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Tapering off Ativan Support Thread


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These internal blocks to being able to be with people are driving me crazy. I hope it's the ativan talking (though I had this kind of trouble in the past). Since starting this taper, I think I've been more self-conscious, more self-absorbed, more sensitive to noise and crowds and feelings. Sometimes I do feel crazy. I hope this is normal. I know folks have posted their w/d symptoms a lot here. One of mine is this sad feeling of not being able to truly connect with people right now. And of being on ativan for months ahead, probably. I pray for some acceptance of this. And get tempted every so often to try to speed it up. I won't. If anything I'm already going fast. But basically OK - was at a solid 1 mg in late August and now am at 0.63 (about). So that's good.


And last night I watched a surfing movie and actually thought I'd enjoy being on the water again, some day. (Right now, the usual things I used to enjoy feel so damn far away it's insane).


Random reach out. Maybe I should put this on a blog instead of here.


NYC, yes, sounds like its the ativan what you describe. I Had all that you describe and more. However, during my ativan w/d, I did go out and surf. I just took it easy since my body strength and coordination were "a bit off." Sure I took some bad falls now and again, but it was all fun. Probbably the ONLY fun I could experience while on that horrid drug (ok to be fair, sex, cycling and skiing still gave me joy [albeit blunted] while withdrawing). Getting out IN the water for me was going to happen, ativan or not. I wasnt going to let this pill destroy my life. But I realize each person has their own path to walk.



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NYC4    I have the  same  feelings right now as you described . It is the A. and benzo brain. I see a therapist to help me with it. But when I leave his office my brain wants to go back to those feelings.  I take notes and should  post them all over my house for reminders.  I agree that your  taper seems to fast. Slow and steady.  Please be careful. I taper 1/16th every 14 days or so until I feel stable to cut again.

My thoughts and prayers go out to all my Benzo Buddies.


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If you dose like me 5 times daily .....and feel the pill not very strong helping or lasting too long ....i assume those are intradosal withdrawals? Do they damage our brain an cns like constant mini cold turkeys......do others feel sick this way and continue to reduce for months by dosing many times daily? Im scared its causing more cns damage but i cant use valium my liver is sensitive.
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If you dose like me 5 times daily .....and feel the pill not very strong helping or lasting too long ....i assume those are intradosal withdrawals? Do they damage our brain an cns like constant mini cold turkeys......do others feel sick this way and continue to reduce for months by dosing many times daily? Im scared its causing more cns damage but i cant use valium my liver is sensitive.


Hi Joanna, I'd dose as often as you need to to make the interdose symptoms stop.  Dosing 5 or 6 times a day for months and years can be wearing so it might be a good idea to switch to a longer acting benzo.  There are other choices besides Valium.

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During and after a night like last night I'm almost ready to throw in the towel, whatever that means. I mean, I feel like I'm wide awake nearly all night. Tylenol PM, melatonin, benadryl, nothing worked. Took half an Ambien the other night but don't want to go down THAT road. Same with seroquel - makes me sick and crazier.


Not being able to sleep lately feels like i'm spiraling down a hole. I guess this is par for the course in the tapering life but it's really feeling like too much lately. I cut my dose five days ago and at first it felt ok and now it feels like things have gotten worse. Depression, twitching, staring into space. What is going on?? Withdrawal along with the other stuff in my life, it's making me feel crazier. For a little bit I feel stable, then it all falls out. A roller coaster. Doing this all by myself is wearing away at me.


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NYC I see you have posted on the Valium thread. We can help you there. Switching from Ativan to Valium will make for a smoother, more bearable taper. That's not to say there won't be problems, but not the same problems. Initially you will find Valium to be sedating (most people do) so it should help you with sleep. Ativan made ME feel crazy, too, and I could not do my doctor's suggested taper for it. Go on over to the Valium thread. I left a link to a resource manual there to get you started thinking about a crossover.



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Sorry to hear that. I only took Lorazepam for now all together A month/4 weeks and I have been reducing my dose weekly from the start.I am now feeling aweful, dr says it's anxiety, and I should take paxil...I have been taking .125mg once a day for 6 days...I can't do this, I barely slept last night.Im gonna either cut one more time or jump!!!!!
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Yeah, I've reached a new low with all this. The lack of sleep lately - I know it's not from being depressed, although that's part of it. It's the ativan blowback, right?

I'm tempted to updose again and know folks will be advise against this. I feel like I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place right now. Stuck with ativan for now, can't find a new doctor, guess I have no choice but try best to endure. Yet another doc today says "that's a low dose you're on" despite me telling her slight changes make me jump. i wish i could relax around all this.

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Marie - I would taper as quickly as you can and be free of this. You'll likely still feel it in post-withdrawal but limiting your exposure would be ideal. Has your withdrawal been very difficult? If not, I would keep pushing through....maybe another cut to .0625mg?


NYC - I always felt my cuts on day 4-5 after a drop. You will start to recognize a pattern. Depression, sleep issues, anxiety, isolation are all normal in w/d. I really hope you find the strength to not updose or to just HOLD!!!!! I thought you made the decision to hold as it was? You can do this but you need to roll with the punches.

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Scared!!!! I jumped last night and didn't take my .125mg lorazepam dose.my face, head and legs are tingly and I did not sleep more than 3hrs.


I have read horror stories about seizures and other things, I feel aweful....Any comforting words or advice??

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Scared!!!! I jumped last night and didn't take my .125mg lorazepam dose.my face, head and legs are tingly and I did not sleep more than 3hrs.


I have read horror stories about seizures and other things, I feel aweful....Any comforting words or advice??


Your story is nearly the same as mine. Short use / quick taper. I'm not going to lie, this first week is going to suck. Then the next month or two won't be fun, but not as bad as week one. Then you should see larger improvements in spurts (with some setbacks here and there). Your risk of seizure is low if you don't already have a history of them. Plus it helps you were on a low dose for a short time. 


At five months off I feel about 90-95% healed. You can go back and read some of my earlier posts and see how desperate I was too.


Just tough it out like the rest of us have. You WILL get better!

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Scared!!!! I jumped last night and didn't take my .125mg lorazepam dose.my face, head and legs are tingly and I did not sleep more than 3hrs.


I have read horror stories about seizures and other things, I feel aweful....Any comforting words or advice??


You were on benzos for a short time. That means a very low risk of seizure. Hang in there! You will recover.


Rriver  :smitten:

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I agree with Siggy....while seizures are a risk, it's doubtful that you will experience one with your short term use and no prior history. Now is not the time to read scary threads. Now is time to focus on success stories as that's what you'll be. The physical symptoms that you are feeling are normal, unfortunately. Hang on, dig deep. We are here for moral support. My only suggestion is to not jump back on the Ativan in a panic unless you decide the temporary benefit outweighs the risk.


We'll be thinking about you. Keep us posted and congratulations on your FREEDOM!!!!  :thumbsup:

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Thankyou!!! I feel so happy when I see the support.Google is the worst when you are afraid.I read all sorts of stories that scared me . It's bad enough that not sleeping and getting tingly vibrations....I have been told numerous times not to worry since low dose in the end and very short time . Thank you all for encouraging me! Hope you all are well. :)
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Hi Guys...


i am now back on the tablets as I have psychiatrists unwilling to help me come off this drug- looks like I will have to manage it myself. Anyway when i went back to the tablets i went into another horrendous depression, so dark and suicidal i felt overwhelmed about everything even questioning my own identity.Also horrendous teeth and gum pain i can hardly eat. I guess this is all part of this wonderful drug!


Now, I'm in a place were my OCD has gotten worse, is it the drugs or not- who knows. I now need to start to taper this shit but how to do it is the question. I don't want to do a liquid taper as it has been so hellish switching now twice to suspension and back to tablets -I'm done with it.


I suppose i could take the scales route?


Thanks for all your help guys....


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Thankyou!!! I feel so happy when I see the support.Google is the worst when you are afraid.I read all sorts of stories that scared me . It's bad enough that not sleeping and getting tingly vibrations....I have been told numerous times not to worry since low dose in the end and very short time . Thank you all for encouraging me! Hope you all are well. :)


Marie just keep the faith! Good for you taking the plunge and doing this as quickly as you can...I agree with everyone and you just need to stay away from Dr. Google...


You were a short term user and while it may be pretty rough for awhile, try to keep yourself together with the panic etc. All you need to do is get through every day distracting yourself as much as you can. It's just like before , sxs won't hurt you...every day you put between you and this drug is a victory. Congrats on getting away as fast as you can...you can do this :smitten:

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Hi Guys...


i am now back on the tablets as I have psychiatrists unwilling to help me come off this drug- looks like I will have to manage it myself. Anyway when i went back to the tablets i went into another horrendous depression, so dark and suicidal i felt overwhelmed about everything even questioning my own identity.Also horrendous teeth and gum pain i can hardly eat. I guess this is all part of this wonderful drug!


Now, I'm in a place were my OCD has gotten worse, is it the drugs or not- who knows. I now need to start to taper this shit but how to do it is the question. I don't want to do a liquid taper as it has been so hellish switching now twice to suspension and back to tablets -I'm done with it.


I suppose i could take the scales route?


Thanks for all your help guys....



Pete I'm sorry you're not getting much help from the dr with tapering. You can manage this yourself as long as you have someone willing to prescribe. There seem to be too many Drs who have no idea about these drugs or are unwilling or uneducated in now to properly taper these drugs. I know you're very frustrated by the turn of events with the liquids. Yes, you can always use the scale if you stay with the tablets.


I know you haven't begun your taper and you're having issues on the drug. They are a beast, these drugs and I don't doubt their capability for producing sxs tapering or not. I'm sorry you're having such a rough time with the liquid and the pills...let us know how we can help when you are ready to taper :smitten:


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Thankyou!!! I feel so happy when I see the support.Google is the worst when you are afraid.I read all sorts of stories that scared me . It's bad enough that not sleeping and getting tingly vibrations....I have been told numerous times not to worry since low dose in the end and very short time . Thank you all for encouraging me! Hope you all are well. :)


Marie just keep the faith! Good for you taking the plunge and doing this as quickly as you can...I agree with everyone and you just need to stay away from Dr. Google...


You were a short term user and while it may be pretty rough for awhile, try to keep yourself together with the panic etc. All you need to do is get through every day distracting yourself as much as you can. It's just like before , sxs won't hurt you...every day you put between you and this drug is a victory. Congrats on getting away as fast as you can...you can do this :smitten:

Hi Guys...


i am now back on the tablets as I have psychiatrists unwilling to help me come off this drug- looks like I will have to manage it myself. Anyway when i went back to the tablets i went into another horrendous depression, so dark and suicidal i felt overwhelmed about everything even questioning my own identity.Also horrendous teeth and gum pain i can hardly eat. I guess this is all part of this wonderful drug!


Now, I'm in a place were my OCD has gotten worse, is it the drugs or not- who knows. I now need to start to taper this shit but how to do it is the question. I don't want to do a liquid taper as it has been so hellish switching now twice to suspension and back to tablets -I'm done with it.


I suppose i could take the scales route?


Thanks for all your help guys....






Iam trying to be positive, but the tingling is pretty scary especially in face...Everyone seems to get through this differently. ..hope I don't have to ling or hard of time

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Saga thanks


I don't know to be honest. I see a therapist once a week and he wants me to have a discussion about meds with him and the psychiatrist.Likely a waste of time- i suppose i need to get on with it...the mouth pain has become unbearable and i don't think being stable is going to happen whilst on these drugs- its time to dry cut and buy some scales.


I told him as i have told others - I don't want any other meds as i have been on and off meds for 20 years. I don't see in prolonging it any further , I have even considered Valium cross over as the last time they tried that on me they never mentioned a proper crossover.


Marie B


I get that tingling on my face as well.

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Anyone have any experience joining a rehab facility for help with tapering? I don't mean a quick detox, I mean a center that helps you taper off by cross-tapering maybe with valium, and/or using other meds to help the w/d symptoms. I guess I need to find out more info.
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Hi all. Just checking in to say hello. Welcome to the new members of the thread. Sending healing thoughts and prayers out to you all. I will be taking a flight next week from Toronto to Mexico for a vacation. Hoping my liquid compounded ativan won't be an issue , since it's considered a "controlled substance" in Ontario now. I will have the med in the original pharmacy bottles and have requested a copy of the prescription in case I get any hassles at customs. Will bring some tablets as a backup. If anyone has travelled with compounded liquid before please let me know if there's anything else I should do to prepare ahead of time. Thanks!
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I've thought about travel with my liquid.  How will you keep it cold??  That is what I've been wondering about for myself?


Otherwise, I think if you have a script for it and it is in the prescription bottle, it should be fine.  But that's a guess.

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Hi June : I have a little lunch bag with built in ice packs in the inside lining "Pack it" brand. You can google it, It's really cool.( Excuse the pun!) I put my bottle of liquid in a small rectangular plastic container which fits in the lunch bag ( I also put 2 mini ice pks in this ) My pre-loaded dose (s) in a capped 1 ml syringe can also go in here) I have travelled out out town for road trips and it's worked great . If it looks like it might be getting unfrozen during the flight ( since it's a 5 hour flight with 2+ hrs at the airport prior) I'll bring a ziploc bag and ask the flight attendant for some ice. Healing thoughts for you June.


Hi Warrior: Great to hear from you again. Thanks for your kind words. This is a trip I had to cancel twice after my surgery in January d/t the complications. So it's been a rough year with my health.. I have to use up the airline credit before it expires so since I'm doing fairly well with my taper so far , I thought I might as well go for it now. Keep hanging tough my friend . We'll get through this !

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