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I have to catch up. I read some. Thats helpful what your therapist said. I do the same  thing. Then down the rabbit hole. Im going to try that!!! Who.is angela? I jave to read the post about that jana person.  What does she think she has the perfecttaper method? Tjat is reficulous. Its individual like fh said.

Hoping everyone is ok today. Im.hangimg in there trying not to snalyze my sx. That cat spot is adorable!! So cute!

Love to all!!!!

I want to.go.to.madrid too!! Lol


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Morning LHSG


Just a check in, Hope everyone has a Grateful Day. I'm hoping for day 4 at the new dose of the "new tablet" with no wiggling or waffling. LET GO & "Let it Be"... Had "the long talk" with my step-mother and I feel much more gounded.


This is my Feline Fur-Family, Spot. She is 11 years old.






Beautiful kitty there LC!

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Morning LHSG


Just a check in, Hope everyone has a Grateful Day. I'm hoping for day 4 at the new dose of the "new tablet" with no wiggling or waffling. LET GO & "Let it Be"... Had "the long talk" with my step-mother and I feel much more gounded.


This is my Feline Fur-Family, Spot. She is 11 years old.






LostC your kitty is so cute!!!! Mary is right, we love seeing all the pets.

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Hi Mm,

How are you feeling today? I am a repeat.of yesterday.  :tickedoff:

How is that diet? 8s it helping.you? I bet it is so healthy.  I want to look at it jy diet is terrible. I dont eat all day.  Never did. Dont get hungry. Then eat dinner. I have to knock it of with the candy. Ehen i get amxious i eat cookies and chocolate. I still eat the oatmeal.though. Are you still of the ibuprofin? I took a few. Im stopping. I think it made me worse. Again, i.hate benxos!!!

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I have to catch up. I read some. Thats helpful what your therapist said. I do the same  thing. Then down the rabbit hole. Im going to try that!!! Who.is angela? I jave to read the post about that jana person.  What does she think she has the perfecttaper method? Tjat is reficulous. Its individual like fh said.

Hoping everyone is ok today. Im.hangimg in there trying not to snalyze my sx. That cat spot is adorable!! So cute!

Love to all!!!!

I want to.go.to.madrid too!! Lol




I hope you read about Jana Hill on Chewing the Fat section here on BB. And Angel Merkel is the current chancellor of Germany.

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Sorry guys if you care. I’ve been tied up all day trying to get things done.


Kind of a losing battle.


I feel like I’m losing my mind. I’m still a member of this group; just can’t contribute much right now.

Hey intend, I care I read all your posts but I get how you feel. I've been in the LHSG for almost a year and a half and I sometimes feel invisible here. Everyone who comes here should not be ignored, but I know largely my posts are going unintentionally missed or sometimes people are too sick to engage, but this group moves fast when it gets going so I think that's how it happens. It sometimes hurts my feelings but I know I'm a little fragile right now with my recent two cuts and my emotions are all over the place.

Anyway, I hope you have a good day you Dan and Pepper. It sounds like you have been busy lately, that's good! I find the busier I am the better, less time to think about this nightmare.

Trish ♥️


Hi Trish.


Yep, posts are being missed by plenty here. Not on purpose. Just because we are all busy, but I don’t doubt that anyone here cares about all of us.


Part of my problem is the time factor. I’m  on mountain time, and many are on eastern time. I do get up very early, but I don’t just “dash” to my iPad to see what’s going on. And that’s why my morning posts show up one right after another.

Hey intend!

Yes, they are missed at times but my benzo brain, especially, after a cut gets crazy thoughts.. I'm learning not to run with them.


Love to you Dan and Pepper ❤️

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I have to catch up. I read some. Thats helpful what your therapist said. I do the same  thing. Then down the rabbit hole. Im going to try that!!! Who.is angela? I jave to read the post about that jana person.  What does she think she has the perfecttaper method? Tjat is reficulous. Its individual like fh said.

Hoping everyone is ok today. Im.hangimg in there trying not to snalyze my sx. That cat spot is adorable!! So cute!

Love to all!!!!

I want to.go.to.madrid too!! Lol

I guess we need to practice that Suzy Q.. it hit home with me. It made sense to me and that doesn't come easy with me when I'm benzo brained  :idiot:

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Well I'm out my friend's for awhile have some things I have to get done. Hope the rest of everyone's day goes well.

Love to all,

Trish ♥️🙏🤞

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Mary, I did go to Chewing the Fat and read somebody what Colin posted and the subsequent responses.  Very intense but informative.


Intend, you response to what was being posted was well written. You personally had experience with that person.


I really walked away thinking that how we taper and what method we use is very individual.  I feel less stressed that the method I am using is the wrong method and that since it works for me, i will stay with it. 


I kept thinking that because I had symptoms that my method was wrong but I think as DD or maybe Trishy said, we can't avoid symtoms when we are withdrawing.  For me, its managing the intensity of the symtoms that matter.


FH, I’m really glad you read that thread on Chewing the Fat. I did have experience with Jana Hill. I actually never thought that the thread would go on and on like it has, but each day there’s another response there.


I also think that the way we taper is individual. I’d just love to be able to manage the intensity of my sx, but with all these generic changes of clonazepam, I just have to along with things and hope that at some point, I’ll have enough Gaba receptors up regulated that I’ll feel closer to normal.

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Me too Trishy. It is so hard. Some days im ok  and others its so hard . I start the what ifs and after Im a basketcase i realize what i did. We just have to practice and catch ourselves like you said.  :smitten:
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Hi everyone. I hope you're all having a better day or you're holding onto the certainty that this is temporary.


Trishy talk about being ignored. I feel ignored by half the members at least, however as long as there are a few who sometimes care about me I'm sticking to this group. I think you have a lot of friends here who always care about you. The shakes suck and I'm so sorry you're feeling like that. Stutt said you were cutting too fast? Maybe listen to her. She's one smart woman.


Olive kitty yes, I do worry about you. My psychiatrist saw how fast you were cutting and he was shaking his head because he says once you've been sensitized like we have, we have to go down extra carefully. Also, let's not forget valiums sneaky lag time. That's what got me in this mess in the first place. That, plus kindling. I know I'm being intrusive but you're so sweet and you've been through so much, that if I don't expres my concern I won't sleep well at night (not that I sleep well anyway lol). Please be careful!!! The reason I went over your signature with him is because our crash, updose and hold are very similar. Yes he supports me holding. He says no cutting at least till jaruary and I'm OK with that. I don't like that he put me on gabapentin but what can you do, nobody's perfect.


Thanks, VNM. You are not being intrusive, we are on here to help each other and I appreciate the caring. I held for 18 months and then have cut 1mg in almost 2 months. Does that seem really fast? I think it seems extremely slow!! Most of the people in my life thing I am dragging this on beyond belief. However, of course they do not understand because they have not been through benzo w/d. And I pay no attention to them. Anyway I am being very careful with myself, so no need to worry!

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Hi Mm,

How are you feeling today? I am a repeat.of yesterday.  :tickedoff:

How is that diet? 8s it helping.you? I bet it is so healthy.  I want to look at it jy diet is terrible. I dont eat all day.  Never did. Dont get hungry. Then eat dinner. I have to knock it of with the candy. Ehen i get amxious i eat cookies and chocolate. I still eat the oatmeal.though. Are you still of the ibuprofin? I took a few. Im stopping. I think it made me worse. Again, i.hate benxos!!!

Only allowed myself one sweet this weekend, none the other 6 days.  Can't tell any difference in the pain, but I think it's healthy, yuck......fruit, veggies, brown rice and a little meat, and eggs.  Some versions of that.  Oatmeal always for breakfast, lol.  But it was easier to get started and stick to it than I thought.  Sly just attacked the front door, Amazon was here!!  Shakti carpet maybe here.  Gotta check.  Love ya Pebbles.  💞💕❣️💞💕❣️

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FH, tolerable is the word we mean when we say stable.  Not good, not horrible, just tolerable.

There are very few people that don't have some kind of symptoms, everyone's is different.  .  :smitten: :smitten:  you are going to be there very soon, I know you are having better days sometimes and that's a great sign  :). Love you, Mary ♥️

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Hi Mm,

How are you feeling today? I am a repeat.of yesterday.  :tickedoff:

How is that diet? 8s it helping.you? I bet it is so healthy.  I want to look at it jy diet is terrible. I dont eat all day.  Never did. Dont get hungry. Then eat dinner. I have to knock it of with the candy. Ehen i get amxious i eat cookies and chocolate. I still eat the oatmeal.though. Are you still of the ibuprofin? I took a few. Im stopping. I think it made me worse. Again, i.hate benxos!!!

Only allowed myself one sweet this weekend, none the other 6 days.  Can't tell any difference in the pain, but I think it's healthy, yuck......fruit, veggies, brown rice and a little meat, and eggs.  Some versions of that.  Oatmeal always for breakfast, lol.  But it was easier to get started and stick to it than I thought.  Sly just attacked the front door, Amazon was here!!  Shakti carpet maybe here.  Gotta check.  Love ya Pebbles.  💞💕❣️💞💕❣️




Hope you and everyone else have seen my posts this morning because I did post back to you from yesterday or day before.


I’m going to get busy myself now. Maybe time to log out and not stay logged in all day long when I’m actually doing other things or gone from the house.


If I leave this light on, it seems I’m sitting here all day when I’m actually not. I think I try to do too many things like read the paper, watch MSNBC and be here also all at once. And leave the house also. And make phone calls with my strange voice.


Busy time now. Checking back later. Did my cut yesterday as I see the doctor tomorrow. 🌹 🚂 🌶.  :smitten: :smitten:

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Hi Mm,

How are you feeling today? I am a repeat.of yesterday.  :tickedoff:

How is that diet? 8s it helping.you? I bet it is so healthy.  I want to look at it jy diet is terrible. I dont eat all day.  Never did. Dont get hungry. Then eat dinner. I have to knock it of with the candy. Ehen i get amxious i eat cookies and chocolate. I still eat the oatmeal.though. Are you still of the ibuprofin? I took a few. Im stopping. I think it made me worse. Again, i.hate benxos!!!

Only allowed myself one sweet this weekend, none the other 6 days.  Can't tell any difference in the pain, but I think it's healthy, yuck......fruit, veggies, brown rice and a little meat, and eggs.  Some versions of that.  Oatmeal always for breakfast, lol.  But it was easier to get started and stick to it than I thought.  Sly just attacked the front door, Amazon was here!!  Shakti carpet maybe here.  Gotta check.  Love ya Pebbles.  💞💕❣️💞💕❣️




Hope you and everyone else have seen my posts this morning because I did post back to you from yesterday or day before.


I’m going to get busy myself now. Maybe time to log out and not stay logged in all day long when I’m actually doing other things or gone from the house.


If I leave this light on, it seems I’m sitting here all day when I’m actually not. I think I try to do too many things like read the paper, watch MSNBC and be here also all at once. And leave the house also. And make phone calls with my strange voice.


Busy time now. Checking back later. Did my cut yesterday as I see the doctor tomorrow. 🌹 🚂 🌶.  :smitten: :smitten:


Oh, I hope this cut goes better II.  Wishing you all the luck and love.  I don't worry when you don't post me right back.  I know how busy you are.  Bring back all the information from that fine Dr you can  :D.  LY, MM.    💜💜💜💜💜

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Hi all, oh I feel so bad I can’t keep up with everyone.  I probably should take notes 📝 for each persons posts.  I do read all of them but doing this group moves fast and from my phone it’s so hard.  Without knowing you guys I do care about each of you and I especially relate to the feeling of not belonging.  But I know that’s just my Benzo head talking shit to me.  I do rely on this group for my life to get me through this nightmare. 

I went out and did some errands.  I forced myself.  Latest symptom is jelly legs and I am so afraid they are going to collapse and start convulsing.  FEAR. 


Btw- I did read that “chewing the fat” thread and as a newbie to this it triggered me especially when Ms. Hill said her shit about seizures in her patent table.  I had seizures when I did a self imposed ct off Klonopin when I first started Benzo.  So I freaked the F out. 


I’m so sorry we are all going through this. 


Love ❤️ to you all. 


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FH, tolerable is the word we mean when we say stable.  Not good, not horrible, just tolerable.

There are very few people that don't have some kind of symptoms, everyone's is different.  .  :smitten: :smitten:  you are going to be there very soon, I know you are having better days sometimes and that's a great sign  :). Love you, Mary ♥️


Yes, except for right after I cut, I am in tolerable.  I do still cry on a daily basis but that's because I miss aspects of my former life so much and probably medication tears. 


I do have days of feeling normal, like this past Monday and for part of today.  I seem to have this drop down in the afternoon and then after awhile, I'm back in tolerable, not always but often.


Going out for a walk even though its chilly. 


I hope the pad helps with the muscle pain that I know has been so hard for you. Damm benzos and they don't us.

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Hi everyone. I hope you're all having a better day or you're holding onto the certainty that this is temporary.


Trishy talk about being ignored. I feel ignored by half the members at least, however as long as there are a few who sometimes care about me I'm sticking to this group. I think you have a lot of friends here who always care about you. The shakes suck and I'm so sorry you're feeling like that. Stutt said you were cutting too fast? Maybe listen to her. She's one smart woman.


Olive kitty yes, I do worry about you. My psychiatrist saw how fast you were cutting and he was shaking his head because he says once you've been sensitized like we have, we have to go down extra carefully. Also, let's not forget valiums sneaky lag time. That's what got me in this mess in the first place. That, plus kindling. I know I'm being intrusive but you're so sweet and you've been through so much, that if I don't expres my concern I won't sleep well at night (not that I sleep well anyway lol). Please be careful!!! The reason I went over your signature with him is because our crash, updose and hold are very similar. Yes he supports me holding. He says no cutting at least till jaruary and I'm OK with that. I don't like that he put me on gabapentin but what can you do, nobody's perfect.


Thanks, VNM. You are not being intrusive, we are on here to help each other and I appreciate the caring. I held for 18 months and then have cut 1mg in almost 2 months. Does that seem really fast? I think it seems extremely slow!! Most of the people in my life thing I am dragging this on beyond belief. However, of course they do not understand because they have not been through benzo w/d. And I pay no attention to them. Anyway I am being very careful with myself, so no need to worry!


Olive kitty I don't know dear. When I resume my taper I'll do 0.25 every 2 months and sometimes I'll hold 3 months when in doubt. I'm not an expert in Valium kitty. I only know what didn't work for me. That tapering rate didn't work for me. I really wished this was not so complicated and there was a proven rule we could all stick to. Stutt is also cutting 0.25 every two months approx, if my memory is not failing me. Jeez I confuse my students. I tell this young girl "laura I remember your listening skills were your greatest difficulty" and she says "but you told me last week that I have great listening skills". This didn't happen before the crash in June. Or it could be the morontin.

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Trishy you're very funny  :laugh:


Maybe you could plan a visit here for a second opinion ;D. Yes, bwd magnifies all our insecurities and fears. I'm glad the shakes have left you. I always wonder if Angela Merkel is in bwd. She's been seen shaking in public a couple times.


Have a good day Trish.

I'd love to come. Maybe we could do a two for one session with your psychiatrist he might need the benzos after an hour with the both of us! 😂😘


Now I have to check out Angela Merkel  :laugh:


Trishy we can't kill the man before he gets us off the benzo!! You'll be OK. Your daughter works with doctors and your therapist has some resources she says. Plus, you're stashing so this would give you TIME to find another doctor. If all else fails, you come and visit mine. A box of Valium here is 2.5 euros alprazolam would be similar.

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Hi all, oh I feel so bad I can’t keep up with everyone.  I probably should take notes 📝 for each persons posts.  I do read all of them but doing this group moves fast and from my phone it’s so hard.  Without knowing you guys I do care about each of you and I especially relate to the feeling of not belonging.  But I know that’s just my Benzo head talking shit to me.  I do rely on this group for my life to get me through this nightmare. 

I went out and did some errands.  I forced myself.  Latest symptom is jelly legs and I am so afraid they are going to collapse and start convulsing.  FEAR. 


Btw- I did read that “chewing the fat” thread and as a newbie to this it triggered me especially when Ms. Hill said her shit about seizures in her patent table.  I had seizures when I did a self imposed ct off Klonopin when I first started Benzo.  So I freaked the F out. 


I’m so sorry we are all going through this. 


Love ❤️ to you all. 



Meems, feeling better with a hold takes a long time but almost everyone feels better after a while if there aren't other meds complicating the picture. The not belonging feeling seems a commonality here. I guess if you have that same feeling then you belong here for certain  ;D

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Haha Janice,

You are funny  :laugh:


Everyone belongs here. We are one big dysfunctional family and we will get thru together!!!  :o


Yes Suzy! I'm sorry you're still having bad waves. It will take time, but I know you'd get better. Three months ago I thought I wouldn't have one moment of feeling in control ever again, and now I have some, and so will you. I also eat sugar Suzy, I don't feel a difference unless I eat like a pig. I stay away from caffeine, alcohol, weed, cigarettes and sex. But the sex abstinence is not benzo related :laugh:

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