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Sleep Quality Tracker started by Antibenzo7


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I feel so sorry for the countries in lockdown. I hope there’s a change before Christmas. U all deserve to spend Christmas snd the beginning of the new year with people u love x
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Hello people,


Back for my weekly visit.


Hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving. Overhere we don't do that, we had "Dankdag voor gewas en arbeid " two weeks ago; meaning "Day of thanks for crops and work". Religious people visit their church in the evening for that. But with Covid-19 it's all messed up this year.


Hope you may all get better sleep. My sleep has improved again after slowing down on both exercise and taper.

Yesterday I had the final appointment with my psychologist. Mentally I 'm back on track again. Physically there's still lots of issues, though. More muscle pain and stiffness. My feet bother me a lot. Dizzy spells again. Backpain.

But... below 2 mgs of Valium now !


Hoping for better times for all of us. The last thing to give up is Hope, right?


Stay strong and stay safe!



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Greetings TS,

Great to hear from you.

I hope your Dankdag voor gewas en arbeid was pleasant.

Ours will be quiet here, but I am still fixing the traditional dinner. 

Covid definitely has messed everything up this year.


That is good your sleep has improved after the exercise/taper slow down. Sleep is so important. 

I am happy you are back on track mentally. The physical part will hopefully follow.  The pain, stiffness, and dizziness is a lot on your plate to deal with.  Congratulations on being down to 2mgs of valium!! That is very good news.


I'm still dealing with my same issues. Nothing new, so that's good, I guess.


Take care,


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Hi Everyone, Hi Sleepers, lol!!


Nice to see your conversations. I feel so grateful that in my taper I am sleeping well.


Stay warm or enjoy summer, depending!


I haven't napped since being on ambien ... but this one time I went to a quite intense yoga class and came home and konked out. Wish I could do that class more but it was too hard on me.


TS what were you doing, exercise wise, that when you slowed down it helped you sleep better?


:thumbsup: Keep Going!!!

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Hi Kachina,


Glad your sleep is OK. So is mine. Has been getting so much better these last 5 months.


I have never been able to take a nap. Never. But now that I sleep a lot better again,  I  don't need to nap.


What I used to do, was to go for a 20 to 25 minute walk every day plus taking a daily bike ride (some 45 to 60 minutes.)

Recently I've decreased the duration as well as the intensity.

Lately I 've been doing 15 minute walks and 25 minutes bike rides ( give or take). Both at a lower pace. Sleep has improved, I think mostly because I have less pain at night now.


Stay strong!




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Last night I slept a good six hours. I woke up three times, but did manage to go back to sleep in a reasonable amount of time.

I maybe did a little more deep breathing but that was it.


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Hi nightengale,


That's wonderful news ! I'm so glad for you.


Wishing you a lovely Sunday and another good night's sleep.


I overslept this morning. Too bad it resulted in extra muscle pain, which took quite some time to clear. But eventually it did, more or less.


Today was my dad's birthday. Had he still been with us, he would have turned 99 today. Early this afternoon I went to the cemetery to visit our parents' graves.


Later my sister and her husband visited me. We had a nice time.


Take care!



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HI TS, It was a pleasant surprise hearing from you. I was concerned I had offended you somehow.  I sometimes say or write things that come out wrong. 


I am glad the muscle pain cleared after over sleeping.


Sweet memories of your dad and his 99th birthday.  Nice you could go visit your parent's graves.  That's also good your sister and her husband came for a visit.


I am doing okay. My son came to put up the outside Christmas lights. I had done it last year, as he was recovering from shoulder surgery. He discovered the clips to attach them under the roof shingles had become quite brittle and kept breaking.  Finding the replacements became an afternoon ordeal. We found them on Amazon, after not being able to find them at two close by stores and they wanted $24.99 for a box of 100. I had paid $4.99 for a box of 100 a few years ago.  Good grief...Anyway, we did find some at a hardware store not clear across town, so we drove to pick them up.  I am so stiff walking in those stores and then my right  hip started hurting. Not sure what that was about! The pain did go away, but that is twice this has happened.  Other than that, my sleep is a little better it seems.

I'm having surgery for a basil cell cancer on my nose this morning.  Hopefully that will go well.

Take care,


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Hi nightengale,


Offended me? Not a chance! You're always so very kind to all of us on BB. Please don't ever feel like that again. OK? 👍


I'm glad your son finally managed to put the Christmas lights up. The house looks wonderful,  I 'm sure.


Now that the weather has turned colder, I 'm having more muscle pain and stiffness too. My feet are still acting stupid. My left leg is giving me more and more problems walking. I'm seeing the neurologist again in a couple of weeks.


I hope all goes well with your surgery!


I'm expecting a phone call tomorrow from the dermatologist: she took a biopt of a spot on the right side of my face. Let's hope for a negative outcome.


So good you're sleeping better, NG! Keep it up.


Greetings. TS

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Good morning. My sleep is gone after having Mohs surgery on my nose. Today I can take the bandage off. From what I can see on the tip, there is a fair amount of swelling.  I will call the doctor's office to make sure I am doing everything right.  I can also take a shower. YAY!


TS I am prone to thinking I've done something wrong, which I am working on changing. As you can see, it is a work in progress. Thank you for your understanding words. I am relieved to hear I didn't put my foot in my mouth.


When you mention your feet act stupid, I think mine are doing similar things. it is most difficult to describe.

A benzo brain certainly is a puzzle.


TS, was your biopsy from the dermatologist okay?


Take care,


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Hi nightengale 


Sorry your sleep was that bad last night. Bet you'll sleep better tonight!


I hope the swelling isn't bothering you too much.


No, the testresult was positive, meaning it is a small spot of skincancer. The dermatologist told me it's not an aggresive form and it doesn't spread. I have an appointment to have it removed next Wednesday. Hoping all goes well.


Wishing you a speedy recovery . Hope your day is OK.


Stay safe.



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Hope you're all having a pleasant Sunday.


Last night I had a wonderful sleep!  I slept from shortly after 11 pm till 8 am this morning. Just went to the bathroom once. So a 5,  I'd say.


This morning wasn't too bad, but this afternoon the pain is a mean one.


Enjoy the rest of your day.



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TS, that is great news about the good sleep you had. it is such a good thing when that happens.  Enjoy those times.

Sorry about the pain.  It's a good thing we have the means to endure. Not that we have any other choice, but we know that eventually things will get better.

At least that is what hopefully keeps us going.


I'm doing okay. Nothing to write home about.  My sleep is still elusive, my whole body stiffness is relentless. Otherwise, I'm still moving forward.

I can't believe that a year ago, last summer, I was running around Alaska like I was 20 years old. My sleep was elusive, but my body was fine. What a difference a year makes.


Tomorrow I get the stitches out of my nose, so that's good.


I hope your dermatology appointment goes well.




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Good morning, my sleep has been improving the last two nights. I'm up to between 4 and 5 hours.

I put a heating pad on my knees last evening and noticed the stiffness was almost gone. I also used heat on my back and shoulders.

Hopefully the heat can calm the stiffness down for longer periods of time.  I need two heating pads. ha

Anyway, I hope everyone is sleeping more and their pains are less.


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Hi there everyone, 


Hope you slept better these last few nights.


Hi nightengale, that's great news! More sleep and less stiffness, who could ask for more...Let's hope it stays this way.


How's your nose ? Healing nicely, I hope. I had my small piece of skin cancer removed this morning. Now it's a matter of waiting for it to heal. I can remove the bandaids etc. this Friday or better still Saturday. The stitches are coming out next week. At the moment it's "pulling" a bit.  I hope it's not going to interfere with my sleep...


I had a wave for a couple of days, probably caused by a slightly bigger cut last week. Yesterday was an off day, today I felt much better again. Slowing down the taper again.


Stay strong everybody!



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Good day TS, I am doing okay. Still using the heating pad on my knees and shoulders. Actually my back was hurting after my walk this morning, so it's now getting some heat.

The rheumatologist I saw last summer was adamant that I must sleep so my body can heal, so I assume that is why I have so many pains.


Your surgery sounded very much like mine with the bandage removal along with the stitches a week later.

I also had pulling, which did get better. It all bothered my sleep to some extent, but it did not last long.

My nose is healing quite well, thanks. The doctor has me keeping a layer of Aquaphor on the healing incision.


I am sorry about the wave you had. Cuts tend to do that, but things do improve like yours did. 

Slowing the taper down works very well. If I had a do over, I would have taken it much slower. I probably felt my best during the taper when I would cut and hold for a month or so.


Take care.


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Hello nightengale,


I'm glad you're doing OK.

Your comments about the benefits of a heating mat made me look for one. I saw a blanket size one in a shop this afternoon. I think I 'm going to buy it.  Anything to get rid of the pain...This summer during the warm weather, my muscle pain was much less. Now with the moist cold it's a lot worse.


We all know how crucial sleep is! But there’s just so much we can do about it. Just hope and pray it'll get better.


Being a "side sleeper" the stitches did bother my sleep last night. But just one more night to go. Friday evening I can remove the bandaids. Already looking forward to Saturday 's shower!


This morning I felt ok, this afternoon I had a 2 hour "wave" , now I 'm doing better again.  Even went for a short bike ride. It was cold and foggy, but at least I got out of the house for a bit. My sister came for a visit this afternoon.


I decided to "hold"  until early next year. Let things calm down.


All the best!



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TS, I hope the heating pad helps. Mine certainly has. Like you I had not thought of it, even though my mother kept talking about using one. Then I had an aha moment and got mine out to use a few days ago. 


So I have a drum roll...last night I slept between 6-7 hours. I loved it!! At least I know I can, even if it doesn't last. I believe eventually it will be more of the norm.


Cold weather doesn't help our bodies, I've noticed.  I wear these long fleece lined slipper sox, some with kitty faces on them and some with dogs, and some just plain that I found at Costco. They are perfect for inside the house. I also have a fleece lined blanket that I surround myself in while watching TV in the evening. It all helps. 


I am also a side sleeper.  My left to be exact. I make a point to remember to get flu shots in my right arm, so I can at least sleep at night until that pain wears off. 


Tonight you will be able to remove those bandaids and be well on your way to recovery and a shower!!


Sorry about the 2 hour wave.  The bike ride sounded quite nice along with your sister's visit.


I am glad you are holding for awhile.  It is always good to do whatever we can to make holidays, etc., more enjoyable.


Take care,


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Hi nightengale,


I hope your sleep has been ok lately.


How's the body stiffness at the moment?


This morning I had the stitches removed. And got the result of the 2nd biopt: clear. Just like you I need to put a thin layer of vaseline on the healing incison.


Saw my neurologist as well this morning. She was satisfied with the progress I made over these last 6 months. She's made an appointment for me with the internist doctor. The bloodwork I had done this summer, showed one enzyme being a bit iffy.


I still have very painful leg and back muscles. Hope it'll get a bit better soon.


Sleep has improved this last week.


We have gone into a very strict, almost complete lockdown this week: Covid numbers were skyrocketing!  The lockdown is going to last for at least 5 weeks.


Stay safe!



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Good day, TS. That's great news the 2nd biopsy came back clear and the stitches are gone! 


I'm happy the neurologist is satisfied with your progress. That's always good news. 


Do you know what the iffy enzyme means?


I am sorry you are having pain in your leg and back muscles.  Hopefully one day you wake up and it will be gone. 


That's great your sleep is improving.


Mine is slipping away again, but it was great to know I can have some good nights. 

My body stiffness is still there with no let up. I have a virtual appointment with my new primary care doctor this morning. Hopefully he has some ideas.


The strict lockdowns are no fun, but we do what we must to stop the spread.  It's not quite to that point here, but close.  I'm still going to the grocery store instead of doing the curbside pickup and so far it has worked.  Christmas is going to be like Thanksgiving we stay at home with no holiday family dinners. 


My mom turned 101 years old yesterday.  Her phone was out of order! Finally the people who live over the hill figured out it was one of her extension phones that had stopped working. At least I was able to call her and have a chat.  My sister and I had two meals delivered to her from the only restaurant in town. Actually there is another very small cafe that seats perhaps 25 people where you can get burgers.  The town is around 1100 people, but the restaurant is amazing.  We go there every time we visit my mom.  Anyway, I think her birthday was nice, but different.


Take care and stay safe and well.


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Hello nightengale,


Congratulations on your mom's 101th birthday!

Hard to imagine what it must be like to live for more than a  century.  I remember you going there when she turned 100. Lots of snow during the trip. And you sleeping so well after you got home again. Sorry your sleep is worse again the last couple of nights. Things will improve again.


I bet you were worried when you couldn't get in touch with your mom. Glad there wasn't anything wrong with her, and it was just a phone causing trouble. I'm sure she enjoyed her meals.


I don't know what the enzyme issues are, I hope to hear more soon. Tomorrow I'm having bloodwork done on my thyroid. 


Let's wait and see what you new pcdoc will come up with.


Enjoy the rest of your day!




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Good morning TS,

My mother outlived my father by 49 years, eight of her 12 siblings have died and all of her friends are gone. She is ready to pass on. I'm just working on trying to be focused on being okay with losing her. I know it is time. 


I hope you get good results from your blood work today.


My appointment with the new primary care physician went okay. He suggested I go on antidepressants.  I was put on them when I was prescribed ambien and clonazepam, but didn't notice anything different, so tapered off after a year.  I've had feelings of depression, but it's been maybe 20 years ago.  At this point, I am saying no to ADs.


Take care,




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Hi nightengale,


That's one of the many downsides of growing old. Many really old people wonder why they're still alive. Everybody wants to get old,  but nobody wants to be old.


I think you're doing the right thing by not getting on ADs again. Especially if they do nothing for you. I started taking them last May and I 'm sure they saved my life. The health anxiety was killing me. One more drug to taper off eventually.  But, so be it.


I can phone my pcdoc for the result of the bloodwork next Tuesday.


Hoping we're all going to have a nice weekend.





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Hi TS, in all honesty I never thought about getting or being old. Then one day I was. My grandparents were old, other people were old. They eventually died. That's what old people did. I always enjoyed being around older people and missed them terribly when they were gone.

I liked your statement about wanting to get old, but not being old.

I'm rambling, so will stop. :)


That is great news that the AD you are taking saved your life.  It's really good when a mediation works the way it should.


Take care,






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Hi nightengale, 


Hope you're doing fine and you're sleeping better again.


My bloodwork on the thyroid came back just fine! So, no problems there.


We're having very mild and rainy weather right now.  Christmas promises to be dry and a little colder but no frost.


Enjoy Christmas!


Stay home and stay safe!




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