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Back in the day, before my insomnia problems, I used to take Valerian extract sublingually on nights when I had to go to bed unusually early for a very early work appointment the next day.  Valerian worked great for me; got me to sleep but no hangover the next day.


I have read that Valarian has "valium like properties" and because of this I was hesitant to try to use it going through insomnia recovery from the benzos.


Does anyone have any experience with using valarian for benzo produced insomnia and/or know if there is any reason Valarian is contra indicated when one is recovering from the benzo insomnia?


I really liked the Valarian and would like to use it again but didn't want to potentially jeaopardize my recovery.



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A few people have have taken Valerian with no ill effects. There is a Celestial Seasonings tea that has Valerian in it, too! :) Unfortunately, it didn't work for me, but I know it has worked for others!



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ohh yes that sleepytime tea is VERY good!!!! It tastes like liquid candy to me!  :yippee:

I think it has some spearmint in it also?? I'm not sure


If you haven't tried the chamomile tea, I have been using it since it was reccomended to me here..sometimes I steep two bags per cup on rough nights, and it REALLy helps with my insomnia!

I've never had much luck with valarian. Although I only tried it once.

Good luck to you :)


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I do actually drink a lot of chamomile tea. I had great results with Valarian Subligually before I got on the Benzos.    Have you tried to Tincture sublingually?  It acts really fast for me.
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