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Thank you One Love for taking the time to answer.

I don't have trouble with regularity but I do find that the tapering acts like a diuretic which wakes me during the night and is a nuisance. It doesn't happen during the day. I will look into aloe as a soothing thing for the stomach aches and pains.

Take care,

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I find occasional zantac to help when my stomach gets upset or gassy for a few days. I had duodenal ulcers many years ago and have a semi sensitive stomach, although I eat many kinds of food including spicy foods. Have more trouble with carbonation, beer, soda or coffee but once in a while coffee ok. Beer a no no and hard liquor not good for me. Wine in moderation ok for me but not a good idea too early post taper...
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15 months free and things are going fairly well.  I still suffer from "fake" sleep where even if i sleep 8 hours i still feel exhausted  :sick: what is going on? 
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Benzo free yippee


Feel like http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k240/SirBurch/tigerpump.gif


I believe that I am back to normal. That may not seem possible to some people, but I honestly feel back to my old self

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I was going to weigh in on the benzo belly convo,and maybe I am in a way.

I have mentioned this in the past,and did a search of the forum,with only small inconclusive results.

Am continuing to have this issue with fat collecting around groin, butt and thighs.It comes and goes(well,not really goes,but recedes a bit) on a day by day basis.Been about 3-4 months now.Activity seems to have little effect.

I'm not getting a lot of exercise,but I am working daily,outside work,a bit physical,but do find easy ways to get around strenuous stuff

cuz it still gets my head/anxiety thing going.

So...what this feels like is like sitting in a wet bathing suit, on a soft pad of flab....not exactly itchy,but almost....anyone who spent a summer day in wet shorts as a kid may remember calling it 'siffle-bum'. That could be a local phrase, but y'all might get the idea.Maybe a bit of numbness too.

I have bought a recumbent stationary bike, but, like the idiot I am, am kinda afraid to use it.....2 reasons for that....the exercise thing ramps my symptoms(9 months off!?!) and i'm also afraid that if this bike thing doesn't work, get rid of the flab, then well, I'm screwed! Also,in the mornings my anxiety level is such that execise is out of the question,and at the end of the day I'm so beat that the idea of anything but the couch is impossible.Yes,the fatigue continues too.Lethargy as well......and frankly,I find myself doing anything just to chill and settle my heart and brain.

See?....crazy thinking;)

But there it is.I guess I'm looking for others who have experienced this flab collecting thing.I get BB still, not really bloating but more like a distension from tension....am used to that, it's been coming and going since I started tapering.

This flabbiness is odd....some days it's just sorta 'there'...others it's very uncomfortable, and more noticeable.Creeps down the back of my thighs from groin,sometimes with some tightness...not a cramp really....and this vague numbness

SO...anyone collecting fat in localised areas of the body?

As always,thanx for any input.

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I can attest to the fact that a moderately low carb diet in conjunction with using a recumbant bike will take the belly fat away in droves, at least did for me.  Twice lost 30 pounds in the last few years, first in 2010 but I also did low carb and lifted some weights as well.  Even without the weights, I was losing belly fat from the bike.  Most recently, took off close to 30 pounds over the last few months, using same method.


Good luck!



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Seeing as U asked so nicely!

After a lousy couple of months in the spring,I was doing pretty well for about 5 weeks.

Now the anxiety and stress have come back,with all it's usual friends.....bloating(water) like crazy,seems to be the new one.

Had a few little 'spells' of light headedness,heart pounding,and a weird tingly buzzing in shoulders and arms.Tiniktis,tight head,and all the rest.

Getting very tiresome after around 9 months off.....patience wearing very thin.

To be quantitative,spring was about a 5,july and a bit were around a 8 with a few days of near normal...9.5.

Now we're sitting at a sold 6.Finding it tough to get past 3 pm working,as fatigue sets in.After nappies,much better,but not feeling much like venturing out the door evenings.One of the boys is moving out west in a few days,so that could be contributing a bit(but it's been a while coming,so I'm not really too worried about that).

As I have said before,I am a worrier. Every little thing gets me ramped up.I am just so tired of not being able to calm my brain.

So there it is....you asked!


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....And then once in a while,like just now,in the last half hour since I wrote the above, all tension just dropped out of me.

Kinda unusual for this to happen in early morning,my hardest time of day.I did nothing to bring this on....usuall morning routine of decaf and the news online.

Every time this happens I get pretty stoked....it happens so fast and I begin thinkin' that someone pulled the plug and just drained

all my stress away.Very odd.

Also get hopeful that it will last...maybe the end.

Dunno how long it lasts...sometimes an hour,sometimes a day...a week even.

Can I bottle this?



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Yes, Mac! Please do bottle it and I'll be your first customer. You will be rich! You can call it --


Bottle O Ease

Stress Away

Feel Good Goo

Hope on a Rope


Just tell me what form you're going to put it in and I'll collaborate on a name!  >:D


I wanted to tell you I feel much like you. I'm also approaching 10 months. Some days are truly great. Some, I sort of struggle just to get through them. My life has gotten much busier and I have a few new commitments, both social and family. I'm able to do what I need to do but sometimes I really have to power through that last thing of the day and then come home and huddle in bed.


I've never been much of a cryer. Nothing against crying, I just never did much. This last month, when I'm doing my bed huddle after a stressful day, often I just cry in exhaustion - kind of like a baby who is just overwhelmed with tiredness will cry. Well, not that loud  :laugh: but you get the idea. Then I go to sleep. It's very odd. I guess our bodies just need stress relief in whatever form we find helpful.


We gotta hang in there. Life IS getting better and still has plenty of room for improvement.  :thumbsup:





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Hi Flip

I read somewhere that crying was one of the top 3 stress relievers.

I'm not a crier either,but have been a tad weepy during emotional lows the past couple years.

things like when one of the boys does something really sweet....rare tho that is!

The other 2 are sneezing and sex...just so U know!

(I'm not good at those either;)))



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Yes, Mac! Please do bottle it and I'll be your first customer. You will be rich! You can call it --


Bottle O Ease

Stress Away

Feel Good Goo

Hope on a Rope


Just tell me what form you're going to put it in and I'll collaborate on a name!  >:D


I wanted to tell you I feel much like you. I'm also approaching 10 months. Some days are truly great. Some, I sort of struggle just to get through them. My life has gotten much busier and I have a few new commitments, both social and family. I'm able to do what I need to do but sometimes I really have to power through that last thing of the day and then come home and huddle in bed.


I've never been much of a cryer. Nothing against crying, I just never did much. This last month, when I'm doing my bed huddle after a stressful day, often I just cry in exhaustion - kind of like a baby who is just overwhelmed with tiredness will cry. Well, not that loud  :laugh: but you get the idea. Then I go to sleep. It's very odd. I guess our bodies just need stress relief in whatever form we find helpful.


We gotta hang in there. Life IS getting better and still has plenty of room for improvement.  :thumbsup:




I vote for "Hope on a Rope". Now there's a marketable name!!!!    :laugh::smitten:

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Oh why not, I might as well follow this blog as well  :laugh:  I am right at the end of 2 weeks off so I am still a baby and sometimes need some reassurance to stay strong and perhaps words from folks on here will help.
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Welcome Cirerecrem and congrats on your recent benzo freedom.  I started this blog for post benzo buddies to communicate with eachother in the aftermath.  I don't blog too much anymore, but I hope you and others may find it useful.





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I've been looking for this thread and I started a new one with a similar theme yesterday.  Glad it popped up today.  :)


Well WWWI, there's not been a lot of activity lately on this thread.  I'm not sure if it's because there aren't many recent post benzo buddies on this forum or perhaps the thread has run it's course.  In any case, I'm not here much to maintain it.  I suppose those who find it of value will know where to find it.  I've advocated for a separate section of forum for post benzo recovery but to no avail.  Hope your new thread will find it's audience.


Good luck to all post benzo buddies.  It's worth gutting it out.



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Hey Vertigo..


Perhaps there are only a few of us who have challenges post taper who want to discuss it. It's also possible there aren't many of us at any one time coming off. Or perhaps most people get off and it doesn't take much time for things to right themselves so, again, the grouping  is small and limited in time.  That's the one I'm hoping for anyway.


Once things get better tho, I'm going to have to start attending BB Anonymous. As I've grown to depend on this site for the elongated process this has turned into.  And at some point I will need to cut the cord or perhaps come back in a support capacity since I've spent most of my time here up until now much of it needing support lol


This post has endured a long time. You should be proud of that for really meeting a need :)




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