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I have too Ruby....try not to worry....while its very uncomfortable it really is PMS induced and will pass with your cycle. Just another day in paradise  :tickedoff:
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Wow do I feel like crap today. So dizzy I feel like I am gonna die.


Just got my period about 5 mins ago so I guess that caused the dizziness attack. I felt like I was going to pass out and just die.

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My period coming on also caused a wickid panic attack and severe dp and dr. Had an attack of it. Anyone revert get a panic attack as their period starts
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Ruby - It sounds like you may be getting more anxious which will intensify everything. Lay down, take some slow deep breaths and remind yourself this is all due to your period and it WILL pass. Feel free to PM me if you need to talk. Everything is going to be ok, it just doesn't feel like it when your in the middle of it. I felt just like you, now I'm 5 days in to my cycle and everything is back to normal. Try not to feed into the symptoms. They are just "feelings" and feelings can't hurt you. Just lay down somewhere safe in the unlikely event that you do faint  :smitten:
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Ruby--I get the dizziness with my period too, I feel faint and weak sometimes. Maybe due to blood loss?--not sure. Kiddo, has given you good advice. Try and relax, take a warm bath and do some deep breathing. You will get through this, Jenny
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Question for everyone and wasn't sure where to post it but here seems like the best place -


Has anyone known of, or been diagnosed with, PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) DURING or AFTER withdrawal from benzos?


If so, has it gone away, much like the people who get mistakenly diagnosed with MS (multiple sclerosis) during withdrawal but it disappears after recovery?


I have a lot of symptoms that show my hormones to be severely messed up, and because my doctor has no clue about benzo withdrawal, he's referred me to a gynecologist because he thinks I may have PCOS. But (without going into a looong story) it honestly doesn't fit together and even he admitted that it wasn't clear & they were unsure what was going on. I will probably have blood tests but my main point I guess is that if I am diagnosed with it, is there a chance it will go away/not actually be that?

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I haven't read all the posts of this group but I will.

I've been experiencing severe PMS symptoms for the last several months. It's been hard since I stopped benzos but it got even worse. All my benzo symptoms are magnified. I've been having extreme panic attacks anxiety and agoraphobia, weakness, dizzy and so on during PMS. I found out I have low b12 and iron. I am taking some iron pills right now but it takes time. I did some research about iron and PMS and I found some studies that say that low iron can be the cause of PMS of many women, since iron has role in production of serotonin, a chemical that regulates mood. Also low iron can cause panic attacks and depression. B vitamins are also very important (low b6 may cause pms). I am scared to try bcomplex but since I am b12 deficient I may be deficient in others too. Also do not take iron pills on your own cause if you are not deficient it can be toxic in overdose.

Just got my period today.  :o

Just wanted to share this with you.

Take care



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Question for everyone and wasn't sure where to post it but here seems like the best place -


Has anyone known of, or been diagnosed with, PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) DURING or AFTER withdrawal from benzos?


If so, has it gone away, much like the people who get mistakenly diagnosed with MS (multiple sclerosis) during withdrawal but it disappears after recovery?


I have a lot of symptoms that show my hormones to be severely messed up, and because my doctor has no clue about benzo withdrawal, he's referred me to a gynecologist because he thinks I may have PCOS. But (without going into a looong story) it honestly doesn't fit together and even he admitted that it wasn't clear & they were unsure what was going on. I will probably have blood tests but my main point I guess is that if I am diagnosed with it, is there a chance it will go away/not actually be that?



Hi Aurora,


I honestly don't know if benzos can cause PCOS, but it wouldn't surprise me. I think if you do have it there is a good chance of it going away once you are healed. Keep us posted on how your doing, jenny

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I haven't read all the posts of this group but I will.

I've been experiencing severe PMS symptoms for the last several months. It's been hard since I stopped benzos but it got even worse. All my benzo symptoms are magnified. I've been having extreme panic attacks anxiety and agoraphobia, weakness, dizzy and so on during PMS. I found out I have low b12 and iron. I am taking some iron pills right now but it takes time. I did some research about iron and PMS and I found some studies that say that low iron can be the cause of PMS of many women, since iron has role in production of serotonin, a chemical that regulates mood. Also low iron can cause panic attacks and depression. B vitamins are also very important (low b6 may cause pms). I am scared to try bcomplex but since I am b12 deficient I may be deficient in others too. Also do not take iron pills on your own cause if you are not deficient it can be toxic in overdose.

Just got my period today.  :o

Just wanted to share this with you.

Take care





Thanks for all the info marry, I really appreciate it. At some point I would like to get myself checked out and see what I'm deficient in, and reading what you just said confirmed that for me. Jenny :)

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Hey guys I wanted to jump in here. I am about to get my first period since jumping and am a few days late. I've noticed my period hasn't been completely regular for a while but is this normal? Also the last few days I have been completely exhausted, depressed, run down to the point I can't do anything but curl up in a ball. Do symptoms tend to rev up the entire length of your period or just before and in the beginning? This whole experience is crazy!
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ALGOATM - Absolutely!!! We've all been different in the timing of our revving of symptoms....some pre, some during, but we've all had exactly what your describing. We've also all had irregular cycles.


Hang in there....this too shall pass  :)

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Hey guys I wanted to jump in here. I am about to get my first period since jumping and am a few days late. I've noticed my period hasn't been completely regular for a while but is this normal? Also the last few days I have been completely exhausted, depressed, run down to the point I can't do anything but curl up in a ball. Do symptoms tend to rev up the entire length of your period or just before and in the beginning? This whole experience is crazy!



Definitely!! That's what this thread is all about, a place for us to vent and support each other. I think all of on here have experienced everything you have described, benzo w/d revs up around our menstrual cycle-- its horrible. Feel better soon, and welcome! :)

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Glad to see this is all "normal." I've also read a little that people have serious dp/dr during this time and I was wondering why this symptom seemed to worsen after getting so much better. So I guess I can add looking forward to a terrible period every month onto this roller coaster. Hope you feel better soon as well!  :)
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Ha ha Kiddo!! Thank you I needed a laugh today--how did you know that?? Im having an uptick in my PMS today, Im due in 5 days and I can already feel the irritation building in me today---grrrrr. I hate PMS!!!  Love ya, Jenny
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My period finally came a week late. I've had a rough week but my symptoms have gotten much worse since my period came. Somehow I have to pull myself together and go to my daughter's school tonight for back to school night. Wish me luck! Hope everyone feels better as well! I've seriously been considering getting that birth control where I would only get 4 periods a year. Unless birth control could make this worse as well. Does anyone have any experience with taking birth control during withdrawal?
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Hi!  Glad I found you all!  My cycle is predictably awful.


I have 3 panic/adrenaline nights in a row when I ovulate and then cry every day throughout my period.  I am also on lamictal (which has always been a HORRIBLE drug for me and need to get off) and that has messed with my cycle big-time, but since reducing ativan it is truly crazed, along with the other symptoms.


Birth Control:  don't do it.  That's my emphatic advice.


3 years after my breakdown, I was diagnosed with copper overload--which is a very common cause --though traditional medicine isn't aware/doesn't care to pursue the proper treatment of it??---of post partum depression/anxiety--that's when I had my hormonal (now I know--copper binds to estrogen) breakdown.


Here is my point:  Birth Control has copper in it.


Also, I was put on the nuva ring and two different hormone replacement pills/patches  (I was only 40 at the time--my gyno was just reaching for whatever she could).  And took progesterone--all very briefly--although I did get stuck on the nuva ring when my doctors were scrambling--but it became clear that it was contributing to the hormonal mess, not helping.  They all sucked!


For some, it's probably helpful.....I don't know--for my input--stay away from Birth Control for emotional help.


Wow, I guess I was pretty clear about that, now wasn't I? :D 

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Hi!  Glad I found you all!  My cycle is predictably awful.


I have 3 panic/adrenaline nights in a row when I ovulate and then cry every day throughout my period.  I am also on lamictal (which has always been a HORRIBLE drug for me and need to get off) and that has messed with my cycle big-time, but since reducing ativan it is truly crazed, along with the other symptoms.


Birth Control:  don't do it.  That's my emphatic advice.


3 years after my breakdown, I was diagnosed with copper overload--which is a very common cause --though traditional medicine isn't aware/doesn't care to pursue the proper treatment of it??---of post partum depression/anxiety--that's when I had my hormonal (now I know--copper binds to estrogen) breakdown.


Here is my point:  Birth Control has copper in it.


Also, I was put on the nuva ring and two different hormone replacement pills/patches  (I was only 40 at the time--my gyno was just reaching for whatever she could).  And took progesterone--all very briefly--although I did get stuck on the nuva ring when my doctors were scrambling--but it became clear that it was contributing to the hormonal mess, not helping.  They all sucked!


For some, it's probably helpful.....I don't know--for my input--stay away from Birth Control for emotional help.


Wow, I guess I was pretty clear about that, now wasn't I? :D



Hi June! Thanks for your comment, I think it pretty much confirms what I have heard . jenny

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