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Hello- just want to check in and thank you for your understanding, care, love and support. I am feeling a little better tonight.  Had some good crying today.  Just gave Maggie her fluids.  Poor kitty.  So now watching some reality TV.  Trying to stay off Twitter and the news. 


I love you guys so much.  I am so grateful to have found you and you have welcomed me with open arms to the family!  You’re stuck with me now.  I’m not going anywhere.  🚂 🐌 💪🙏 🌊 and windows (couldn’t find an emoji for a window). 


Love, meems 💕

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Hello- just want to check in and thank you for your understanding, care, love and support. I am feeling a little better tonight.  Had some good crying today.  Just gave Maggie her fluids.  Poor kitty.  So now watching some reality TV.  Trying to stay off Twitter and the news. 


I love you guys so much.  I am so grateful to have found you and you have welcomed me with open arms to the family!  You’re stuck with me now.  I’m not going anywhere.  🚂 🐌 💪🙏 🌊 and windows (couldn’t find an emoji for a window). 


Love, meems 💕

Hi Meems!

So glad you're feeling a little better :thumbsup: I'm glad you're not going anywhere, we wouldn't let you leave anyway .. This is the hotel California ya know!  :laugh: :laugh:  ;)

We love you Meems! Hope you have a great day today my friend.

Sending you big hugs and lots of love,

Trishy ❤️ :mybuddy:

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Twinny👀 can't see you anywhere! I hope your internet comes back soon, you know we love you and need our daily advice 😳... I do anyway!

Hope you're well my twin, look forward to hearing from you again.. Hopefully very soon 🤞

Love ya tiny Irish lady,

LST ❤️

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Morning LHSG'ers! Rise and shine it's a beautiful gray day here in my neck of the woods 😃😝.. Well anyway we make the best of it I suppose no matter what the weather. Hope the sun is shining brightly where you live today.

Thinking of all of you. Lots of love and hugs to all.

Trishy ❤️❤️

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Good morning LHSG!


Meems we love you to and are happy to have you here with us.  You are part of LHSG now and as Trishy said, it's impossible to leave,  :D :D. Have a better day girlfriend, LY, Mary 💜💜


Love you all!!  :D:smitten:


Stut, this sucks, hope you are ok, and love to all babies.  Will miss you horribly  :(. Love you my Queen, your Lady Mary X Hen

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Hey mm,

How are you? I am ok. Hanging in there. Did yoy decide on your cut yet? I made a small one. I am ok. The same. A little uptick in the mucles.but not bad and inner tension. Ly dd 😂😘

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Hey mm,

How are you? I am ok. Hanging in there. Did yoy decide on your cut yet? I made a small one. I am ok. The same. A little uptick in the mucles.but not bad and inner tension. Ly dd 😂😘


Hey girl, we are narrowing it down.  I am thinking of dlmt of 5% first 2 weeks of the month, then being prepared to hold for 2 months.  Something in that thought process.  We'll see.  I just haven't been able to prepare myself for cut in hold.  Lol.  It was just so awful when I did it.  I would like to know how my symptoms would do, but maybe not that bad  :laugh: :laugh:  My back is some better , not a lot, some, but I am forcing myself to do more anyway now it seems to quit hurting quicker than it use too after doing stuff.  Counting down to March 1st.  :D:laugh:  I just wish this was over DD, I am coming up on 3 years in June.  :( :(. 

You sound good and I see no typos, that's really good  :D.  LY 💜💜💜

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Oh mm,

I completely understand. I want so badly for this to be over. Its sooo long. Who knows, maybe you will feel better as you go down. It could be that way I hope. I'm probably wrong. I hate doing to cut and being scared. This is a ridiculous thing we have to be doing.  :tickedoff: If you go slow like that, maybe it will be smooth. Maybe you will feel better. You never know with these benzos. I'm sorry you are in pain. I really am praying you get a long window. We will get there. We just keep on fighting with eachother. I cant believe I haven't made a typo?  :idiot:  love you dd ❤❤❤☘

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Hi Everyone,


I wanted to share a resource I found for those of you who want to talk, as opposed to just being on line, with other people who are tapering benzos. 


It's called the  Virtual Benzo Withdrawal Support Group and people speak on the phone or if they want, they cal let themselves be seen on video. 



You find it by going to Meetup.com and put in the name, Virtual Benzo Withdrawal Support Group.


It's free and it's all peer support.  Its just getting started so its finding its footing right now. 


You access the video option by downloading the app called Zoom.  But if you don't have that option you can call in to the meeting   The womans name who started it is Lisa.  


She sends out an notice for the group meetings via email and in that email is the Zoom link and the phone number. 


Final Healing

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Hi everyone,

Had a little bit of a rough morning with some anxiety. I was having heart palps and they were pretty persistent. Have to give up caffeine again! :tickedoff: I was having 2 to 3 cans of diet Coke a day, I love it, now forget it no can do 🤬 so had only one can this morning and that was it.


I want to make a tiny cut Saturday but now I'm uncertain.. So terrified to do it ☹️ As it stands now if I cut an 1/8 of a pill each month that would take me until October to eliminate one pill 😔 and then I'll only be at .75 mgs 🤦‍♀️ at that rate I'll be doing this for another 3 yrs after this one and that's if I can stay at that pace! 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤬


I just don't know anymore I really don't.

TT ❤️

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Hi everyone,

Had a little bit of a rough morning with some anxiety. I was having heart palps and they were pretty persistent. Have to give up caffeine again! :tickedoff: I was having 2 to 3 cans of diet Coke a day, I love it, now forget it no can do 🤬 so had only one can this morning and that was it.


I want to make a tiny cut Saturday but now I'm uncertain.. So terrified to do it ☹️ As it stands now if I cut an 1/8 of a pill each month that would take me until October to eliminate one pill 😔 and then I'll only be at .75 mgs 🤦‍♀️ at that rate I'll be doing this for another 3 yrs after this one and that's if I can stay at that pace! 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤬


I just don't know anymore I really don't.

TT ❤️


Trishy, that is what it is more than likely going to take me too, but I would rather it take longer than suffer.  I hate it is going to be that way, and that is what sucks the most, but I have no choice.  If I go too fast , I will be in pain and sick.  You need to be careful too.  Remember how the Pots scared you and you thought you were going at a decent speed.  I did too right before this Hold.  Try not to look at the time, but how you feel.  LY, Too Many 💜💜💜



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Hi everyone,

Had a little bit of a rough morning with some anxiety. I was having heart palps and they were pretty persistent. Have to give up caffeine again! :tickedoff: I was having 2 to 3 cans of diet Coke a day, I love it, now forget it no can do 🤬 so had only one can this morning and that was it.


I want to make a tiny cut Saturday but now I'm uncertain.. So terrified to do it ☹️ As it stands now if I cut an 1/8 of a pill each month that would take me until October to eliminate one pill 😔 and then I'll only be at .75 mgs 🤦‍♀️ at that rate I'll be doing this for another 3 yrs after this one and that's if I can stay at that pace! 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤬


I just don't know anymore I really don't.

TT ❤️


Trishy, that is what it is more than likely going to take me too, but I would rather it take longer than suffer.  I hate it is going to be that way, and that is what sucks the most, but I have no choice.  If I go too fast , I will be in pain and sick.  You need to be careful too.  Remember how the Pots scared you and you thought you were going at a decent speed.  I did too right before this Hold.  Try not to look at the time, but how you feel.  LY, Too Many 💜💜💜

I know mmmmm's it's the long duration plan. I don't want to suffer either. I'm so tired of thinking about this taper and when to cut and how long to hold, it's maddening. Most days I do well with acceptance but today not so good. I honestly just don't want to taper anymore but that's not an option, have to do it, have to move forward.. You're right though it would do be well not to focus on length of time and focus on how I feel. I have to be functional. Hope you can stand me for a few more years many M's  :laugh::D


Love ya woman,

TT, tired taperer 😔❤️

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Suzy, No typos!! I can see that you are feeling a bit better and that makes me do a happy dance!!


Intend, thanks so munch for that resource! I don't think I need it right now but I bet a lot of people will greatly benefit from that.


Trishy, I'm sorry that you are having anxiety. I had to cut out caffeine completely during my taper and I don't really miss it that much. I used to drink coffee every day. Now it makes me feel like crap so why bother? Mary is right, if it takes a long time to taper that's ok as long as you are not suffering too much. It took me over 3 years... seems like a long time but now it's over, and it will be for you as well.


Mary, I'm glad your back is feeling a little better, I hope it continues to.


Stut, I hope you are doing alright, I know you don't have internet right now but we miss you!


Meems, Glad you are doing a bit better. Windows and waves.. it's a rollercoaster but you will make it through.


Janice, Espy, Troch, Final, Bill, Heathcliff, everyone else that I am forgetting here, I hope you have a benzo good day, love to all.


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Suzy, No typos!! I can see that you are feeling a bit better and that makes me do a happy dance!!


Intend, thanks so munch for that resource! I don't think I need it right now but I bet a lot of people will greatly benefit from that.


Trishy, I'm sorry that you are having anxiety. I had to cut out caffeine completely during my taper and I don't really miss it that much. I used to drink coffee every day. Now it makes me feel like crap so why bother? Mary is right, if it takes a long time to taper that's ok as long as you are not suffering too much. It took me over 3 years... seems like a long time but now it's over, and it will be for you as well.


Mary, I'm glad your back is feeling a little better, I hope it continues to.


Stut, I hope you are doing alright, I know you don't have internet right now but we miss you!


Meems, Glad you are doing a bit better. Windows and waves.. it's a rollercoaster but you will make it through.


Janice, Espy, Troch, Final, Bill, Heathcliff, everyone else that I am forgetting here, I hope you have a benzo good day, love to all.

Thank you Olive for the support. It was a tough morning glad it's over.


Why did you have to cut out caffeine? Was it bc of heart palps? I really hate to give it up but I don't think I have a choice.


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Coffee just made me feel really bad. Digestively challenged, and the caffeine revved me up when all I needed was to feel calm. I didn't get heart palps but I got a frantic, fidgety feeling from it. Now I can have a few sips of someone else's, but I never get my own unless it's decaf, and even then it is very rare that I drink it.


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I am sorry your having heart palps. I agree, so sick of tapering and want to be done. It's like doing time. It's not worth feeling the way you felt before though. Maybe you should hold a little longer. I wish this didn't take so long. I guess we have to work on acceptance again. Omg!  :tickedoff:dd :o

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Hi everyone,

Had a little bit of a rough morning with some anxiety. I was having heart palps and they were pretty persistent. Have to give up caffeine again! :tickedoff: I was having 2 to 3 cans of diet Coke a day, I love it, now forget it no can do 🤬 so had only one can this morning and that was it.


I want to make a tiny cut Saturday but now I'm uncertain.. So terrified to do it ☹️ As it stands now if I cut an 1/8 of a pill each month that would take me until October to eliminate one pill 😔 and then I'll only be at .75 mgs 🤦‍♀️ at that rate I'll be doing this for another 3 yrs after this one and that's if I can stay at that pace! 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤬


I just don't know anymore I really don't.

TT ❤️


Trishy, that is what it is more than likely going to take me too, but I would rather it take longer than suffer.  I hate it is going to be that way, and that is what sucks the most, but I have no choice.  If I go too fast , I will be in pain and sick.  You need to be careful too.  Remember how the Pots scared you and you thought you were going at a decent speed.  I did too right before this Hold.  Try not to look at the time, but how you feel.  LY, Too Many 💜💜💜

I know mmmmm's it's the long duration plan. I don't want to suffer either. I'm so tired of thinking about this taper and when to cut and how long to hold, it's maddening. Most days I do well with acceptance but today not so good. I honestly just don't want to taper anymore but that's not an option, have to do it, have to move forward.. You're right though it would do be well not to focus on length of time and focus on how I feel. I have to be functional. Hope you can stand me for a few more years many M's  :laugh::D


Love ya woman,

TT, tired taperer 😔❤️


We gotta stand each other Too Many.  Lot's is people we know will be here with us.  They are going slow too, to keep from suffering  :(

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Hi everyone,

Had a little bit of a rough morning with some anxiety. I was having heart palps and they were pretty persistent. Have to give up caffeine again! :tickedoff: I was having 2 to 3 cans of diet Coke a day, I love it, now forget it no can do 🤬 so had only one can this morning and that was it.


I want to make a tiny cut Saturday but now I'm uncertain.. So terrified to do it ☹️ As it stands now if I cut an 1/8 of a pill each month that would take me until October to eliminate one pill 😔 and then I'll only be at .75 mgs 🤦‍♀️ at that rate I'll be doing this for another 3 yrs after this one and that's if I can stay at that pace! 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤬


I just don't know anymore I really don't.

TT ❤️


Trishy, that is what it is more than likely going to take me too, but I would rather it take longer than suffer.  I hate it is going to be that way, and that is what sucks the most, but I have no choice.  If I go too fast , I will be in pain and sick.  You need to be careful too.  Remember how the Pots scared you and you thought you were going at a decent speed.  I did too right before this Hold.  Try not to look at the time, but how you feel.  LY, Too Many 💜💜💜

I know mmmmm's it's the long duration plan. I don't want to suffer either. I'm so tired of thinking about this taper and when to cut and how long to hold, it's maddening. Most days I do well with acceptance but today not so good. I honestly just don't want to taper anymore but that's not an option, have to do it, have to move forward.. You're right though it would do be well not to focus on length of time and focus on how I feel. I have to be functional. Hope you can stand me for a few more years many M's  :laugh::D


Love ya woman,

TT, tired taperer 😔❤️


We gotta stand each other Too Many.  Lot's is people we know will be here with us.  They are going slow too, to keep from suffering  :(

Together mmmmm's we'll get there, however long that is 👭😔

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Hi everyone,

Had a little bit of a rough morning with some anxiety. I was having heart palps and they were pretty persistent. Have to give up caffeine again! :tickedoff: I was having 2 to 3 cans of diet Coke a day, I love it, now forget it no can do 🤬 so had only one can this morning and that was it.


I want to make a tiny cut Saturday but now I'm uncertain.. So terrified to do it ☹️ As it stands now if I cut an 1/8 of a pill each month that would take me until October to eliminate one pill 😔 and then I'll only be at .75 mgs 🤦‍♀️ at that rate I'll be doing this for another 3 yrs after this one and that's if I can stay at that pace! 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤬


I just don't know anymore I really don't.

TT ❤️


Trishy, that is what it is more than likely going to take me too, but I would rather it take longer than suffer.  I hate it is going to be that way, and that is what sucks the most, but I have no choice.  If I go too fast , I will be in pain and sick.  You need to be careful too.  Remember how the Pots scared you and you thought you were going at a decent speed.  I did too right before this Hold.  Try not to look at the time, but how you feel.  LY, Too Many 💜💜💜

I know mmmmm's it's the long duration plan. I don't want to suffer either. I'm so tired of thinking about this taper and when to cut and how long to hold, it's maddening. Most days I do well with acceptance but today not so good. I honestly just don't want to taper anymore but that's not an option, have to do it, have to move forward.. You're right though it would do be well not to focus on length of time and focus on how I feel. I have to be functional. Hope you can stand me for a few more years many M's  :laugh::D


Love ya woman,

TT, tired taperer 😔❤️


We gotta stand each other Too Many.  Lot's of people we know will be here with us.  They are going slow too, to keep from suffering  :(

Together mmmmm's we'll get there, however long that is 👭😔



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Thanks ok,

Hope it lasts. Fingers crossed! I know, no typos!  Hope everything is still going ok for you. You sound good!


Thanks Suzy! I am doing pretty ok. Today I left the house and went to a cafe and worked there for a bit. Then I went to the grocery store, so I would call it a win. Love you.

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Good morning LHSG hoping everyone has a better day.

This is a quick message am at my sister's house so wanted to see how everyone is doing.

. Thank you for your lovely words my friends l miss you all.l will hopefully be back next week sometime have to say l never realised how much l depend on the internet.Anyway l really hope everyone has a lessening of withdrawal.

Morning Trish what's happening on Saturday? Sweetheart if you are going to cut just cut stop putting it off.You are just giving yourself time to panic.Yes this is horrible and we all become obsessed with our taper however it can't be changed and the future isn't written yet.None of us are going to be bouncing off these drugs anytime soon however our day will come.lf you are not able to get below 1 mg then talk to your doctor.l believe you will however the only way to do it is to cut and wait it out.Stay strong honey.love you my lST X

Morning Suzy well done honey you are so much better than you were when you stumbled on here.l know you have a battle ahead however you will get through anything this crap can throw at you.As for your bf he needs a good kick up the ass 😠. love you.X

Morning Final that is an excellent resource for anyone that needs one to one support and the fact that it is free is a real bonus.l hope you are doing as well as can be expected? love to you.X

Morning Olive l miss my friends here too l have to say l never thought l would meet so many caring and kind people on the internet.You are winning every day my love.You have been through so much and l have no doubt you will improve given enough time.Keep on keeping on.love you.X

Morning Meems l will say this again are you sure this is the right time to taper?l know you are in an impossible situation which will only aggravate withdrawal symptoms.l know we are never going to be stress free however in the future you will probably be in a better position than you are now.l hope the depression lifts honey.love youX

Morning Lady Mary awe Hen this does suck 😵.l had to let you know our wee Daisy is back to normal woohoo 🎊🎉.l knew she would bounce back.l know you are scared honey however chip away you will survive and thrive.All we can do is do our best and keep withdrawal down as much as possible.We all hit sticky patches however we get through them.look how far you have come 😘.Try not to worry too much.lf all else fails stop tapering for as long as is necessary.look at Olive.love you my lady Mary HenX

Morning Troch how are you my love?l really hope you are doing ok.love to you.X

Morning Intend Gilly Valley Free Bill Miyu Nova Esperanza NJ GP Janice and everyone here sending you my love.X

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Morning twinny! Yes you are right! I'm just going to dive in and do it Saturday. I think I'm most nervous about my heart, it's acting up but I think it's caffeine related not wd. I don't want to upset it anymore with wd, that's my fear about tapering Saturday, but I'm going for it anyway.


We all love you and I was so so happy to see your message this morning 😁


Enjoy your time with sis, we'll miss you until you come back on the regular. Hope that internet gets up and running for you soon!


Love you much,

LST ❤️

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