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Left, here's what Wikipedia has to say about Carafate (Sucralfate):


It works mainly in the lining of the stomach by adhering to ulcer sites and protecting them from acids, enzymes, and bile salts. Sucralfate is used to treat an active duodenal ulcer. Sucralfate can heal an active ulcer, but it will not prevent future ulcers from occurring.


It was prescribed for me when I had a gi bleed a few years ago and  it was a true pain in the rear end. I had to take it 4 x a day and before each meal I had to drop the pill into some water, wait for it to dissolve . . . it really didn't, just formed a nasty white sludge . . . then drink the chalky mess. Ugh. I would much rather have taken the prescription strength omeprazole the doc first prescribed but it made me so dizzy I couldn't walk. Not much choice there.


That having been said, it did the job. And there is a liquid Carafate, which would get around the chalky sludge thing. But as Wiki points out, it will not prevent future stomach irritation, just fix the one you already have.


Sorry you are suffering from GERD.  :'(



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Okatz, thanks for posting the info on carafate, and your experience with it.


I'm always trying to play catch up on this thread since I use a small phone & type using the hunt & peck method ;D  It's not very efficient. That's why I don't stop by too often. ;D


Thanks again. Sending healing thoughts to all.

Left :)



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D-Limonine every other day for 20 days was clinically proven to help GERD and continue to provide relief up to 6 months.



Is that a synthetic form of D-limonene? I take the essential oil of lemon(or orange which is higher in D-limonene).  It is organic and genuine plant material. I take it for other reasons but it might do the same thing.

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Trudie: Everyone is different the tylenol helps me when I have the benzo flu. I don't know about the others because I can't take them - they upset my stomach big time. 
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D-Limonine every other day for 20 days was clinically proven to help GERD and continue to provide relief up to 6 months.



Is that a synthetic form of D-limonene? I take the essential oil of lemon(or orange which is higher in D-limonene).  It is organic and genuine plant material. I take it for other reasons but it might do the same thing.

D-Limonene is from lemon rinds.

I don't know the dosing for lemon es, but that would probably work better.

They sell products with 10 pills of D-Limonene for GERD at health stores.

Synthetic supplements have a dL.

D without the L means natural.


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Hi, I decided not to take RX for my Gerd, I would rather try natural. And will check this out at Health Food Store.


Thanks for your Research.  :thumbsup:

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Trudie: Everyone is different the tylenol helps me when I have the benzo flu. I don't know about the others because I can't take them - they upset my stomach big time.


OK thank you .  Now I'm worried if I tell any doctor about the benzo they will reduce my dose even further since people are saying once there benzo dose was reduced their benzo flu went away ... I don't feel stable yet on the dose I'm on :-(.

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Now I'm worried if I tell any doctor about the benzo they will reduce my dose even further


Do you mean you are worried about telling your doctor about benzo flu?


Then don't tell him. I wouldn't.

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Now I'm worried if I tell any doctor about the benzo they will reduce my dose even further


Do you mean you are worried about telling your doctor about benzo flu?


Then don't tell him. I wouldn't.


I called Dr. Madill  and pleaded with his sooners about doing a phone consultation but yes I am worried about telling him about the Benz of flu because I don't want him taking me off the value he tapers fast ... Also don't know if I should ask him for a  muscle relaxant or something for the benzo flu

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Trudie: Everyone is different the tylenol helps me when I have the benzo flu. I don't know about the others because I can't take them - they upset my stomach big time.


OK thank you .  Now I'm worried if I tell any doctor about the benzo they will reduce my dose even further since people are saying once there benzo dose was reduced their benzo flu went away ... I don't feel stable yet on the dose I'm on :-(.


I didn't even know what benzo flu was until I did my first V cut from 15 to 14 mg.  I hope they are right that it gets better with smaller doses!

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Trudie: Everyone is different the tylenol helps me when I have the benzo flu. I don't know about the others because I can't take them - they upset my stomach big time.


OK thank you .  Now I'm worried if I tell any doctor about the benzo they will reduce my dose even further since people are saying once there benzo dose was reduced their benzo flu went away ... I don't feel stable yet on the dose I'm on :-(.


I didn't even know what benzo flu was until I did my first V cut from 15 to 14 mg.  I hope they are right that it gets better with smaller doses!


How did you handle it?

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Trudie: Everyone is different the tylenol helps me when I have the benzo flu. I don't know about the others because I can't take them - they upset my stomach big time.


OK thank you .  Now I'm worried if I tell any doctor about the benzo they will reduce my dose even further since people are saying once there benzo dose was reduced their benzo flu went away ... I don't feel stable yet on the dose I'm on :-(.


I didn't even know what benzo flu was until I did my first V cut from 15 to 14 mg.  I hope they are right that it gets better with smaller doses!


How did you handle it?


Mine was mainly chills, couldn't get warm. And feeling like general crap. I am 17 days post cut and it has mostly resolved. I did nothing but walk around the house in multiple

Layers complaining to everyone that I couldn't get warm. And drank hot water. And rode out the storm. I am doing a smaller cut next week in hopes of being less symptomatic.

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Well, the funeral was tonight (viewing, I should say, funeral is Wednesday), and though I didn't do that Ativan cut on Sunday because I didn't want to have any symptoms, I ended up having a mini panic attack in the break room at the funeral home. I cried a little, for the right reasons, about losing my uncle, not about my panic, and I followed the Claire Weekes advice and floated through the panic, letting it do its worst and knowing that it would pass. Not only did it pass, but I chose to stay till 9pm instead of 7pm as I'd planned. :thumbsup: Cheers to small victories! Thanks to everyone for your support.
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What's the deal with generic diazepam? I have been getting Actavis brand generic at my pharmacy.  Anyone familiar with this one.  Just want to make sure this one's OK to use since I've been having so many problems since I made my first cut.  It was the first time I added 2 mg pills into my regimen.  I was stable on the taking 5 mg pills three times a day.  Is it true that Roche no longer makes name brand Valium, and if so, who does?  Is it worth getting a name brand prescription or just stick with what I have?
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Well, the funeral was tonight (viewing, I should say, funeral is Wednesday), and though I didn't do that Ativan cut on Sunday because I didn't want to have any symptoms, I ended up having a mini panic attack in the break room at the funeral home. I cried a little, for the right reasons, about losing my uncle, not about my panic, and I followed the Claire Weekes advice and floated through the panic, letting it do its worst and knowing that it would pass. Not only did it pass, but I chose to stay till 9pm instead of 7pm as I'd planned. :thumbsup: Cheers to small victories! Thanks to everyone for your support.


Oh honey, that's a huge victory not just a small one and you did SO well! It's totally understandable that you felt that panic rising, because I've definitely found (and maybe others have too?) that emotions seem more intense and cause a sense of higher vulnerability and sensitivity during benzo withdrawl, and losing someone in your family is hard enough even without coping with benzos too so you are amazing and I hope you're feeling better. Well done with "floating" through it, I've been following your suggestion looking into Claire Weekes techniques and trying my hardest to do that too. Even made it through a job interview yesterday despite feeling panic and nausea the whole hour through, and that's due to your help with the Claire stuff. Thank you. And once again, you're doing incredibly well!

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Well, I tried calling the two psychiatrists in my area that didn't look terrifying in their pictures and/or have bad reviews :laugh:, and one only sees people who see a primary doc at the same location (which I could do but this is about a half hour drive and I just prefer to have my main doc closer to home, AND I can't switch pdocs right now anyway) and the other has no appts until March and supposedly doesn't take my insurance though I found her through my insurance website. ::) I'm taking this as a sign to wait and see what happens at my next appointment. I am going back to my 85-year-old doc which may or may not be a mistake, because I will not quite be off the ativan by the appointment and I think he will me more accepting of that, whereas the new guy was insistent that I cut the full 1 mg in one month. I'm not really worried about that because I have extra A. What I worry about is the fact that he felt that 2 mg of V was equivalent to 1 mg of A. I'm afraid he's going to take me down to 4 mg per day from the 10 mg I'm on now. But all I can do is stop worrying and hope for the best. That appt is on the 27th so... we'll see how it goes. :-\


Where did that doc learn to do maths? That's a huge drop (1mg of Ativan is 10mg of Valium, not 2mg... at least from every single thing I've ever read, but I'm not medically trained so it will pay to ask others who are) I really hope you find a doctor who can give you a safer, slower taper. I'm glad that at least you know that what they're telling you is potentially not safe. Because that puts you ahead of literally millions of others who don't know that their doctors advice on benzo reduction isn't always safe. I wish we could tell them. Maybe we can put giant billboards on the side of every highway saying "slow down, benzo taper ahead, proceed with caution" :) You are wise, and I think that whatever your doctor says you know what is right for your body and you're going to find a way somehow.

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What's the deal with generic diazepam? I have been getting Actavis brand generic at my pharmacy.  Anyone familiar with this one.  Just want to make sure this one's OK to use since I've been having so many problems since I made my first cut.  It was the first time I added 2 mg pills into my regimen.  I was stable on the taking 5 mg pills three times a day.  Is it true that Roche no longer makes name brand Valium, and if so, who does?  Is it worth getting a name brand prescription or just stick with what I have?

Generics can vary in potency up to 20% from brand to brand. For tapering purposes, I don't think it matters what brand you are on as long as you stick with the same brand all the way down so you don't inadvertently updose or overcut. I found this out the hard way when the pharmacy switched my generic Xanax from Activis to Mylan. Ten days later I started getting bad withdrawal symptoms even though I wasn't tapering at the time.

I've been using the Mylan brand of Valium since I first started on it. I've never used the Activis brand for valium, just Xanax. The Mylan brand does crumble easily when you cut the pills. When I would cut my Activis brand Xanax pills they didn't crumble as easily as Mylan, so I think Activis is better in that respect.

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What's the deal with generic diazepam? I have been getting Actavis brand generic at my pharmacy.  Anyone familiar with this one.  Just want to make sure this one's OK to use since I've been having so many problems since I made my first cut.  It was the first time I added 2 mg pills into my regimen.  I was stable on the taking 5 mg pills three times a day.  Is it true that Roche no longer makes name brand Valium, and if so, who does?  Is it worth getting a name brand prescription or just stick with what I have?

Generics can vary in potency up to 20% from brand to brand. For tapering purposes, I don't think it matters what brand you are on as long as you stick with the same brand all the way down so you don't inadvertently updose or overcut. I found this out the hard way when the pharmacy switched my generic Xanax from Activis to Mylan. Ten days later I started getting bad withdrawal symptoms even though I wasn't tapering at the time.

I've been using the Mylan brand of Valium since I first started on it. I've never used the Activis brand for valium, just Xanax. The Mylan brand does crumble easily when you cut the pills. When I would cut my Activis brand Xanax pills they didn't crumble as easily as Mylan, so I think Activis is better in that respect.

I use Actavis. It seems to be a good generic form of Valium. I haven't had any problems with it. The pills don't crumble when you cut them either, which is an added benefit.

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What's the deal with generic diazepam? I have been getting Actavis brand generic at my pharmacy.  Anyone familiar with this one.  Just want to make sure this one's OK to use since I've been having so many problems since I made my first cut.  It was the first time I added 2 mg pills into my regimen.  I was stable on the taking 5 mg pills three times a day.  Is it true that Roche no longer makes name brand Valium, and if so, who does?  Is it worth getting a name brand prescription or just stick with what I have?

Generics can vary in potency up to 20% from brand to brand. For tapering purposes, I don't think it matters what brand you are on as long as you stick with the same brand all the way down so you don't inadvertently updose or overcut. I found this out the hard way when the pharmacy switched my generic Xanax from Activis to Mylan. Ten days later I started getting bad withdrawal symptoms even though I wasn't tapering at the time.

I've been using the Mylan brand of Valium since I first started on it. I've never used the Activis brand for valium, just Xanax. The Mylan brand does crumble easily when you cut the pills. When I would cut my Activis brand Xanax pills they didn't crumble as easily as Mylan, so I think Activis is better in that respect.

I use Actavis. It seems to be a good generic form of Valium. I haven't had any problems with it. The pills don't crumble when you cut them either, which is an added benefit.


Good to know.  I'm planning on getting them at the same pharmacy for consistency and hope they don't decide to change things up on me.  I haven't had to cut my pills yet.....that comes next week  :sick:

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Hello Everyone,


I want to share this pearl of hope, I'm having the best window ever, Is almost 5 days without SX, I'm feeling almost 95 % normal,

what a great feeling,  I'm at 0.8 ml Valium, holding,  It is the best experience ever, after the dark place where I was,  Anxiety,  Panic Attack, Benzo addition, are 3 different things, we have to work against them very careful,


I'm very thankful to BB,  They saved my life.   


Hope soon I can jump and have a great story to tell!!!!






:D :D :D :D :D:smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:






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