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trina75, I hope I turn a corner soon. Looking back at your posts, you were far more functional at 8 months than I am. I pray for a miracle every day. I know people can get better quickly, but I am having a hard time holding on. Period is tomorrow so that isn't helping. Spotting all day. I pray for a jump in healing next week when my period is over.


Let you in on a little secret - there's a lot I did not post back then bc I was trying to stay positive focused for other members...I suffered a lot.

Its kind of like facebook - you don't put up photos of your worst days right? lol.

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trina75, I do believe you and though I am sorry you suffered, I am glad I am not alone. Yet some of the things you talked about doing - man, I can only dream of that. But maybe things will turn around for me a bit...who knows? Hugs!
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Hey there ladies... just checking in as I’ve been off BB for a little while. May was an ok-ish month for me cycle wise. I’m due to start my period soon and feeling off now. Ugh. I’ve been holding my dose for 2 months, I’m starting to think the holding isn’t going to improve things any further. Dealing with burning skin on my scalp, neck, upper body. This sucks, but I know it will pass.
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By the sounds of things, you will likely walk off this last bit!  Praying for full recovery.  Enjoy your summer!
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Hey there ladies... just checking in as I’ve been off BB for a little while. May was an ok-ish month for me cycle wise. I’m due to start my period soon and feeling off now. Ugh. I’ve been holding my dose for 2 months, I’m starting to think the holding isn’t going to improve things any further. Dealing with burning skin on my scalp, neck, upper body. This sucks, but I know it will pass.

Supporting you as you do whats right for you!

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Hi All- glad i found this thread. I gave birth almost a year ago so my periods started to become normal around September/October. Now after finishing my taper in March my periods are causing me to be highly irritable and more anxious. Like for example, hypochondria has kicked back in on a level of 5/10. Scared to take birth control and scared to go to the dr now??!! This makes no sense- i dealt with this early on in withdrawal and every now anD then but not at this level - any help will be greatly appreciated  :(
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Hey there ladies... just checking in as I’ve been off BB for a little while. May was an ok-ish month for me cycle wise. I’m due to start my period soon and feeling off now. Ugh. I’ve been holding my dose for 2 months, I’m starting to think the holding isn’t going to improve things any further. Dealing with burning skin on my scalp, neck, upper body. This sucks, but I know it will pass.


Sorry you are hurting kits.  Whatever you decide to do - we are all here for you.  I hope today is a better day for you

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Trotch you're nearly there!


Gingerbread, may I ask what were the sxs that made you hold and go slowly during your taper? Just to compare and see.

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Trotch you're nearly there!


Gingerbread, may I ask what were the sxs that made you hold and go slowly during your taper? Just to compare and see.


My sx were predominately insomnia, headaches, dizziness, chills, nausea, heart pounding anxiety, head pressure, sinus and brain fog.  I needed to remain functional as I live alone.  I'm happy to report that at just over six months off things are getting better.  I'm dealing with insomnia and anxiety still, occasional benzo belly but the rest are gone or much improved.


Just returned from the funeral of a family member who died of Covid 19.  It was a very stressful few weeks and I know part of the anxiety was due to that.  Good luck with your hold. G.

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Hello ladies :)


I'm in my 5th month post-CT and my hormonal cycles have been getting worst by the month. For four months, I could handle the benzo belly whilst being on my period as being bloated and uncomfortable was already something I was used to feeling but last month... WOAH. I honestly don't understand how the hormonal cycle works and scientific explanations just don't stick in my memory-lacking brain so I know I may sound like a teenager with no knowledge on womanhood (haha). Last month... it was something I had never experienced before. I had the biggest and most painful indigestion EVER. It lasted 4 days. I didn't burp, pass gas or seem to digest (gurgle I like to call it) anything solid. It felt horrible. I hope this month wont be as bad. I spend 6 days in bed - my kids weren't impressed as the sun and heat have come to greet us. Have any of you had anything similar happen during hormonal changes/period?


I hope you are all doing well.

Andie, xx

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Thank you.  I have never had so much anxiety as last month. She got sick the beginning of May and was taken off life support on the 25th.  From mild cold symptoms to ventilator in 12 days.  So fast. G.

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Gingermint I'm so very sorry for your loss. And going through this in bwd must be so hard on you. I thought most of the US population was vaccinated. I just realized I called you gingerbread instead of gingermint. I hope your anxiety calms down.
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My insomnia has gotten worst  like 5 days before my cycle tomorrow is arriving anyone has this experience ? any advice encouragement? thxs feeling drained
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Sleep can get screw-y around menstruation. So its normal to us in recovery sadly.

My cycles have improved greatly, but still not pre-benzo.


Bonty and warrior ..go back and read some of the posts we've all put in over the past few months - it will answer a lot for you both!

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Sleep can get screw-y around menstruation. So its normal to us in recovery sadly.

My cycles have improved greatly, but still not pre-benzo.


Bonty and warrior ..go back and read some of the posts we've all put in over the past few months - it will answer a lot for you both!

I will thankyou trina75 happy you are improving!

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Hi everyone,


It's been quiet here. Hope you're all doing better!


Tonight I 'm down to 0,2 mg. Almost done,


Hope to finish next Thursday.



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