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Sleep Quality Tracker started by Antibenzo7


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Worst night so far! Hardly slept. Got extremely anxious,  painful thigh muscles,  felt like having a heartattack. Called the emergency doctor. He came, checked the lot. All OK. Still feeling awful. Shaking like a leave. Have an appointment with my psychiatrist tomorrow.


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TS I am sorry things have gotten so bad.

I hope your Dr can do something to help.

Good to check with dr than to try to

self medicate.

My sleep was struggle. Woke after 4 hours.

Tried to rest  pray and managed maybe

another 1.5 hrs

But feel hungover this am.

And with emotional stress and

a lot to do I can’t seem to reduce

what I take for sleep. Ty all for supports.

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5 hours straight after taking a teaspoon of honey before bed.

Woke with a headache and full feeling in my head. Took 2 Tylenol and think I did doze after that.


I hope you are feeling better, TS.  You are on a rough ride. 

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Slept well for just over 5 hours. Woke up to pain again. Got up, sat in the livingroom for have an hour with my hot pipbag.  Back to bed. The pain was gone. Could stay in bed until 7.45 am. Nervous, nauseous, stiffness in thigh muscles. As per normal.

Hope you slept well.

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Was able to decrease amount taken

yesterday. A good sign. Finding a baseline

to taper. Took less for sleep. Did use 3 mg

melatonin. Did calming stuff in morning.

Praying for a stable day.

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Hi healthyme,


Sounds good to me!

Please take it slowly. Listen to you body and mind. I went too fast and am paying the price for it now.


Hope you have a stable day.

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Slept maybe an hour.

Thought about having to take my car in for regular maintenance and a brake check, so could not sleep. I just talked to the mechanic and the car needs brakes. Uff



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NG you are an inspiration. I hope your day goes well and you find comfort.

For me it's hour by hour. I have to stay occupied. And I'm not used to that.

I have anxiety and work to relax my throat and breathing too.

Thank you.

TS- Good luck to you.


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Hi nightengale,


Good on you to just soldier on!

Sorry to hear you had another bad night. But, there's always a next night. Who knows...


Hi healthyme,


We all have those days, where we have to make it through the next hour...


Hold on!



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TS did your dr recommend anything new for you ?

Hope I’m not being too nosey. Just so you can get help.

I’ve been 2 days at 1 mg /day

It was only last fall I was at .75 mg.

So was thinking 1 mg is good place to

start taper. I slept last night but do not

feel rested. 10 pm out, awoke at 12 40 am

Prayed meditated until I fell back asleep

Until 4 40 am. But feel like I didn’t

sleep at all. Ty

Wish you all well.

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Hi healthyme.


So glad you did get some sleep.  Just like you, I never feel rested after this chemical sleep.

The psychiatrist was ill, his assistent and I discussed what would be the best thing to do. No extra meds, was the conclusion.

I felt OK then, so was glad we agreed.

Today I feel like crap, so I would swallow anything to get rid of this suffering. Took a rescue dose,  now I feel groggy, but much less anxious and miserable.

Hope your taper is going to succeed.


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Hi all,

I slept around six hours after I took an OTC sleeping pill from Costco. I fell asleep for 20-30 minutes while watching  TV and then could not fall asleep after I went to bed. An hour later, I took the pill. I was still groggily awake around midnight, but then went to sleep. I looked at the clock around 6:15 am. Got up at 6:30 and did some gentle yoga. My brain is still foggy after a mug of black coffee.


Healthyme, thanks, I hope you are feeling better today.  Being anxious is a common thread many of us share. I am less anxious for the most part,  than I was during and after I jumped, but I am still anxious. I wish you the best with your taper. I found that journey both stressful and empowering. 


TS it did go well with the psychiatrist's assistant. It is always good to be on the same page and agree.  I hope you have a better evening/night.

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Slept some 5,5 hours. Didn't wake up in pain or with nausea. Had a slice of bread half an hour before bed. Drank more water with my pills. Maybe that prevented nighttime nausea.

Part of the morning was OK, then, out of the blue, nauseous and much more leg muscle pain. Happens every morning,  no idea why.

The nausea left as soon as it came, after I had tea and a banana.


Hope you slept well.

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I slept for an hour, then woke up and not aware of sleeping after that. I assume I did, as I recall a faded dream. 

Did some light yoga this morning, but my knee is still hurting some. 


TS glad you had a good night. Perhaps the bread helped along with more water with your meds.  The morning leg muscle pain and nausea should have stayed away! You and I know this is not how it works with benzos. :(

Glad the tea and banana helped chase the nausea away.





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Sorry your sleep was like that, nightengale. I know the feeling. Getting up feeling as if you had no sleep at all. Tired.

Hope your sleep was better this night.

I slept from 11 pm. until 5.45 am. Just woke up for a bathroom visit. After that straight back to sleep. Awoke a few times while turning over in bed, but fell asleep straight away again. Wow. This hasn't happened in many weeks.

Now upper leg muscle pain and a little nausea are back.

Sure hope PT ( dry needling)  next Friday is going to bring some relief.


Wishing you sweet dreams and a pleasant day.

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I slept maybe 3 hours. Was thinking about what I was going to tell the doctor today. My mind would not shut off.

The doctor thinks I should be healed from my benzo taper, so anything going on now is not from that.  Oh well..


TS, that's great news you slept so well last night! You deserved that.  Sorry about the upper leg muscle pain and some nausea.

I hope the dry needling helps too!


The muscle spasms in my legs last night would not stop. There is always some slight pain along with it. 

The weather is changing here from the 70s F yesterday to freezing rain and then 6-10 inches of snow.  Hopefully the worst holds off until I get home from the appointment with the doctor.  It's a 30 minute drive away.



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TS- That is great...

NG- You did great getting off these drugs. Best wishes with doctor.

I wasn't gonna post. I see it requires such patience to get off these drugs.

I am glad my dose was not extremely high (per my doctor).

My sleep is bizarre, and if this is how it will be...

idk- I will need help. Woke up at 2:45 am and could not sleep any more.

Too long of a day! and what a waste. I've leveled off at 1.25 mg. as starting taper dose.


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Hi Healthyme, I am sorry you woke up for good at 2:45. That does make it a very long day.  I hope you sleep better tonight.  I feel for you and TS still working at getting off of the drugs. I so admired people who had gotten off when I first found this website. I wished I were in there shoes. It helped to keep me going.


Well healing takes as long as it takes, so I'm just hanging in there. I said nothing to the doctor about benzo stuff. He had x-rays taken of both my knees as well as a blood test. Maybe I'll learn something new.


Take care.


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Hi,  Sorry we're all sleeping this bad. Hope real sleep may return soon.


Slept some 5 hours. Woke up to abdominal pain. Hadn't had that for a few weeks.

Got really anxious. Shaking, trembling, horrible. A couple of terrible hours.

Got up at 7, had a shower and ate breakfast. Starting to feel better now. But doubting if I can go on like this for much longer. Things are getting worse. Will probably need an AD, but am so afraid to take it.


Hope we all see better days soon.

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Good morning/afternoon, I slept maybe 3.5 hours. I got up and did some yoga at 6am. My right arm tendinitis is flaring back up after the steroid shot I had in December.  I assume it is from the yoga. At least my knee has improved. I just can't win.


It's 13f degrees and still snowing. I have no plans to venture out today. 


TS, sorry about the abdominal pain and the anxiety.  What does AD stand for? My brain won't think this morning.


Hang in there




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Hi nightengale,


Sorry you had another bad night. But glad to see your knee is OK again!

Anxiety is mostly in the early hours of the day ( from after waking up until after breakfast,  the abdominal pain lasted for a few hours more). The main issue today was extreme exhaustion. Unbelievable.

But: suddenly ( in less than an hour) the wave ( if that's what this was)  stopped. I had a cup of tea and decided to go outside for a while. Sunny, hardly any wind, mild. Walking hurts too much at the moment,  so I got on my bike. Unbelievable: terrible exhaustion one minute,  out on my bike the next.


AD stands for antidepressant. Hope to be able to do without.


Hope you have a pleasant day.



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Hi, I slept really well last night. Some 5,5 hours of unbroken sleep. After waking up, no anxiety. No nausea.

Slowly the pain in my legs came,  but not to bad.


Seeing my psychologist this morning.


Hope you slept well.


Would like us all to have a nice day.

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Had a good night.

A gift from God.

I did not take the med either.

That’s a story. I had taken

an antihistamine at 3 pm for vertigo and

It must have made me relaxed.

I must work on my anxiety

or success will not happen. Ty



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