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Olive Kitty - me too!  I’m quite a few trains behind you. Mine is chugging alone slowwww.

Choo choo 🚂


I have a Perseverance Train 🚂 that runs in Begood's Village.  It choochoo's and chuga chuga' s!

My train runs very slow too.  ;). You are welcome to ride anytime.  We don't do anything to cause our heart to palpitate, unless a good looking guy gets on  :D:laugh: :laugh:

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Well, I was woken up this morning with Tim screaming Sly to the top of his lungs.  My heart was beating out of my chest as I was getting out of bed and running into the living area, Tim still screaming.  Sly flew in the back door as I reached the kitchen.  I'm screaming what's wrong baby!!

Sly had cornered a skunk that had just turned his butt to aim at Sly and Tim's screaming got Sly moving in the nick of time.  Wow, that was a close call, getting skunk out is a full day job and smells everything around it.  My poor heart finally slowed down. I bet Tim woke all the neighbors but at least Sly was not skunked  :laugh: :laugh:  We have only had one dog get skunked, OMG, it's just awful. :-\:D :D.  Well, that's the way my morning started at 5:30. 




Morning LHSG, here's hoping your morning starts a little calmer than mine!!  LY 💜☮️🙏💜☮️. 🐕

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Omg mm!


What a way to wake up.  :o :o Thank  god  Sly didn't get skunked. My cat was once.  It took forever to get the smell out. Poor Thing.  Ly dd

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Wow, Mary, I'm adjusting my mental attitude to this amazing piece of news. You guys live in an exciting way. Here we all live in apartments unless you go to cheaper villages or you're really rich, so the majority of us don't get attacked by animals, other than the human ones that is. I'm glad Sly is safe and that you dodged the stink.
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Wow, Mary, I'm adjusting my mental attitude to this amazing piece of news. You guys live in an exciting way. Here we all live in apartments unless you go to cheaper villages or you're really rich, so the majority of us don't get attacked by animals, other than the human ones that is. I'm glad Sly is safe and that you dodged the stink.


Lol, we live in a neighborhood with lots of trees and shrubbery, all kinds of animals live around here.  The skunk would have just sprayed him but boy it smells bad.  It's the skunks protection from other animals.  And it's hard to get the smell out.  ;) ;). 

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Oh my,I am so sorry embarrassed!  :-[

There I was telling everyone how great I felt after being off the diazapam for 3 months except for some headaches. I was sure  I had dodged the bullet and was home free.


Well, for the last few weeks I’ve had 100% daily headaches and they seem to be getting worse. On some days I feel like they are actually severe migraines.  And now today I have the shakes to add to the headaches. Today is the first day I actually feel incapacitated!


I sure hope this is only a fluke. I hope tomorrow will be better. I hope maybe this is just one of my old migraines that have been gone for years. (Ever since I found out what was triggering them and eliminated the triggers from my diet)


Oh my gosh, I hope I am not one of the unlucky ones who have more withdrawal side effects way into recovery. Today has been an awful day.

But who knows? Just gotta wait and see whar happens and HANG IN THERE!


Love to you all❤️Heathcliff, ........ with egg on my face! Sooo embarrassed! :-[


I hope all of you here, are doing better than me today!

I’m getting really scared.  ......... again!



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Oh my,I am so sorry embarrassed!  :-[

There I was telling everyone how great I felt after being off the diazapam for 3 months except for some headaches. I was sure  I had dodged the bullet and was home free.


Well, for the last few weeks I’ve had 100% daily headaches and they seem to be getting worse. On some days I feel like they are actually severe migraines.  And now today I have the shakes to add to the headaches. Today is the first day I actually feel incapacitated!


I sure hope this is only a fluke. I hope tomorrow will be better. I hope maybe this is just one of my old migraines that have been gone for years. (Ever since I found out what was triggering them and eliminated the triggers from my diet)


Oh my gosh, I hope I am not one of the unlucky ones who have more withdrawal side effects way into recovery. Today has been an awful day.

But who knows? Just gotta wait and see whar happens and HANG IN THERE!


Love to you all❤️Heathcliff, ........ with egg on my face! Sooo embarrassed! :-[


I hope all of you here, are doing better than me today!

I’m getting really scared.  ......... again!


Oh Heath, you never have to apologize to us.  We are still so proud of you and hope those migraines go away soon.  I have had them for over 20 years, way before benzo's.  But my aura migraine was either in tolerance or withdrawal, I can't remember anymore.  That scared me to death.  Will be thinking about you , Mary 💜☮️💜☮️💜☮️☮️

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Oh Mary. thanks for the support!  It’s about 4 hours since I posted that cry for help and I’m happy to say that wave seems to be ramping down. I am better now.

You are one of the buddies who give me so much support and help when I am a mess. Of course there are so many others, but I just want you to know how much I appreciate you!

All power to you! I hope your journey goes smoothly and that your wdsx are always at a minimum.


Love, and only goodness to you always.



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Aw Heathcliff I'm sorry to hear that you were not feeling well. I bet this will pass soon and you will be off enjoying life in no time. Don't be embarrassed, we are here to celebrate each other's wins and support during the losses.

Did you accidentally eat any of your trigger foods that may be causing the migraines?

Love to you!


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Good morning LHSG hoping everyone has a better day.

Morning Heath you never have to apologize honey.lt is a blip nothing more and it will pass.l know you are scared however this is normal you are still healing.Try not to panic as that will make everything so much worse.lt is the nature of benzo recovery.You can do this.love you.X

Morning lady Mary Free, Trish, Intend Gilly Valley Meems Esperanza NJ Olive Nova Miyu Bill Suzy, Janice, Troch GP Mags Final and everyone here l will be unable to post for a while l have no internet access as there is a fault which they are working on.l wanted you all to know l am thinking of you all.I really hope everyone feels better and remember this is normal for withdrawal.Sending you all my love.X

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Good morning everyone!

Had a very busy weekend wasn't able to pop in, hope everyone did ok. I have to back read to see what was posted.


I was living life best I could. I went shopping, out to dinner, church and went to car dealership with Rich Saturday and leased another SUV. We're picking it up today. I lease a red Nissan rogue SUV and am giving that one up for a 2020 SUV Nissan rogue, color is black, which has a few different features. We pick it up at noon today 🙂


Had dinner at my daughter's house yesterday and it's so upsetting to be around my son. I have so many worries about him and having another baby. Uhggg 🤦‍♀️ other than that it was a good weekend.


Thinking of making a cut this Saturday.. We'll see how I feel when the day comes. If I don't think I can do it I won't.


Twinny I hope your internet goes up soon. Thank you for getting a post to us, you know we need you! Especially me😉

I'm dependent on Xanax and you twinny 😂


Mmmmm's, intend, DD,  meems, Olive, gp, FH, VNM, Bill, Free and everyone else hope to see you all here some time today. Happy Monday everyone hope it's a good day for us all.


Love to all,

TT ❤️

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Oh Mary. thanks for the support!  It’s about 4 hours since I posted that cry for help and I’m happy to say that wave seems to be ramping down. I am better now.

You are one of the buddies who give me so much support and help when I am a mess. Of course there are so many others, but I just want you to know how much I appreciate you!

All power to you! I hope your journey goes smoothly and that your wdsx are always at a minimum.


Love, and only goodness to you always.




I am so glad that wave seems to be ramping down  :D:mybuddy: :mybuddy:  ♥️♥️  Get on with that life now  :D.

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Good morning LHSG. I’ve been up for a while (I’m Pacific Time-US).  Sxs.  Insomnia, sweating, intrusive thoughts, etc.  The stress of living with my mom is killing me.  I don’t know how much longer I can do this. I’m so tired of tapering and holding.  I’m in the darkest place I’ve been in, in my whole taper.  I’m tired of fighting to live with w/d.  Sorry for the negative post. 


Meems 😔

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Good morning LHSG. I’ve been up for a while (I’m Pacific Time-US).  Sxs.  Insomnia, sweating, intrusive thoughts, etc.  The stress of living with my mom is killing me.  I don’t know how much longer I can do this. I’m so tired of tapering and holding.  I’m in the darkest place I’ve been in, in my whole taper.  I’m tired of fighting to live with w/d.  Sorry for the negative post. 


Meems 😔


It's okay Meems, get it out, that's why we are here.  So sorry it's so hard living with her.  Tapering is terribly hard without all the extra stress.  We all have you in our thoughts.  I won't ask a bunch of questions about you moving, I'm sure you would if you could.  I put the Perseverance Train up in begood's Village for you today, if you want to hop on and take a ride to relax .  Love you!  Mary 💜💜💜

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Good morning LHSG. I’ve been up for a while (I’m Pacific Time-US).  Sxs.  Insomnia, sweating, intrusive thoughts, etc.  The stress of living with my mom is killing me.  I don’t know how much longer I can do this. I’m so tired of tapering and holding.  I’m in the darkest place I’ve been in, in my whole taper.  I’m tired of fighting to live with w/d.  Sorry for the negative post. 


Meems 😔

Oh noooooo meems I'm so sorry you're in such a predicament with your mother and wd on top of it.  :(  I don't have a mother who gives me a hard time but my son does and he doesn't even live with me. I know how hard it can be to go through wd with other baggage in your life.. Not easy I know. I hope you always stay here at the LHSG with us and let us support you, lean on us meems. Try to relax as much as possible while she's at dialysis. Be kind to yourself while she's gone. Soak up that California sunshine as much as you can. Just know life is always changing and even though it might seem like it'll never get better don't believe it. It's the wd talking. Nothing is ever permanent, this time in your life is just a season a passing one. Hold onto hope meems brighter days will come.

Sending you lots and lots of love today and ginormous hugs.

Trishy  :mybuddy:😘❤️

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Good morning Stut, we will miss you! We always miss you when you are gone.


Trishy, enjoy that nice  new car! You will make a cut if it feels right..


I’m so sorry Meems, you know we can all relate to how you are feeling. Love you!

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Oh Meems,

I am so sorry you are feeling so bad. As Trishy said we have been there too. So many times i thought i will never make it. My bf is driving me nuts. Its gotten better i swear. I feel king of depressed tiday too. Its nice out ir feels 60. This is warm to me. The windows are open. Try not to feed into the thoughts.  I ignore them. Yell at  them to eff off. Its like if you dont you spiral into a mess of thoughts. Oh i know; it sucks.  They kind of die off if you dont give them the time of day. You are going to make it. Ly dd

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Hey DD girlfriend, it makes me happy to hear you are doing better, except maybe for your bf.  I wish there was a way you guys could work it out.  Take some stress off and of course you would both be happier.  Did you see your family this weekend?


LY, MM. 💜💜

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Good morning Stut, we will miss you! We always miss you when you are gone.


Trishy, enjoy that nice  new car! You will make a cut if it feels right..


I’m so sorry Meems, you know we can all relate to how you are feeling. Love you!

Thank you Olive. It's nice car but it's just a new color and newer version of what I was already driving, but I do like it. 😁


Yeah, I'll definitely go with my gut on Saturday. I honestly would just love to stop tapering altogether and sit here at 1 mg... But I won't, I'll continue on 😏


Hope everything is good with you 🙂


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Good morning Stut, we will miss you! We always miss you when you are gone.


Trishy, enjoy that nice  new car! You will make a cut if it feels right..


I’m so sorry Meems, you know we can all relate to how you are feeling. Love you!

Thank you Olive. It's nice car but it's just a new color and newer version of what I was already driving, but I do like it. 😁


Yeah, I'll definitely go with my gut on Saturday. I honestly would just love to stop tapering altogether and sit here at 1 mg... But I won't, I'll continue on 😏


Hope everything is good with you 🙂



Just take you time Trishy, you hold so well, and you can have some satisfaction that your cut will go well.  I wish holding makes me as stable as it does you.  Yes, I'm jealous.  What color car did you get?  I got my first red one this last time.  Tim and I have always had black, white, or bronze and now both of us have red.  His red truck is really good looking but it's just to big for me to drive right now  :(

LY Too Many, MM. 💜💜💜💜


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Good morning Stut, we will miss you! We always miss you when you are gone.


Trishy, enjoy that nice  new car! You will make a cut if it feels right..


I’m so sorry Meems, you know we can all relate to how you are feeling. Love you!

Thank you Olive. It's nice car but it's just a new color and newer version of what I was already driving, but I do like it. 😁


Yeah, I'll definitely go with my gut on Saturday. I honestly would just love to stop tapering altogether and sit here at 1 mg... But I won't, I'll continue on 😏


Hope everything is good with you 🙂



Just take you time Trishy, you hold so well, and you can have some satisfaction that your cut will go well.  I wish holding makes me as stable as it does you.  Yes, I'm jealous.  What color car did you get?  I got my first red one this last time.  Tim and I have always had black, white, or bronze and now both of us have red.  His red truck is really good looking but it's just to big for me to drive right now  :(

LY Too Many, MM. 💜💜💜💜

Hey girl!

Oh no mmmmm's don't be jealous , I have had living nightmare's with holding after cutting too much or the cuts catching up to me. Remember the air hunger I had and not being able to walk more than a few steps without being horribly breathless, wild swings in BP and heart rate. Bwd has had it's way with me more than once. I can only cut tiny pieces with long holds in between. Holding does work for me but first I must pay a price before it does work, usually 🤦‍♀️.. I still have no, dizzy and lightheadedness but if that's the worst of it I'll take it.


I got back this time. I only get red or black 😁 what do you drive? I have to have SUV especially bc of where I live and bci love them. Rich drives a Jeep but I think he'd love a pick up.. We'll see on that though. I have a lot of credit card debt to pay off. We were talking about paying them off and not getting anymore, especially the way I shop 😂😂


Love U!

TT ❤️

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Good morning Stut, we will miss you! We always miss you when you are gone.


Trishy, enjoy that nice  new car! You will make a cut if it feels right..


I’m so sorry Meems, you know we can all relate to how you are feeling. Love you!

Thank you Olive. It's nice car but it's just a new color and newer version of what I was already driving, but I do like it. 😁


Yeah, I'll definitely go with my gut on Saturday. I honestly would just love to stop tapering altogether and sit here at 1 mg... But I won't, I'll continue on 😏


Hope everything is good with you 🙂



Just take you time Trishy, you hold so well, and you can have some satisfaction that your cut will go well.  I wish holding makes me as stable as it does you.  Yes, I'm jealous.  What color car did you get?  I got my first red one this last time.  Tim and I have always had black, white, or bronze and now both of us have red.  His red truck is really good looking but it's just to big for me to drive right now  :(

LY Too Many, MM. 💜💜💜💜

Hey girl!

Oh no mmmmm's don't be jealous , I have had living nightmare's with holding after cutting too much or the cuts catching up to me. Remember the air hunger I had and not being able to walk more than a few steps without being horribly breathless, wild swings in BP and heart rate. Bwd has had it's way with me more than once. I can only cut tiny pieces with long holds in between. Holding does work for me but first I must pay a price before it does work, usually 🤦‍♀️.. I still have no, dizzy and lightheadedness but if that's the worst of it I'll take it.


I got back this time. I only get red or black 😁 what do you drive? I have to have SUV especially bc of where I live and bci love them. Rich drives a Jeep but I think he'd love a pick up.. We'll see on that though. I have a lot of credit card debt to pay off. We were talking about paying them off and not getting anymore, especially the way I shop 😂😂


Love U!

TT ❤️


I have a Toyota Crosstrek, a small SUV, until my eyes gave me so much trouble on withdrawal, I haven't driven  anything but an SUV in years.  If you live in TX, and try to park, you are between huge trucks and SUVs.  It's pitiful. Lol.  I had to get something alittle smaller to feel more comfortable with my eyes, but I love it.  It handles so well, I feel much better.  We pay off our credit cards every month.

When my parents passed away, they left me enough money to get me and Tim in a good financial place. I don't mean wealthy , just a chance to start new.  We had a lot of credit card debt and paid it off, which made a huge difference for us.  So we got the Green American Express and had to pay it off every month after that, which was probably one of the smartest things in our early marriage we did.  If your hubby's Jeep is still in good shape, pay off those credit cards.  :laugh:  Yes, I am a busy body. 

Hope you have a good evening, love ya Too Many, MM.  💜💜💜

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Good morning Stut, we will miss you! We always miss you when you are gone.


Trishy, enjoy that nice  new car! You will make a cut if it feels right..


I’m so sorry Meems, you know we can all relate to how you are feeling. Love you!

Thank you Olive. It's nice car but it's just a new color and newer version of what I was already driving, but I do like it. 😁


Yeah, I'll definitely go with my gut on Saturday. I honestly would just love to stop tapering altogether and sit here at 1 mg... But I won't, I'll continue on 😏


Hope everything is good with you 🙂



Just take you time Trishy, you hold so well, and you can have some satisfaction that your cut will go well.  I wish holding makes me as stable as it does you.  Yes, I'm jealous.  What color car did you get?  I got my first red one this last time.  Tim and I have always had black, white, or bronze and now both of us have red.  His red truck is really good looking but it's just to big for me to drive right now  :(

LY Too Many, MM. 💜💜💜💜

Hey girl!

Oh no mmmmm's don't be jealous , I have had living nightmare's with holding after cutting too much or the cuts catching up to me. Remember the air hunger I had and not being able to walk more than a few steps without being horribly breathless, wild swings in BP and heart rate. Bwd has had it's way with me more than once. I can only cut tiny pieces with long holds in between. Holding does work for me but first I must pay a price before it does work, usually 🤦‍♀️.. I still have no, dizzy and lightheadedness but if that's the worst of it I'll take it.


I got back this time. I only get red or black 😁 what do you drive? I have to have SUV especially bc of where I live and bci love them. Rich drives a Jeep but I think he'd love a pick up.. We'll see on that though. I have a lot of credit card debt to pay off. We were talking about paying them off and not getting anymore, especially the way I shop 😂😂


Love U!

TT ❤️


I have a Toyota Crosstrek, a small SUV, until my eyes gave me so much trouble on withdrawal, I haven't driven  anything but an SUV in years.  If you live in TX, and try to park, you are between huge trucks and SUVs.  It's pitiful. Lol.  I had to get something alittle smaller to feel more comfortable with my eyes, but I love it.  It handles so well, I feel much better.  We pay off our credit cards every month.

When my parents passed away, they left me enough money to get me and Tim in a good financial place. I don't mean wealthy , just a chance to start new.  We had a lot of credit card debt and paid it off, which made a huge difference for us.  So we got the Green American Express and had to pay it off every month after that, which was probably one of the smartest things in our early marriage we did.  If your hubby's Jeep is still in good shape, pay off those credit cards.  :laugh:  Yes, I am a busy body. 

Hope you have a good evening, love ya Too Many, MM.  💜💜💜

You're an absolute doll! You're no busy body 😂😂


I have to laugh bc my mother when she died left me a hefty amount of money and what did we do with it? I went on trips to Disney world, bought all new furniture, splurge, splurge, splurge for a few years until it was all gone! Howi wish I had that money back I'd of done things differently 😔 I would have paid my mortgage off and added onto my home and remodeled the whole thing for starters and paid off every penny we owed. 😢 sadly I did not do that but Rich and I have always been bad with money.. Ok me more than him 😂 but what's done is done. At least we love comfortably so I'll have to just be grateful for that.. Unless I win the lottery!  :D


Love ya girl! ❤️

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Good morning Stut, we will miss you! We always miss you when you are gone.


Trishy, enjoy that nice  new car! You will make a cut if it feels right..


I’m so sorry Meems, you know we can all relate to how you are feeling. Love you!

Thank you Olive. It's nice car but it's just a new color and newer version of what I was already driving, but I do like it. 😁


Yeah, I'll definitely go with my gut on Saturday. I honestly would just love to stop tapering altogether and sit here at 1 mg... But I won't, I'll continue on 😏


Hope everything is good with you 🙂



Just take you time Trishy, you hold so well, and you can have some satisfaction that your cut will go well.  I wish holding makes me as stable as it does you.  Yes, I'm jealous.  What color car did you get?  I got my first red one this last time.  Tim and I have always had black, white, or bronze and now both of us have red.  His red truck is really good looking but it's just to big for me to drive right now  :(

LY Too Many, MM. 💜💜💜💜

Hey girl!

Oh no mmmmm's don't be jealous , I have had living nightmare's with holding after cutting too much or the cuts catching up to me. Remember the air hunger I had and not being able to walk more than a few steps without being horribly breathless, wild swings in BP and heart rate. Bwd has had it's way with me more than once. I can only cut tiny pieces with long holds in between. Holding does work for me but first I must pay a price before it does work, usually 🤦‍♀️.. I still have no, dizzy and lightheadedness but if that's the worst of it I'll take it.


I got back this time. I only get red or black 😁 what do you drive? I have to have SUV especially bc of where I live and bci love them. Rich drives a Jeep but I think he'd love a pick up.. We'll see on that though. I have a lot of credit card debt to pay off. We were talking about paying them off and not getting anymore, especially the way I shop 😂😂


Love U!

TT ❤️


I have a Toyota Crosstrek, a small SUV, until my eyes gave me so much trouble on withdrawal, I haven't driven  anything but an SUV in years.  If you live in TX, and try to park, you are between huge trucks and SUVs.  It's pitiful. Lol.  I had to get something alittle smaller to feel more comfortable with my eyes, but I love it.  It handles so well, I feel much better.  We pay off our credit cards every month.

When my parents passed away, they left me enough money to get me and Tim in a good financial place. I don't mean wealthy , just a chance to start new.  We had a lot of credit card debt and paid it off, which made a huge difference for us.  So we got the Green American Express and had to pay it off every month after that, which was probably one of the smartest things in our early marriage we did.  If your hubby's Jeep is still in good shape, pay off those credit cards.  :laugh:  Yes, I am a busy body. 

Hope you have a good evening, love ya Too Many, MM.  💜💜💜

You're an absolute doll! You're no busy body 😂😂


I have to laugh bc my mother when she died left me a hefty amount of money and what did we do with it? I went on trips to Disney world, bought all new furniture, splurge, splurge, splurge for a few years until it was all gone! Howi wish I had that money back I'd of done things differently 😔 I would have paid my mortgage off and added onto my home and remodeled the whole thing for starters and paid off every penny we owed. 😢 sadly I did not do that but Rich and I have always been bad with money.. Ok me more than him 😂 but what's done is done. At least we love comfortably so I'll have to just be grateful for that.. Unless I win the lottery!  :D


Love ya girl! ❤️



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