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Spunky has the last word!!!


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:'(. Dear spunky

So sorry about the arm but how great you refused pain killers.  You are so encouraging, thank you for sharing your recovery.  You are truly brave.  So appreciate your coming back on here for those of us still suffering.  I'm in my 16 th month and still struggling and weary.  But knowing it will get better gives me great hope.  Your story has done that.


Woofs, sorry you still suffer.  Short term use, long term use, young or old...doesn't seem to matter.  We are all victims here.  Prescribed drug victims.  But we have to persevere, go forward, step by baby step in our healing.  Thank goodness we have this forum and each other to help along the way.


:thumbsup:  Blessings to all and may we all continue to improve and have great windows of calm.


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Galea - Thank-you so much for the kind words. My arm is healing slowly, but hey I'm used to that! I am thinking back to month 16, seems a lifetime ago. Weary is an understatement of course....My arm has slowed my daily pace, which in a way has been good for me. I think because of the time missed out on I once again had started taking on too much and truly did need to slow down again. This time of year has historically been a time for overdoing for me and it's liberating being able to say no to things without guilt. Wish I could feel free to do that without actually breaking myself physically but I do feel like progress is being made. It is a cold but full of sunshine day here and I am still in my pj's, relaxed with my dogs all over me. They have benefitted from my slowing down quite a bit. Carita - I will be organizing another ride next year no doubt. It was a lovely day until it wasn't. Thank-you for checking in. Thinking of you both and wishing you comfort and peace. Cindy


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Hi Cindy,


I wanted to ask you -- did you experience "fear" as part of your withdrawal?  Or panic/anxiety?  If so, what was it like when you had it, and also -- what was it like when it faded away?  Did it just "disappear" overnight, or did it gradually fade with time?


Thanks so much for sticking around and answering our questions!  I hope your arm feels better quickly :)


Mrs. :smitten:

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Mrs.- I was afraid of everything my symptoms, going out in public, being alone, germs and the overwhelming fear that I was going to be like this forever. I gradually became less fearful as my symptoms lessened. Once the morning adrenaline surges ceased the fear just lifted. If you watch my skydiving video you can see what it takes to make me fearful now! Thank-you for your get well wishes. Cindy
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Spunky, I am almost 3 yrs off Xanax 1mg. I noticed you said you had bad pain in your tailbone. I have the worst burning in my left buttock that will not let up. Is this anything like what you had? Appreciate you!
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Daisy mae- My tail bone became exposed due to weight loss. The pain was unbearable to the touch. It lasted until I gained my weight back. I had dropped to 91 from 105. My tailbone was one of my more painful issues that stayed around the longest. I did have some burning pain but it was on my back and very transient. I am so sorry you are still experiencing things this far out. Wish I could be more helpful.
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So over this past weekend I was part of a 15 person bakery to bakery to bakery bike ride, 27.5 miles. Half way through the ride the rider in front of me stopped abruptly causing me to lock up and fly over my handle bars. My left shoulder and leg took the  impact. Lots of pain but only a mile away from our 2nd stop I got back on my bike and continued on. Bought a scarf, made a sling and made the 3rd bakery and the 14 miles home. I was the organizer of this gathering and it had been planned for months. People had joined us from out of state and I kept my game face on until the end. Last night as I was taking off the clothing the was stuck to my body with the blood from my wounds I realized how strong I have become. The Urgent Care visit confirmed a broken Humerus and I will be out of commission for 6 weeks. I refused any pain meds and the Dr. was dumbfounded. None of this fazed me. My pain in comparison to Benzo hell is nothing. It is localized and I know what its from and that it will heal. Hoping anyone who reads this the amazing strength that surviving Benzos gives!!!


Sorry you endured the injury (ouch)! But you're so strong! I'm telling you after benzo hell I might climb a mountain lol...do that triathalon I've always wanted to do! It really does make you stronger!


Keep us posted on your healing my dear!

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  • 4 weeks later...

LovingMother - You will be amazed at how much more you will appreciate your health after you heal and how motivational that new appreciation is. I'm doing things I had only entertained as thoughts before! Wishing you a triathlon!!!


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LovingMother - You will be amazed at how much more you will appreciate your health after you heal and how motivational that new appreciation is. I'm doing things I had only entertained as thoughts before! Wishing you a triathlon!!!


That's great to hear!!! YES! I'm going to do a tri and I want to rollerskate, ice skate, go sledding...let's do it!  :smitten:

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  • 5 months later...


Thank you for sharing your story.. I saw a lot of improvement at the 12 months mark too, but I am now 20 months out and haven't seen any improvement in the last 6 months. Did you turn any corners in the second year? Once again thank you for coming back and sharing your story. Love, jenny

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LovingMother - You will be amazed at how much more you will appreciate your health after you heal and how motivational that new appreciation is. I'm doing things I had only entertained as thoughts before! Wishing you a triathlon!!!


That's great to hear!!! YES! I'm going to do a tri and I want to rollerskate, ice skate, go sledding...let's do it!  :smitten:


Loving mother, are you keeping a list of all things you want to do when you heal ? We are going to do every single one of them, even things we wouldn't have ever done prior to benzos ! :)

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Spunky...Just when I started thinking...no, perhaps this isn't all benzo w/d...maybe I really have something else going on...something mysterious as of yet...maybe I'm barking up a wrong tree thinking that most of my problems stem from benzos??..(and thinking this way is more than depressing, after all, if I don't even know what it is? How can I have any hope of someday having it leave me?) THEN I read your post. Every once in awhile I read (usually, a woman, because I firmly believe that this stuff messes with our hormones, badly...and women are more like me in the way our hormones play out in our systems, just my hunch) someone (like you) where I can relate to so many of your symptoms! (Please, people, write your symptoms down...I need to know my symptoms mostly stem from this, and not something else. Course, this isn't scientific, and hence, not completely accurate...but I do think if we share the same symptoms and they express in many of the same ways, in the same time frames, we can draw some conclusions from this type of comparative analysis, no?) I have aged 3 years in one year. My fatigue is really bad, not just a little bad. My skin is dry. So is my hair. (I realize some of this is from natural aging, it's bound to be...after all, I am 61) but these symptoms came on so rapidly, right after my taper (and during). I still can't read books, I can't follow concepts if they are too complicated. (Course, I like to read on a high level) I sweat (and I've never been a sweat-er) I feel like my nerves are on edge much of the time, which impedes my driving. (Though I had two days of windows that ended yesterday, and I drove around with ease!!! Guess it's coming, I'm 4 and half months out from jumping off a two month dry taper from Klonopin of consistently taking Klonopin for 3 years! .5 for most of it, more in the beginning) I related to most your symptoms! I loved it when you said you were able to attend Broadway shows (I adore plays!) and that you could finally read again!!!! Thanks soooo much for coming back to help us out that are still on our respective journeys!!! So many of you are kind, good hearts...and I value all of you!!! xx
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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...
Wow, this is an amazing success story and one I will re read over and over as a lot of your story I can identify with. I've nearly got to 17 months and sometimes feel worse or maybe it's just complete and total battle fatigue. To hear the neck pain goes away is music to my ears. Thank you so much for writing this and answering questions.  :smitten:
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  • 2 years later...
I’m replying to this success story because I was so relieved to find it and wanted others who have the same symptoms to see it as well. The last month has been full of pain from constant rashes and dry skin. I’ve actually had to wear my clothes inside out because they hurt my skin. Was so glad to see someone who had all the same symptoms saw them finally come to an end. I’ve been fearful that mine would not, I guess it’s just going to take a looooong time but at least there will an end to it all one day. Thank goodness!
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  • 8 months later...
Just celebrated my son's wedding in a way I couldn't have imagined possible 7 years ago. Best day of my life so far!!! Life is good. Hang in there. Time is a great friend to all of us that have been this way.
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Dear Cindy,

  What great news...thank you for coming back to share this success! I remember your bakery ride and parachute jump...other demonstrations of healing. Your success becomes my hope. Thank you!


With gratitude

Carita :smitten:

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Your story is one of my favourites...it keeps me going. When I see a hummingbird in our garden, I always think of you... Thank you so much for the update.


Wishing you and your family a beautiful life! 💕



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  • 1 month later...
Thank you so much for this story! It gives me hope when I read someone else had a lot of my same sxs and they went away! Thanks for bumping this success story. I am so hopeful and can't wait to be on the other side. Seems so far away. Congrats on your success, rebirth and sons wedding. I dream of writing my stuccoed story here!
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