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June - great information, thx  :)


Jenny - you know how it goes....still tapering but making progress. Windows and waves and ready for it to be over. Lol. I'm over the moon that you are finally seeing some progress. Your cycle may still hurt for awhile but you are healing my friend  :smitten:

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Hey ladies

Sept 11 made two months off benzos, I have been doing pretty good. I had a period in August that lasted about 9 days, then two weeks after the period I thought I was ovulating. I had a rev in symptoms, pelvic pain, extreme anxiety and spotting. The spotting lasted almost a week and now I wonder if it was really more of a "second period" I was supposed to start my period today, symptoms like  anxiety, depression, cramps , spotting for a few days but no real period. I'm so confused, I don't know what is going on with my body... I read through the posts in this group and feel better, it seems like these meds really mess with hormones. Im so sick of all this. I do feel better than I did during my taper hope all of you are doing well.

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Hi crazy-- great to hear you feel better post taper, I did too. These periods really mess with us, but I'm sure it will get better in time. Hang in there! Jenny
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  • 3 weeks later...
Iam starting to Peace, I'm due in a week and im already starting to feel a tad moody and last night I got no sleep,  the insomnia was horrible. Its like i get these surges of adrenaline pumping through my body and then I get severely restless. On a positive note, I had no PMS sx on my last period-- nothing. I've had this phenomenon happen twice now in my year off of benzos, so that does give me hope that it will get better one day. Feel better my friend, jenny  :smitten:
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Hi Ladies - sounds like we're all still living the dream  >:D


I have felt  :stretcher: mixed with  :brickwall: for over a week. My period ended last week and I started ovulating the next f-ing day!!!! Back to crazy town after 2 months of normal periods. So disheartening.


BUT....we ARE doing it. Everyday we are one step further away from this shit. We are healing even if it doesn't always feel like it.



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hey everyone, the last time my period came the week before my symptoms were totally off the chain. I'm almost 6 months off and I wish I could tell you all I'm feeling better. it's almost like when my period comes the symptoms decrease but the week before they seriously flare.


also have my annual appointment this Wednesday but I'm going to cancel for another month or two and pray that I feel a lot better. between the heightened anxiety and diaphragm spasms excetera I don't want to be like that on the table while they are doing an annual :-(

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I hear ya LM, that is just too much stress at the moment, I would wait too. I felt better at 6 months off, but some take a little longer. A lot of people start to feel big changes around 8 months out. My sx  are always the worst a week before my period, hang tough-- jenny
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I'm in total despair and my husband is so graciously reminding me that it's all about the hormones. How can hormones do this? How has the human species survived?!?!


My period is 4 days 'late' and I feel like a crazier crazy person. I am well aware that my best years were when I was pregnant and nursing, no cyclical dips. I might have to look into something to tame my hormones once I'm further recovered from the benzo piece.


How do you get through this crap?!?!



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Peace-- I hear ya, this is beyond torture and just keeps coming back month after month. I was seriously crazy and crabby for 2 days and then got my period 6 days early this month. I felt exactly like the sign you posted kiddo. I just keep thinking wow if I'm this bad now, imagine how I will be when going through menopause....... Hang it there, once you get your period you should start to feel a lot better. Hugs, Jenny
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So I'm starting to wonder if I didn't have a period that I would feel like 50% healed. Just another thing that's harder for us ladies, right??  :tickedoff:
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since they put my on 2 antipsychotics I'm not getting any days....

i hope once I'm out of the acute it will come.....

mayebe on my b-day on 23 may......


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hey all :)


welp, yeah didn't think to research tht these benzos affect your menstrual. geee ugh, yeah I was beyond nauseous , & irritable ...had a headache etc. but I usually get this like a day or so , before my menstrual ..i'm wrapping up this wjole menstrual thing.. in a few but yet I get slammed with like pms crap :tickedoff::laugh:...

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Hi all  :smitten:


In a really bad place for about 4 days now, my period is due in 2 days or so. Feel like I have taken a massive cut in benzo, when in reality I actually uposed a tiny bit from 4.6 to 4.75 about 2 weeks ago after micro tapering too fast.


I am scared this is not hormonal and that I shouldn't have done that small updose. Though I think the problems from the updose would have been quicker. I feel so sick right now and I am abroad on a short trip with my husband and kids. We are due to go home tomorrow, though my hubby said we can go today if I need to.


I am so scared by this severe increase in symptoms, can this really be PMS so many days before it is due.


Sorry guys - I just really need some hope/words right now.


Maa xx

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MAA - I think it likely that is pre-menstural stuff....truly. Most of us on here get a wicked uptick in symptoms before our periods. With that being said, if you tapered too quickly, you could have already been setting up for a wave. Combine that with your period and it's kind of like the perfect storm. It will pass. I'm 99.9% sure you aren't reacting to the updose. I know how hard it is to feel SO awful and want to know "WHY" so we can avoid making those mistakes again. I've learned that sometimes there is no "why" it's just part of the process of non-linear healing. We're here if you need us  :smitten:


PEACE - what's your status? Did you get your period?!??!  :smitten:


Jenny - hello my sweets  :smitten:


Hippy and Esther - welcome to the thread  :)

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Peace - ugh. You'd think we'd catch a f**king break somewhere. I'm miserable today. I'm 2 days late and climbing the walls. So irritable and big uptick in symptoms. Are we having fun yet?  >:D
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Hi maa,


I get PMS sx  a week before my period actually starts, so 2 days is definatly possible to be having sx. I think kiddo is right about it being the perfect storm. You may have cut too quickly and then add the period into the mix and its a bad recipe. Try not to get scared, I'm sure once your period starts things will begin to calm down. Hang in there and keep posting, we are here for you.

Hippy and Esther -- welcome :)

Peace-- 2 weeks late?? Are you feeling any PMS sx ?

Hi kiddo :) I'm the Queen of being  irritable, so I feel your pain. Hang tough, it will pass it always does.


Jenny  :smitten:

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Jenny, Kiddo - thank you. :smitten:


I feel like I have wasted these few days away with my kids as I have been virtually unable to do anything apart from a short walk in the afternoon and maybe venture out to eat 1 night out of 3. I know at 14 and 12 they see everything and must think I am the lamest/worst parent ever.


I truly want to give in today, no fight left.


Sorry guys, love you all and hope you are all hanging in.


Maa  :smitten:

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Your doing the best you can, try not to feel guilty. Just do the best you can and once you get back home I'm sure you will start to feel better. PMS, tapering, and traveling is a lot, you are doing a great job-- hang in there! Jenny :)

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MAA - well....giving up isn't an option, right? No point beating yourself up (although I do it all the time as well). We didn't choose this, this happened to us. Do your kids know what's wrong? My kids are close in age to yours (11 and 12) and I've debating telling them the truth. I'm "lucky" in a sense b/c a few years ago I was diagnosed with MS (which I don't believe I have) and the kids knew about that so we are just saying that I'm having an MS relapse. We are doing what we can.  :smitten:


Jenny - I'm sure you aren't always miserable....it probably feels like it though  >:D I think this experience just steals most of our patience.


DOES ANYONE TAKE IBUPROFEN/ADVIL for cramps? I'm scared too (I'm afraid of everything these days

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