kilos.  I am still too symptomatic to do the kind of exercise I used to enjoy (swimming, yoga and light weights)

Is it normal to crave so much sweet food as the symptoms begin to decline?





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Hi-ya  V,



I still waxing and waning!!!!!!

I am craving sooooo much chocolate and sweet food and have gained a few too many kilos.  I am still too symptomatic to do the kind of exercise I used to enjoy (swimming, yoga and light weights)

Is it normal to crave so much sweet food as the symptoms begin to decline?






Hi Towards,

Once my CNS settled down by that first summer after my taper ended, I did crave sweets and junk food, sodas, chips....  I foolishly also reintroduced wine a little too soon, thus increasing my weight by 20 lbs or so that year.  Blood pressure went up, started to feel like crap so I embarked on a low carb diet and exercise program.  Unfortunately, it was too quick and my CNS got angry :tickedoff:.  I did recover, but over the last two years, I unfortunately gained back the 25 lbs I had lost.  Over the last several months, I've managed to lose 13 lbs, but I've still got a ways to go.  I'm going to take the next 12lbs much slower from here.  Summer is a great time to switch from really unhealthy sweets to at least healthier fruits.  Eventually even fruit should be kept to a reasonable amount, although at least you can get some healthy fiber and vitamins as opposed to eating a krispy kreme donut!  Nothing wrong with a couple squares of dark chocolate if you're watching the rest of what you eat.  Dark chocolate can also be an antioxidant and "healthy", just don't eat the whole bar in one sitting :pokey:;).



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Gosh, I craved sweets during my taper! Maybe it's because I gave up alcohol right before I started the taper. Or maybe as likely is the low dopamine and seratonin and my body was trying to correct.


Right after the taper I started on an anti inflammatory diet for the Lupus ddx which now seems like maybe isn't there anymore.  :idiot:  This diet was basically a modified paleO with a few more carbs than paleo. And I didn't go overboard on fat. I got myself a good counter application for my iPad and wrote down every single thing I ate. (I use Carb Counter) The program then calculates everything for me and I can keep a birds eye view of where I am throughout the day.


I've done very very well on this way of eating/dieting. To date, 7 months out, I've lost 50 pounds. That seems like a lot but it's only a couple of pounds a week on average. Unfortunately, I still have a ways to go. It's embarrassing to admit I let myself gain 80 pounds during the last part of benzo use and the long taper, but it's a fact, so I'm having to deal with it.


Just recently, I can tell my body needs a break. Oh, and I quit smoking after a recent health scare (heart) so that isn't doing the weight loss any good. Sure glad I got 50 pounds behind me before stalling. I'll be happy with 30 more pounds gone. I'll be very happy to accomplish that by the end of the year. May or may not happen.


One thing I know for sure- after eating this way for a while, I plan to keep up a version of it as a lifelong endeavor because my joints feel so much better. I basically eat clean meats and tons of vegetables and a little fruit. No grains, no legumes. My starches come from a limited amount of yams and fruit. Nothing processed, ever. The changes I'm making to please my body are just a few more carbs and a bit more fat. We shall see how it irons out.


It's amazing to me that it takes so long to get back to a baseline after this ordeal, but I'm very happy it has seemed to work so far. Just had a bunch of blood work and the things that were coming back too high or out of range are coming back normal.  :thumbsup:



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HEy Fliprain...

I read your sig,only to find,we went off the same day!

And after basically the same taper...at the end at least.

Cool eh?

So..can U gove me a general run-down of how U have been fairing since?

I have been going thru a ruff patch the last 3 weeks....much fog,much anx,no energy,plenty lethargy.

I currently don't have the guts or energy to quit the smoking....can only do so much.y'know?

And when I read these posts of how you guys pay such ettention to your diets,I am kinda flummoxed.

I don't even have the brain power to get into that kind of detail!

Meat and 2 veg,cut back on fats and carbs,and that's about how involved I can get.Carrot juice and low-sodium V8...lots of both,

to hopefully take up the slack.

Having a mess o' teenagers doesn't help much either I guess....and I have screwed up the last 3 years of their lives enough.

After I kicked,I was very encouraged...felt pretty good for about 3 months.Had a minor low spot mid-winter,then my head cleared and all was looking good again.

The nasties crept back starting close to a month ago...right at the beginning of my busy season(surely a contributor to stress levels,but nothing out of the ordinary).

So I generally feel like poo,'cept for around dinner time and into the evening.

Sweet?...U betcha!..Go right crazy without my little bowl of ice cream and chocky chips!

That's my story and I'm stickin' to it!


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:laugh: good story, Mac. We all have to do what we do to survive.  :thumbsup:


I wish I could say I'm healed. I'm not. I'm much better though, honestly. I still have moderate tinnitus in one ear. Had a bout with the shingles a couple of months ago and since then my mouth and eyes have been drive-me-crazy dry. Don't know if they are connected. And, I still have shingles!  :tickedoff: It's better, not as painful, but the bumps are still there.


Sleep is about 5-6 hours, sometimes broken. I'm riding my bike a bit and walking the dog. Nothing heroic, mind you, just 20 minutes at a time. Had a recent episode I thought was heart wher even the docs got concerned and did a heart cath. All ok. So maybe GI issues? Or benzos. Probably will never really know. At least it scared me enough over those three days I was in the hospital that I just kept wearing the nicotine patch and threw my cigarettes out. So far, it's been remarkably easy. It's only been two weeks. I'm prepared for it to get harder.


The HUGE difference for me is that I'm more social in person. I can spend easier time with family now and even feel fairly comfortable around strangers. Used to feel all doom and gloom around people. Now I find myself laughing and not being self conscious. I'm so pleased by this!


You know that recent survey that Catherine Pittman did indicates that on here, the US respondents are estimating an average time for healing at 14 months. We are half way there if that's true.we can do this, Mac! Can I call you Mac? Oh, and just call me Flip.  :)

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Seeing as we are kick-off-day buddies I think Mac is appropriate!

In fact,I think we may be living in the same skin.

I forgot about mentioning the tinnitus....something that came back a couple weeks ago,and was a major distraction during my taper.

It's been one(of a few) returning symptoms that has at least kept me level enough to understand that what I am going thru now is,in fact,wd.

I am not dying.I have wd syptoms.

And I had shingles...twice.Terrible condition that.There is a new-ish shot U can get for it now...expensive,but seems to be effective.Works as a vaccine,so shingles cannot be active when U get the shot.

I also find it interesting U mention your "'comfort" level with other people.

I have a had a few days over the past month that I dreaded going out and seeing people...anyone.Agoraphobic even.

Just wanted the couch,a little stoopid TV, and some low lights,and LEAVE ME ALONE...y'know? Avoided answering the phone,and shied away whenever anyone came to the door.

Past couple days have been a wee bit better tho,so maybe this wave is retreating....a bit.

Might be a bit manic today too.....tired and restless.

Interesting condition we have ,eh?



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Just wanted to check in Im 43 days off klonopin now Im doing ok so far just worried i still might get hit out of no where but i hope not
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so scared now.


i am not referring to physical symptoms.

my brain condition changes everyday in terms of thinking, perception/sensory, cognition, intelligence, and etc....

do not know which is real me. fyi, my brain was fried while on benzo.


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when hiking and running, above the waist body sweats. (including arms.)

below the waist line, the legs and feets do not sweat.

currently, having a cold feet. but still, this is not normal.

really concerned.

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I too had the sweat thing.Was wierd...my kids thought I was menopausal.

And there may be something to that.Even guys get similar symptoms to women at later ages(I don't know how old U are,i

I'm mid 50s)....but with these benzos everything defies time and logic.

All I can say is it passed...mostly.Like so many of the little things in the vast aray of symptomville,I decided to ignore it.

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Just wanted to check in Im 43 days off klonopin now Im doing ok so far just worried i still might get hit out of no where but i hope not


Glad to hear it Amy.  You're making good progress :thumbsup:.





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for last few days, starting a day with minor anxiety feeling and little gasping as soon as i get out of bed. (not much of sleep. more of resting.)

used to have this feeling after few hours of getting out of bed.

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for last few days, starting a day with minor anxiety feeling and little gasping as soon as i get out of bed. (not much of sleep. more of resting.)

used to have this feeling after few hours of getting out of bed.


I remember I had several months of early morning anxiety in the acute withdrawal after the taper and also later that year around 10 months off.  It is not uncommon.  Not sure about the gasping.  If you have shortness of breath or chest pain, might be good to see your physician.



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Ok,weirdest thing. I had a nightmare I coildn't breathe, was gasping for breath, it felt so real. I remember thinking "don't panic, it'll pass, worst case scenario I'll pass out and start breathing again". Then I woke up and I was fine... But it was so real, winder if it was sleep apnea. Anyway, I'm nearly three months out, it's not as easy as last time, but bearable. Eventually I know his will pass.


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Ok,weirdest thing. I had a nightmare I coildn't breathe, was gasping for breath, it felt so real. I remember thinking "don't panic, it'll pass, worst case scenario I'll pass out and start breathing again". Then I woke up and I was fine... But it was so real, winder if it was sleep apnea. Anyway, I'm nearly three months out, it's not as easy as last time, but bearable. Eventually I know his will pass.


Wow, seems pretty scary Marina.  I know I had a fair amount of rebound anxiety (more intense than the anxiety before benzos) in the first five months off valium, including one or two mini panic attacks, although not in my sleep.  I have heard that dreams can become more vivid as you start to return to rem sleep, including possibility of nightmares.  Could it be sleep apnea?  Possibly but not likely. To be safe, you could ask somebody to tell you if your breathing stops suddenly in the middle of the night, gasping for air.  Or there are sleep studies if you are very concerned about it.  Do you have any other visible signs of any heart trouble?  Have you been checked out by a doctor in terms of stress treadmill test, echocardiogram and coronary CT scan?





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Any new buddies recently done or about to be done with their taper?



For me it's good news, for you and this post, that's debatable lol but I look to be joining you all officially soon :)

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Any new buddies recently done or about to be done with their taper?



For me it's good news, for you and this post, that's debatable lol but I look to be joining you all officially soon :)


Awesome WWWI.  Welcome aboard :thumbsup:.



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