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My b12 is high


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My b12 is 620.

I just saw the Internet over 600 is high and can lead to cancer.

Now I'm in panick.

Can you guys tell me if is to high ?

What should I do to lower it?

Why I have severe anxiety and depression and my b12 is high?

I thought only people with low b12 get anxiety and depression.

Can someone tell me how is working?

Thank you Vica

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  • 2 months later...

Sorry you haven’t gotten a reply yet. My B12 was high too due to taking too many supplements on my part. My doc said that there is nothing to worry about and that there is no evidence of real B12 toxicity.

How are you these days?

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  • 1 month later...

That’s not high high.

Extreme levels ( not you) can be the result of illnesses breaking down cells. But you’ve had other stuff checked I am sure.

Never seen a case of toxic b12 levels in 40 years.  I take a lot of it because Omeprazole reduces its absorption.


Best wishes


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did you get it checked by blood or the urine?


blood work doesn't work properly! As far as I know you did not take any B12 supplement, and with food you are not able to "overdose" at all.


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did you get it checked by blood or the urine?


blood work doesn't work properly! As far as I know you did not take any B12 supplement, and with food you are not able to "overdose" at all.


How does blood work “not work properly?”

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Blood results can be way off if a clot forms, left overnight, loads of reasons.

B12 should be reported as B12 and "free B12"--but the NHS dont pay-)


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Blood results can be way off if a clot forms, left overnight, loads of reasons.

B12 should be reported as B12 and "free B12"--but the NHS dont pay-)



So what would be a better option? Most Doctors would say treat the symptoms, not the snap shot of blood work, but blood work does hold some weight.  I'm not even sure why I'm posting this, or what my point is really  :idiot:

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I just did a urine test, that I could order over the internet for 40 Euro.

By measuring the level of methylmalonic acid in the urine one gets a good information about the B12 level.

I find the urine test very helpful because it is possible to see even a mild lack very early so you are able to fill it up with food. By the way even mild lacks can cause symptoms.



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Wait for symptoms of deficiency and your nerves of spine n legs are dying off.

B12 deficiency on the rise because of

Diabetic meds, PPIs, and female sex hormones to name a few.

Either prescribed or in the drinking water.

Massive problem downstream from our sewage treatment unit.



Ps B12 also shows as larger red cells (unless you are also iron deficient.)

Maugham will know more. 

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