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Please Assistance Needed in Recalculation of Taper / Thank you!


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SG... Need your sage advice ( will be trying to contact Bataid; can't get thru ATM)

I was in a physical crisis yesterday ( believe hormones intensified my experience;

Yesterday is one week before period)


Took my dose an hour earlier at 4:00 pm yesterday

Did an updose by borrowing a crumb from 1:00 am dose (desperate)

That crumb weighed 0.016 grams + 0.103 grams of regular dose = 0.119 grams?


1). I don't know how much I increased overall in MGS


I don't want to speak too soon; but it worked... Too well


problem is that today; I feel severely hungover..

It is the same feeling I've had before from just drinking

A glass of champagne ( yes that sensitive to alcohol; hence benzos)

It would take me about 2 days to recover fully from a glass ( crazy I know; but

That's my biochemistry)

It is the same exact feeling but maybe intensified by 3 times

It feels like I could slip into unconsciousness ; that type of feeling

If I let myself


That's why I don't do well on benzos and my current state; prior to all of this I only haphazardly took ativan 3 to 4 times a week and still got into trouble...( just to give you perspective)



I feel I could go days without taking

Another kolonopin as the effects from yesterday have had

Such a profound effect


Sedation is an understatement; I feel like someone slipped me a powerful hypnotic

( which k is I think) it is an awful and still scary debilitating feeling

Brings on depression being so sedated

It is a very very strong feeling of being like a zombie

Unable to engage; emptiness feeling inside

Not tired.... But can't keep eyes open type of state



But, it achieved its purpose which was it calmed my physical sxs down


I hear people say updosing hasn't worked for them or it made them worse later on or it

Only worked a few days then they got sick ; etc;

Is this a fluke?


2. ) what say you on this turn of events?


Edit: it dramatically lessened my shaking / tremor attacks of my whole body and

A dramatic lessening of akasthesia... Urge to move legs lessened/ practically stopped

WHAT ?! you're saying?! Yes


I still have a tiny urge to shake my left leg but its not the akasthesia type feeling ive had this whole time....just a nervous tic I've always had my whole life


I think its a fluke.... I don't know


I think calling BAT Aid is a good idea.  They might have experience that we don't for your situation.  Definitely worth a try.


You were at .309g a day and you took .016g extra...that's a 5.2% rescue dose.  .309g is .92mg K so you took .968mg, which is .048mg extra.  It sounds like it worked and that you have a trade-off as to which state you'd rather be in: the old or the new.

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SG... Need your sage advice ( will be trying to contact Bataid; can't get thru ATM)

I was in a physical crisis yesterday ( believe hormones intensified my experience;

Yesterday is one week before period)


Took my dose an hour earlier at 4:00 pm yesterday

Did an updose by borrowing a crumb from 1:00 am dose (desperate)

That crumb weighed 0.016 grams + 0.103 grams of regular dose = 0.119 grams?


1). I don't know how much I increased overall in MGS


I don't want to speak too soon; but it worked... Too well


problem is that today; I feel severely hungover..

It is the same feeling I've had before from just drinking

A glass of champagne ( yes that sensitive to alcohol; hence benzos)

It would take me about 2 days to recover fully from a glass ( crazy I know; but

That's my biochemistry)

It is the same exact feeling but maybe intensified by 3 times

It feels like I could slip into unconsciousness ; that type of feeling

If I let myself


That's why I don't do well on benzos and my current state; prior to all of this I only haphazardly took ativan 3 to 4 times a week and still got into trouble...( just to give you perspective)



I feel I could go days without taking

Another kolonopin as the effects from yesterday have had

Such a profound effect


Sedation is an understatement; I feel like someone slipped me a powerful hypnotic

( which k is I think) it is an awful and still scary debilitating feeling

Brings on depression being so sedated

It is a very very strong feeling of being like a zombie

Unable to engage; emptiness feeling inside

Not tired.... But can't keep eyes open type of state



But, it achieved its purpose which was it calmed my physical sxs down


I hear people say updosing hasn't worked for them or it made them worse later on or it

Only worked a few days then they got sick ; etc;

Is this a fluke?


2. ) what say you on this turn of events?


Edit: it dramatically lessened my shaking / tremor attacks of my whole body and

A dramatic lessening of akasthesia... Urge to move legs lessened/ practically stopped

WHAT ?! you're saying?! Yes


I still have a tiny urge to shake my left leg but its not the akasthesia type feeling ive had this whole time....just a nervous tic I've always had my whole life


I think its a fluke.... I don't know


I think calling BAT Aid is a good idea.  They might have experience that we don't for your situation.  Definitely worth a try.


You were at .309g a day and you took .016g extra...that's a 5.2% rescue dose.  .309g is .92mg K so you took .968mg, which is .048mg extra.  It sounds like it worked and that you have a trade-off as to which state you'd rather be in: the old or the new.

1).  SG ... I only did that one shot of a rescue dose just to see what effect it would have  but don't want to do it again yet? Is that ok? Will I suffer ill effects from this?


Basically, I want to get my ducks in a row and see what to do next... It could be possible I may need only half that amount I took if I decide to go this route... I don't know anything yet... Thanks....

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I think calling BAT Aid is a good idea.  They might have experience that we don't for your situation.  Definitely worth a try.


You were at .309g a day and you took .016g extra...that's a 5.2% rescue dose.  .309g is .92mg K so you took .968mg, which is .048mg extra.  It sounds like it worked and that you have a trade-off as to which state you'd rather be in: the old or the new.

1).  SG ... I only did that one shot of a rescue dose just to see what effect it would have  but don't want to do it again yet? Is that ok? Will I suffer ill effects from this?


Basically, I want to get my ducks in a row and see what to do next... It could be possible I may need only half that amount I took if I decide to go this route... I don't know anything yet... Thanks....


I think it will be fine.  Anytime I've seen people do one-day doses they have been fine.  I'm glad you did it.

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I think calling BAT Aid is a good idea.  They might have experience that we don't for your situation.  Definitely worth a try.


You were at .309g a day and you took .016g extra...that's a 5.2% rescue dose.  .309g is .92mg K so you took .968mg, which is .048mg extra.  It sounds like it worked and that you have a trade-off as to which state you'd rather be in: the old or the new.

1).  SG ... I only did that one shot of a rescue dose just to see what effect it would have  but don't want to do it again yet? Is that ok? Will I suffer ill effects from this?


Basically, I want to get my ducks in a row and see what to do next... It could be possible I may need only half that amount I took if I decide to go this route... I don't know anything yet... Thanks....


I think it will be fine.  Anytime I've seen people do one-day doses they have been fine.  I'm glad you did it.


SG .... Thank you for the confidence..... I'm glad I did it too....

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SG.... I had a dystonic episode this morning and I had to take my regular dose of 0.103 grams and then I added 0.008 grams.... It stopped it and made it less....


The dystonic reaction and akasthesia came back again at 12:45....  I added another .004 grams just now...


My last updose got me thru 24 hours and then the stuff that happened this morning occurred..


I took only an additional .012 grams this time instead of the full .016 to see if I needed less...


It did not carry me thru the day with these episodes....


I feel like death and that I've been poisoned but I've always felt that way just seems more so because I'm putting more of this in my body... I feel like I don't have a choice because of my sxs...


Can I at just continue taking this all in one dose in the morning instead of splitting it up for the day 3 times... I feel I need this dose all at once......


Can this backfire on me and start making me feel worse if I updose and take it everyday for a week or two just to see if this could help me......Please help...


If it can make me worse in another week or two can I just bring it back down to where I was?


I need more guidance before I make a decision ...


Please help!!

I hope I am not bothering you with this.....I'm really sorry if I am....



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I don't have answers, I can only help you think through it.


The up dose seems to help so if you want to try it I think it is worth a try.  You need relief.  I'm usually in favor of level dosing, but the main thing is to get it all.  You may become dependent on the higher dose so if you do it for a while you may not be able to go back without tapering.

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I don't have answers, I can only help you think through it.


The up dose seems to help so if you want to try it I think it is worth a try.  You need relief.  I'm usually in favor of level dosing, but the main thing is to get it all.  You may become dependent on the higher dose so if you do it for a while you may not be able to go back without tapering.


Okay..... I just hope it doesn't prove to become harder to come down and be even worse... I thought if I could get stable on a higher dose  I could do this.... This was my aim....but not at the peril of it being worse...


It seems like I need that one big dose at one time to stop the sxs.... If I divide it up I don't feel it will be as effective ..... Because I think it needs to build up and it just doesn't seem effective... I don't know...


I know no one can predict this..... I just started a thread about it.....really struggling


Like the emergency I had the other day I needed it all at once to stop.....


I was under the impression that if I took an updose and it worked that would mean to keep taking it to reach stabilization to better off taper.... Because with these sxs I cannot.....

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One big dose was effective last time so you have something that works, might as well stay with it.


We don't know how it will work long term, but it seems to me you need relief and it is a fairly small increase. It is not like you are doubling the dose. Is it worth the risk?

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One big dose was effective last time so you have something that works, might as well stay with it.


We don't know how it will work long term, but it seems to me you need relief and it is a fairly small increase. It is not like you are doubling the dose. Is it worth the risk?


Thank you SG


Lets say this only works a few days, or a week or two and it feels like the drug has no effect on me at all from taking that extra amount; I would think it would not be too difficult to decrease as it is not effective to get back to where I was.... I don't know how this works...

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