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Benedryl and joint pain


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Hi Maltesemom,


I copied the ingredients in the MidNight right off of the back of the box, so good news - No Valerian in it.  Actually, I have looked up Valerian on a medical site and it stated that it is a mild natural Benzo!  So, I don't see that you would want to take it anyway even if it didn't hype you up.


I will try cutting down on the Benadryl and see if my joints improve.  I have read on BB about people being even a year out and having joint pain start.  They were really surprised but felt like it was probably a symptom.  So many things can effect us that it is hard to tell what the cause is.  ???


I don't know that Benadryl would harm the GABA Receptor healing.  I know it is recommended on threads here, but...  We have the hardest time getting all the facts, huh!


I hope your joint health improves and that you are able to find a good way to get some great sleep.



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Hi Maltesemom and Lilyagain. I didn't take benadryl until into my second year after my c/t. And it's only after I used it say twice then 3 times a week I noticed the joint pain in my knees. And now that I've stopped taking it, my joint inflammation and crunchy feeling there is down. Is it a correlation? I don't know but it seems like it. So strange. I only had MAJOR joint problems in my neck vertebrae where the neck and back join as a symptoms in bw. Very obvious symptom as it felt like a weight crushing my head down into my spine and I could totally feel the pressing in that joint in my neck and my boyfriend would stretch it out pulling on it. But the knee stuff, doesn't feel like a bw symptom.


Benadryl doesn't affect the gaba receptors Maltesemom. I wonder were they got that info from. I wish I could find the link but I was told it does have some of the same chemicals and actions as prozac. That didn't sit to well with me. I'll look for that.

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all very interesting, I have been having joint pain since starting on klonipin last oct, got so bad I wanted off the klonipin and didnt know i was addicted, it was rx'd for the anxiety caused by SSRI  I never needed, anyway, I moved over to valium to taper and still have the upper back joint pain, so I had the pain before I ever took the benedryl, the pain came at the same time as the klonipin, so if that helps, I am now down to 7.5 mg val from 20/ and its day 1 and cant wait for this nightmare to be over with, hate the benzo rollercoaster, but my neighbor recommended a new anti immflamatory called voltaren gel that you put right onto the joint and I tried it today, without having to go through the GI tract like advil this went right to the spot and wow what relief, by RX only, expensive but worth it, $40.00 for the tube, insurance wanted a doctors letter of need and I said I would just pay for it, I take benedryl nightly to sleep or I never would stay down, I wont take any sleeping pills ever again, had enough insomnia to last a lifetime,


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      LIke you i had problems sleeping before getting on benzo (1mg) of klonopin in the first place. ONly cut by 1/4 now with klonopin and not getting but about 3 hrs sleep so been supplementing with melatonin.


I gotta take something to help with sleep.


That Cd Perseverance mentioned might be a good idea. Maltesemom, like you i'm also worried that once i can finally get off the klonopin if i'll be able to sleep at all. At the time klonopin seemed liked better choice than Seroquel or Trazadone. Some of the other stuff they tried. I think , but have no idea on this, but think and hope once i can get off klonopin maybe something like B stressed Pm might work for me. I feel klonopin and tolerance withdrawl is now keeping me from getting natural sleep. I'm not sure though what is going on. I've tried CPAP machine , but that was a waste of time for me. Slept worse with that than ever.


B stessed Pm has vitamins B and C, Calcium, Magnesium and valerian root.


If i have to take B Stress Pm or Melatonin to help me taper which one do ya'll think would be best.  I already take one 25 mg benendryl at night , but that is more for allergies than sleep.  Any suggestions would be helpful.

Thanks so much, Gary

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Guess I'm not the only one with bad joint pain!

So, Vancouvergirl, one of the mods on another forum told me negative on Benadryl, that it has some similar activity on the Gaba receptors and best not to use it. Don't know if Unisom does the same but for those of us not able to function, I think if Benadryl helps with sleep it might be ok for a while, during early taper. That is just my opinion. I am thankful for it. Don't know how I could have slept on my trip without it.

Suz...you might want to try Unisom, the one that is different from Benadryl. I guess there are 2 types of unisom. Diphenhydrimine(sp) is the ingredient in Benadryl. I am not having such sore joints now. Maybe coincidence, but the pain is less without the Benadryl. Seems weird, but it is true for me. Unisom is not as effective, but it definetely helps!

Gary...It was recommended to me not to use valerian. It targets the same gaba receptors as the benzos. I was also told the same for Benadryl, but I have used it in desperation for sleep. It is a lot better than benzos for sleep. you might try the Unisom that I mentioned above to Suz. There are 2 types.

During my taper I used 2.5mg of melatonin sublingual by Source Naturals and 500 mg L tryptophan by Doctor's best. I don't think I could have done it without those two items. Now that I am totally off the benzo, they don't work as well but I am back to using melatonin again by itself. Sometimes it works well, sometimes not so much.

Last nite I got a good 5 hrs sleep(interrupted with awakenings) with only the melatonin but I am almost 7 mos off the benzo for sleep. That has been my worst symptom...insomnia. Some of us just have such a problem with sleep that we need to use something at least for a while. Page is jumping so better end here. Good luck

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... my neighbor recommended a new anti immflamatory called voltaren gel that you put right onto the joint and I tried it today, without having to go through the GI tract like advil this went right to the spot and wow what relief, by RX only, expensive but worth it, $40.00 for the tube, insurance wanted a doctors letter of need and I said I would just pay for it, suz


Hi Suz,


So the Voltaren gel really works?  That would be so awesome!  I can't really take any pain relievers as they bother my digestive system or cause other problems.  I will see if I can get a perscription for the Voltaren.  Thanks for passing on that bit of news.  



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Unbelivable how fast the voltaren gel works, I was recommended it by a close friend who is an athletic trainer in the NFL, he uses it on all his players all the time, without going through the GI tract and breaking down it goes right to the pain, and fast, I have never had this much relief, as for the unisom, I will look at the ingredients and see if I should switch or at leat go back n forth,


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Maltesemom, Thanks for those recommendations of using the melatonin along with the L tryphtophan. I will look into getting some. i tried going down to 1/2 klonopin last two days after cutting 1mg by a 1/4 for about 3 weeks. However, looks like i gotta go back up cause i'm not sleeping at all taking a half.


Thanks again,Gary

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