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was switched from ativan to xanax


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Bad anxiety this morning....i dont know what to do about how im feeling,,,the depakote helped my anxiety better on the 750 mg ,i guess i will have to call dr i see him on thursday..i just dont know whats normal in ways of feeling i have been drugged so long..but i kinda feelcomatose and scared
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talked to my dr yestrday and he says im on to much ativan with the  depakote and to drop from 2 1/4 pill down to 1 1/2pillof ativn i think thats to much he says it wont hurt im scared and now my anxiety is out of controlfromworring about it
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talked to my dr yestrday and he says im on to much ativan with the  depakote and to drop from 2 1/4 pill down to 1 1/2pillof ativn i think thats to much he says it wont hurt im scared and now my anxiety is out of controlfromworring about it


Mind over Matter... :o


If Your that concerned, Take it down in a couple of steps, like 1/4 pill steps. Maybe this will help you mentally????

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Im no to happpy,,,well im glad dr took me off depakote er as it caused me to feel so bad but guess waht he put me on..Lithium er says it will help my depression and get me off ativan Im scared to death of it and I dont know why..anyone know about lithium?
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Sweetpea - 


I thought the depakote was helping you get off the ativan but no you have stopped taking it, is that right?  Why are you afraid of the lithium er? Is it just that it's another psych drug?  If you keep asking the doctor for help to get off ativan, he or she is going to be suggesting drugs used for various psychiatric conditions, all of which also have side effects.  Even herbal remedies and supplements can have side effects.  The only way you can avoid the side effects is to just get off the ativan and not take anything else.  If you can't do that, then you need to accept that the drugs you add may help you get off ativan AND not make you feel so good for the time you are taking them.  I'm on the side of not adding anything but it's up to you which way you want to go.

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DR put me on lithium cause of all the bad ways i was having with depakote mainly the dierehha now on day 3 of lithium i woke up with bad dierehha and had to take sone imodium now i sit here with anxiety that i will be allergic to it and im afraid i will have a seizure from stopping the depakote er and im afraid i have low blood sodium and pottsium due to all teh dierehha,the dr says i have some signs of bipolar and he feels the lithium will help me and i may always have to be on it but he will get me off the ativan...im so scared and i dont know what to do i have to work tommorow and im all a wreck again
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Had a breakdown yesterdday bad ..had to stop the lithium,now dr put me on  zyprexa dont know how that will go,i feel like i have hand tremors...maybe its just from my breakdown yesterday..see dr on thursday,,,im worse off now than before seeing the dr in the beginning
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I can't keep up with you and all the meds for meds  :pokey:

:smitten:  I would not want to be taking all these chemicals. I hope your researching all these drugs and discussing with doc... :-[ :-[

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Had a breakdown yesterdday bad ..had to stop the lithium,now dr put me on  zyprexa dont know how that will go,i feel like i have hand tremors...maybe its just from my breakdown yesterday..see dr on thursday,,,im worse off now than before seeing the dr in the beginning




You know that adding, stopping then adding more medications just confuses your body more. Tremors can be a w/d symptom from your benzo. Are you still tapering Ativan and if so, how much are you reducing and how often? Maybe you need to slow the Ativan taper down?


Just Breathe

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Im still at 2 ativan///The dr put me on a med called zyprexa on Monday when i broke down...Lat week i was working and functiong and now im athome a WRECK..we see dr tommorow and im afraid i will be commited to the hospital,i think he is trying me on two many meds...all i need is to be on ativan and get my taper done...but now i dont know if thats possible....i have not been able to leave the house since sat night when we went out,so if you dont here from me u will know i was admitted..My hubby is so frustrated and i just dont know what to do..thanks all of you
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What has changed since last week when you were functioning and working to now, where you are home and afraid to go out? When you say you broke down, what do you mean? Did you have a crying fit or some other symptoms? If you can see some kind of pattern from last week to now, you may be able to figure things out. Also, you do have a say so in the medication you take. A doctor is going to pull out his prescription pad and write a script to you based on what you tell him/her is going on, what you are feeling. I am not saying to be dishonest with your doctor, just confused as you have run the gamut of medications over the last year or so.


Just Breathe

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All i can think of is the med changes that were mad on thursday when tthe dr stopped the depakote er and put meon lithium ,i kinda freaked the min he said lithium..and maybe i caused my self to break down from the worry of being on lithium,,,anyway im off that and on this zyprexa now...im kinda concerned about it and the ativan together...but will try not to worry as it may make me worse....i was thinking i might ask the dr to  put me on what i was on in nov 2007 when i got married.In 2007 when i was commited to mental hospital they put me on celexa and risperdal and klonopin(i dont want the klonopin) but i was doing well on those meds then a dr stopped me off them and i havent been well since.Maybe i need to go back to that combo...Im so afraid i will overdose on the ativan and zyprexa...as the dr upped the  zyprexa bu 1/2 today...and i ended up taking 2 1/2 ativan..I pray all goes good tommorw...Im gonna tell dr im tired of all the switches
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Update stopped the zyprexa caused my face to go numb...am searching for a new dr in Twin Falls Idaho or Salt Lake city Utah....had to take more ativan than 2....im so a wreck
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Update stopped the zyprexa caused my face to go numb...am searching for a new dr in Twin Falls Idaho or Salt Lake city Utah....had to take more ativan than 2....im so a wreck


Oh sweatpea....... :sick: I am lost in your taper now. Can I ask 1 question.....Are you trying to avoid all WD symptoms? Maybe the only way out is to strap yourself in and hold on for the ride to Taper your way to freedom  :thumbsup:

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No Im not trying to ovid withdrawal i had a breakdown last week and was not able to function ..it was from the depakote lithiun medications my dr is a quack and im getting a new one,,,in the mean time im trying to get myself back togetehr so i can continiue my taper
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Hi Im still on 2 1/2 ativan....had to stay on the zyprexa i have a new dr i will be seeing on tuesday in tooele utah,I was wondering seems like someone here once told me anxiety or withdrawal will cause the facial cheeks to feel like they are burning  or kinda tingley...........has anyone else had this/
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Well Imon  a new journey now.saw the specialist in utah and the quack i had been seeing had misdiagnosed me...My new dr stopped the ativan and zyprexa and put me on xanx and prozac....i know i may never get off benzos,but this dr is hopeful i will....I just want to be well. So far im doing ok,lots of drowiness but i think the xnax is stronger or something.I had 2 bad breakdowns and something had to be done.So Imvery hopeful
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Well Imon  a new journey now.saw the specialist in utah and the quack i had been seeing had misdiagnosed me...My new dr stopped the ativan and zyprexa and put me on xanx and prozac....i know i may never get off benzos,but this dr is hopeful i will....I just want to be well. So far im doing ok,lots of drowiness but i think the xnax is stronger or something.I had 2 bad breakdowns and something had to be done.So Imvery hopeful


I'm glad you are hopeful with this new doctor, sweetpea.  Try to give the prozac time to work 3-4 weeks).  Also know that your body is adjusting to no zyprexa as well as the change in benzos.  How much xanax are you taking now?

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The dr prescribed xanx bars and said i could take up to 6 mg a day...but no way...they zonk me out so im taking 2 1/2 to 3 mgs of the xanax....you know how i talked about my weird walking and dizziness well its worse and i even feel abit more depressed..but im getting more things done like cleaning but too scared to drive as im so tired and dizzy,,,,hope it gets better.Xanax worked for me for 17 years and im hoping it will again ...do i have to adjust to it? and what about just stopping the ativan? and the prozac is 20 mg. its a blue capsule and when i was on it before it was 20 mgs but green and yellow...i guess its a differnt manafacturer,,, i just dont know why i walk so funny and its like im gonna fall,,,my blood pressure is ok....hopin it all passes
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The dr prescribed xanx bars and said i could take up to 6 mg a day...but no way...they zonk me out so im taking 2 1/2 to 3 mgs of the xanax....you know how i talked about my weird walking and dizziness well its worse and i even feel abit more depressed..but im getting more things done like cleaning but too scared to drive as im so tired and dizzy,,,,hope it gets better.Xanax worked for me for 17 years and im hoping it will again ...


I'm a little concerned about the amount of xanax you are taking, sweetpea.  You were on 2 1/2 mg ativan/day and the equivalent amount of xanax is about 1 1/4mg/day.  You are taking about twice as much benzo with the xanax than you were on ativan.  Glad you decided for yourself that 6mg/day was ridiculous!


do i have to adjust to it? and what about just stopping the ativan? and the prozac is 20 mg. its a blue capsule and when i was on it before it was 20 mgs but green and yellow...i guess its a differnt manafacturer,,, i just dont know why i walk so funny and its like im gonna fall,,,my blood pressure is ok....hopin it all passes


Since xanax is faster acting than the ativan, I don't think there's anything wrong with just stopping the ativan and starting an equivalent amount of xanax.  However, as I sad above, you are taking a lot more xanax than you were ativan even though the milligrams are the same.  If you can get by with less, so much the better, right?

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The dr said i was underdosed on the ativan and that was part of my problem...i dont know,,,,so you are saying i should take 1 1/4 of xanax...i thinki will try 2 mgs...iknow 6 mgsis way to much
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The dr said i was underdosed on the ativan and that was part of my problem...i dont know,,,,so you are saying i should take 1 1/4 of xanax...i thinki will try 2 mgs...iknow 6 mgsis way to much


I think 2 mg is good.  And if that is okay, you might want to try a bit less.  Try to find the lowest dose where you can function.  You take that total divided up at least 3x/day, right?

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they are 2 mg bars or tablets where you can split them into 1/2 or even 1/4s so im going to start the day on  a 1/4 which i think would be 05 mg,and see how i do and then take as he said,,,when i wake up ,mid morning,noon ,middle afternoon and night...hope that helps me.
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