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Happy, happy birthday Wanna. You've survived another year and I bet for your next birthday you'll manage to feel like you're thriving!


I'm also a member of the braless club. I have teetiny pancakes but enough so it looks a bit obscene if I'm not careful. They're the last thing I put on before I walk out the door and the first to come off.


I'm excited that I just hooked up my new printer by myself. So much independence. Who would have thought it possible without sleep for 3 nights. Of course, it may print everything in klingon :laugh:


Donna, we're so glad your tapper is smooth and that you were able to avoid ct heck. Welcome to this incredible group :smitten:

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Good evening to all, Happy Birthday Wanna, Jayne glad you are doing well with your cut. Donna, glad

you joined this great thread, and glad you started your New Blog. MT, oh how I know what it is like to

to have a new Commuter, I have a HP desktop, and my first week, was working with Techs each day,

and I was shaking, but I kept on and it finally is better, Kudo's to you setting up your own printer.

Now you all say you have pancakes, well I have long tubes that are flat and empty, that I can cross and

then I have a halter top. :2funny: Everyone please have a piece of the Birthday girl's cake, I just got

out of the oven and iced it myself. :balloon: :balloon: :balloon:



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Kb, I am grateful that you have such a patient husband, that waited for you, it is fortunate to have one

so kind, but I am a firm believer that it takes two people with the same goal, respect and mutual caring

to have a  Love that is patient and supportive.  :thumbsup:



Moya, oh what a breath of fresh air you are, and never do you go anywhere without that Bright Light

that surrounds you and thus supports all that are blessed to be touched by you and your inspirational

words, that somehow always hits our Hearts when we need it most and just learning from them also

how to cope everyday and perhaps we can look at things differently. Oh yes I am grateful as many

others also.  :hug::mybuddy::hug::smitten:


Cutbert, grateful you didn't get bit by your cat, and glad that you are doing the best you can during

hard times. Hang in There.  :thumbsup:





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I am grateful to be down to 375 mg of Depakote Sprinkles now from my previous max dose of 1250 mg of Depakote ER.  I am feeling much better now than I did back in 2015 when I was taking such a high dose.  I'm making progress that all my pro-medication pdocs, family members, "friends" and other naysayers said was impossible.  So yeah, while I still have another year until I'll be off both the Depakote Sprinkles and Klonopin, I am grateful for the progress I have made so far!  :thumbsup:
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Happy Birthday Wanna !  Begood, Love the cake !  Moya,  You have come so far with reorganizing your life to be comfortable minus the meds.  There was a reason why we took them in the first place.  It is wonderful you and your hubby are so much happier.  LifeInChaos,  Congratulations on decreasing your dosage so much.  We should never let others tell us what we are capable of achieving.


I had electric shocks in my legs all Saturday night.  I was limping badly yesterday.  Hubby and I went to Target and Home Depot.  For the first time ever I rode around  in a motorized wheel chair the stores provide.  It was like learning to drive all over again.  But after a while I was a regular TONY STEWART.  I was a bit embarrassed to use the chair but it sure made shopping less painful. 


I am grateful that the stores provide motorized wheel chairs !  I am grateful my rose bushes are getting lots of buds.  Hugs, KB



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Dear MT,

I have this image of reams of paper printing and stacking up all over your room LOL. You are wonderful to cope with the Printer. I don't like technical jobs around the house. I am more willing to try them now though. I am grateful I Try everything now. :thumbsup: I seem to be free, more confident, trusting of self with much less medication.


Today I am grateful for sleep last night and for the benefits of exercise this morning.


Happy Birthday to Wanna. Begood, I too love the cake and your generosity is everywhere. This is such a fine buddy space. I love the gratitude threads. Life in Chaos, I think you have done a great job of your taper. We are all much more capable than we believe.


KB, it is wonderful your depots give you motorized shopping. Wow.  I am grateful for my roses, they are showing signs of green but a far distance from buds as yet. My cherry blossom is beginning to show pink though so soon........


Much love to everyone today.


Moya XXX


A photo of my Cherry Blossom last April. :smitten:



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Wanna. Happy Birthday!  Begood love the cake you made! Moya love the cherry blossoms :smitten:

Life. Good for you. I'm on the same path and am doing ok. Kb. Good for you and thank God for motorized vehicles. I'm grateful for all of you. Also grateful that despite waking up in an agitated state still got everything done including riding. Off to my psychiatrist to find out this weeks game plan. Xoxo

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Moya...that picture is beautiful!!!  Can't wait until things start to bloom and the sun is shinning more than the dark, gloomy days of winter.


I am thankful for another smooth day even through it is a difficult date for me.  I was a little anxious this morning but I got busy doing something and the anxiousness went away. 


Well Wishes for all.... :smitten: :smitten:

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Hi all, what a beautiful picture Moya left for us, so grateful for her precious heart and thoughts. Grateful that Donna was able to get through the day,


benzo's do not realize that we have a life and there other things on our mind and we just need to find some peace, and Donna I hope you have today.


I am grateful for Life, lowering dosage, it all adds up in the end and gets smaller and smaller. I am grateful that Jayne is getting through her cut and


doing a good job, tis not easy, but she is riding Bruce and he is our buddy too. I am grateful that I was able to walk to market this morning and felt


good and saw another robin this morning, spring is coming. Mt how are you doing with printer and commuter, hoping it is better for you. Kb, you are


amazing to get on that cart and go through store, I would have run into everything. I just would like to know when you will be racing again, so I can


buy a ticket.lol



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So thankful that today is a better day and I feel like I'm not just enduring all of this. Was able to get the car fixed (they provided rides to and from home!), go to exercise class, run errands and have a friend coming over for dinner. She has chronic pain that will likely never get better so she's a reminder there are some worse things than benzo wd. I want to stay positive for my long, crazy day at work tomorrow and not freak myself out. I'm too good at that!


Good job those of you who are still tapering and for powering through a difficult date, Donna. Great photo, Moya. The printer was more an explosion of printer parts, cardboard and my sweat from the fear I would enter something wrong and it would self-destruct leaving little pieces of me and the house everywhere. Good thing I have such a handle on the catastrophic thinking :laugh:

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MTfan you always make me laugh. Thank you. Just know you are not alone in the catastrophic thinking department. I also have a Phd in the anticipatory stress department.  Lol. Back to being grateful. I am grateful that this lovely situation we are all in has helped us identify these things and I truly believe that we will all be better at getting a handle on how we cope in the future. Actually we are already getting better at it.  :thumbsup:

KB. You will be our NASCAR driver before you know it!!!

Begood. Thanks for adding Bruce to our buddy group. And thanks for just being you :smitten:

Hope all our buddies are ok. Xoxo :smitten::thumbsup:

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Good Morning BB's,


Jayne, I so agree with what you wrote about our coping abilities.  I feel I have learned how to better cope with upsetting situations.  I am speaking up more, avoiding situations that I know will be upsetting.  I am better at just letting things go and moving on. 


I am grateful today for my darling almost 30 year old Granddaughter.  She is one of the brightest stars in my life.  She is so sweet and caring. 


I am grateful for the love of my four dogs.  They give me so much joy.  Frida (who we found on the side of the road with horrendous infected bites all over) weighs 11 pounds and cuddles up with me at night.  She is like having a little heating pad on during the cold nights.


I am grateful that the poppy seeds that I threw in the yard last November are going to bloom soon.


Hugs, KB  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

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I am grateful, that I was able to make it back home from my walk, did fine, until I came out of market and then was hit with overwhelming fatigue, but I just kept


putting one foot in front of another, finally made it home. Feel better now, I am grateful for the Sun. I am grateful for all the buddies that strive


to do the best they can. I carry a red walking stick when I walk, one, to hit anyone that messes with me, and to use when I get the dizzies, this morning


that red stick helped to get home, by leaning on it, so I am grateful I had it with me.


:hug::mybuddy::smitten: :smitten:

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I am grateful I survived my ride on Bruce today and that I have enough sense in my head to know I need to take it easier today. Picked up what I need to make homemade pizza tonight and my coconut water. 

KB. So glad you have a wonderful granddaughter.  :smitten:

Begood. Glad you are hanging in like a super trooper. Might need to borrow your red stick as our Buddy Bruce was a crazy powerful loon today. Lol. Going to get the laundry done and other necessities done before I pick Tori up at school and take her to the barn for her lesson. This flu needs to go. I think I'm sweating it out of me. And I slept last night. Yeehaw!! Check back in later. Love to all

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Hi bbs today im greatful that my father is doing ok ,he is in hosptial v poorley i am greatful that my fear and dredd wasnt to bad all day,im also greatful that i slept 6hrs last night
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Cuthbert,  Glad you were able to get 6 hours sleep last night.  Our days are easier to face when we have had a decent nights sleep.
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Cuthbert, I am glad you have been able to spend some time with your Father. I am also grateful that you got some much needed sleep. Hang in



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I am grateful for my cats


I am grateful for the dinner and apple pie I enjoyed


I am grateful for my warm bed


I am grateful for my best friend and his support


I am grateful for BB's and not being alone in this journey



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I am grateful that on this stormy, windy, cold night that I have a warm bed to crawl into.


I am also grateful that the inconsiderate actions of my daughter didn't send me into a tailspin that might/could have ramped up my sxs.  Even through I am so upset with her at this point I have not considered taking a small dose of my meds and I am still able to hold my head up high and not let my anger get the best of me.  This is telling me that I will be able to copy without the meds and do just fine.  I am sure of it and truly grateful  :smitten:

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Donna, that is progress, sorry you had to go through that, but still you are dealing and not drugging

oh dear, mean that as a funny. OK. But when it is all said and done, you did  the right thing.

I am grateful you have a warm bed to snuggle and get toasty.  :)

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