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SONGS That Make You Wanna BUST A MOVE!


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Shook! Don't go anywhere. Especially from the rooftops 😂 What about Minya? I'm posting sth to your thread ASAP.



I'm all by my lonesome here singing it to the world, singing out loud. Wanna be startin' somethin'...a revolution from my bed. Or maybe just post a few tunes.  :)


Good question. Where is Minya? He slept on the sofa last night. I must've scritched him the wrong way... I hope we're on better terms today.

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http://s1268.photobucket.com/component/Download-File?file=%2Falbums%2Fjj561%2FTooManyWastedDays%2FIMG_1237_zpsqfqwr6mo.jpg  http://s1268.photobucket.com/component/Download-File?file=%2Falbums%2Fjj561%2FTooManyWastedDays%2FIMG_1238_zps4jqqyh3o.jpg


"Stay cool and be somebody's fool this year [...]" [billy Corgan]


One of my fav riffs. Both Billy Corgan (lead guitar) and James Iha (rhythm guitar) did an awesome job on this track. As well as the rest of the band. Billy wrote it (see "Songfacts"). Love Smashing Pumpkins :thumbsup: Now we play it. No joking.









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Thanks for contributing, Estée. You must have remote access to my iPod... The only two SP songs I have on it right now are Rocket and Cherub Rock.  :thumbsup:
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I'm all by my lonesome here singing it to the world, singing out loud. Wanna be startin' somethin'...a revolution from my bed. Or maybe just post a few tunes.  :)


Good question. Where is Minya? He slept on the sofa last night. I must've scritched him the wrong way... I hope we're on better terms today.




I'm gonna log out to get sth done, bo opierdalam sie juz caly dzien. Abcd posted a song by Heather Small. Which encourages us to get things done. It goes like this "What have you done today to make you feel proud?" My answer is: "Nothing."


Cannot stay glued to my chair after having heard this or I'll go insane. Just please, don't give Minya a bath. Cats don't need to be bathed. I'll be posting more of SP in the near future. See ya. Rescue team shall be here soon, I promise.


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I'm all by my lonesome here singing it to the world, singing out loud. Wanna be startin' somethin'...a revolution from my bed. Or maybe just post a few tunes.  :)


Good question. Where is Minya? He slept on the sofa last night. I must've scritched him the wrong way... I hope we're on better terms today.




I'm gonna log out to get sth done, bo opierdalam sie juz caly dzien. Abcd posted a song by Heather Small. Which encourages us to get things done. It goes like this "What have you done today to make you feel proud?" My answer is: "Nothing."


Cannot stay glued to my chair after having heard this or I'll go insane. Just please, don't give Minya a bath. Cats don't need to be bathed. I'll be posting more of SP in the near future. See ya. Rescue team shall be here soon, I promise.



That's what her thread's here for. To motivate and stir you. This one's just to make you boogie or bop. But even if you only say a few words of encouragement here and make just one person smile, the day's a success. Don't need to take the world by storm. That's something I've learned.


I've never given a cat a bath. They're always giving themselves tongue baths. And there was something in Jinpei's saliva that made him smell fragrant. lol


Ease yourself into that flow state, Estée...  8)


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Yeah, Shook. I was programmed to believe that leisure time is a waste of time. Since childhood. Difficult to change it. All the convictions about the world form when the brain develops.


That's why I haven't turned on the TV for more than 10 yrs. And haven't read a book in my native language for like 20... I communicate in my native language, enough. Before I had learnt other languages, I read a lot in Polish.

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I didn't have a stern upbringing, but it must be hard divorcing yourself from notions that were drilled into you from a young age, especially if associated with self-worth and guilt. But you know it's all rubbish, so you're halfway there.


Say to hell with it, sit down with a cup of tea and crack open a Polish book. The sky won't fall, I promise. What's a famous piece of Polish literature? I'll read it with you in solidarity.

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I didn't have a stern upbringing, but it must be hard divorcing yourself from notions that were drilled into you from a young age, especially if associated with self-worth and guilt. But you know it's all rubbish, so you're halfway there.


Say to hell with it, sit down with a cup of tea and crack open a Polish book. The sky won't fall, I promise. What's a famous piece of Polish literature? I'll read it with you in solidarity.


You're lucky Shook. If my parents didn't go to their cottage in the country during the weekend. Each one sat in a separate room, working. Writing and reading. I had to be a straight A's student. Graduated with honors from three faculties. Would rather be a healthy analphabet. I used to teach during studies. Was always trying to treat my students gently. One is perfect when one is dead.


Used to like Marek Hlasko a lot. He was a writer. Great, ironic sense of humor. I bet he's translated into many languages. He was an alcoholic and a pill addict. Wrote an excellent short story: "Petla"/"The Noose". It was adopted into a movie.


I had many poets I liked. Andrzej Bursa, Wislawa Szymborska, Rafal Wojaczek, Halina Poswiatowska, etc. etc. etc. Read lots of philosophy in Polish, as I was studying it. Had to read German philosophers in PL. Terrible.


Wrote some poems. Maybe they'll try to publish them posthumously. Or they'll destroy them. Whatever. Friends say I write very good poems. I don't care what becomes of these poems. I will no longer be here, anyway.

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Who can disagree with that. Anyway, you seem to have found your passion with photography. You have an eye for design, color, etc. I can see you being very happy doing this for a living. Your music posts are like little works of art too. You could design layouts for magazines, etc.
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Who can disagree with that. Anyway, you seem to have found your passion with photography. You have an eye for design, color, etc. I can see you being very happy doing this for a living. Your music posts are like little works of art too. You could design layouts for magazines, etc.


You're hiring me, Shook? Yeah, I actually can make my pix a sideline. My own pix.

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"Yeah, how long must you wait for it?

Yeah, how long must you pay for it?

Yeah, how long must you wait for it?

Oh, for it [...]"





Gwyneth finally had enough waiting and dumped Chris. This is called The 3 P's Rule: Perfectionism - Procrastination - Paralysis.


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INXS — Don't Change


Hello gorgeous. This one by INXS is really cool. You CTed Fabio? How about this guy?




Read in Slash's bio that the best way to judge if someone's really good is to hear them live.

So am reposting the live version of Ed's solo. Cause this riff is an absolute masterpiece.


Van Halen "Ain't Talkin' 'Bout Love" (live): Music & Lyrics only

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