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Tapering off Ativan Support Thread


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I believe the suspension i took either was weaker than the tablets or i was experiencing something from the additives that depressed my CNS - as I was in a deep suicidal depression for 2 weeks. Its ony when i took the tables yesterday that I felt somewhat better although i had a 2 hour period of having to take to bed.


So i got hold of the solution lorazepam today - to be honest its somewhat of a nightmare. The solution is incredibly Viscous and every time i try to draw it sucks the syringe back in - also its impossible to remove the bubbles. The propylene and glycerol in it are making me feel sick ( can taking 10ml of this ingredient be good for you) 


Are these ingredients in the american liquid?


So i'm seriously thinking of ditching the solution as its causing so much anxiety.





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Thank you Saga and Kiddo. Basically feeling nausea, dizziness and vertigo most of the day these days. And all those sxs that Kiddo listed.

How does one tolerate them? On top of a crazy life situation that is sometimes too much. Maybe I'll add that part to my profile.


Liquid ativan arrived at pharmacy and I may try it starting Monday. I'll see what the ingredients are, Pete.


I find the cutting up pills and estimating my daily dose to be more and more difficult. This all feels overwhelming sometimes.

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Pete I'm sorry I don't know anything about the liquid...as I mentioned earlier, you could always make your own liquid with the pills if you prefer this method. Maybe someone will come along with info about the US version of the liquid regarding the ingredients...


NYC it's really hard...and honestly that's an understatement...I never wrote down or catalogued any of my sxs, the only one I really don't have is health anxiety...so I know every little thing that's been happening is all w/d. Out bodies are terribly complex, all the neuro and emotional sxs are normal for this situation. Add a difficult or stressful personal background and yes, somedays it seems like just too much. We just do the best we can...


Saga :smitten:

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Question (with probably no definitive answer): I've been taking the ativan 6x/day for a few weeks now, with one of the doses now slightly less than the others (estimating). I spaced it out like this because it seemed better at the time, but now it's feeling awkward, like it would be easier to dose 3 or 4 x /day. Would it make sense to do something like 0.25 AM, 0.20 est mid-afternoon, then 0.25 late PM or would this shock my system perhaps too much?


If I start using the liquid, which has to be refrigerated, I don't know how I'll handle that if I'm out of the house at times during the day. Could I carry a small supply diluted around with me? Ie the doses? Jesus this feels crazy, at times I'm tempted to speed this all up and try to deal with it.

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Question (with probably no definitive answer): I've been taking the ativan 6x/day for a few weeks now, with one of the doses now slightly less than the others (estimating). I spaced it out like this because it seemed better at the time, but now it's feeling awkward, like it would be easier to dose 3 or 4 x /day. Would it make sense to do something like 0.25 AM, 0.20 est mid-afternoon, then 0.25 late PM or would this shock my system perhaps too much?


If I start using the liquid, which has to be refrigerated, I don't know how I'll handle that if I'm out of the house at times during the day. Could I carry a small supply diluted around with me? Ie the doses? Jesus this feels crazy, at times I'm tempted to speed this all up and try to deal with it.


If youre concerned about shocking your system, why not go from 6x per day to 5x. Then if that works out well, change over to 4x. In my opinion, any change to the dosing regimen will be somewhat disruptive until one gets adjusted. Or you can go straight to 4x per day and see how that feels. If it is too hard, go back and do a more gradual transition.


Refrigerated liquid requires cooling but unless your living in the undeveloped Sahara, you should be fine. If youve ever had to pack a lunch for work, you know what it takes to keep a sandich cool. Lorazepam is no different. When out of the house, I packed a lunchbox filled with ice packs and either put my bottle of lorazepam in there or if I was just out for a short time, I'd preload my syringe and just carry the loaded syringe (with the cap on the tip for security) in the lunchbox. It requires a  bit of planning to dose out and about, but nothing more difficult than pack lunch.  :)



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Need help !!  :-\    I reinstated because of crazy insomnia, I jumped from 0,20mg Ativan before bed. 1st night 4hours sleep (it was ok, i'm used to it), then 2 hours, then 3rd night 0H. I did take 0,20mg of Ativan the next day I slept 5H30min but my heart feel so tired and it does really weird things when i had nights with very little to no sleep at all. Then I slept 1H00 only on 0,20mg the following day, but i used a solution i've already made 1 day ago (so maybe it can affect the molecule of lorazepam ? ) .And tonight I took 0,20mg at 9pm go to bed at 11pm. had issue breathing and with the heart (i'm 25 yard old and i checked with a cardiologist my heart recently he said It was OK, but I had to be careful with the sleep, cause a "healthy heart" can be affected with too little sleep, if its a regular pattern.) I had a crazy panic attack in my bed thinking about how in danger i am. I had suicial thought. Cannot take any more of this poor sleep and the result of it. 


Eventually and I took half a milligram of Lorzepam. Tomorrow I will probably try reinstate and stabilize at 0,25mg for a few weeks.


Guys do you have any ideas on how i could handle my taper or another and still can sleep ok. I'm thinking about crossing over to valium but it's risqué !

I'm really desperate right now


What should I do? I have to "physically" work on occasion till end november, and then I would be OK until summer

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I really need good sleep (5to 8 hours)  and i'm eager to try anything with the taper to get that.


1) Should I use liquid Ativan to taper ?

2) Should I split my dose in 4 (I think I will use 0,25mg and stabilize if not), because those who slit their dose seems to have better sleep than those who don't during their taper.

3) should i consider crossing over to Valium? And if So what amount and splitting in 2 daily dose ?

4) Should I taper extremely slowly?

like 5 months to get rid off 0,25mg ?



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Nolan I'm so sorry to read this...I think if you're going to reinstate and stabilize there are several ways to go the next time. I'm sorry you've felt the need to go back on due to sleep. Sleep is notoriously difficult during and / or post taper. I'm not sure what you tried using as a sleep aid. Certainly you need to find something that works to give you the best chance of having a successful taper.


I would consider doing a much longer taper the next time...this is your third time now if you're planning to stay on, right? Maybe take double or triple the amount of time minimum, maybe no timeframe at all....slowly enough for you to come off in good shape. I don't know about the Valium equivalent amount, I'd check on that with the Valium thread. I think it's 2.5 = .25 Ativan... Either way I'm sorry you felt the need to reinstate. :smitten:

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Thank you Saga !


But I just jumped for 3 days from 0,20mg to 0mg. Last time I successfully was 2 month without Ativan tapering from 2mg/night to 0. in 6 months. And it was easier than now from 0,50 to 0 . I reinstated only because of labour work at home that my father wanted me to do with him. And he does not need to do the work by himself. He's just too greedy and he knew i was in withdrawal, and only stable without strenuous activities.


Now I'm just f.cked. I lost so many time and health because of him.

I will see my physician this morning. I had again had a night without any sleep (ANd I took 0,20mg 3 hours later a higher dose. )


I think I will lay in my bed for days, or weeks and I will just drink water. Don't eat anything (maybe one fruit a day or not), I won't take ativan during this time if i do so. If I die, I die. And My father will know it is greatly because of him. I will let a very brief letter.


It seems that I have absolutely no other choice.

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Nolan I'm so sorry...I'm glad you're going to see your dr, maybe he has some suggestions to hope you with sleep. I know how upset you are about this whole taper and how it's gone this time. Please don't talk about hurting yourself... No drug is worth losing you life...I do understand the suicidal thoughts during tapering, they are there...but I think you're beating yourself up too much out of frustration...in the meantime I hope your dr is able to help with the insomnia...be kind to yourself please :smitten:


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Please tell your doctor that you are having these thoughts. Please do not take any drastic measures.

This is temporary although it feels like it will never end. I know you have a lot of animosity towards your father, so perhaps it's in your best interest to advocate for yourself and tell him you aren't working with him anymore. Period.


If recovery is your main goal right now, that you have to do everything you can to move towards that goal. If that means not working with your father, so be it.


Have you tried some of the over the counter sleep meds? Doxy or Unisom?

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You may want to take a low dose of Remeron. Its an antidpressant they give to old ladies. It really helps with sleep and at low doses does not amp up the anxiety. It also helps with appetite. A lot of people on this site use it. I take it every night and sleep very well. I dont think I could taper without it. If you dont want to go the pharma route, there is a homeopathic remedy called Calms Forte'. I leared about it here on BB. It makes you drowsy. I know you probably dont want to rely on more drugs, but somtimes you have to do what you have to do. Good luck!
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Need help !!  :-\    I reinstated because of crazy insomnia, I jumped from 0,20mg Ativan before bed. 1st night 4hours sleep (it was ok, i'm used to it), then 2 hours, then 3rd night 0H. I did take 0,20mg of Ativan the next day I slept 5H30min but my heart feel so tired and it does really weird things when i had nights with very little to no sleep at all. Then I slept 1H00 only on 0,20mg the following day, but i used a solution i've already made 1 day ago (so maybe it can affect the molecule of lorazepam ? ) .And tonight I took 0,20mg at 9pm go to bed at 11pm. had issue breathing and with the heart (i'm 25 yard old and i checked with a cardiologist my heart recently he said It was OK, but I had to be careful with the sleep, cause a "healthy heart" can be affected with too little sleep, if its a regular pattern.) I had a crazy panic attack in my bed thinking about how in danger i am. I had suicial thought. Cannot take any more of this poor sleep and the result of it. 


Eventually and I took half a milligram of Lorzepam. Tomorrow I will probably try reinstate and stabilize at 0,25mg for a few weeks.


Guys do you have any ideas on how i could handle my taper or another and still can sleep ok. I'm thinking about crossing over to valium but it's risqué !

I'm really desperate right now


What should I do? I have to "physically" work on occasion till end november, and then I would be OK until summer


Nolan, I can certainly relate to your experience. The more you turn back to ativan for help in the sleep department, the further you put yourself from recovery and good long term sleep. Your looking for a solution to getting good sleep while tapering. But the reality is that to achieve this you are either going to have to turn to drugs (which may or may not work) OR are going to have to accept poor sleep as part of the process. If you choose the latter, it will be very difficult, but you will be on a healing path. I'm 8+ months off ativan and still having tremendous trouble with sleep, albeit it is much better than when I was tapering. NO WAY am I going to touch any psyche med. After the damage I suffered from ativan, the liabilities of psyche meds far outweigh any possible benefit, for me at least. CBT will help you to some degree but the truth is you need to let your brain recover from ativan by not taking any more. And it may take quite some time until normal sleep returns. Accept that now, for your own sake.



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Please tell your doctor that you are having these thoughts. Please do not take any drastic measures.

This is temporary although it feels like it will never end. I know you have a lot of animosity towards your father, so perhaps it's in your best interest to advocate for yourself and tell him you aren't working with him anymore. Period.


If recovery is your main goal right now, that you have to do everything you can to move towards that goal. If that means not working with your father, so be it.


Have you tried some of the over the counter sleep meds? Doxy or Unisom?


Thank you Kiddo, I tried something called "somdor" there is melatonin in it. But i use it 3 days without feeling anything. I slept more than 5 hours last night. with my 0,20mg Ativan before bed.


Laser You're 100% right. I must accept that I will have sleep issues for months maybe year(s) (hope not the year part, but whatever :( )


Thank you Saga, I think I will wait some time  and stabilize maybe on this low dose (0,20mg ) during a month. Than When I continue to taper slowly. I did already cut coffee more than a month ago. And alcohol (two months ago) (both completely, not even considering touching them for 10+years ). I had clean my diet a little. But I'm afraid to eat to clean that I cannot hold weight. I was 81 kilos for 1m77 at the end of 2014 summer august when I noticed I had real bad insomnia even on Ativan, and could not eat and sleep enough to practice my sport. Now I'm 65kilos. And I know I will be able to put on the weight again. because when I was off The Ativan the 2nd month a Put 3 kilos. (I was 67 and reached 70) Just because I could sleep an average of 5 to 7H30 (even one night 9Hours without Ativan) which was AWESOME. 

I know that You and Kiddo are really clean eaters, and that it helped you tremendously during your taper !


I have the intuition that this time it will take more than 2 months for me to feel "OK" or to sleep well. Maybe I'm wrong, I hope I am. Because when I taper from 2mg/1,5mg of Ativan before bed time to 0mg it was easier than to taper from 0,5mg this time. (maybe because my body was less tired the last time.) I hope I had not comforting too much my brain on : "Well keep these gaba receptors that way, you will always have an Ativan supply", that it did not creat more damage than when I was on High dose.

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I had a bad afternoon yesterday and then last night felt so loose and crazy; I took an evening dose and a slight uptick to what I had been doing before (ie probably near 0.75 mg total for the day) and then some benadryl and slept through the night and then some, without trembling.


It struck me then how much potency is in small tiny amounts of this shit. Now I feel scarily suicidal. How did I get into this mess. I feel like an addict now who just wants to lie in bed all day. It feels like there's no way out; all these stories of missing sleep, feeling crazy, the tension, the depression, all of it ... so scary. And for me this is on top of no stable life otherwise, being out of work, no routine, having no sense of purpose or interest in anything anymore. I can't seem to get it back. And this drug has made it all worse. It's increased my sensitivity to noise (I can't stand sirens) and people to a terrifying degree. Don't know what to do.


Going to a hospital may be the last resort but that also is terrifying, I've been there, I know it's just meds. Maybe I need more meds to zone me out even more. I can see how going so slow on the taper is important, giving oneself a break is important. Spinning again. Not sure what I'm trying to say. Will try to stay safe.

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NYC - if you aren't safe then go to the hospital. Please.


What your feeling is NORMAL. We've all told you this. You are in withdrawal and you need to accept it. Fighting against it and berating yourself for the choices you've made will change nothing. You are only succeeding in making yourself feel worse. You have to DIG DEEP. We've talked about this. We all have gone through, or are currently experiencing, exactly what you are now. It is possible to get through this. Please don't updose when things get hard, it's a slippery slope and again what you are looking for is stability. Let your body and brain do the work it's designed to do. HEAL.


You can do this. Please keep yourself safe.  :smitten:

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NYC, I agree with everything Kiddo said...but I also have to add you're hurting yourself with these constant changes in the doses of your meds. I highly doubt you slept because you updosed. I think it's a fluke...this is my opinion of course. All the changes you're making are not helping you. They are hurting since everything you're on is powerful and yes those changes disrupt the brain and create chaos. Saying all of that what you're experiencing is w/d in my opinion....all of it. This is brutal. The bottom line is to keep yourself safe and if you're not feeling safe please go the the hospital. No drug is worth losing your life. :smitten:
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You've both told me this stuff before yes, I just can't tell if it's the meds w/d or how I'm being driven crazy again and back into psychotic depression by sad life stuff, my alcoholic mother, PTSD, all the stuff that's piled up in the past year that was there before ativan and that seems made worse by it. It feels like trying to walk up a wall to get out of it. I mean, I feel so utterly disconnected from people and isolated and can barely break out of it save for tiny windows. Living in my head so much. Excercisng or going to yoga feels like lifting  million pounds (and I was teaching yoga a little over a year ago and in good shape, now my body is so different, flab, hunched). If getting off ativan is going to be such a life project i guess i do have to accept it instead of fighting so much. story of my life. i white knuckle so much and yearn for days when i was more free. the way my mind is spinning back to so many memories is really disturbing.
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Just dropping by to check up with all of you again. I'm sorry to hear some of you are struggling. I was pretty bad about 2 weeks ago. I too had to updose a bit and then stabilize to find a degree of relief. Last night was pretty rough. I went to bed around 1130 and was in a state of half consciousness till about 330 when I decided I couldn't rest. I tried going back to sleep around 530 and was able to catch a few hours. Its crazy what these meds do to our body. Im thinking I might have to slow my taper speed down. I down know why Im having trouble with it recently. It seems to have all started with that seizure. Whatever went on during the seizure seems to have thrown me for quite a loop. For those who are religious, please keep me in your prayers. I pray for every single one of you every day, multiple times a day. May God grant you all peace, rest, and healing. Remember, He is ALWAYS there for you, even during your darkest hours, even if He seems distant. He will NEVER let go of your hand.
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NYC  I know  this is a difficult road. I'm not sure how to respond except to say acceptance is very hard. Fighting this is sometimes counterproductive. It's tough since you have so many other factors into this equation, but I can assure you everything you're describing is w/d. You're quite eloquently expressing the frustration and feelings that go along with all of this. It can be quite dark at times and hard to fathom as w/d. I'm not sure how to help you find acceptance...it can take a long time and you go through many stages...


Omni I'm sorry you're still going through a rough time. I know the seizure certainly had to frighten you. It is crazy when you think about all the sxs we experience. Shocking...I'm sorry about the poor sleep but that really is a problem for so many of us either during or post taper. Go as slowly as you need to, there is no rush...you are in control of your taper. My thoughts and well wishes are with everyone as well.


Saga :smitten:

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Hi, fellow ativan-withdrawers!  I am about to start my ativan withdrawal, and wondering if anyone has advice for the best way to do it.  I'm at .25 now, so it seems like it would be hard to get the tapering dosage right by cutting the tiny pills into tinier pieces.  Is titration the only way to taper from a small dose?  Have any of you had success with that?  I guess no one here has switched over to Valium, is that a tricky thing to do when you're taking ativan?


Just trying to get the lay of the land here.  I wonder if any method is better if you're worried about kindling?  (I jumped from Xanax in Feb. of this year.). Thanks for any help you might be able to offer. 


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Hello everyone,


I took my last dose of ativan on Sunday night, a little crumb, and am now into the 5th day free of that miserable drug.  I'm miserable right now, which is too bad, since it's been a such a long difficult process getting here.  I know I have a lot more to get through. Still, I made it to this point, and it is great to be off that mind-numbing benzo.


The most noticeable symptoms are the increase in dizziness and the incredible volume of this tinnitus -- really really loud.  Then there's the regular insomnia, depression, exhaustion, etc.  I am so tired right now that it's hard to think and write at all.


I wish everyone the best -- this is such a hard thing we are doing, and it's hard to keep having compassion for ourselves, so we have to keep reminding each other.



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Hi, fellow ativan-withdrawers!  I am about to start my ativan withdrawal, and wondering if anyone has advice for the best way to do it.  I'm at .25 now, so it seems like it would be hard to get the tapering dosage right by cutting the tiny pills into tinier pieces.  Is titration the only way to taper from a small dose?  Have any of you had success with that?  I guess no one here has switched over to Valium, is that a tricky thing to do when you're taking ativan?


Just trying to get the lay of the land here.  I wonder if any method is better if you're worried about kindling?  (I jumped from Xanax in Feb. of this year.). Thanks for any help you might be able to offer. 



Welcome to the thread Moonbow! I believe the majority of the thread has been using liquid, I used a Gemini pro milligram scale to shave off tiny pieces of the pills. It's a personal preference. No matter what method there is always a way...a crossover to Valium is also possibly but I'd ask on the Valium thread since that's more active than the crossover thread. That should be done on a step by step basis. There are many reasons people switch to Valium, mostly to eliminate interdose w/d.


As for kindling, this is my personal opinion to go very slowly. I guess it depends on each person. How tough was it to come off the Xanax, what kind of taper did you do, etc. I'm guessing here that taper was before you found the forum. I'd just keep reading and educate yourself, ask lots of questions and come up with a plan to get off the Ativan...


Saga :smitten:

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Hello everyone,


I took my last dose of ativan on Sunday night, a little crumb, and am now into the 5th day free of that miserable drug.  I'm miserable right now, which is too bad, since it's been a such a long difficult process getting here.  I know I have a lot more to get through. Still, I made it to this point, and it is great to be off that mind-numbing benzo.


The most noticeable symptoms are the increase in dizziness and the incredible volume of this tinnitus -- really really loud.  Then there's the regular insomnia, depression, exhaustion, etc.  I am so tired right now that it's hard to think and write at all.


I wish everyone the best -- this is such a hard thing we are doing, and it's hard to keep having compassion for ourselves, so we have to keep reminding each other.




Charlotte  :yippee: you jumped!!!! Congratulations...I'm so proud of you! Welcome to the other side...I know you're having increased sxs, you're in the hardest part right now. Keep reminding yourself every day you've made it through is a step away from this poison. You're doing a great job :smitten:



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