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I need to go back to 204 mg on my seroquel. right blue moth has copy of schedule. I believe I sent it to colin too.  then stay there for a couple of days....
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Are you starting your benzo taper now or waiting? I can rework it for you later so that dates are correct, if you decide not to start now.
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thank you Colin, I can write in the dates... I will start day after tomorrow I hope, making sure I am getting the seroquel is right.
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Well, you will need to keep the number of days that table is out by consistant. Of course you can remain at a dose for while, but will need to keep a check on how long you remain at a dose (as I said, you may not be cutting every day later on). Also, a schedule will help to drive you forward - you don't want to draw this out for longer than you need to do so. So, do let me know, and I'll draw up a new table for you. After all, it is already a schedule lasting nearly two years.
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Wishing you the best Ceeelyn and telling you to hang in there....we all are or have gone through the taper and it is very doable.  Keep your chin up as best as you can and don't listen to any of your scarey thoughts.  Take care.  Janus
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everyone, thank you for your input, one reason why I wanted to titrate is that I can gradually increase the cuts to see what I can tolerate.. am I right?2 years of this.... yugggg.
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Lynn, I know you can do this. I know you can. The panic attack you had was probably brought on cuz you were expecting wd. But it wasn't actually wd. Just the anticipation of it.  such a tiny reduction from the amount you are on is really not enough to feel much wd at all, if any.

We're with you girl! We can do it all together, ok?

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the panic attack was from the seroquel, it was the only thing that worked to stop them, they were very very very bad, not like anxiety. Am I right that as I get going on my valium titration, it will be easier to make larger cuts as I gain experience and confidence?
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the panic attack was from the seroquel, it was the only thing that worked to stop them, they were very very very bad, not like anxiety. Am I right that as I get going on my valium titration, it will be easier to make larger cuts as I gain experience and confidence?



Yes, most likely this will be the case, but lynn, you need to go at the pace that suits you best. If you can't make larger cuts, that's ok too, just as long as you keep tapering. ;)



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I dont get situational panic, someone backed into my car 2 weeks ago, I had to get info, call ins co, etc.  didnt panic. and many other things have happened, that I didnt panic over.

Will keep moving forward. hate mornings. heard that by extending a long taper program you will have more protracted problems.....maybe a scare tactic by a member of another board.

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I dont get situational panic, someone backed into my car 2 weeks ago, I had to get info, call ins co, etc.  didnt panic. and many other things have happened, that I didnt panic over.

Will keep moving forward. hate mornings. heard that by extending a long taper program you will have more protracted problems.....maybe a scare tactic by a member of another board.


Hi Ceeeeeeeyln,


That's great that you can handle situations like the car thing - you have inner strength which at some point will play a big part in your recovery.


Don't believe everything you hear.  I've been tapering about 26 months and have no protracted problems.  Nothing to be afraid of but fear itself...


Best of luck,


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lynne just get stubborn over this - set your mind and just keep on truckin.


if you can handle an accident you can handle this ;)


then some day you will look back and be free.

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lynne you have chosen titration - it is much more difficult then a direct taper - are you sure this is what you want - because once you chose something you need to understand it and stick to it.


a certain amount of determination/understanding is expected from you in order to stay on track - we can support you but you have to be able to do this.


colin is not here now - i am sure he will check with you when he is here.

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yes I can do the titration, more control.  maybe I can increase cut a little at a time. I am fine in the evenings so can mix ahead of time.

I do need to talk to Colin tho.

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if I were going to dry cut how  would I do it? how many mg etc.

I have a p[roblem with sereq. wish I didnt have to titrate it since I am not going to cut for awhile

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Hi Ceeelyn,


If you understand the table, just use that. Again, the figures are for your DAILY dose - you make up a dose and use it over the day. This means on your first day your daily will be five 10mg tablets and 46ml taken from 200ml of liquid. On the second day, your daily dose will 40ml taken from 200ml and five 10mg tablets. The table always indicates your full daily dose. How you split that dose over the day is up to you. So, start using titration for a full day - you do not start one evening.

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what do you mean I dont start one evening? thats when I was going to start... this evening.dr says serquel helps cover the valium loss so shouldnt be a problem sleeping.
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please send dircetions on how to titrate just the directions not the whole schedule... How many mg do I put in the water? 10? and pour out all but 46ml?

starting tonite right? I hve it ready.

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