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How many people HAVE to work while tapering


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Hi all....I just wanted to share some good news for a change....


I was able to jog three miles without stopping. I have not been able to do this since my taper started. My thighs hurt like hell cause I jogged a bit yesterday and they scream benzo pain but if I'm to get my body back in shape I have to push through.

I averaged a twelve minute mile and my hr got to 181 on a hill. Got a crazy thought about dropping dead but I was able to dismiss it quickly. I feel really good accomplishing this.  :)


My morning yucks are down in severity too. Hope this continues on.




Ps-how are my vapor caper ladies doing?


Off to the beach before they give my umbrella away.


YAY DREW! Send some of those healing vibes my way jumping buddy! I took a walk last night...a short walk but nonetheless...a nice walk with my son!

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Welcome Loving, Wow, you are doing an amazing job! And you're Drews jump buddy- very cool! I have to hand it to you...I'm very impressed. Single mom with a 3 year old working through this maze..it will get better. Please don't lose hope. This should be the worst right now, and you will only improve. I know it's hard to keep the faith, but that's what we live on..


Thank you Saga...all of you make me feel so good. I was going to call out of work tomorrow but I have to push forward. It's hard but my son is so healing :-)


I have a couple of really good friends. One in New York and one down by me in the DC area. They are my rocks. Always there for me and some others.


It is hard....rough to be exact. Especially the head pressure, feeling like I am being pulled, twitches, off balance but it has to get better. It really does.  :smitten:

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Hi all....I just wanted to share some good news for a change....


I was able to jog three miles without stopping. I have not been able to do this since my taper started. My thighs hurt like hell cause I jogged a bit yesterday and they scream benzo pain but if I'm to get my body back in shape I have to push through.

I averaged a twelve minute mile and my hr got to 181 on a hill. Got a crazy thought about dropping dead but I was able to dismiss it quickly. I feel really good accomplishing this.  :)


My morning yucks are down in severity too. Hope this continues on.




Ps-how are my vapor caper ladies doing?


Off to the beach before they give my umbrella away.


That's impressive! Crap... Here I am whining like a baby from the move yesterday- you're running, go figure! You're upping the standard above my pay grade  :laugh:


Go snag the beach umbrella and enjoy the scenery >:D

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Welcome Loving, Wow, you are doing an amazing job! And you're Drews jump buddy- very cool! I have to hand it to you...I'm very impressed. Single mom with a 3 year old working through this maze..it will get better. Please don't lose hope. This should be the worst right now, and you will only improve. I know it's hard to keep the faith, but that's what we live on..


Thank you Saga...all of you make me feel so good. I was going to call out of work tomorrow but I have to push forward. It's hard but my son is so healing :-)


I have a couple of really good friends. One in New York and one down by me in the DC area. They are my rocks. Always there for me and some others.


It is hard....rough to be exact. Especially the head pressure, feeling like I am being pulled, twitches, off balance but it has to get better. It really does.  :smitten:


You're so welcome Loving, i can imagine it's rough...I'm one month off tommorrow. I hear you loud and clear! I'm so glad you have a few friends who are there for you. That's wonderful. Just do the best you can- healing is happening  :smitten:

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You're so welcome Loving, i can imagine it's rough...I'm one month off tommorrow. I hear you loud and clear! I'm so glad you have a few friends who are there for you. That's wonderful. Just do the best you can- healing is happening  :smitten:


They say healing is rough but my God...when I am totally well I am going to get back to so many things!!!! I can't wait! My grandmother (who is 90) always tells me, "You will get better...it's your year!" If she is saying that at 90 then who am I to question.  :smitten:

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Hi all....I just wanted to share some good news for a change....


I was able to jog three miles without stopping. I have not been able to do this since my taper started. My thighs hurt like hell cause I jogged a bit yesterday and they scream benzo pain but if I'm to get my body back in shape I have to push through.

I averaged a twelve minute mile and my hr got to 181 on a hill. Got a crazy thought about dropping dead but I was able to dismiss it quickly. I feel really good accomplishing this.  :)


My morning yucks are down in severity too. Hope this continues on.




Ps-how are my vapor caper ladies doing?


Off to the beach before they give my umbrella away.


Drew this sounds great!  Yay for you building more stamina  :thumbsup:


Day two and nothing remarkable to report yet.  Like Diaz-Pam I am having a little trouble falling asleep, but I am still getting about 5 hours.  That is the only side effect I am having right now, and since I have had trouble sleeping on and off for over a year now it seems to be par for the course.  The good news is no other side effects are presenting yet.  It's still very early, though. 


Day two of The Great Vapor Caper coming to a close.


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Welcome Loving, Wow, you are doing an amazing job! And you're Drews jump buddy- very cool! I have to hand it to you...I'm very impressed. Single mom with a 3 year old working through this maze..it will get better. Please don't lose hope. This should be the worst right now, and you will only improve. I know it's hard to keep the faith, but that's what we live on..


Thank you Saga...all of you make me feel so good. I was going to call out of work tomorrow but I have to push forward. It's hard but my son is so healing :-)


I have a couple of really good friends. One in New York and one down by me in the DC area. They are my rocks. Always there for me and some others.


It is hard....rough to be exact. Especially the head pressure, feeling like I am being pulled, twitches, off balance but it has to get better. It really does.  :smitten:


Hi Loving Mother,

Can't speak for the others, but I always found it better to go on in to work even on the bad days because if I stayed home I would obsess and time would seem to crawl.  Even though it was hard, I welcomed the distraction.  I hope you feel better soon!

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Great positive news eliz and drew!  :thumbsup:


I seem to still be looking out my nice window . . . all is well . . . fingers crossed.


Hope everyone else is doing okay.



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Wow Drew - 70% is awesome. I'd take that any day. You're really doing it buddy and your deserve it. 100% is with reach  :smitten:


Eliz/DP - I'm so glad you had a gentle landing and so far you're not being held up at customs. Wonderful news and very encouraging!!!  :thumbsup:


Has anyone experienced rapid cycling? I'm experiencing feeling good then shitty/weird every 1-2 hours today. It's a little disconcerting and I'm wondering if this is "normal" and anyone else has had this experience.



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Hi Kiddo- the rapid cycling is something that gets discussed a lot over on the 6-12 month thread. Many of us experience this kind of cycling. We're at a different point in withdrawal, but it's happening. We tell each other it's a sign of healing. I think it is the brain trying to find balance.




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Great positive news eliz and drew!  :thumbsup:


I seem to still be looking out my nice window . . . all is well . . . fingers crossed.


Hope everyone else is doing okay.




I am so glad this turned around for you.  Crappy days behind and more happy days ahead!

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Hey kiddo I believe that cycling may better describe Benzo withdrawal and recovery than waves and windows and reportedly happens at any time during tapering or recovery.


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Wow Drew - 70% is awesome. I'd take that any day. You're really doing it buddy and your deserve it. 100% is with reach  :smitten:


Eliz/DP - I'm so glad you had a gentle landing and so far you're not being held up at customs. Wonderful news and very encouraging!!!  :thumbsup:


Has anyone experienced rapid cycling? I'm experiencing feeling good then shitty/weird every 1-2 hours today. It's a little disconcerting and I'm wondering if this is "normal" and anyone else has had this experience.




I had it something fierce for the last month. It's lessened dramatically and especially the last three days.

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Good Morning Workers


Well I ended up taking the day off work option today. Part of me isn't sure I wouldn't feel better if I went. As we all know, sometimes work helps.

But I've just been so sick for so many weeks. Nothing is up and functioning in my house at the moment. I started getting ready to go and then I decided I'd just take the day to look after myself and get everything up to speed. I was only really physically well enough to go today - mentally I'm struggling post flu. Whilst I've been physically out with the flu the house, and myself, have fallen into disrepair. I'll work on those things today and get back to work on thurs (next rostered day).


Loving: welcome. You clearly have a lot of strength and resilience. I know it may not feel like it sometimes but I look at what you are dealing with and I go nothing short of 'woah'. Single parenting an almost 3 year old is hard enough. W/D from benzos is hard enough. Working full time is hard enough. Living with Lyme Disease is hard enough. All those things together is an awful lot to deal with. In whatever way you can be kind to yourself. I know it isn't easy to be able to be kind to yourself when you don't have a lot of support but if you ever get opportunities to do so take them.


Happy for Drew and Katz that they are feeling better.


I wish I could say the same for myself. I'm not sure what is going on yet. It is really early touch down from being sick. Whilst I was sick I was physically unwell but didn't have any mental s/x. Now they are all rolling back in and I'm not sure yet where I'm at with it all. I'll have a better sense of what is going on in a few days. Even then I may not know. It may be that I should have held whilst I was sick because no real benzo healing has been done during that time. We'll see.


I had a tough time at the psychologist yesterday. I walked away feeling doubtful of benzo w/d and doubtful of a number of other things. As we know any emotional fall out is felt wtih s/x and vice versa. I'm not sure this therapy thing is the right thing to do right now as I'm bunkering down and just coping. I'm not sure I need additional challenging. Again, we'll see....


love you all

know you are my light and crutch somedays. I know there are days where I'm sure I'd believe I was going crazy if not for you (who are experiencing as least as much crazy as I  :crazy:)

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I'm not sure what is going on yet. It is really early touch down from being sick. Whilst I was sick I was physically unwell but didn't have any mental s/x. Now they are all rolling back in and I'm not sure yet where I'm at with it all. I'll have a better sense of what is going on in a few days.


Smiff, this is so shitty. I'm sure sorry that pulling out of your fluishness did not return you to optimal functioning. Sometimes I think the mental s/x are worse than the physical. For me, I don't get anxiety, I get attacks of pure fu**ing terror.  Oh yes, then there is the depression. Hmmm Not a nice combo. And the "what iffing".


I wish I could say something positive to lighten your spirits. It hurts me to see you struggling . . . so down and dejected.


I have an image I want to send you. Here on the OR coast in December it's crab fishing season. The boats go about a mile out -- too far to see that they are there. But at night, when you drive by the ocean and you can't tell water from sky, you see each boat's light far, far away . . . and I imagine them as beads on a string, connected somehow. I think of us as all here as the lights on the dark sea for each other. Your light is a little faint right now, but I know it will be brighter soon. The rest of us are here, bobbing along in the darkness with you -- a little brighter sometimes, a little dimmer other times. But we're here. I don't know if that helps.


Sorry if this is a little corny. I get that way sometimes.





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Not corny Katz. Everything in my mind the past few days returns to all things water, connectedness, oceans, expanses, bobbing, floating, drowning, waves, gentle lapping

So what you describe is quite fitting  ;)

I think I'll have to go for a swim today. I have a permanent love for water and its brilliant giving but connected molecular structure.


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Not corny Katz. Everything in my mind the past few days returns to all things water, connectedness, oceans, expanses, bobbing, floating, drowning, waves, gentle lapping

So what you describe is quite fitting  ;)

I think I'll have to go for a swim today. I have a permanent love for water and its brilliant giving but connected molecular structure.



That's actually beautiful...Smiff, I'm so sorry. You've been sick for so long now...take as much time as you need for YOU to get it together. The mental part of this is where I struggle the most. This is hard work...


I actually agree with not bing sure therapy helps right now. So much is happening, things change for hour to hour sometimes. I think we question virtually everything and nothing during this. I'm rambling. Sorry you're struggling..much love.. :smitten:

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DP more about cats. We lost several to the great outdoors, so we just decided when we moved up here to keep them indoors. It was a bit of a chore when we had 10 -- they didn't all like each other. But fortunately we have a big 2-storey house so we could split them up into gangs and install a screen door at the bottom of the staircase. That way they could see and hiss and throw cat curses at each other. I just realized -- we have one of the original CA cats still let -- Cricket, who will be 24 in August. She is so old. Deaf, doesn't see well, but she eats and sleeps and hobbles around demanding treats now and then. Sigh. Then it's back to bed for her. A heated one, as befits a 24 year old lady.



Wow - your old lady cat sounds amazing. The oldest one I've had was 19. The two I have now will be 7 in Sept, so hopefully they'll be around for a long time yet. They are sort of indoor cats. Just before I got them I had a meshed enclosure built for them which enclosed the back patio area and the side garden and has a cat door into the house. So they get to have plenty of outdoor experiences, but they are perfectly safe, and so is the wildlife, except for the roaches and lizards they can catch in the garden area - which of course they lovingly present to Mummy at 2am. Fortunately it's winter here now and there's nothing around for them to catch, but come October.....  >:(

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I left my dog at the vet overnight, this was long ago, and he passed alone she guessed around 4am & she'd given us the option of staying there & putting him down. Or see if he'd make it thru. I hated that he died alone, but I had a dream that very night he died. He came bounding round the corner & jumped on me, putting his paws on my side, well & happy, tail wagging. I awoke, looked at clock. It was 4am. He was saying good bye.


OMG!!  Now I'm really crying. . :'(

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Just before I got them I had a meshed enclosure built for them which enclosed the back patio area and the side garden and has a cat door into the house. So they get to have plenty of outdoor experiences, but they are perfectly safe,


Good for you DP. There speaks a responsible cat owner. All my cats are indoors now. I lost far too many to coyotes, bobcats, cars, kids with guns, and who knows what. I got way tired of that grief. Like yours, they have an outdoor "run" but other than that, nope, it's the great indoors.



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He logged on in the last 24 hours or so, but hasn't posted for a couple of months for some reason. I hope his Mum is doing okay.
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