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SSRI support group - tapering while on benzo's or after recovery

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Im keeping fingers crossed...the one week is due to the fact that I was only on Zoloft for March-Sept and took only 12.5mg most of the time... :) If I have issues, I'll take the Prozac every few days and then stop. Im also tapering Valium now, so I'm extra careful with this.
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Im keeping fingers crossed...the one week is due to the fact that I was only on Zoloft for March-Sept and took only 12.5mg most of the time... :) If I have issues, I'll take the Prozac every few days and then stop. Im also tapering Valium now, so I'm extra careful with this.


ah ok should be no problem so


Hi Ingrid,


I would be careful about your switch to Prozac. While this is very similar crossing over to V from A or X it still needs to be handled in a step-wise fashion to avoid problems. From the literature I've read 1 week is simply too fast. Prozac needs time to build up in your system, much like Valium.


I'm also curious as to why the switch? I understand the weight gain but all SSRI profiles are ultimately the same and you will likely experience weight gain with Prozac too. I wish health care providers were more educated in this.


Have you been to the Surving Antideprssants forum? Very knowledgable group. Probably worth taking a look at. The very fact that you are already noticing a difference between this w/d and your previous shows a destabilized CNS. Are you still tapering V?



Hi Kiddo this was a direct c/o to get off of the SSRI, not to switch to Prozac and stay on an SSRI. I feel no different on this than the Zoloft, and it leaves the system very slowly, so in theory, it should be easier to stop than Zoloft.  My pdoc has had pt's taper to lowest dose of their SSRI, then take a 20mg Prozac the next day and stop, with no problems.  I did have to take the other half of the pill to keep my Zoloft w/d at bay. So I am now taking 10mg Prozac for a week or so, then stop. I am still tapering Valium with minimal sxs. I just cut .25mg every 5 weeks.
And I was an Idiot to start an SSRI!  :brickwall: : :brickwall: :brickwall:

Kiddo, I was wondering if youy kept a chart of your taper. I posted something on the taper thread but I need advice from one whoi is on the otherside of the tracks so to speak


I am gearing up for a taper as soon as my hand heals (fractured) I have to wait 3 more weeks to have follow up xray.



Can't be cutting and measuring with a broken hand


But my red flag is that I am sick when I take it I am sick after I take it,,,I am sick all the time now. Kindling is where I am at sad to say


I know some has to do with Zoloft but let me tell you this lorazepam is nasty...and now that I am free of Zoloft I HAVE to be free from this bugger too


so any thing you can share with me I will appreciate


Iggy - you're NOT an idiot at all.....I just like to caution people b/c many people don't know that SSRI's are as dangerous as benzos and can be just as difficult to taper. I took benzos b/c of a terrible Paxil w/d (too fast) and my doc assuring me they were safe. If he had been knowledgable he would have had me stabile and taper the SSRI slowly and would have ultimately saved me a lot of heartache. I just wanted you to be aware since you already sound de-stabilized in compassion to this Zoloft w/d compared to the last....especially if you keep in mind the V is likely masking the bulk of the w/d sx. You can do it though...I have no doubt  :)


Lainey - I don't mind sharing at all. We should keep this thread about SSRI's though. Have you had a look at my progress log (link in my signature). Every cut is detailed and if you have any additional questions just let me know  :)

Thanks, Kiddo  :thumbsup: I began the Zoloft b/c I didnt have faith in myself to get off of the benzos w/o being on Another pill. I fear psychosis...I had it before...but Im done with that "needing a pill" mentality. I have already been to hell and back so what's to fear? You get so you think "oh my gosh, how will I sleep w/o a pill? how will I handle adversity?" I want to live my life full on, head on!!!!  :D

I couldn't agree more, Iggy. Absolutely  :thumbsup:


Sorry about all the typos in my above post.....I was on my phone  :D


Hi Ingrid,


I would be careful about your switch to Prozac. While this is very similar crossing over to V from A or X it still needs to be handled in a step-wise fashion to avoid problems. From the literature I've read 1 week is simply too fast. Prozac needs time to build up in your system, much like Valium.


I'm also curious as to why the switch? I understand the weight gain but all SSRI profiles are ultimately the same and you will likely experience weight gain with Prozac too. I wish health care providers were more educated in this.


Have you been to the Surving Antideprssants forum? Very knowledgable group. Probably worth taking a look at. The very fact that you are already noticing a difference between this w/d and your previous shows a destabilized CNS. Are you still tapering V?


Right on target JKS...I had a terrible couple of nights. The Prozac switch may work...when a person is NOT in benzo tapering mode  :idiot: So, it's back to trying to get to where I was. I will be so lucky if I can feel ok again. I was worried about 11 extra lbs, but that's not important anymore. My mental health is and I must keep things the same or I will never get through this. I will just have to keep hiking, and quit weighing myself.  :-[


How you going Iggy?


Everyone else, your thoughts please...


How long would you, or will you, wait after your benzo wd to begin an SSRI wd? I'm personally hoping 3 months should put me in a space where I'm not as hyper sensitive with some reduced CNS disruption but hoping from input from y'all


Hey Smiffy - I will personally be waiting a year but I don't believe there is any set time. 3 months seems too soon, IMO, but maybe 6 months? I think the key is to just go really slow.  :smitten:


Anyone else with any experience in tapering an SSRI after a benzo?


Maybe Mindseeker will pop by.....she has a wealth of knowledge in the subject


Hello fellow Buddies;

I'm curious to know as well.  I'm 11 days off benzo, but my wonderful pdoc upped my ssri to 40mg paxil.  Which I've read is one of the worst SSRI's to stop.  >:(

I can't believe they would be worse to quit then benzos, but if so, I'm probably stuck taking them for the rest of my life.  I could not endure that again. (OK, I probably could psych myself up and trudge through :) )

I never had psychological issues with SSRI's, mine experience was mostly good except the ridiculous sexual side effects.  And this has been completely compounded with benzos and w/d.  Anyone else suffer a 100% complete loss of sex drive??

I now want to be completely drug free!!  I have a pdoc appt today, and will tell him everything.  He even gave me a script for Mirtazapine I was supposed to start taking to ease the benzo w/d, but was so freaked another drug would make w/d worse I never started it.  Glad I didn't. :)



Hi Petro,


Congrats on being benzo-free!!!


I too am on Paxil. I've been on it for 14 years....highest dose 60mg. Unbelievable  :tickedoff:

Paxil is touted as one of the hardest to withdraw from BUT with a slow taper you can significantly reduce your sx.


I had tried three previous tapers (doctor designed) that proved WAY more than my CNS could handle....hence the Ativan. The w/d profiles are very similar although a little less intense (for me at least). Once I started reducing 10% a month using a compounding pharmacy I was completely functional.


I would hate to see you let your fear get in the way of being Med-free. The cons of staying on these med's heavily outweigh the good, iMo


Thank you!! 

It won't, and I will taper off SSRI slowly.  But I plan on staying this course until spring/summer next year.  No way in hell I'll try to taper without feeling 100%, and right now probably at 60-70%.

There have been times when I missed my SSRI for a couple days - the only thing was getting head zaps and slightly more irritable, but then I would start again and all that cleared up.

I'm hoping a taper leaves me little to no s/x, but I know I have to do something to curb my depression.  No booze, eating healthy and exercise are the main ones, but I need a good pro-biotic.

Does anyone know of one?





I am 5 months off as of Friday and the dizziness is really BAD...I want to start tapering the lorazepam because I do not believe that is helping me at ALL



anyone else get the dizzies and when oh when will it stop?


Dave - that awesome. Yes, take it slow....and if you have any questions let me know. I tapered Paxil for 18 moths and got from 40mg to 15mg using a compounding pharmacy. I'm happy to help in any way  :)


Lainey - I sound like a broken record here but PLEASE consider not making ANY changes right now for at least 6 months. You are DESTABLIZED from your rapid SSRI withdrawal. You are not likely to feel better by adding an Ativan taper to your already fragile CNS. Dizziness is also a SSRI w/d symptom.


Kiddo....I know I know....but I want so much to feel better and I just seem to feel worse!


I keep going back and forth on this...guess I really need to get into some much needed prayer



and its not 5 months until next Friday Oct 2nd


so that is to soon to start another taper...you are right


Hey Smiffy - I will personally be waiting a year but I don't believe there is any set time. 3 months seems too soon, IMO, but maybe 6 months? I think the key is to just go really slow.  :smitten:


Anyone else with any experience in tapering an SSRI after a benzo?


Maybe Mindseeker will pop by.....she has a wealth of knowledge in the subject


Hey, Kiddo and fellow SSRI warriors. I thought I heard my name.  ::)


I recently wrote an article on Antidepressant Withdrawal. If you haven't already seen this, you may wish to read it and check out the links to the various resources.


I'm hearing a lot of buddies on this thread and on the Other Medications board asking, "When should I come off my AD?"


This is an extremely important question because just like coming off of benzos, coming off an AD too quickly can be like jumping off a roof - the damage can be severe and generally leads to reinstatements. At least it did for me - that's why it took me 30 years to come off the last of my bipolar cocktails. And trust me, I tried many times before.


Some things to consider if you're coming off an AD after your benzo taper:


  • How are you sleeping? If you're not consistently getting at least 6 hours of sleep at night, you may not be ready for an AD taper, especially if you have work and / or family responsibilities. 


  • If you've been on the SSRI long term (especially over 10 years), I would wait at least a year after your benzo taper, depending on your symptoms.


  • Did you develop effective coping strategies for handling anxiety, depression and insomnia during your benzo taper? If so and you feel comfortable with your new skills, you may be able to start sooner but please be mindful of the fact that you're dealing with a "chemical" anxiety and depression, so there's only so far your new skills will take you.


  • If you want to test how you're doing, make a 1% cut and see how your feel after 3 - 4 days. If you feel stable, hold for 2 - 4 weeks before making another cut.


It's best to wait until you've recovered sufficiently from your benzo taper.


This is a really impressive Support Group with so much useful information being shared.


I hope this post adds to your discussion.


~ Mind  :smitten:


My pdoc again just gave me pills for a month, I just wish I could stay another half year on this seroquel  :sick:

I'm so fragile


Thanks Mind


I appreciate your thoughts


I can't really wait a year to begin my AD taper. My AD is over stimulating me as it is. I started temazepam because I couldn't sleep because of the SSRI. I take the SSRI and I get surges of energy and anxiety. I won't get relief or stability from waiting. Having said that I'm not about to jump in and cut away right now.


This business of being stuck in psych med bad zones - where they are hurting you but you can't get off the either - is absolutely suckish.




Hi Corsair, :)

How are you going without the trazadone?

I took seroquel for 6 months or so once the temazepam stopped working. It knocked me out at first. I can't deny it was very very good at steadying/dumbing down the mind. I tapered off it without too much fuss before the benzo wd. Everything was done with less fuss before benzo wd :P


Annoying isn't it? I had to get of the trazodone because it made existing problems worse and the side effects were killing me.

It was extremely hard to get off while in withdrawal. I'm happy I'm off because of those side effects. But man oh man, it was hard. I'm still in some kind of hell. Still waiting for a window.

I made the mistake of going to 15mgs of seroquel a while back (did not change it in my signature yet) But I'm going to updose to 18mgs, I'm just really hoping I can get a prescription for much, much longer this time :( Doctor wants me off meds too. (though they are not benzo wise)


Thanks Mind


I appreciate your thoughts


I can't really wait a year to begin my AD taper. My AD is over stimulating me as it is. I started temazepam because I couldn't sleep because of the SSRI. I take the SSRI and I get surges of energy and anxiety. I won't get relief or stability from waiting. Having said that I'm not about to jump in and cut away right now.


This business of being stuck in psych med bad zones - where they are hurting you but you can't get off the either - is absolutely suckish.




Hi Corsair, :)

How are you going without the trazadone?

I took seroquel for 6 months or so once the temazepam stopped working. It knocked me out at first. I can't deny it was very very good at steadying/dumbing down the mind. I tapered off it without too much fuss before the benzo wd. Everything was done with less fuss before benzo wd :P


Hey, Smiff.


I'm going to say something that completely contradicts my earlier post. What I just bolded in your post is key - I think what you're dealing with is a side effect of the AD as opposed to benzo withdrawal.


If you're getting side effects of the AD due to removing the benzo (which was handling the side effects of the AD) you may benefit from a slight reduction. You're spot on when you say, "I won't get relief or stability from waiting". Not when it's a side effect as opposed to withdrawal.


My earlier post didn't take into account what to do if the side effects of the current drug are WORSE than the withdrawal symptoms of the previous drug. In your specific case, it may be worth tapering the current drug down a bit to reduce the side effects.


You may wish to make a 1% cut and hold for 3 - 4 days and make a note of your symptoms. If there's no increase in symptoms and you can tolerate it, you may want to do a very, very slow taper until the side effects subside.


What do you think?


Mind seeker would this be true the other way around? I am off Zoloft 5months Oct2nd and have gotten so sick...was already sick but sicker


I have to get off lorazepam since it does NOTHING but makes me feel woozy, dizzy and sick


whats youyr ideas on this


wait or plunge in


Thanks Mind


I appreciate your thoughts


I can't really wait a year to begin my AD taper. My AD is over stimulating me as it is. I started temazepam because I couldn't sleep because of the SSRI. I take the SSRI and I get surges of energy and anxiety. I won't get relief or stability from waiting. Having said that I'm not about to jump in and cut away right now.


This business of being stuck in psych med bad zones - where they are hurting you but you can't get off the either - is absolutely suckish.




Hi Corsair, :)

How are you going without the trazadone?

I took seroquel for 6 months or so once the temazepam stopped working. It knocked me out at first. I can't deny it was very very good at steadying/dumbing down the mind. I tapered off it without too much fuss before the benzo wd. Everything was done with less fuss before benzo wd :P


Hey, Smiff.


I'm going to say something that completely contradicts my earlier post. What I just bolded in your post is key - I think what you're dealing with is a side effect of the AD as opposed to benzo withdrawal.


If you're getting side effects of the AD due to removing the benzo (which was handling the side effects of the AD) you may benefit from a slight reduction. You're spot on when you say, "I won't get relief or stability from waiting". Not when it's a side effect as opposed to withdrawal.


My earlier post didn't take into account what to do if the side effects of the current drug are WORSE than the withdrawal symptoms of the previous drug. In your specific case, it may be worth tapering the current drug down a bit to reduce the side effects.


You may wish to make a 1% cut and hold for 3 - 4 days and make a note of your symptoms. If there's no increase in symptoms and you can tolerate it, you may want to do a very, very slow taper until the side effects subside.


What do you think?


Sounds good :) I'm assuming the lower I get the less stimulating the SSRI will get. I hope so  :smitten:

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