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Z-Drug Support Group (Lunesta, Imovane, Zimovane, Ambien, Sonata, Zopiclone)


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Hahahaha Lady makes me laugh!! Bad ass Aussie!! I cannot believe that ride was real, YEAH BABY! And Lady is dancing in the street supervising holiday decorating. Christmas in summer weather Shay? YES, I'm at 7.50mg. When I see you type it it sounds cool, lol.


I'm listening to your song Jerry, sounds old fashioned, makes me think of my grandmother and great grandmother! Very sweet. 1934 I think I like Duke Ellington, thanks.


Deeanna!!! WOW, so awesome!! What comedian?!!?!? I think my cortisol is too high...


I think I’m an Aussie ratbag it’s real alright I nearly pooped my big girl pants for real  :angel:


Yep summer here, huge heatwave this weekend 32 degrees (Celsius) I am a dark little berry already. Tan is coming in nicely.


7.5 yeah you did kachina! Yeeeew you go girl

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Look what I did today...  :D I had a rough night but went anyway. I forgot completely I am in wd. It was awesome to escape 8)



Shayna!! How in the world did you do that?  My nervous system could never have handled that!  KUDOS!!!


Well... I went straight into a wave dee soo... but it was so much fun! X



Well first of all you had FUN! Which is so important to healing.  And while your brain flared up its amygdala you are teaching it that it wasn't dangerous!  It was fun! So you are teaching it a lesson and it was not for naught!!

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Hello Team Z!


It has been a lovely several days as my daughter and son-in-law are visiting and lots of commotion, activity, eating and talking.  The first day all together I managed just fine, and was tired yesterday but had to push through because it was Thanksgiving after all and I did alot of the cooking and directing of activities.  Today I am definitely more tired but the best thing is this several day window with all the activity and such has been longer than usual.  I have to attribute it to the earthing pad I'm using.


Started using it Tuesday night, and slept very well!  Woke up with less symptoms (except for the morning dread which I keep at bay with water and orange juice) Wed and Thursday.  The real test was last night I woke up at 3:30am with what felt like a fibro-pain episode coming on, but I hydrated, did my deep breathing and kept my mind calm and it was so minimal..no pain actually flared.  I hate to jinx it but I think this has been a huge step forward for me.  Of course the joy of being with my children also work to lower the cortisol.  We watched a comedian last night and I laughed till I cried  :D


Wow dee I’m so happy for u sounds like u have had a wonderful thanksgiving x so wonderful the earthing pad is working! It sounds great x are u able to share the link for the one u bought xx if it gives u windows like this I need one  :smitten:


I hope it continues for you dee x


Yes I hope it keeps working too!  It is supposed to reduce inflammation and normalize cortisol, so these are things we need indeed.  I bought the universal grounding mat, which is very easy to move around the house. 


Here's the link:  [nobbc]https://www.earthing.com/collections/all-1[/nobbc]


My kids are gone now, and today I'm definitely tired so I will take it easy.  But I truly believe it is helping me.

Edit: Deactivated commercial link.

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Hahahaha Lady makes me laugh!! Bad ass Aussie!! I cannot believe that ride was real, YEAH BABY! And Lady is dancing in the street supervising holiday decorating. Christmas in summer weather Shay? YES, I'm at 7.50mg. When I see you type it it sounds cool, lol.


I'm listening to your song Jerry, sounds old fashioned, makes me think of my grandmother and great grandmother! Very sweet. 1934 I think I like Duke Ellington, thanks.


Deeanna!!! WOW, so awesome!! What comedian?!!?!? I think my cortisol is too high...



It was on Netflix: John Mulaney...never saw him before and my son-in-law picked it.  It was just what I needed  :smitten:

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Hello Team Z!


It has been a lovely several days as my daughter and son-in-law are visiting and lots of commotion, activity, eating and talking.  The first day all together I managed just fine, and was tired yesterday but had to push through because it was Thanksgiving after all and I did alot of the cooking and directing of activities.  Today I am definitely more tired but the best thing is this several day window with all the activity and such has been longer than usual.  I have to attribute it to the earthing pad I'm using.


Started using it Tuesday night, and slept very well!  Woke up with less symptoms (except for the morning dread which I keep at bay with water and orange juice) Wed and Thursday.  The real test was last night I woke up at 3:30am with what felt like a fibro-pain episode coming on, but I hydrated, did my deep breathing and kept my mind calm and it was so minimal..no pain actually flared.  I hate to jinx it but I think this has been a huge step forward for me.  Of course the joy of being with my children also work to lower the cortisol.  We watched a comedian last night and I laughed till I cried  :D


Wow dee I’m so happy for u sounds like u have had a wonderful thanksgiving x so wonderful the earthing pad is working! It sounds great x are u able to share the link for the one u bought xx if it gives u windows like this I need one  :smitten:


I hope it continues for you dee x


Yes I hope it keeps working too!  It is supposed to reduce inflammation and normalize cortisol, so these are things we need indeed.  I bought the universal grounding mat, which is very easy to move around the house. 


Here's the link:  https://www.earthing.com/collections/all-1


My kids are gone now, and today I'm definitely tired so I will take it easy.  But I truly believe it is helping me.


Wow thanks kits. Wish they were $69 for me. Shipping costs a bit but is still cheaper than buying one here in oz!! Might get one for myself for xmas x

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Had another tough morning, but went swimming at 11:45. I think sunday night I’ll do my next taper step, I’lll go to 1/3th off then. Then I ‘ll keep that till 2021.  :smitten::thumbsup: Jerry
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YES!! Our team gets a big win! Lots of wins!! Woo Hoo goodbye 2020.


Dee, really want you to keep us posted on that mat, I'll consider. Thanks for the link!


Jerry, so glad you can swim. My walks are everything and some days they're hard to do!


Shay getting tan, I am jealous!! Backward, that is just truly crazy! What did your kids think?


GUESS WHAT?!! I joined curable.com. It was on sale for $4 a month and I like it already. I have fibromyalgia pain and symptoms that have carved out their way with me in my brain ... thank you Dee for telling me about it. It's a combo of education, meditation and writing exercises. I went out to a big farmer's market yesterday, it was day 2 of doing curable, and I read a reminder similar to LadyDen's attitude I'm gonna kick your butt boatiness ... and I was able to move away from my stress and enjoy the shopping.


Funny to know these symptoms may just be from brain damage from ambien ... called fibromyalgia ... and curable. Truly really curable without drugs as drugs screwed me up.



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They have been calling me daredevil ever since. My daughter wants me to go again this week.  :smitten: :smitten:


I’ve been having a rough time last few days but I’m keeping busy anyway. U guys are so lucky to have cheap access to these products in Australia everything costs more it’s so frustrating. Such an expensive country. For instance if I buy that mat from America it costs $200 including postage. If I buy it here it’s almost double that!


Curable sounds great I might give that a try. I have another appointment with therapist this week but I don’t know how I feel about him. Hmmm


We put our xmas tree up yesterday! Can’t believe it’s only a few weeks away now!

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Team Z you guys are awesomely awesome! Dee I'm glad earth pad is doing well. How are your symptoms? Are you sleeping well too?

Jerry I know the tough days suck! My past two have been bad too. I'm glad you're still swimming and pushing through. I agree with Shay, your dose you're on now is much progress. Great job. Keep going!

The same for you Kachina. Great job! Farmers market sounds fun. I haven't been to one in a long time. As well as a long list of places. But soon enough I'll get back to all kinds of places. What did you buy there?

Shay you're such a daredevil for real. I'm not that brave girl! Like I said....Aussie bad azz. How's your DLMT going? It's strange to hear someone say how hot it is during our winter time. So our summers are your winter time? I'm sure your tree makes you smile just looking at it. My porch is nicely decorated too. My neighborhood during this time always looks like a holiday wonderland. All the beautiful decorations.

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Well u know I’ve been sick fir a long time now, so I just thought I’m going to live. It was so fun. Who knows if it caused the wave really coz I get them no matter what. Anyway.


It is soooo hot here at the mo. It’s in the 30s now so that’s about 86 Fahrenheit. And humidity is high too. Ick. Yep our summer is ur winter. It’s actually the last day of spring today. Summer officially starts tomorrow.


My cat is demolition man with our xmas tree. It’s his first xmas with us, last night he knocked the tree off the base and all the baubles went flying. Now he’s pulling them off one by one and chasing them around on the tiles. Legit... if he doesn’t quit I’ll turn him into an ornament.  :tickedoff:


Dlmt is going ok I think. I’m going to drop 5% in a couple of days. Not today tho coz I’m not too good. Real bad palpitations today. Have to get some electrolytes into me x


Hope team z is going good today. My cat is now eating the tinsel so he’ll be doing some festive poos pretty soon  :idiot:

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YES!! Our team gets a big win! Lots of wins!! Woo Hoo goodbye 2020.


Dee, really want you to keep us posted on that mat, I'll consider. Thanks for the link!


Jerry, so glad you can swim. My walks are everything and some days they're hard to do!


Shay getting tan, I am jealous!! Backward, that is just truly crazy! What did your kids think?


GUESS WHAT?!! I joined curable.com. It was on sale for $4 a month and I like it already. I have fibromyalgia pain and symptoms that have carved out their way with me in my brain ... thank you Dee for telling me about it. It's a combo of education, meditation and writing exercises. I went out to a big farmer's market yesterday, it was day 2 of doing curable, and I read a reminder similar to LadyDen's attitude I'm gonna kick your butt boatiness ... and I was able to move away from my stress and enjoy the shopping.


Funny to know these symptoms may just be from brain damage from ambien ... called fibromyalgia ... and curable. Truly really curable without drugs as drugs screwed me up.


I'm SO GLAD you like it Kachina!! I wish you all the good luck with it.  I know how much hard work it is but we are WORTH IT!!  I think the writing exercises definitely take a lot of emotional energy.  I really explored my childhood and came to terms with many things so I really think there isn't anything else lurking there for me.  The biggest AHA moments for me were realizing how much our fear-based primitive brain control alot of what we think in any given moment AND I think that for me the Ambien was the source of the brain changes which culminated in my chronic pain.  Today I listened to a couple podcasts under the "tell me about your pain" series with Alan Gordon.  I love him!! I'm still learning how to manage my thoughts about my symptoms, which only help this long process of healing.  Go US!!!!

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They have been calling me daredevil ever since. My daughter wants me to go again this week.  :smitten: :smitten:


I’ve been having a rough time last few days but I’m keeping busy anyway. U guys are so lucky to have cheap access to these products in Australia everything costs more it’s so frustrating. Such an expensive country. For instance if I buy that mat from America it costs $200 including postage. If I buy it here it’s almost double that!


Curable sounds great I might give that a try. I have another appointment with therapist this week but I don’t know how I feel about him. Hmmm


We put our xmas tree up yesterday! Can’t believe it’s only a few weeks away now!


I'm sorry to hear that these earthing products aren't accessible for you in AUS.  That's terrible! Did you google if there is something similar in your country??  It is a simple technology really, just connecting something conductive to the ground and such.  Maybe there are some ways to make these things yourself???  Where there's a will there's a way!

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Thanks dee I just have to make time to research it a bit. In general most things are cheaper in us, which sux for us but I’ll keep looking I’ll find one else I’ll just pay shipping for urs. It’s still cheaper than any I found here.  :tickedoff:
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Hi Z-ladies, I think I have a small window today. I am still on the same amount of zopiclone (didn’t make the step yesterday) I am feeling better than the last couple of days. It is not much, but at least not that heaviness.  :thumbsup: Jerry
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Jerry that is wonderful!! Enjoy the feeling of your future self! When I feel that way I like to breathe in very deep and fully feel the positive energy, and try to remember exactly how it feels for future reference when I need it.  :smitten:
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Team Z keep pressing on. We gotta go through it to get through. Here's to long windows for us all  :thumbsup: if I'm absent from the thread a couple of days just know that I'm thinking of you all.
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Ha Z-team, I had quite a good day, swimming at 12 O’clock and a saxlesson at 15:15. This lesson was very nice, we studied a song played by Miles Davis, My funny valentine. And we played the Solitude song I mentioned before. It was ok weather so I went there by bike. This evening I had a meal with my father. Tonight Ajax plays against Liverpool. (Football, Champions League)  :thumbsup: Jerry
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Hello everyone.


This is a very long thread which I have started reading. Instead of reposting what I posted in my introduction, I have instead added a link to it:




And also added the basic details of my current condition to my sig.



I, thankfully, have only ever used Zopiclone and have never used any Benzos of any type.


My sleep prior to this rollercoaster from hell was good enough. I would still have a tough time with sleep onset, but usually I was asleep by 1hr of being in bed.


Even the first night of Zopiclone, it still took 1hr for me to fall asleep.


And after the past 2 months, I would estimate my natural sleeping ability is maybe 60 - 70%?



Anyway my heart goes out to all of you suffering from this. It seems many of you were long term users. I have had a very hard time finding into on short use Z-Drugs and recovery times. I am soooooo hoping that I can at least get 5hr natural sleep again, uninterrupted, with no drugs.


At the moment, I will have to continue using a low dose of mirt to at least get some sleep as I need to be able to work and cannot afford to take more time off.


I'm on like, post 18 of 330 something posts, so maybe I will find some more useful info?


In either case, at least posting my experience has helped a little bit to unload this burden, even if only a little bit.

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Hello everyone.


This is a very long thread which I have started reading. Instead of reposting what I posted in my introduction, I have instead added a link to it:




And also added the basic details of my current condition to my sig.



I, thankfully, have only ever used Zopiclone and have never used any Benzos of any type.


My sleep prior to this rollercoaster from hell was good enough. I would still have a tough time with sleep onset, but usually I was asleep by 1hr of being in bed.


Even the first night of Zopiclone, it still took 1hr for me to fall asleep.


And after the past 2 months, I would estimate my natural sleeping ability is maybe 60 - 70%?



Anyway my heart goes out to all of you suffering from this. It seems many of you were long term users. I have had a very hard time finding into on short use Z-Drugs and recovery times. I am soooooo hoping that I can at least get 5hr natural sleep again, uninterrupted, with no drugs.


At the moment, I will have to continue using a low dose of mirt to at least get some sleep as I need to be able to work and cannot afford to take more time off.


I'm on like, post 18 of 330 something posts, so maybe I will find some more useful info?


In either case, at least posting my experience has helped a little bit to unload this burden, even if only a little bit.


Welcome to the Z-team Andros...hope you find the forum informative and helpful. 

I noticed in your posts that you tried the 4-7-8 breathing practice for 8 cycles and found it didn't help.  It takes a bit longer for deep breathing to have an effect.  I would go for at least 2 full minutes at least.  This will hack into your parasympathetic nervous system and your heart rate will slow.  You should feel calmer, but it does take some practice.  Hope you try it some more, as I feel it is one of the most helpful tools in the toolbox to calm ourselves.



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