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Has something like it has happened to you?


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Hello to everyone! I would like to know if something like that has been happening to you.

I got on benzos 4 years ago and getting rid of it almost 1.5 years after that.

I keep a good sleeping routine, going to bed from 10 to 6 or something like it.

In a month I have half of time having a regular decent sleep (which for me it´s a 76-78 on the Fitbit counter, and 5.. 6 or 7 hours) and the other in which I struggle to relax my muscles to disconnect to sleep. I finally got it but it´s a night in which i sleep 4 or 3 hours only.

Like I said before, I stopped having benzos almost a year and a half already so... I´m not so sure this was main reason this keep happening to me, but we all get old, and our body doesn’t work like a young one, so I imagine that for whatever reason my dream patron is damage and I keep trying to fix it but not with pills like the first time. So, my question is... Has something like it has happened to you? have you been able to deal with it? In What way?

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Yes, it's somewhat common to sleep well for days, weeks or even months and get hit with "late" insomnia waves.  I stlll get those insomnia "waves" many years after being off.  Things always even out given time.  It was a lack of sleep that put me on Benzos, so getting off of Benzos doesn't fix the pre-existing condition.  Hopefully, you developed coping skills to help you deal with the poor nights.  Anything is better than a zero night.  Please read this post, it could help?  http://www.benzobuddies.org/forum/index.php?topic=235100.0
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