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Z-Drug Support Group (Lunesta, Imovane, Zimovane, Ambien, Sonata, Zopiclone)


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Elbette--I hope you don't mind but I've been a bit of a detective. I saw that you had your uterus removed in March (of this year?).  If you don't mind my asking, did this also involve removal of the ovaries? Are you on any kind of hormone monitoring or treatment?
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Hi again, I still have my ovaries🎈 So im not In any hormone thingy☺ ITS OK to be detektiv, it makes it easier to help other 🎶 They removed my uterus because I began 3 years ago having problems with incontinence, But they could'nt find out why because everything was working fine, In the END one spesialist came to the conclusion that my uterus was too big and probably pussed on my blatter😳 I actually suspekt now that the incontinence came from tolerance😬
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Interesting theory--the uterus is too big?! Yes, Ambien very often causes issues with the bladder, could very well have been behind the incontinence. Sorry you had to go through that! At least they left the ovaries.


You've been though a lot, and I'm sure you will continue to improve. 2 months out is not that far along in recovery. It's great that your getting consistent 5-6 hours sleep at this point.

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I really have to quit with the zopiclone, my sleep is getting worse and worse... I wake up quite early and my sleep is thin...It really worries me. Sport helps but is not the solution. I will look on the internet for help...





This was the situation for me on zopiclone, my sleep was getting worse and worse and I was feeling very unwell inbetween doses.


There is only one way forward when this starts to happen - start tapering off.  Unlike some of the others on this thread, I found that for me, tapering was the best way.  This past year, I've started my taper on my very last medication - trazodone - and I am going exceedingly slowly bearing in mind I've been on it for 8 years.  I started out this year on 100 mg and I'm down to about 20 mg.  I'm going to take the next 12 months to come off the 20 mgs.  I am so very respectful of the harm done by withdrawal from these medications and I don't want to rock my "sleep boat" as I'm really sleeping well these days.


I've noticed in this last year that despite my increased stress levels since going back to work full time in August, that my sleep just continues to consolidate.  I'm sleeping really well these days - most night straight through from about 10 to 7 so 9 hours of deep sleep.  It is such a stark contrast to when I was on the sleeping medications and not sleeping at all most nights.


I'm continuing on with my sleep regimen - I take magnesium, 0.4 mg of liquid melatonin, 4,000 IU of Vit D and 100 mg of 5HTP.  I have added Vit K this year for muscle pain, dropped out the calcium ascorbate (and my muscle pain started to decrease as soon as I did this), added Coenzyme Q10 for muscle pain as well.  I have to say, since going on this muscle pain protocol and dropping out the calcium, month over month my excruciating muscle pain has ebbed from my body.  I feel the best that I have in years and I attribute it to the muscle pain protocol that I started in July.


The other thing I did this July was add L-Tyrosine to the mix - 100 mg.  That made a profound difference in my mental alertness and every strangely to my mood although I wouldn't have said that I was depressed in any way before the L-Tyrosine.  So interesting to me.  I think I was low in dopamine and noradrenaline and the L-Tyrosine made a big difference to the way I feel.  I ran out before Christmas and interestingly, by Christmas my mood had dropped.  Bought some more yesterday and within 1 hour of taking it, I could feel my mood pick up.  So I'm really intrigued and glad that I circled back around to my copy of Julia Ross' book "The Mood Cure" mid year and started judiciously adding amino acids to my mix.  I think that years os supplementing 5-HTP for sleep had steered my neurotransmitter mix towards serotonin and away from the catecholamines.  Interestingly, dopamine plays a role in balancing excess glutamate, so it may have helped in that regard as well.


It has been an interesting year for me, I have moved signficantly towards true healing at coming up on 4 years off in May.  Getting off this poison allowed me to slowly but surely get my life back.  It was the very best thing I could have ever done for myself.  Looking back, I can clearly see that it was causing so many problems for me, probably right from the start.  How I wish I had never gone down that road or had quickly come off within a short period.


Wishing all of you z-threaders the very best and hope for true healing in the New Year.  Hold on - I promise that it will get better.  The first few years off, my sleep was pretty rocky, very up and down with periods where it would unravel.  The biggest difference was that the exhaustion started to lift - I rested and didn't freak out when my sleep took a turn for the worst.  And that profound exhaustion that dogged me for years on the z-drugs started to truly disappear.


Sending hope and healing out to all of you.






Thank you for all that info. Now being 4 months off ambien I am trying to refine what is working. I am having some disturbing nights with intense akathisia, it might be related to a shoulder injury I am getting checked out today, but it spreads everywhere. I have been afraid to take the 5 http and melatonin consistently due to issues they could cause. But I do seem to sleep better the nights that I take them.

FYI for those that very experience akasthia, I calm it down with homeopathy remedy called Sedalia no heat compresses for my back and neck then do progressive relaxation. I am usually sleeping at least 1 3-4 hour stretch at some point but some nights have been frustrating. I am getting through knowing that over a course of a week I will sleep more at least a few nights.


Also to note, I am now 7 months off klonopin and like so many, I am seeing a return of anxiety, DP/dr. It comes and goes and I am used to it but it is frustrating since I hope to get back to work. Tinnitus is getting slightly better but that is actually hard to deal with since it is more disturbing when it flares up with stress and lack of sleep.


I keep my schedule pretty consistent. I kept stress down over the holidays but it was difficult, required a lot of saying no, sometimes voter I had ready said yes!


The good news, my sleep quality is so improved Nani have a much clearer mind, energy and creativity. I love to get exercise despite it being more difficult with colder weather. I am looking forward to life so much more everyday.


I wish all of this for all of  our buddies. Tolerance withdrawal was terrible, if you are wondering if it is the drugs, trust me it is!!!


Happy new year!!!

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elbette, I just wanted to say hello. I read your posts, and your story sounds so similar to mine. Ambien was the cause of all my bizarre symptoms and I was in tolerance WD for about 24 months out of the 30 months I took ambien. Now at 33 months CT, although I am doing much better, I have a ways to go. Ambien is poison. Good luck to you.


Always, cindy

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Hi Cindy,

Good to hear from you again and I am glad that you are continuing to improve. Such a nasty experience that Ambien gave us.

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Cindy...yes looks like we have a similar story...

it's strange how one little pill can mess up so much, I was prescribed 10 mg but always been so cautious about meds, and never ever took more than 5 mg. It's unfair and a big shame doctors don't know more about this thing.

When I look back now I can remember all the time having a suspicion something is not right, when the doc said it's probably stress and a minor depression, my mind was constant thinking, " but whyyy? I don't feel stressed, I don't feel depressed, the only thing that stressed me and made me sad, was the fact that I couldn't understand what's where going on in my body and mind. And any symptoms I had in tolerance my doc could relate to stress😑 Even though I several times said: BUT I DONT FEEL STRESSED OR DEPRESSED, my life is actually good!!! I've given up docs and the whole medical system, they should be put on benzos for several years and placed on an island together 😡

I now really see what it is, and I'm so happy I'm finally here with so many fantastic supporting people. I now also reckonize some of the symptoms just in a stronger version than in tolerance.

After I finally got peace in my mind finding out that it is what it is, i have managed so much better to cope with the symptoms.


I had a really bad wave 2-3 weeks ago, yeasterday I went into a nearly similar but not as heavy wave... I recognize the same symptoms who started the first one, nearly a pattern but looks like the ocean is a bit less windy this time, I take that as a progress 🙃



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Cindy...yes looks like we have a similar story...

it's strange how one little pill can mess up so much, I was prescribed 10 mg but always been so cautious about meds, and never ever took more than 5 mg. It's unfair and a big shame doctors don't know more about this thing.

When I look back now I can remember all the time having a suspicion something is not right, when the doc said it's probably stress and a minor depression, my mind was constant thinking, " but whyyy? I don't feel stressed, I don't feel depressed, the only thing that stressed me and made me sad, was the fact that I couldn't understand what's where going on in my body and mind. And any symptoms I had in tolerance my doc could relate to stress😑 Even though I several times said: BUT I DONT FEEL STRESSED OR DEPRESSED, my life is actually good!!! I've given up docs and the whole medical system, they should be put on benzos for several years and placed on an island together 😡

I now really see what it is, and I'm so happy I'm finally here with so many fantastic supporting people. I now also reckonize some of the symptoms just in a stronger version than in tolerance.

After I finally got peace in my mind finding out that it is what it is, i have managed so much better to cope with the symptoms.


I had a really bad wave 2-3 weeks ago, yeasterday I went into a nearly similar but not as heavy wave... I recognize the same symptoms who started the first one, nearly a pattern but looks like the ocean is a bit less windy this time, I take that as a progress 🙃



Remember that these drugs, benzos and Z-drugs do have a definite medical use, but are meant to be taken only on a short-term basis. Benzos are not supposed to be used for more than 4 weeks, and Z-drugs are meant to be used no longer than 7 days. Yet how often are they prescribed for ONLY that short of a time?


Of course those of us who have used them for long periods of time and have been adversely affected by them think that using them for even one day is too much. And I wonder if doctors aren't inclined to give patients what they want, whether it is good for them in the long run or not. If the benzos or Z-drugs work initially and the patient is getting sleep and relief from anxiety, why not keep giving it to them Even though the risk usually outweighs the rewards.




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I don't know if I've asked this, but did any of you have hair loss during tapering or once you jumped?


At about 11 months my wife noticed that my hair had suddenly thinned considerably.  I went from a full head of hair in January of 2016 to significant thinning in the crown of my head in early June.


I think it's still getting worse.  I did lose a lot of weight (on purpose) about 30lbs in 2 months and I've been under continuous anxiety and stress.  I know it's silly but the hair loss is adding even more stress.


I'm scared it's gone and not coming back.


I know some people will lose hair when getting off benzos, so it makes sense that lunesta might do it too, but it would be nice to know if any of you saw similar issues and if it got better.





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Aloha, thanks for the support, I always keep up with your posts, nice to see your progress.



Elbette, My mental symptoms were the first to leave, I always considered the mental sxs worse than the physical. It was mental torture, I felt as if my brain was hijacked, FEAR ruled me. I was even afraid to be alone, and such dark depression. Once the mental symptoms left, and I had my "rational mind" back I was able to manage the physical symptoms better. I stay away from all doctors, if I see a white medical coat coming towards me, I run like hell! The good news is You are going to be OK. Time will heal you, you will be you again, you will be happy, and you will have your calm mind and body again. I promise. Always, cindy

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I don't know if I've asked this, but did any of you have hair loss during tapering or once you jumped?


At about 11 months my wife noticed that my hair had suddenly thinned considerably.  I went from a full head of hair in January of 2016 to significant thinning in the crown of my head in early June.


I think it's still getting worse.  I did lose a lot of weight (on purpose) about 30lbs in 2 months and I've been under continuous anxiety and stress.  I know it's silly but the hair loss is adding even more stress.


I'm scared it's gone and not coming back.


I know some people will lose hair when getting off benzos, so it makes sense that lunesta might do it too, but it would be nice to know if any of you saw similar issues and if it got better.


I noticed during my tolerance that I lost hair all the time, more than usual...I thought then it was lack of minerals and vitamins though I ate healthy. I now see how thin my hair has become and it's all bleak and dry and broken. And I definitive take it as a result from benzo. I read somewhere it will go back to normal after a while, and I sure hope so.

Best thoughts to you🎈

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Aloha, thanks for the support, I always keep up with your posts, nice to see your progress.



Elbette, My mental symptoms were the first to leave, I always considered the mental sxs worse than the physical. It was mental torture, I felt as if my brain was hijacked, FEAR ruled me. I was even afraid to be alone, and such dark depression. Once the mental symptoms left, and I had my "rational mind" back I was able to manage the physical symptoms better. I stay away from all doctors, if I see a white medical coat coming towards me, I run like hell! The good news is You are going to be OK. Time will heal you, you will be you again, you will be happy, and you will have your calm mind and body again. I promise. Always, cindy


Thanks for your soothing words, I do get a little scared that you're 12 months out and still not well, but I guess you're not so bad as in the first two month, it will ease for every day, right?

I am feeling progress everyday, and as you said, it's much easier when the mental symptoms are decreasing, I cope so much better now🎈

The fatigue have even lessened a bit too and I had my first nearly wide open window yesterday🦄

My remaining symptoms now are broken sleep. A little stress and racing thoughts in the morning, but it gets better during the day, and I had for two days a constant vague buzzing in my head but it's not so bad, and a little ear preassure. I laugh and I feel hunger and I even start to look forward for things and plans in the future.

Big hugs Angelene ( that's my real name)

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Angelene,  try not to worry about the timeline, you are making progress. I am actually 33 months out now from a CT and I am usually 90-95% healed on most days. The "leftovers" I have are just a little annoying, no longer painful. I got my life back, I am happy and able to work full time again.


You are still in the acute phase but after a few months things will start to settle down for you. Your progress sounds pretty good.


Always, cindy

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I have to point out that Seeking is currently taking trazadone, a very sedating drug. I just recently reinstated amitryptiline, a very similar drug, not quite as sedating. Even at a very tiny dose (2.5 mg) I can feel the change in my sleep--it is much easier to fall asleep, stay asleep and sleep is deeper.

Hi Meowie, Very interesting that the tiny dose of Amitryptilene has such a positive effect. I am sleeping well these days but do take a tiny dose of Doxepin which is very similar to Amitryptilene. Do you see any downside to taking these drugs - they are tricyclic antidepressants at a high dose and are also antihistaminic I think.

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I have to point out that Seeking is currently taking trazadone, a very sedating drug. I just recently reinstated amitryptiline, a very similar drug, not quite as sedating. Even at a very tiny dose (2.5 mg) I can feel the change in my sleep--it is much easier to fall asleep, stay asleep and sleep is deeper.

Hi Meowie, Very interesting that the tiny dose of Amitryptilene has such a positive effect. I am sleeping well these days but do take a tiny dose of Doxepin which is very similar to Amitryptilene. Do you see any downside to taking these drugs - they are tricyclic antidepressants at a high dose and are also antihistaminic I think.

Loveslife, I quit taking the amitryptiline a couple of days ago, as it didn't seem to be helping my neuropathy (quitting the Percocets and other pain killers was much more helpful!). So we shall see what happens. If you look at my signature, I have a long history with tricyclic ADs. Obviously for a long time, I didn't think there was any issue with taking them. But recently more and more is coming out about possible connections to dementia. I don't think they are horrible as a temporary aid (you could do a lot worse!), when insomnia is intolerable, but I wouldn't recommend long term use. The longer you are on, the more difficult withdrawal is.

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....The other thing I did this July was add L-Tyrosine to the mix - 100 mg.  That made a profound difference in my mental alertness and every strangely to my mood although I wouldn't have said that I was depressed in any way before the L-Tyrosine.  So interesting to me.  I think I was low in dopamine and noradrenaline and the L-Tyrosine made a big difference to the way I feel.  I ran out before Christmas and interestingly, by Christmas my mood had dropped.  Bought some more yesterday and within 1 hour of taking it, I could feel my mood pick up.  So I'm really intrigued and glad that I circled back around to my copy of Julia Ross' book "The Mood Cure" mid year and started judiciously adding amino acids to my mix.  I think that years os supplementing 5-HTP for sleep had steered my neurotransmitter mix towards serotonin and away from the catecholamines.  Interestingly, dopamine plays a role in balancing excess glutamate, so it may have helped in that regard as well.


It has been an interesting year for me, I have moved signficantly towards true healing at coming up on 4 years off in May.  Getting off this poison allowed me to slowly but surely get my life back.  It was the very best thing I could have ever done for myself.  Looking back, I can clearly see that it was causing so many problems for me, probably right from the start.  How I wish I had never gone down that road or had quickly come off within a short period.


Wishing all of you z-threaders the very best and hope for true healing in the New Year.  Hold on - I promise that it will get better.  The first few years off, my sleep was pretty rocky, very up and down with periods where it would unravel.  The biggest difference was that the exhaustion started to lift - I rested and didn't freak out when my sleep took a turn for the worst.  And that profound exhaustion that dogged me for years on the z-drugs started to truly disappear.


Sending hope and healing out to all of you.





Thanks once again, @SeekingSanity for your very informative post. I too am sleeping well and my sleep is now a natural one. I am learning to not panic if I wake in the night and don't immediately don't fall back to sleep. I usually sleep 7 hours straight through but occasionally sleep 8 or 9 if very tired or fighting a bug.


Although I don't feel that I am depressed (anymore than anyone else on these gray winter days) I am very interested in your daily supplement routine. I bought some tyrosine some months ago while still tapering but never tried it. I wonder now if it would perk me up in the mornings to get busy earlier in the day. I usually spend way too much time on the internet in the mornings! These days it is usually on the pottery sites. Or the diet sites!


I did buy Julia Ross' book Mood Cure on your recommendation but somehow actually reading it got lost in the pre-Christmas shuffle.  ::)  I am wanting to go for the optimal and so will read now.


So much to read, so much to do. My life is full and going well. I wish the same for all who are still struggling with their tapers or protracted withdrawal.


I wish all a good year ahead!  Loveslife

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I have to point out that Seeking is currently taking trazadone, a very sedating drug. I just recently reinstated amitryptiline, a very similar drug, not quite as sedating. Even at a very tiny dose (2.5 mg) I can feel the change in my sleep--it is much easier to fall asleep, stay asleep and sleep is deeper.

Hi Meowie, Very interesting that the tiny dose of Amitryptilene has such a positive effect. I am sleeping well these days but do take a tiny dose of Doxepin which is very similar to Amitryptilene. Do you see any downside to taking these drugs - they are tricyclic antidepressants at a high dose and are also antihistaminic I think.

Loveslife, I quit taking the amitryptiline a couple of days ago, as it didn't seem to be helping my neuropathy (quitting the Percocets and other pain killers was much more helpful!). So we shall see what happens. If you look at my signature, I have a long history with tricyclic ADs. Obviously for a long time, I didn't think there was any issue with taking them. But recently more and more is coming out about possible connections to dementia. I don't think they are horrible as a temporary aid (you could do a lot worse!), when insomnia is intolerable, but I wouldn't recommend long term use. The longer you are on, the more difficult withdrawal is.

Thanks Meowie, Possible connections to dementia is a very good reason to come off the tricyclics even the very low dose ones. I also have restless leg syndrome at times (also called Periodic Limb disorder) and find that it is increased by use of any drugs...probably other substances too like chewing gum with aspartame in it or chocolate. Probably many things I have not figured out yet but the cleaner the diet and the less the drug use the better I am.

How is your sleep now that you are off the Amitriptiline?

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Thanks Meowie, Possible connections to dementia is a very good reason to come off the tricyclics even the very low dose ones. I also have restless leg syndrome at times (also called Periodic Limb disorder) and find that it is increased by use of any drugs...probably other substances too like chewing gum with aspartame in it or chocolate. Probably many things I have not figured out yet but the cleaner the diet and the less the drug use the better I am.

How is your sleep now that you are off the Amitriptiline?


I think it is too soon to say what will happen with my sleep, but the last few nights I have slept pretty good. Not real deep, fairly light, and I'm always awake for at least a couple of hours in the middle of the night, but it is completely acceptable to me at this point.


November and December were pretty rough months, but I am starting to feel hopeful again about healing over the last week or so. Had an MRI done and everything is totally normal. I think it is just a matter of supporting my body with the right diet and lifestyle, a positive attitude, and giving it time.


Interesting that you mention aspartame and gum--I almost killed my dog a few days ago with sugar-free gum (Xylitol). This episode has made me really think a lot about all the artificial, and so-called "natural" sweeteners such as sugar alcohols, Stevia etc...They don't affect blood sugar, but do cause an insulin response in the body, which isn't good. They have also been proven to affect the microbiome in the gut, which is proving to be so important to our health. I'm going back to real fruit and a bit of honey. Unfortunately I can't find any gum without aspartame! Very frustrating.


Very much yes to the bolded above! 

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Quick check in. Just over. 4 months off and I see big improvements some days, moderate setbacks some days.

My worst complaint, akathisia has returned some nights. I injured my short under and it may be slightly related to that, but I am also seeing a Connection that is winter and I sit still so much. So I have vowed to get extra exercise everyday. But some days I don't and wow do I suffer, I tried desperately to breathe through it last night but my muscles were just spasming so bad I would go flying out of bed. I did mange a couple stretches that were 2-3 hrs long but it was so restless I felt wasted this morning.  BUT I just go to the gym which did feel amazing despite my fatigue so I hope to come back soon and report success!!! Either way, exercise feels amazing to me these days  :thumbsup:

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So lucky you can exercise, butterfly 1!


I know I can ask anywhere on the forum but I though I'd ask Z druggers.  My GP wants to put me on amoxicillin for this upper resp thing that is not going away.  I am so dragged down.  I restarted some probiotics in anticipation of this.  I know it is not on the "no" list but at less than 4 months out --is this a bad idea?  Anyone take this?  WBB

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So lucky you can exercise, butterfly 1!


I know I can ask anywhere on the forum but I though I'd ask Z druggers.  My GP wants to put me on amoxicillin for this upper resp thing that is not going away.  I am so dragged down.  I restarted some probiotics in anticipation of this.  I know it is not on the "no" list but at less than 4 months out --is this a bad idea?  Anyone take this?  WBB


The last time that I took some I was such a mess in withdrawal but my dog had bit me, yes myown dog. So I really had to take them but it was brutal. But I have not had any since off the drugs so hopefully someone else will speak up!

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I have to point out that Seeking is currently taking trazadone, a very sedating drug. I just recently reinstated amitryptiline, a very similar drug, not quite as sedating. Even at a very tiny dose (2.5 mg) I can feel the change in my sleep--it is much easier to fall asleep, stay asleep and sleep is deeper.

Hi Meowie, Very interesting that the tiny dose of Amitryptilene has such a positive effect. I am sleeping well these days but do take a tiny dose of Doxepin which is very similar to Amitryptilene. Do you see any downside to taking these drugs - they are tricyclic antidepressants at a high dose and are also antihistaminic I think.

Loveslife, I quit taking the amitryptiline a couple of days ago, as it didn't seem to be helping my neuropathy (quitting the Percocets and other pain killers was much more helpful!). So we shall see what happens. If you look at my signature, I have a long history with tricyclic ADs. Obviously for a long time, I didn't think there was any issue with taking them. But recently more and more is coming out about possible connections to dementia. I don't think they are horrible as a temporary aid (you could do a lot worse!), when insomnia is intolerable, but I wouldn't recommend long term use. The longer you are on, the more difficult withdrawal is.

Thanks Meowie, Possible connections to dementia is a very good reason to come off the tricyclics even the very low dose ones. I also have restless leg syndrome at times (also called Periodic Limb disorder) and find that it is increased by use of any drugs...probably other substances too like chewing gum with aspartame in it or chocolate. Probably many things I have not figured out yet but the cleaner the diet and the less the drug use the better I am.

How is your sleep now that you are off the Amitriptiline?



Have you tried magnesium for that restless leg syndrome? In particular a hot bath with two cups of epsom salts. That contains magnesium that is readily absorbed into the skin. One of magnesium's primary jobs is to relax muscles.

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Update; I have started with something new; watertherapy. I discovered that I drink not  much water daily. Because of constipation my doctor advised me to drink 1-2 liter a day. i was only drinking max 0,5 liter a day. I checked internet and found that I have been dehydrating myself for years and years. Of course I drink tea, coffee, juices etc. So it is not that I don't drink, but not just water.


It might explain why;

-  I have a depression. I am not experiencing emotions

- why I always am warm, even in winter I wear T-shirts, I am hardly sweating, which is very strange, when I am fitnessing I also don't sweat.

- I have to keep my hair short, when It grows longer than a cm I starts to feel bad, it also feels like the top of my head is feeling dry

- cholesterol spots underneath my eyes

- my sleep is not good

- concentration problems, difficulties with reading and remembering

- I have a dry mouth

- trouble with stomach acid

- after sporting I often have hypo's (shortage of sugar in my blood) and have to eat grape sugar, banana's and muesli bars

- I cannot enjoy sun on my skin, I remember I enjoyed it so much as a kid

- I have quite a dry skin, especially my hands are very dry.

- I cannot use my computermouse for longer periods, I get pain in my hand

- More water leaves my body, than comes in

- I have constipation problems


After a couple of days of drinking more water I start to feel some difference, while swimming my body feels better, I have a different experience of the water, which is more enjoyable and after it I feel more naturally tired. I decided to the watertherapy properly and started to filter water and buy mineral water. I think I have a long way to go, to detoxify, but it gives me some hope. It also seems my thinking is improving. I am still using zopiclon at the moment, I am on a half tablet, I know that is not good, but I had to reset myself because of some bad sleep nights. I think I will use vit D again tonight, I know that can help me with sleep. Btw don't drink too much water in the evening, that gave me trouble with falling asleep

Here is a link to an interesting site about dehydration;


Kind regards, Jerry

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Update; I have started with something new; watertherapy. I discovered that I drink not  much water daily. Because of constipation my doctor advised me to drink 1-2 liter a day. i was only drinking max 0,5 liter a day. I checked internet and found that I have been dehydrating myself for years and years. Of course I drink tea, coffee, juices etc. So it is not that I don't drink, but not just water.


It might explain why;

-  I have a depression. I am not experiencing emotions

- why I always am warm, even in winter I wear T-shirts, I am hardly sweating, which is very strange, when I am fitnessing I also don't sweat.

- I have to keep my hair short, when It grows longer than a cm I starts to feel bad, it also feels like the top of my head is feeling dry

- cholesterol spots underneath my eyes

- my sleep is not good

- concentration problems, difficulties with reading and remembering

- I have a dry mouth

- trouble with stomach acid

- after sporting I often have hypo's (shortage of sugar in my blood) and have to eat grape sugar, banana's and muesli bars

- I cannot enjoy sun on my skin, I remember I enjoyed it so much as a kid

- I have quite a dry skin, especially my hands are very dry.

- I cannot use my computermouse for longer periods, I get pain in my hand

- More water leaves my body, than comes in

- I have constipation problems


After a couple of days of drinking more water I start to feel some difference, while swimming my body feels better, I have a different experience of the water, which is more enjoyable and after it I feel more naturally tired. I decided to the watertherapy properly and started to filter water and buy mineral water. I think I have a long way to go, to detoxify, but it gives me some hope. It also seems my thinking is improving. I am still using zopiclon at the moment, I am on a half tablet, I know that is not good, but I had to reset myself because of some bad sleep nights. I think I will use vit D again tonight, I know that can help me with sleep. Btw don't drink too much water in the evening, that gave me trouble with falling asleep

Here is a link to an interesting site about dehydration;


Kind regards, Jerry



You probably already knew that tea and coffee act as diuretics, that is they drain the body of water.

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Update; I am now taking a 1/2 liter extra water a day, more is too much at the moment. No sports for today. Still taking a quarter of zopiclone. Want to go back to zero this week...
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