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I have been taking .50 mg of clonazepam for 4 years. I recently attempted a milk titration I saw on YouTube using 120 ml of milk. I used a 60ml syringe and filled an 8 oz jar with 120 ml of milk using 2 60ml of full fat milk.  I dropped my .50 tablet in the jar, shook it and referigerated it overnight giving it a few shakes throughout the day. The next day I divided my 120ml of clonazepam milk in four equal doses, drank one, and then the rest thought the day and eve.  I did this for two weeks to get my body adjusted to liquid dosing. I felt a little different but not too bad. After two weeks I was so excited to start my daily titration and using a 12 ml syringe given to me by a pharmacist, I reduced my dose by two increments on my 12 ml syringe. The next day I  repeated this reduction. The third day I reduced 1 ml. The fourth day I got slammed hard. Stomach pain, bloating, 3 hours of sleep with nightmares! I thought I was reducing 1/2 ml  of 50mg clonazepam dissolved in 120 ml of full fat milk at a time.  what did I do wrong? Can anyone advise me what to do?
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That happened with me on the water titration. I am at a higher dose than you and made small cuts every night. I got slammed at about 3-4 days after a cut. I know the problem was the insolubility of the Klonopin in the water. I am not sure in your case. Since you are cutting 4 times a day, it may be more complicated. I know there are people here who are much more knowledgable on this. I would suggest getting some small syringes, such as 3cc and 1cc syringes to make it easier. I wish I could help more. It will get better and you will get help to figure it out.
Thanks Dana. I'm so discouraged because I really want to get off this medication. How were you making your cuts?
I don't understand the suggestion of using a 3 cc syringe. Isn't a cc equivalent to a ml?

I just found a syringe at CVS or walgreen's with .5 mls..  several years ago. 

I don't know the rest of the math though. 


I don't understand the suggestion of using a 3 cc syringe. Isn't a cc equivalent to a ml?




Thanks Dana. I'm so discouraged because I really want to get off this medication. How were you making your cuts?


I was drawing off 1cc which was .002mg every night and then I would have to hold for a few days after I got symptoms. Again, the doses were not consistent because of the insolubility. I can get my pharmacy to make a suspension for me which I will do down the road. I have decided to dry cut for a while and then go back to liquid titration as I go lower. The is my plan for now.


I don't understand the suggestion of using a 3 cc syringe. Isn't a cc equivalent to a ml?


It is much easier to draw off the liquid with a smaller syringe. I have a 12 cc syringe, but it was harder to pull off the liquid. The smaller syringes allow you to make smaller cuts if need be. The increments are much smaller. Yes, a cc is the same as a ml.

Builder, the Ashton Manual recommends using 250ml of milk to titration off .50mg clonazepam. She says this is for a slow taper lowering 1ml per day.  What's your opinion of this amount of milk?  I really don't understand how the different amounts of milk affect the titration. Can you explain this to me please. What would be the best for my situation in your opinion? I have 60ml syringes and 12 ml syringes given to me by a pharmacist. Thank you.

K is highly lipid (fat) soluble, so a high volume isn't really required.  The most common ratio here on BB seems to be 1mg per 100ml.  That's more than sufficient, and makes a very easy ratio for calculating cuts and doses.


I'm not aware that the Ashton manual even mentions "milk taper"  Could you give me more info on where you found that information?

Chapter two. Slow titration schedules. It doesn't specify what liquid to use, Just the volume. I looked at the titration off 1.5mg klonopin because there wasn't one for .50. I scrolled down until the reduced amount got to .50 in liquid. Hope I'm making sense. Also, if I want a SLOW taper, what 'll do you suggest reducing? Not percents please. I get confused reducing percents and mls.

Hi Boppin,


I think 250 mls is more than you need. Fifty is probably all you need.  I put my .5 into 80 mls.  I'm going very slow but with very few symptoms. I think the average cut is .002 mgs., if you want to minimize symptoms.  You can always go higher if that is too slow. 


Hope this helps. Good luck.



Thank you Jenny. I think my first attempt a couple of weeks ago must have been too fast for my body. I switched over to liquid for two weeks before cutting any amount. The first two days I reduced 2 lines of my 12 ml syringe. Is that .02 MLs? The third day I reduce 1 ML of my syringe and the next day I had severe stomach pain and bloating, lack of appetite, and when I could sleep I had nightmares. Any suggestions? Maybe reduce by 1 measurement line on my syringe? Should I reduce every day? Thank you so much for answering my post.
Ok. THis is what I'm going to do. I'm going to take builder and Jenny's advice and use 100ml of milk and reduce by .02 ml. do I hold and see if I get symptoms in a couple of days or do I just continue cutting .02 MLs until I get symptoms? You people are great on here! We're all scared to death when we first start and freak out at the first symptom.

I don't know how many mgs will be in your .02. I'm not too good with the math.  Somebody else can tell you that.  I would reduce every day. If your symptoms escalate, in my opinion, you are tapering too much. You can just go back to where you were before the symptoms escalated and start a little slower.  I would wait a few days before going back, three or four, to make sure it's not something else causing symptoms, food, MSG, or you exercised too much, things like that.


Everybody is a little scared when they start.  I think you will be fine.  Just listen to your body.



Taking .50 in 100ml. Of milk. Jenny you say you're drawing .002 in 80 ml. I'm confused, where is .002 on a 12ml syringe and .02 on a 12 ml syringe? Thank you.
One more question Jenny. You say you are titrating .50 in 80mls of milk and .002 mg is the suggested rate. What would be the ml reduction equivalent of .002 mg?

.5 divided by 100cc=.005mg per cc. Drawing off of 2ml or cc would be .01mg. It is harder with a big syringe like the 12cc. A smaller syringe with give you small increments. Much easier. It is very difficult to pull off a half of a cc with that big of a syringe. It might work for now, but down the road you will probably need a smaller cc syringe. I hope this helps. You would be drawing off .01mg per day. Too me that might be too much, but see how you feel and hold if you start getting symptoms.

I know you don't like using %, but it does help you figure out if you are cutting too much. I am trying not to cut more 5% over a 2 week period.


Thank you Dana. Will you please help me with my schedule? I want a slow taper off my .50 clonazepam. How much milk do you suggest and how many cc/ ml do I start discarding per day. Are you suggesting I get a 1ml syringe. If so, I will definitely do so but how much will I start discarding on my first day? I can't figure out a safe starting point. Percentages make no sense to me. If I have a suggested amount to discard from 100 ml clonazepam milk and start from there I think I can do it. The syringe sizes have me freaked out. I have a 60ml syringe and a 12 ml syringe. I will get a 1 ml syringe if I can find one. Please tell the amount to start drawing and then I will increase it so much each day correct?? Wow. I thought I had this by drawing out two lines on a 12 ml syringe. I am such a mess!
Builder, what do you suggest for my situation? Get a 1 ml syringe in addition to my 60 ml and 12 ml? All I want to know is how much milk you suggest fo titrating and how many MLs do you suggest is start pulling. I understand I would then increase it by that amount daily. I just need a safe starting ml. PLEASE!  Thank you.

Builder, what do you suggest for my situation? Get a 1 ml syringe in addition to my 60 ml and 12 ml? All I want to know is how much milk you suggest fo titrating and how many MLs do you suggest is start pulling. I understand I would then increase it by that amount daily. I just need a safe starting ml. PLEASE!  Thank you.


Understand, folks can follow any method they choose, can use any equipment they choose, and mix thier liquid anyway they choose, but...


  if you dissolve 1mg of benzo in 100ml of milk*, then each ml = .01 (1/100th) of a mg.  Pretty easy to keep track of cuts and doses that way, just move the decimal.


and...then a 1ml cut=a 1% cut, again, pretty simple, no real math required.


And a 1ml and 10ml syringe are pretty standard.  (BTW, 2 marks on a 12ml syringe is probably .2ml, not .02ml)


*  Any mixture that results in .01mg per ml works the same, .5mg in 50ml, 1mg in 100ml, 1.5mg in 150ml, etc.


The .01mg=1ml=1%  system is about the simplest way I know to do a milk taper.


Builder, what do you suggest for my situation? Get a 1 ml syringe in addition to my 60 ml and 12 ml? All I want to know is how much milk you suggest fo titrating and how many MLs do you suggest is start pulling. I understand I would then increase it by that amount daily. I just need a safe starting ml. PLEASE!  Thank you.


Understand, folks can follow any method they choose, can use any equipment they choose, and mix thier liquid anyway they choose, but...


  if you dissolve 1mg of benzo in 100ml of milk*, then each ml = .01 (1/100th) of a mg.  Pretty easy to keep track of cuts and doses that way, just move the decimal.


and...then a 1ml cut=a 1% cut, again, pretty simple, no real math required.


And a 1ml and 10ml syringe are pretty standard.  (BTW, 2 marks on a 12ml syringe is probably .2ml, not .02ml)


*  Any mixture that results in .01mg per ml works the same, .5mg in 50ml, 1mg in 100ml, 1.5mg in 150ml, etc.


The .01mg=1ml=1%  system is about the simplest way I know to do a milk taper.


Very well put.  :)

Easy for you to say. LOL I think I'm hung up on the 1mg in your statement because I'm not taking 1mg of clonazepam. I'm taking .50. I just went to my pharmacy and they gave me a 1ml and 10ml syringe. I'm all set, I just need an example of what a slow taper of .50 clonazepam would be say in 50 ml milk or 100ml milk.
Is it against this websites rules to suggest what a slow taper for me would be? You can't set up a schedule for me? You are all being very patient with me but I'm a little slow grasping this.

Easy for you to say. LOL I think I'm hung up on the 1mg in your statement because I'm not taking 1mg of clonazepam. I'm taking .50. I just went to my pharmacy and they gave me a 1ml and 10ml syringe. I'm all set, I just need an example of what a slow taper of .50 clonazepam would be say in 50 ml milk or 100ml milk.


It doesn't matter, its a ratio.


As I said above...

Any mixture that results in .01mg per ml works the same, .5mg in 50ml, 1mg in 100ml, 1.5mg in 150ml, etc.


The .01mg=1ml=1%  system is about the simplest way I know to do a milk taper.


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