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That’s shaken me a bit Lady den ,saying you read the old us is gone, Think because I was OK on zopiclone, felt good and could function. I constantly feared they would stop my script, which the evil witch did and I was definitely addicted so maybe not so good in hindsight, I never booked holidays for too long as had make sure had enough doses for while I was away. Think that’s why I struggle because I actually felt OK and happy on zopiclone. Whereas most seem be feeling bad on meds. Just wish recovery wasn’t so darn slow. I am relieved I can finally sleep  for about 4 or 5 hours without medication. I felt awful on AD’s so can relate to why majority people feel better off meds, Just scares me I’ll never fully get the old fully functioning me back. Glad you are back on track xx

Leann that what these drugs do. They alter or disrupt brain’s normal state to give a false sense of well being. But because it’s false it doesn’t take long before the consequences of tampering with the brain shows up. I also when on Zolpidem ( ambien) would make sure I had plenty before I’d go somewhere. I never packed them in a suitcase. Always in my carry on if flying just in case they lose my luggage. And one time they did! I had valuables in there but was more worried about my sleep meds. That should have red flagged me but it didn’t. To me, the way the doctor I had at the time presented it to me was that Ambien was a necessity every night. Hind sight, as you said, that was a bold-faced lie! How I often laid in this bed wishing I can see that doctor again! Not to harm him but to give a piece of my mind…or two or three pieces! But, it is what is is. What’s done is done. I can’t live my new life with that burden on my shoulders. There’s no room in the new if we drag along the old. So I had to let that fury go! Unfortunately many doctors don’t know that this is happening to their patients being rendered debilitated and bedridden for months and years until the brain repairs the gaba receptors. You will heal more. You can’t dismiss that you’re not too far out from tapering your last meds. So, I can see why you’re still having symptoms. Actually your body is going through two WDs at the same time. Plus you’ve also tried this or that to alleviate symptoms and family issues. Taking all of that into account, Leann you’re not doing too bad. Especially looking back on your posts from last year. Wow it’s a huge difference. I think we miss the forest because of the trees sometimes. I do understand how you feel. I feel like I’m going backwards right now but I know that’s not the case. I felt like I was stuck in my healing too. Like being on a treadmill….going but going nowhere everyday same thing. No improvements and no getting worse ( thank god) but time proved that it was just an appearance. Healing was happening in such tiny bits that I couldn’t see it. Then those tiny bits added up and next thing I know, I noticed I was better and could sit up Orr walk a bit….so yes Leann. Don’t lose hope. You are still healing.

Lots of love! Beautiful friend. ❤️🌹









Yes as usual wise Lady you are probably right. I probably didn’t help myself by taking few tiny rescue doses last year. Was in such state as was my husband with the will stuff last year, was only way I could cope. Think it’s the six million dollar question how much longer it’s going to take . I am in better place than I was and by no means the only one this far off. Just still so angry I gave the GP all the official advice, that said you should never just be made go cold turkey and she ignored it all. Just still got lot anger. Just got  angry at news, said 700 migrants crossed channel yesterday, People really struggling here, who have paid their taxes for years, given little or no help from the government, the NHS at breaking point, but we are feeding, clothing, giving them free health care and accommodation. Sorry for venting😱

Your anger from being forced to cold turkey is very warranted. That should have never happened. What my intention was is to perhaps open a door for you to let it go. IMO I feel it doesn’t benefit any of us to harbor unpleasantries no matter what they are. They do manifest in the body in some shape or fashion. If they’re not plucked out by the root, they pop up again. Please don’t be sorry for venting. We all do that. That’s what this support group is for. And I understand how you feel…..check this out, girlfriend! …..

I’m disabled, divorced with a child, live alone, debilitated most of the day and no health insurance because of my divorce. I’ve applied for government Medicaid and reduced income health insurance and they DENIED me on both! My monthly income is below what their cutoff is. But yet, immigrants who have snuck into this country and people who can work ( healthy) are given it without question. Matter of fact, they get food stamps, monetary help with bills and reduced rent. Ummmmm but I can’t get a simple health insurance? I’ve called them left messages to discuss what is the issue with no response. I’m a born here USA citizen! Matter of fact I’m part Native American so I’m definitely from here! Paid taxes all my adult life. Don’t cause any trouble law abiding citizen. Clean driving record God fearing woman! I love my country very much but this needs to be fixed! It does make me angry to see healthy Latino families who snuck in our country get every help possible but I can’t. They can work, I can’t. They can drive, I can’t. I’m not saying to let them starve or not get seen by a doctor if needed. They are human beings and deserve humanitarian treatment no matter their circumstances. And honestly if my country was in drug wars, severe poverty and wars I would try to escape to a safer place too. Yes, help them but help your own citizens first! Feed them but feed our homeless too! Give them clean water, clothes and warm beds but give our people that too! Help our veterans who fought for this country too! Go get these innocent kids from these abusive homes and put them in a loving household! Go get a program that checks on the elderly and take them to the doctor for free! Many of them live alone. Go make some benzo WD facilities! Stop wasting billions on looking at stars!!!! Go support animal shelters! Hire some security guards for schools- more than one!

Sorry I went off on a tangent but this is how I feel too.

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Lady Den,


I'm so glad to hear about your neurology appt! Thank you for reporting on it to us because I think there was a lot for all of us (meee!!) to learn from what he said.  He sounds really great.  I haven't talked to my neurologist in a year or so but he is also VERY kind and open minded.  I'm really glad you got some reassurance and support.  You're going to get better again. What he said sounds right to me. When the brain is doing some work, don't give it extra...just wait.  So we wait. I so hope your big ol' brain gets it all sorted out soon.




As always my lovely Twin puts a smile on my face!


Thanks a bunch and glad it helps others ( which is why I posted it).


:smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

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I just read your post regarding your great neurological report and this should make you feel Hap Hap Happy!!!!!!!  I have also been fortunate to have a great team of doctors, including one real benzo savvy neurologist!  I am also supported by a loving, warm, and compassionate GP who has even apologized to me for keeping me on the Valium beyond the recommended time period.  I send him lots of benzo related information which helps him and his female PA when I come in for an appointment with some other strange symptom.  I recently sent him some of the postings regarding all things urinary, vaginal, and GI issues.  No names were included for privacy reasons.  This helps him better understand that my symptoms are bona fide and are the result of a true injury to the brain and body.


You are heading in the right direction, LD, with your many fans cheering you on!





Thanks GG. I’m happy to hear that your doctors are willing to listen and learn as well. It makes such a big difference.

You know what. I’m a fan of ALL of you! My pom poms are always moving on all of your behalves! Yes these drugs did a heck of a lot of injury to us but we cheer each other on to healing.

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Glad to read about the good experiences with doctors. I no longer visit them for my suffering because I know there is nothing they can do for me anyway at this point unfortunately. What I do need is someone with a time machine! Anyway, went for my second run today. Gonna keep it really light to prevent exhausting myself and make things worse. Will take it day by day and see where I get, hope it at least provides me relief in some ways and I pray for acceleration in my healing.

How wonderful Pashu to exercise! Yay for you! You get a medal 🏅

Yes it’s wise not to push too much.  :thumbsup:

I’m looking forward to hearing more good reports from you. Sending you love and hugs 🤗

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Lady den you made me feel better for venting. That is so unfair you can’t get help, must be so frustrating for you. Least we have  NHS over here , so don’t have to have health insurance, I feel for the ones genuinely escaping violence, but so many of them here have admitted they are economic migrants. So many people in UK are really struggling and in need of help, but get nothing. We need to make it less appealing to people, it’s unsustainable for such small overcrowded country keep absorbing more and more people.

Enough venting. Yes I will try to let it go, but just feel that doctor ruined my life. This course started with hypnotherapy session think maybe unleashed lot of stuff. Have sometimes thought should get a punchbag when think of her and my family just keep wacking it. I’m pleased your appt went well and hope dizzy turns soon subside.  Enough mouthing off from me. Sorry I got a bit too political I’ll shut up. You must have such a rich culture being part Native American. Big hugs to all those struggling at moment from Mrs Grumpy👹👹👹


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Lady Den:


So glad your appointment went well.  Your doctor sounds like a gem!    I am sorry the dizziness continues to bother you.  I hope you are able to rest. 


GG:  Hang in there!  Sorry you are nauseous.    Let us know how you are doing.  How is your hubby?  Recovered from shingles?


Leeann:  Please don't let doctors have any more power over you.  I know you are angry about how you were treated, but if you keep being mad, they will continue to have power over you!    This whole situation is so unfair for all of us, but we have to try and find the silver lining.  There are going to be many good days ahead for all of us.  The same goes for your family.  Forgiveness can be so hard, but it is the best gift you will ever give yourself. 


LiveLife:  So glad to hear that you are making some progress!!!!  That is fantastic news.  I hope things keep improving for you. 


Pashu:  Glad you were able to run today.  Way to go.    Baby steps!!!


I am hanging in there.  I am trying to stay positive.  Still have lots of anxiety, but not quite as weepy as I have been the last couple of weeks.  Last night I slept about 7 hours!  Yea!!!    Have a zoom appointment with Chris Paige today (therapist from W. Palm who has been through benzo injury).  He was very encouraging and helps me get a little different perspective.  Always good to visit with him.


Much love to everyone! 



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LadyDen, what was your diagnosis from the Neurologist?  They need to get rid of the space programs and NASA and serve the poor.  It's a waste of billions of dollars.
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Hello to all my sweet Buddies!


Yesterday I was trying to be as positive as possible. But today has been off the charts miserable. I've had one of the worst migraines that I've had yet and the fear did not take a break today. Sending you all much love and healing hugs and hoping tomorrow brings a better day.



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Hello to all my sweet Buddies!


Yesterday I was trying to be as positive as possible. But today has been off the charts miserable. I've had one of the worst migraines that I've had yet and the fear did not take a break today. Sending you all much love and healing hugs and hoping tomorrow brings a better day.




So sorry Live.  Hugs right back to you.  I am having lots of up and down days lately.  It is exhausting!  Mostly really bad, severe anxiety stuff mixed in with some good old fashion fear.  A cocktail I no longer want please and thank you!  :laugh:

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Thank you so much for your reply. I know what you mean. The migraine and the fear are bad enough but there's other symptoms I have mixed in as well, like you said it's quite a cocktail that I would no longer like to partake of. I'm sorry you're having ups and downs that anxiety and fear can be some of the worst. Although the physical symptoms are definitely not easy to deal with either. This whole process is just too much. Ups would be nice. I've been trying to stay as positive as I can but I've been having a lot more down days actually most of them have been. It's definitely time for a change. I so want my life back. Hugs!



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Firstly, how are you feeling?  I know you have had a tough row to hoe recently, so I am praying and hoping that you are now transitioning into a lovely window!


Chances of an infection are pretty slim as I was on an antibiotic and plenty of saline solution was sprayed into the whole area!  I have read the entire Support Group Board of Pelvic, urinary, prostrate, urinary thread, and am one of many that have all of these strange below the belt issues.  So, that is at least some comfort!


Love in buckets back to you😍😍😍😍


GG I am so very sorry to hear of the complications of your attempted biopsy!  As I was reading through the posts I had the same question that LadyDen asked, whether THEY caused the perforation and I said to myself oh no, that can't be!  I am SO ANGRY for you, but I in no way wish to upset you about it all.  It seems you have taken it in stride and I commend you for the composure you have.  Me myself I would have been blowing my top of like Mount Vesuvius!!!!  But I guess I'm a hot headed Italian after all  :tickedoff:  At least they were completely honest and forthcoming with you about it.


I wish you continued healing and smooth recovery.  Thank you for the reference to the urinary and pelvic thread.  I didn't know there was one.  I'm going to search for that right now! 

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Hi Deanna and all.  Just a quick update re biopsy:  My OBGYN called me yesterday from California to check on me and to further explain what happened during the biopsy:  She had no problem going into the cervix but for some unknown reason she never could make it into the uterus, maybe because the saline solution was coming back out and that was when the small tool she was going to use for the cell scraping possibly perforated and left a small hole in the cervix.  She wanted to make sure that I am not showing any signs of an infection, which although I am not feeling well at all, I think it is more from all the antibiotics and two doses of Diflucan I have been on for over three weeks.  Almost feel like acute this morning after having had a pretty good day yesterday.  I really love and respect my OBGYN who has had excellent reviews for twenty plus years.  She has never had this happen before, although others OBGYN’s have had it happen during their performed biopsies.


I am to see the OBGYN next Tuesday to discuss doing another pelvic sonogram to see as to whether the uterine lining has increased in thickness.  No more biopsies, if even needed, for at least a month, as the uterus has to heal. 


So this is where I am at this time…..sure hope to get all this resolved sooner than later.  Anyone else experience female issues while going through BWD?  I was feeling so well at the beginning of July, then the UTI turned everything upside down!!!!


Hugs to all from,




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Lady den you made me feel better for venting. That is so unfair you can’t get help, must be so frustrating for you. Least we have  NHS over here , so don’t have to have health insurance, I feel for the ones genuinely escaping violence, but so many of them here have admitted they are economic migrants. So many people in UK are really struggling and in need of help, but get nothing. We need to make it less appealing to people, it’s unsustainable for such small overcrowded country keep absorbing more and more people.

Enough venting. Yes I will try to let it go, but just feel that doctor ruined my life. This course started with hypnotherapy session think maybe unleashed lot of stuff. Have sometimes thought should get a punchbag when think of her and my family just keep wacking it. I’m pleased your appt went well and hope dizzy turns soon subside.  Enough mouthing off from me. Sorry I got a bit too political I’ll shut up. You must have such a rich culture being part Native American. Big hugs to all those struggling at moment from Mrs Grumpy👹👹👹

Leann I think every country’s government programs to help people needs improvements. As far as your sessions perhaps they’re awakening some inner feelings which is good to get them out. I’m also very angry with the doctor that started me on Ambien as I said earlier but there’s nothing I can do about that. They ruined my health too. I understand how you feel and it’s natural to be angry about it. So instead of being angry I’m putting that energy into my healing. I will warn others about the dangers of these drugs. At this point I just want to heal and have a healthy life with the regaining of my normal physical abilities.

As far as my culture, yes I would say it’s an interesting one. My family is from Louisiana- creoles. A mixture of African, Native American and Caucasian ( French). People of Louisiana have their own culture or way of life influenced by the French. In many ways it’s like it’s own little country within the US. It has several languages ( English, French, creole, Cajun, etc) traditions ( Mardi Gras, creole and Cajun festivals, various things that are done at certain times, funerals, etc), music ( mainly jazz and zydeco) and cooking is serious business there. Just like the main food they serve which is gumbo…the culture is a gumbo. Meaning a little of this and that which packs a big unique flavor of life. In the lower areas of the state, they don’t bury the dead underground. They’re placed in crypts above ground. Funerals are like a party on the way to the cemetery. The culture is so rich that when Katrina happened, many people couldn’t wait to go back to rebuild. It’s their home…where they belong, where they’re born and raised and deeply rooted in the lifestyle. You can look on YouTube.

Hope you have a better day today. Big hugs to you. Thanks for sharing with us.


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One more boring detail re my biopsy.  I remember now that the anesthesiologist promised me that I would not be given any benzo at all….he was adamant about that.  However, right before they wheeled me back to the OR the nurse who had put my IV in said she only used Zofran for nausea, propofol to lull me to sleep and a steroid?!?!?  I immediately voiced my concern about the steroid but she said it was a low dose and would not stay in my system long.  I think it started with the letter D.  I wonder if that has made me feel worse than I did before the procedure.  My poor body has had way too many meds and I am terrified of the consequences.  I have had a couple of days of feeling better so am praying this will be only a small setback.


I am sorry for going on about this, but I really could use some extra TLC from my best buddies ever😍♥️🙏



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Lady Den:


So glad your appointment went well.  Your doctor sounds like a gem!    I am sorry the dizziness continues to bother you.  I hope you are able to rest. 


GG:  Hang in there!  Sorry you are nauseous.    Let us know how you are doing.  How is your hubby?  Recovered from shingles?


Leeann:  Please don't let doctors have any more power over you.  I know you are angry about how you were treated, but if you keep being mad, they will continue to have power over you!    This whole situation is so unfair for all of us, but we have to try and find the silver lining.  There are going to be many good days ahead for all of us.  The same goes for your family.  Forgiveness can be so hard, but it is the best gift you will ever give yourself. 


LiveLife:  So glad to hear that you are making some progress!!!!  That is fantastic news.  I hope things keep improving for you. 


Pashu:  Glad you were able to run today.  Way to go.    Baby steps!!!


I am hanging in there.  I am trying to stay positive.  Still have lots of anxiety, but not quite as weepy as I have been the last couple of weeks.  Last night I slept about 7 hours!  Yea!!!    Have a zoom appointment with Chris Paige today (therapist from W. Palm who has been through benzo injury).  He was very encouraging and helps me get a little different perspective.  Always good to visit with him.


Much love to everyone! 



Lisa, thanks very much. Yes he’s an awesome doctor. Even though he’s not benzo Zdrug wise, he’s willing to learn and do what he can to offer me encouragement that I’ll heal with time.

Wow you slept 7 hours?? Wow that is awesome! I’m sure that will happen more often. Please let me know what Chris Paige says if you don’t mind sharing.

Love you back! 🌹❤️

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Happy Hump Day morning to everyone! Although mine isn’t so good right now with morning dread and my first wave of the day. Ughhhh! I’m in total agreement with everyone else in that I just want my life back without all this symptoms and waves madness.

Becks, pretty much he diagnosed me with Ambien post acute WD/ vestibular injury medication induced. And yes they have wasted way too much money on space exploring. At this point, it’s not like they don’t know what’s out there….stars, galaxies, space dust, comets and planets.  ::)  Hope you enjoy your day.


GG it’s very good that they acknowledged their mistake during your procedure. And nice enough to call to check on you. I’m not surprised that they’re asking if you’re showing signs of infection. That was my first concern that I voiced to you. Please keep an eye out for anything new or worsening. I’m really concerned about you. Hopefully they won’t have to do any biopsy in a month. Love and hugs 🤗


JBen I’m with you on the uptick in the anxiety department. I had this briefly in acute…well actually off and on as I tapered. It has been gone for a long time. Now it’s back in my waves specifically my night wave and morning dread. I will say it’s milder than when I was in acute but quite uncomfortable. These crazy symptoms are having fun circling back on us, aren’t they? But, thanks to this forum we are aware of what’s the deal so we don’t panick when they show up. But wow it sucks!!!! Since turning 2 years, this has NOT been fun or what I’d hope. All we can do, is hold on and wait it out. Although that is a common phrase around here, it’s not easy to do when things are intense. I’m the same as you, I’m so tired of this!!!! Hugs 🤗


Live, you’ve been in that wave for awhile. I’ll be so glad to see you get relief. And yes enough of this already! I agree! I’m sorry that you’re getting kicked this much this far out. I am too! My morning dread and night waves are horrible! And it does feel like back in acute. I honestly think we do get a second yet milder acute at the end. Perhaps the last “ hurry up and fix this” fine tuning. Just like you, I’m praying hard that this is what’s happening to me too. I’m noticing all kinds of symptoms I haven’t seen in over a year or more. They’re popping up with short visits then gone. Then another one take its place…all when I’m in a wave. My waves are more of them and more frequent and more intense. Sucks!!!! I’m also having migraines especially around bedtime. Strange headache I can’t describe. You’re so right this is ridiculously frustrating. I want my life back too. I hope you get a break today. My heart goes out to you. I’m here if you need me. Big hugs!


Deanna that was my first reaction because I couldn’t believe what I was reading that they perforated her. Woah! I’m so glad so far GG is ok. Thank God! Yes I’ve discovered there’s many threads on here that I didn’t know existed. I find that if you open another window on google then type in benzo buddies followed by whatever you want to look up, you’ll get better search results. Wishing you a great day. Hugs 🤗


To our other buddies, please check in to let us know how you’re doing. Sending you love and hugs.


Question to all of you:

Do any of you have morning dread and night waves? If so, how do you deal with them? What helps if anything? Does yours leave for awhile then return milder?


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One more boring detail re my biopsy.  I remember now that the anesthesiologist promised me that I would not be given any benzo at all….he was adamant about that.  However, right before they wheeled me back to the OR the nurse who had put my IV in said she only used Zofran for nausea, propofol to lull me to sleep and a steroid?!?!?  I immediately voiced my concern about the steroid but she said it was a low dose and would not stay in my system long.  I think it started with the letter D.  I wonder if that has made me feel worse than I did before the procedure.  My poor body has had way too many meds and I am terrified of the consequences.  I have had a couple of days of feeling better so am praying this will be only a small setback.


I am sorry for going on about this, but I really could use some extra TLC from my best buddies ever😍♥️🙏



My guess would be yep…..the steroid might be the culprit. I’m guessing it might have been Decadron? Hopefully since it was a small dose, you’ll return to your baseline quickly. GG, please rest up my dear.

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Thank you, LadyDen, for all your support…I would bend from the weight of all these recent blows to my poor body without your kind and caring words.  I think it was decradon, so I read up on it a little and the article said that if it was one small dose, it should not cause any long term issues.  I so pray for this.


Thinking of all of you and hoping and praying that your day is a really really really good one!  And tomorrow, too, and all your tomorrows🙏


Biggest hugs from your friend in need and deed.



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GG:  Oh my goodness.  So sorry this has happened.  And a steroid to boot!    It sounds like your body just needs a little time to adjust after all the "trauma" of the last week.  Hopefully this will happen quickly.  I know you have had a rough month or so.    Thinking about you today and hoping each day keeps getting better.  You are going to get better!  Brighter days are ahead.  I know we all sound like broken records, but we have to keep reminding each other of the truth.  We will heal!  We will have a life without benzo damage affecting us.  We will live normal lives again!!!


You are a treasure!!!



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Thank you, LadyDen, for all your support…I would bend from the weight of all these recent blows to my poor body without your kind and caring words.  I think it was decradon, so I read up on it a little and the article said that if it was one small dose, it should not cause any long term issues.  I so pray for this.


Thinking of all of you and hoping and praying that your day is a really really really good one!  And tomorrow, too, and all your tomorrows🙏


Biggest hugs from your friend in need and deed.



Very welcome dear lady GG.

Yes I’ve had decaf Ron in the past with no bad side effects. It moves through the body pretty quickly compared to some others. It did cause difficulties in falling asleep at night and a mild hyper feeling. Both of those was short lived. Seeing you had a small dose I don’t see why you won’t return to baseline soon. Please drink a little bit more water for a couple of days. It tends to dry people out a bit.

Yes you’re a friend indeed!

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Bless your sweet, caring heart!  I needed to hear those exact words today and will carry them with me going forward to my forever window.  You sound better and I read that you have had some relief from your recent, long

lasting wave.  I am thrilled for you…..you are very special to so many, including moi😍😍😍😍😍





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GG:  Oh my goodness.  So sorry this has happened.  And a steroid to boot!    It sounds like your body just needs a little time to adjust after all the "trauma" of the last week.  Hopefully this will happen quickly.  I know you have had a rough month or so.    Thinking about you today and hoping each day keeps getting better.  You are going to get better!  Brighter days are ahead.  I know we all sound like broken records, but we have to keep reminding each other of the truth.  We will heal!  We will have a life without benzo damage affecting us.  We will live normal lives again!!!


You are a treasure!!!



Big hugs Lisa! Wow I can’t wait for that life of symptoms and waves free. You’re right that we are well on our way to that life. It’s like when rain is coming….I can smell it! I want it soooooooooooooooooooo bad!

Hope you’re doing better today. Lots of love dear 🌹

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I'm thinking of all of you!  I hope everyone (GG, LD, Decatur, LiveLife, Pashu, Leann, J Ben, Becks, Deanna and all others) will feel well and peaceful the rest of this week. I may not be around much for the next few days as I'm heading to the beach with my husband.  But I'll be pulling for all here! 



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Love to all you beautiful buddies of mine,


I wish I could write you each individually but I am suffering so bad it's hard to even get on here. GG, hope you feel better soon. You're definitely in my thoughts as well as LadyDen, sounds like you're improving. So great to hear. Helen please enjoy yourself. It sounds so wonderful. Lisa, love you lots and sounds like you're doing better. JBen, Pashu, Dea and all the rest of my beautiful benzo buddies I send you so much love and healing hugs. Sure hope I can turn the corner soon because I'm barely hanging on. It's hard to get through the day.



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