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Hey all. I am 9 days Klonopin free and feel great.  I lowered my final dose of .01 to 0 with a liquid titration over a two week period. During this time my only symptom was a little tingling in the legs. I have been symptom free since my jump 9 days ago. I feel a little guilty saying this since so many people have problems after the jump but I wanted to give hope to people that it is not always bad.  One thing I think that helped me was my mindset of whatever happens, happens.  In the past I would get normal anxiety over my reductions and I realized that I was creating my own anxiety. Once I adopted a new mindset my cuts were extremely easy. My final day I went into the jump with a good mindset and told myself it would be easy. I literally have not had any side effects since my jump. I realized yesterday that I haven't even been thinking about klonopin. I think that has helped me greatly. I don't dwell on it and just live in the moment.  I hope this can encourage others who are near their jump or just beginning their taper.  Good luck to everyone! Peace!  :):angel:
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[glow=red,2,300]"CONGRATULATIONS,"[/glow] Thanks for posting a wonderful positive post, everything you said is spot on, I have been thinking a lot about the time I "Walk off" and today I read your great inspiring post and I am going to do just what you did, not worry about it and remember that my Mindset has brought me this far and it is not going to leave me now. Best News today. :smitten::thumbsup::smitten:
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Here here, great post Freddy. Don't feel guilty it takes great effort to attain that place of calm.

Just prior to reading your post I was doing my mindfulness "Calm" app session.

At lunchtime I was reading my AA just for today card and thinking about people on this forum who are suffering.

You don't need to be an alcoholic, just download the card. "Just for Today"

What a great way to live "just one day at a time". Not easy but doable with daily practice.

Accepting and not resisting and fighting, leads to a place of calm.


I am four days away from sliding off as I prefer to say.

Same as you tapering down to zero.

No reason to see why my symptoms should ramp up.


In the last week I have had benzo belly sxs (no need to go into detail)👎

Could also be a stomach bug!

Increased tinnitus.

My favourite sxs is "as if someone is tickling the top of my left ear with a feather duster"


Compared to a lot on here. I am having it easy. I am very grateful for that. But I do work at it.


Thank you again Freddy.

See you on the other side!

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Hey all. I am 9 days Klonopin free and feel great.  I lowered my final dose of .01 to 0 with a liquid titration over a two week period. During this time my only symptom was a little tingling in the legs. I have been symptom free since my jump 9 days ago. I feel a little guilty saying this since so many people have problems after the jump but I wanted to give hope to people that it is not always bad.  One thing I think that helped me was my mindset of whatever happens, happens.  In the past I would get normal anxiety over my reductions and I realized that I was creating my own anxiety. Once I adopted a new mindset my cuts were extremely easy. My final day I went into the jump with a good mindset and told myself it would be easy. I literally have not had any side effects since my jump. I realized yesterday that I haven't even been thinking about klonopin. I think that has helped me greatly. I don't dwell on it and just live in the moment.  I hope this can encourage others who are near their jump or just beginning their taper.  Good luck to everyone! Peace!  :):angel:


Great post! :thumbsup:  This mindset is truly the key and it's how I've approached life while tapering.  This taper is not my life. 


I hope to walk off with not too many issues but I"ll just take it as it comes.  I'm not going to get myself in a state...that's for sure!

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That's not true Donna q. I did a slow taper and crashed near end of drug and couldn't stabilize. Everyone's journey is different. Can't judge anyone's journey. It unfolds as it does but if I had to go back which I can't I'd go even slower than I did as I was following Ashton method. Hindsight is always 50/50. Glad it didn't go bad for you. I don't have any other health or emotional issues. It's just this meds so be careful to assume based on the signature hon ❤️🌹
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Hi Setfree

Sorry  you are having a difficult taper.

This is the easy taper support group👍👍

Can't see a post by Donnaq recently!

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Well today is the day I have patiently waited for for 20 months.

I now declare it officially an anti climax.

I feel the same as yesterday.

My only change is difficulty in falling asleep along with frequent urinating, which is a sign of classic cortisol surge for me.

Also increased tinnitus.

I am aware that I have many doses and half life doses stored in my body fat that needs to leach its way out, over the next few weeks.


Lets see if my forecast of a post withdrawal is the same relatively easy taper that I have experienced.

Watch this space.




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Day 2

Hi guys.

Busy day taking dog for a haircut and supermarket visit.

Walked 7 miles yesterday and slept like a log.

Today walked 5 miles.

Benzo headache increased during day and took to the sofa about 4pm with exhaustion.

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jp, try having a couple of cups of Hot Chocolate a day if your tummy can tolerate it, I had a friend that swore by it to help ease the headaches and other anxiety once off. Like a "liquid feel good pill", that will not harm us. :smitten:
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Day 3


Thanks guys👍


Not a bad day today.

Headache gone on awakening.

Carried and barrowed 20 large railway sleepers from front of house to rear.

Walked 5.7 miles so far.


Had a few seconds of derealization in shop today.

Knew why I was there, but just had this out of body experience.

Couldn't speak for a few seconds.

Really weird!

Feeling a bit wired in general.


At this stage I could see if you were prone to anxiety, it could be difficult to keep it together.

Having to work extra hard at mindfulness and keeping it in the moment.

This is just my brain rewiring itself.

"Acceptance is the answer to all my problems today"



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Day 3


Thanks guys👍


Not a bad day today.

Headache gone on awakening.

Carried and barrowed 20 large railway sleepers from front of house to rear.

Walked 5.7 miles so far.


Had a few seconds of derealization in shop today.

Knew why I was there, but just had this out of body experience.

Couldn't speak for a few seconds.

Really weird!

Feeling a bit wired in general.


At this stage I could see if you were prone to anxiety, it could be difficult to keep it together.

Having to work extra hard at mindfulness and keeping it in the moment.

This is just my brain rewiring itself.

"Acceptance is the answer to all my problems today"


Good stuff jp,Keep pushing on. I am on day 8, had a few early morning wake ups to anxiety after some bad nightmares and a couple of bad sleep nights but the days have been passable with just some symptoms that come and go. Nothing that has put me down though.

Since my drug of NO CHOICE was klonopin with a 1/2 life of 36 or so hours I should be close to getting it out of my blood stream.



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That depersonalization stuff SUCKS! Glad it was brief. Mine used to hit me in stores and in restaurants primarily so I figured it was strong lights and smells. Never knew what it was, thought I was having absence seizures or something. But now I know it was interdose withdrawals while on xanax. Man, that is some rough stuff to deal with. Heres to hoping thats all you get!
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Thanks Lynn and Kitty



Last 2 nights I have slept well.

Waking in morning with mild cortisol surges.

This has started post jump.

As you say days are very doable👍

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Thanks Lynn and Kitty



Last 2 nights I have slept well.

Waking in morning with mild cortisol surges.

This has started post jump.

As you say days are very doable👍

So glad jp that you are posting your day, it reinforces for me that yes we are going to have some stuff to go through but doable is good. Stay Strong My Friend. Kudos for walking and doing daily chores. :smitten::thumbsup::smitten:
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Day 4

Thanks Pumpkin


Slept well for third night in a row.

Awoke with a little cortisol/adrenaline surges.


If I had put a stopwatch on my mood today I would guess I had a total of 15 mins in a wave of feeling tense and wired. Split into 3 or 4 mins here and there. I just sit with it and deep breath.

The rest of the day I have felt fine.


A little achy from all that lifting yesterday.

Walked just over 3 miles today.

Did my mindfulness.

I use the "Calm" app.

Raining and watched rugby on tv.

Watching golf from Florida now. Weather looks a little different to UK😩

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Hi jp, glad you are feeling okay on day 4 :thumbsup:


What part of the UK are you in? I am from the Essex London border but moved to the States in 1990, I still miss some things, Maynards wine gums, proper custard and a proper pub being a few.



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