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The Dizziness Group: For those who are floating, boating, falling or flying


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Becks, at a certain point you have to just accept that it's the drug that's to blame. It sounds like Korbe ran the gauntlet as far as tests go...


The damage from these drugs has really done me in now.  I've been suffering for over 4.5 years now and I'm getting worse.  It can be permanent for some people.  Ashton said so.  I was also diagnosed with early stages dementia and that's not reversible.  I also was diagnosed with Lupus, Thrombophilia, hypothyroidism, heart Tachycardia and may have chronic Lyme.  All of these can cause lesions in the brain.  I'm so screwed.  My brain is being destroyed.

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I read it takes an "interdisciplinary team" to arrive at a diagnosis for dementia. Cognition problems caused by benzos can certainly lead a single doctor who isn't familiar with—or doesn't believe in protracted withdrawal, to give a false diagnosis.


Forget what Ashton might have said. She doesn't know everything, and your case is individual. And don't worry about what you "may have" until you get a positive diagnosis.  :thumbsup:




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I do listen to what Ashton said.  She said some do go to their graves with symptoms.  She knew more about these pills than almost any person on this earth.  She said the changes could be permanent.  I do believe what the doc said about my diagnosis of Memory Impairment and Amnesia because I know how bad bad my mental functioning has become over the years. I also had a different doc tell me years ago that I wouldn't be able to live on my own much longer because of my poor mental functioning.  He was a very smart geriatric doc.  He knew what he was looking at.  I know what's going on with me.  I have a degree as a Medical Lab Tech and also worked in the medical field.  I'm not stupid about medical stuff.   
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I'm truly sorry for your situation, Becks. All I can say is nobody can predict the future. A prognosis isn't set in stone, and people beat the odds and surprise their doctors all the time. You have to believe that you're an exception. I mean you have to believe it. That's something that's in your arsenal to control. And we're here to support you.
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BenzoBuddies is ten years old. Has anyone been on here that whole time and is still recovering??


The Wiki page talks about protracted withdrawal lasting "years". No mention of effects possibly lasting decades or being irreversible. Anyone?

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Thanks, Shook.  But I don't see anything getting any better.  I can't control all the external stress and responsibilities I've got on me.  That's why I've never healed.  I live alone and can hardly walk or talk anymore.  Doc even thinks that I might have had a stroke.  I'm at risk of it.  I was diagnosed with Thrombophilia by a Hematologist in 2012 based on my lab results and other consults.  I may have had a mini stroke already.  I can't walk without limping and my left foot is swollen today.  I can't even hold a conversation with other people anymore and I squeak alot rather than talking.  I'm in constant pain and agony 24/7.  I sound alot better than I am on this forum.  If someone was here to see me they'd see what a wreck I am and how bad off I am. 
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And on a serious note, I wanted to mention that I laugh harder at a put-down Polish joke than anyone in the crowd.  My 100% Polish father loved hearing stupid Polish jokes too.  We Poles know better.  That we aren't stupid. 
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And on a serious note, I wanted to mention that I laugh harder at a put-down Polish joke than anyone in the crowd.  My 100% Polish father loved hearing stupid Polish jokes too.  We Poles know better.  That we aren't stupid.




I wish I knew a good ****** joke to cheer you up!


I'll have to look some up tomorrow.  ;)


And I'll say it again, you have a wonderful sense of humor and definitely have all your wits. There's no problem that I can see there.


Well it's past midnight here. I'm gonna head out. See you Becks!



Edit: Removed Ethnic slur

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Goodnight, Shook.  I know you were just trying to help with your responses.  I'm quite depressed.  Been fighting this sick body now for over 4.5 years since I got off the pills.  I'm devastated.


There's a Joke of the Day thread I posted a bit on.  Here it is.  I'd like to hear some of your put-down Polish jokes.



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I realize you're probably fed up with hearing the same old words of encouragement...


So I'm going on a quest to find the best Polish insults I can find! Sound good to you?  :)


Goodnight, until then...

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I realize you're probably fed up with hearing the same old words of encouragement...


So I'm going on a quest to find the best Polish insults I can find! Sound good to you?  :)


Goodnight, until then...


Put them on the Joke of the Day thread?  The more ethnically offensive to me, the better.  It might get a Moderator's intervention, though.  I'm sure no Poles on here would report any of them, since all us Poles have a sick sense of humor. 

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OK, it's half past two in the morning where I am, so I'm lying in bed with insomnia and an iPhone.


What that means is I can't cut and paste the forum rules just now, but I'm going to remind you that ethnic jokes are not going to fly here, so please don't proceed with them in this or any other thread.


Also, this is a support group for dizzy buds, and humor is great for all of us, and it's what makes this group especially appealing.


However, it has drifted so far from its purpose that it's hard to remember that the topic is dizziness.


Please, let's respect Lapis's great thread and help keep it on topic.




I realize you're probably fed up with hearing the same old words of encouragement...


So I'm going on a quest to find the best Polish insults I can find! Sound good to you?  :)


Goodnight, until then...


Put them on the Joke of the Day thread?  The more ethnically offensive to me, the better.  It might get a Moderator's intervention, though.  I'm sure no Poles on here would report any of them, since all us Poles have a sick sense of humor.

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Hi LeslieAsh,


I appreciate your position, and I realize my exchange with Becksblue took an unusual turn that was probably best left off an open forum.


I intended to send her a joke or two by private message, if it can make her laugh a little.


My apologies to Lapis if I've led the thread astray and off topic at times, or said something in jest that didn't sit well. I can get carried away.


Sorry for the bother, Leslie. Hope you got some sleep.

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Well, Good Morning, Everyone!

I just logged on to see what's happening around here, and I guess I've missed a bit. I appreciate LeslieAsh's post very much. While I don't think this is MY thread, I do want there to be a place for those of us who are sloshing around on our own private rickety boats to come and get support and companionship.


I hope it's going to be a decent day for everyone here.  :smitten:

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I'm truly sorry for your situation, Becks. All I can say is nobody can predict the future. A prognosis isn't set in stone, and people beat the odds and surprise their doctors all the time. You have to believe that you're an exception. I mean you have to believe it. That's something that's in your arsenal to control. And we're here to support you.


Hey Shook,

This is a great post. Well put. No one -- not Ashton or anyone -- has any solid info (e.g. a rigorous study) to prove that benzo withdrawal symptoms are "permanent". We had a big discussion on this topic here on BB awhile back, just after a documentary aired. Until and unless there is waaaay more study, then the word "permanent" cannot apply here. We just don't know.


For now, our best ally is hope and the Success Stories and all of the others who have moved back into the full-time "Land of the Living" -- and that includes those who didn't come back and write Success Stories but are no longer here. We don't have statistics, and that's a double-edged sword. We may focus on the negative, because it's easy to do so, but it likely won't help us.


Isn't there a movie called "Hope Floats"? I think it's a good name for our floaty boat. I've been crying most of the week, and I've got another level 8 dizzy day today, so I'm not a particularly happy camper, but I just think we need to grab onto whatever hope we can.


So, while we can talk about "persistent" symptoms, we don't have any factual info about "permanence". And as the old adage goes, "The only permanent thing is change."

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I'm truly sorry for your situation, Becks. All I can say is nobody can predict the future. A prognosis isn't set in stone, and people beat the odds and surprise their doctors all the time. You have to believe that you're an exception. I mean you have to believe it. That's something that's in your arsenal to control. And we're here to support you.


Hey Shook,

This is a great post. Well put. No one -- not Ashton or anyone -- has any solid info (e.g. a rigorous study) to prove that benzo withdrawal symptoms are "permanent". We had a big discussion on this topic here on BB awhile back, just after a documentary aired. Until and unless there is waaaay more study, then the word "permanent" cannot apply here. We just don't know.


For now, our best ally is hope and the Success Stories and all of the others who have moved back into the full-time "Land of the Living" -- and that includes those who didn't come back and write Success Stories but are no longer here. We don't have statistics, and that's a double-edged sword. We may focus on the negative, because it's easy to do so, but it likely won't help us.


Isn't there a movie called "Hope Floats"? I think it's a good name for our floaty boat. I've been crying most of the week, and I've got another level 8 dizzy day today, so I'm not a particularly happy camper, but I just think we need to grab onto whatever hope we can.


So, while we can talk about "persistent" symptoms, we don't have any factual info about "permanence". And as the old adage goes, "The only permanent thing is change."



I hope you're reading this, Becksblue. If not from me, then take it from Lapis, who's much more knowledgeable!  :thumbsup:


The S.S. "Hope Floats" it is. Let's christen the boat with a bottle of champagne!

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No alcohol for me, Shook! How about some sparkling water with a dash of lemon? We don't need any drunken sailors around here. We all walk like them, but we don't need to BE them.



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I'm like Bruce Wayne (Batman). I drink ginger ale at parties pretending it's champagne, just in case the city needs me...
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Love how it jiggles! It's hypnotic!


Here's an excellent representation of my boatiness and current sea conditions:



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I take Ashton's word above anyone else's when it comes to this benzo damage stuff.  She ran a home for people coming off the pills and worked with and studied patients for many years and wrote tons of peer reviewed research papers.  She's highly respected.  If she said she's witnessed people going to their graves with symptoms, then I'll believe her.  Sounds permanent enough to me.  I won't bury my head in the sand. 
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Are you referring to certain literature by Dr. Ashton that you can share with us? I've just checked the Ashton Manual once again, and it might be worthwhile for you to have a look at this section here, especially the parts I highlighted:


Coping with protracted symptoms.

A number of people are expressing fears that some benzodiazepine withdrawal symptoms last for ever, and that they can never completely recover. Particular concerns have been raised about impairment of cognitive functions (such as memory and reasoning) and other lingering problems such as muscle pains and gastrointestinal disturbances.


People with such worries can be reassured. All the evidence shows that a steady decline in symptoms almost invariably continues after withdrawal, though it can take a long time - even several years in some cases. Most people experience a definite improvement over time so that symptoms gradually decrease to levels nowhere near as intense as in the early days of withdrawal, and eventually almost entirely disappear. All the studies show steady, if slow, improvement in cognitive ability and physical symptoms. Although most studies have not extended beyond a year after withdrawal, the results suggest that improvement continues beyond this time. There is absolutely no evidence that benzodiazepines cause permanent damage to the brain, nervous system or body.


People bothered by long-term symptoms can do a lot to help themselves. For example:


    Exercise your body. Physical exercise improves the circulation and function of both brain and body. Find an exercise that you enjoy: start at low level, work up gradually and keep it up regularly. Exercise also helps depression, decreases fatigue and increases general fitness.


    Exercise your brain. Use your brain to devise methods to improve its efficiency: make lists, do crossword puzzles, find out what bothers you most - there is always a way round it. Cognitive retraining helps people to find ways around their temporary impairment.


    Increase your interests. Finding an outside interest which you have to work at employs the brain, increases motivation, diverts attention away from your own symptoms and may even help others.


    Calm your emotions. Above all, stop worrying. Worry, fear and anxiety increase all withdrawal symptoms. Many of these symptoms are actually due to anxiety and not signs of brain or nervous system damage. People who fear withdrawal have more intense symptoms than those who just take it as it comes and think positively and confidently about recovery.



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Shook, I love your floaty boat! It looks like it can weather the storm, even though the conditions are rough. Please wear a Personal Flotation Device and do not do anything silly when you're on the deck of the ship. Stay safe, okay?
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Shook, I love your floaty boat! It looks like it can weather the storm, even though the conditions are rough. Please wear a Personal Flotation Device and do not do anything silly when you're on the deck of the ship. Stay safe, okay?


Thanks for the concern, Lapis! I'm told the ship is "unsinkable"...


Is climbing up on the end of the ship's bow and yelling "I'm the king of the world" considered silly?




There it is, Becks! Straight out of the Ashton Manual!

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