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I have had a lot of skin burning and sweating at night after my first 2.5% cut.  Its been 4 days and I actually feel the cut.


I'm hoping things subside and then once I stabilize, make another small cut.


If things don't, then it will signal to me that it's not the right time to taper.



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Final Healing how are you doing. I can relate to the skin burning...I have a lot of it especially in my head and tingling.


This drug is as bad as the benzo. I tried switching to liquid compounded for 2 months but the liquid strength died down at 2 weeks and insurance did not cover it, so I had to switch back to dry taper. Trying to stabilize 10 days in holding at 5.88 mg.


So much anger at my pdoc for prescribing me this crap and doing through another taper after the benzo...



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Hey Seeking,


Its been a rough go for me.  I probably shouldn't even be tapering since I'm still recovering from a surgery setback but since Mirt really isn't helping me sleep, I feel Ihave to start tapering it. In fact, I sometimes feel it works against me. I'm not great wirh antihistamine stuff


I had to take some doses of Serequel to try and get some sleep and that started to scare me. I don't want to get stuck on another med while trying to get off this one. And the Serequel has also been hit or miss. At 25mgs, its also a antihistamine slept aid. Though neither Mirt or Serequel are innocent antihistamines.


I tapered Mirt from a dose of 41mgs about 5 years ago.  Then it helped me sleep. I did switch to a compounded liquid when I got lower and it was an adjustment.


I actually due better in general with pills. I dry cut the whole way down wirh my beno taper.


I will have to dry cut the Mirt for awhile till i meet wirh my new holistic psych who is open to compounding.


I understand the frustration about stabilizing. You'll get there.  In my opinion, 10 -14 days is usually the time frame but each cut can be different


This thread does not seem to be as active as it used to be but I'm going to post and am here to support you

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Just reread what you wrote and say you mentioned tepid as well. Better that then cold showers.


The skin burning usually happens at night when I'm in bed or lately after I take the mirt.


Are you tapering Mirt as well?


I started using DAO but can't tell if its making a difference.

Sometimes I feel nausea talking it.


I will have to ask OpenRoad what their actual experience was in taking it. I know that Quinn, who used to post here has has great success using it while tapering.

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Just reread what you wrote and say you mentioned tepid as well. Better that then cold showers.


The skin burning usually happens at night when I'm in bed or lately after I take the mirt.


Are you tapering Mirt as well?


I started using DAO but can't tell if its making a difference.

Sometimes I feel nausea talking it.


I will have to ask OpenRoad what their actual experience was in taking it. I know that Quinn, who used to post here has has great success using it while tapering.


No, but I took it years ago during "polydrug" years, I call them.

I know what it's like to have pseudo-neuropathy (nerve pain) caused by benzos or ssris. Only thing that helped me was showers.


Anything to lower adrenaline, which caused mine.


I honestly forget what time of the day my pain was worse, but I had it!


Something else that helped was laying back on a heating pad.


I think I took the Remeron to sleep. I was on so many medications over those years, hard to recall.



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Final Healing how are you doing. I can relate to the skin burning...I have a lot of it especially in my head and tingling.


This drug is as bad as the benzo. I tried switching to liquid compounded for 2 months but the liquid strength died down at 2 weeks and insurance did not cover it, so I had to switch back to dry taper. Trying to stabilize 10 days in holding at 5.88 mg.


So much anger at my pdoc for prescribing me this crap and doing through another taper after the benzo...




An ssri as bad as benzos is Effexor. Terrible stuff!


Never take it unless you really have to. It caused me a great deal of derealization,  brain zaps, panic and thought I was going crazy. Of course I c/t it.


I wouldn't recommend it. So many other ways to cope than to pop these pills.

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No real sleep again last night.


I did sleep on my own with the help of a tiny bit of melatonin and magnesium for either 1 hour and 15 mins or 1 hour and 45 mins. Didnt notice when I dropped.


Than I took my Mirt and that seems to keep me awake. It was a long night and I was tempted to turn to another sleep med but am really trying to limit them.


I suppose it's a good sign thar I slept on my own. Maybe I can build on that.


Feeling depressed and sad about still being in a setback. Doesn't feel like withdrawal, just the usual fear. 

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No real sleep again last night, just the usual 1 and half hours.


Then I took my Mirt and did not feel it helped me as all. Only way I knew it was working was that I had restless legs.


I really want off this medication but will take it slow.

Tonight will be my 8 day at 7.3mg. I'm hoping that mid week, I can make another cut and get down to 7mg. I told a friend of mine that getting into the 6's would feel like a psychological victory.


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I could use some perspective and feedback.


Last night I ended up taking only 3/4 of my Mirt pill.  Since my nervous system is so sensitive, sometimes I will ease into my dose by taking it in 2 parts. I did that when I first started taking it but a majority of the time, I take the full dos


The dose I took last night kept me awake like Mirt usually does but my mood is better today.


I had planned on making a cut this week and that cut dose would be more than what I took last night. I weighed out the remaining piece missed and last night's cut was 36%. 


So, instead of just going back to my usual dose of 7.3mg, I move ahead and make my cut, 4%, to 7mgs tonight. I then will hold through any wd symptoms.


I've just started tapering and want to keep myself out of harms way.


Does my plan for cutting seem reasonable?



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Sounds reasonable. My issue is I have been holding for 15 days now at 5.88 mg. I tried to dry cut and then gradually switched to liquid which did not work and now back to dry cutting.


My skin is tingly all over and very sensitive CNS. I am 10 months off of klonopin and perplexed in what to do. I do not want to go up to see and trying to hold does to get stable.


Part of me feels like I am in acute everyday and if wonder and very scared if I should jump. The way I feel now a long taper would not work. I know I should go slow but this sucks every day. Will try to maintain for 5 more days and then re-evaluate.


Sleep is fine.

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Sounds reasonable. My issue is I have been holding for 15 days now at 5.88 mg. I tried to dry cut and then gradually switched to liquid which did not work and now back to dry cutting.


My skin is tingly all over and very sensitive CNS. I am 10 months off of klonopin and perplexed in what to do. I do not want to go up to see and trying to hold does to get stable.


Part of me feels like I am in acute everyday and if wonder and very scared if I should jump. The way I feel now a long taper would not work. I know I should go slow but this sucks every day. Will try to maintain for 5 more days and then re-evaluate.


Sleep is fine.


I get it. I feel tempted to jump and I'm much higher than you.

I think your plan to hold is good and of you are sleeping, all the better.  When you start to feel better after the hold, you can move down again.


I didn't end up making the cut though I should have. I was up all night because Mirt now asks like speed in my system. I'm having a paradoxical reaction.


I'm going to switch the medication to the daytime and start tapering again. It's the only way I'm going to get off.






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So, I did move my Mirt dose to the morning starting today.


I didn't take it last night and while I did not sleep much, I did here and there. Overall I was relaxed though has some light sweating and nausea.


I then took the Mirt at 5am and within 15 mins, I was flushes, has light burning skin and felt hyper. Now I know I am having a paradoxical reaction or even adverse reaction to the Mirt. I took L-theanine to help calm me down and it has helped some.


I'm so frustrated that I now have to taper a medication that does not help me but there is nothing I can do except taper. It was the same with Klonopin, it never did anything for me.


I also made my 2nd cut and am hoping it is not too bad. I still don't know my pattern yet of how cuts will affect me. 


If I can start sleeping more on my own at night with the help of some supplements and herbs, that will help me make it though both my current setback and the taper off of Mirt.



PS Someone in another forum said making the time change and cutting might be a problem. I don't want to think that way so I'm hoping all will be well. I keep thinking that as long as my brain has a steady dose of the medication, not matter the time, all will be well.

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So, I did move my Mirt dose to the morning starting today.


I didn't take it last night and while I did not sleep much, I did here and there. Overall I was relaxed though has some light sweating and nausea.


I then took the Mirt at 5am and within 15 mins, I was flushes, has light burning skin and felt hyper. Now I know I am having a paradoxical reaction or even adverse reaction to the Mirt. I took L-theanine to help calm me down and it has helped some.


I'm so frustrated that I now have to taper a medication that does not help me but there is nothing I can do except taper. It was the same with Klonopin, it never did anything for me.


I also made my 2nd cut and am hoping it is not too bad. I still don't know my pattern yet of how cuts will affect me. 


If I can start sleeping more on my own at night with the help of some supplements and herbs, that will help me make it though both my current setback and the taper off of Mirt.



PS Someone in another forum said making the time change and cutting might be a problem. I don't want to think that way so I'm hoping all will be well. I keep thinking that as long as my brain has a steady dose of the medication, not matter the time, all will be well.



If you are having a paradoxical reaction, it may be partially an allergic one. That's what happened to me on the mirtazapine, and I cut very rapidly from 15mg to 5mg, which I was able to do because of the DAO. I actually felt better when I got lower on the mirtazapine. Just something to consider. Some people who go paradoxical jump entirely, but I was afraid to do that.

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Thank you.


I agree. 


I had a hard time last night and was in such physical pain. I took a 1/4  of a Mirt pill at 3:30am as part of my morning dose and it stopped. Later, this morning as I added in the other doses, I was shaky again.


I'm afraid too to just stop because I can't handle cold turkey but I think my instinct to change till the morning and move faster was correct.


I have the DAO but have not used it consistently. I found my nose running and sneezing happening after I took it. Is ther supposed to happen?


Thanks again for your response.

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Thank you.


I agree. 


I had a hard time last night and was in such physical pain. I took a 1/4  of a Mirt pill at 3:30am as part of my morning dose and it stopped. Later, this morning as I added in the other doses, I was shaky again.


I'm afraid too to just stop because I can't handle cold turkey but I think my instinct to change till the morning and move faster was correct.


I have the DAO but have not used it consistently. I found my nose running and sneezing happening after I took it. Is ther supposed to happen?


Thanks again for your response.


You need to take the Remeron at the same time every single night if you are going to stay on it. 


Someone in the psych ward told me once that the only way it puts him to sleep is if he takes it and then lie down and tries and go to sleep. If he stays up after taking it it doesn't work.

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I am tapering it now.


I have taken at the same time every night but it is now paradoxical for me. It makes me hyper 15 minutes after I take it. I don't stay up aftrrno have taken it.


I will be taking it at the same time in the morning.

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If there are any old members of this thread who have gotten off of Mirt and are living their lives again, your words of encouragement would greatly be appreciated.


I'm at the beginning of my taper and the more success stories I hear, the better.


Thank you.

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Do you think if I’ve only taken 3 doses of 7.5mg Remeron in 2 weeks I am ok to discontinue or use occasionally? I guess I’m hoping after 3 doses I’m not dependent…
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Hey all.


Just wanted to say I'm off the remeron and doing ok. I was put into hospital and slowly came off it over 4 weeks.


My last post was a bit doomsday so didn't want to let that be my last one.


My biggest mistake was letting myself believe I would have to taper off this stuff for years after reading the posts here. Everyone is different, some people can come off it ok, others unfortunately have a bad time.


Much respect to those who are still coming off this stuff.





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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everybody on this board!


Seems like lots of folks have been checked out for awhile, which I will take as a good sign that people are doing well.


I am battling long covid/cold virus that I am having trouble clearing, but the withdrawal process is going smoothly. My goal is to make it to Christmas without catching anything new, so I can enjoy it with family this year. I've missed the last 2 Christmases because I've had covid both times.


Wish me luck!! Best wishes to everyone, Quinn  :smitten:

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Hi Quinn,


I'm sorry you had long COVID but very glad its clearing up for you. 


It's so good to see how low you are on Remeron.


I'm at the beginning of a taper and can't wait to be free of this medication.


Wishing you continued healing.


Final healing

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Hey all.


Just wanted to say I'm off the remeron and doing ok. I was put into hospital and slowly came off it over 4 weeks.


My last post was a bit doomsday so didn't want to let that be my last one.


My biggest mistake was letting myself believe I would have to taper off this stuff for years after reading the posts here. Everyone is different, some people can come off it ok, others unfortunately have a bad time.


Much respect to those who are still coming off this stuff.


Glad you’re doing so much better. I agree it’s important to get the info we need but not make assumptions about what our individual journeys will be like. I had a horrendous loraz withdrawal but so far, Mirtazapine has been easy for me. I’m hoping it’s the same when I get to 0. I’m at 3.36mg atm and have about 49 weeks of tapering left.


Happy holidays everyone :) I hope you all have a decent time and are able to relax a little. :)

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Hey all.


Just wanted to say I'm off the remeron and doing ok. I was put into hospital and slowly came off it over 4 weeks.


My last post was a bit doomsday so didn't want to let that be my last one.


My biggest mistake was letting myself believe I would have to taper off this stuff for years after reading the posts here. Everyone is different, some people can come off it ok, others unfortunately have a bad time.


Much respect to those who are still coming off this stuff.


Glad you’re doing so much better. I agree it’s important to get the info we need but not make assumptions about what our individual journeys will be like. I had a horrendous loraz withdrawal but so far, Mirtazapine has been easy for me. I’m hoping it’s the same when I get to 0. I’m at 3.36mg atm and have about 49 weeks of tapering left.


Happy holidays everyone :) I hope you all have a decent time and are able to relax a little. :)


Good to hear some positive feedback about a Mirt taper.


I'm hoping as I get lower, I will feel better.


I usually feel my cuts pretty quickly and then things level out.


Have you felt better as you have gotten lower??





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