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I do not have an explanation, hopefully someone can offer the explanation. I certainly can validate those symptoms ,i get those too - facial flushing, fever, then chills... it comes and goes, along with other symptoms. humm, so sorry you are having those sx.  :)


Thank you. I'm just confused as to how to treat this  and understand what's going on

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I was due for another cut today according to my crazy doctor's schedule, but we just had a death in the family last night and I want to make sure that I'm able to go to the funeral on either Tuesday or Wednesday, so I'm holding off. Sorry doc, but my priority is my family right now, not your ridiculous impatience.


I'm also planning to call the psychiatrist"s office tomorrow and see if they take my insurance and if I can get in there prior to my doctor's appt, because I see how long a valium taper usually takes and I don't think I want either of the doctors that I'm currently dealing with in charge of that. In fact, I think it's time to find a new prinary doc, period.


Having said that, I know that most doctors don't understand how addictive benzos are and how hard they are to get off of. Is this also true of psychiatrists?


The PA at my primary doc's office interpreted my severe interdose withdrawals on Xanax as anxiety and it was only through this website that I figured out what the heck was going on.  I knew my body had become dependent as I couldn't breathe within 2 hours of the next scheduled dose.  Tried to explain this to her and she said I could just come off cold turkey since I had only been on it 2 months but gave me a 3 week taper schedule just to appease me (I was on 0.75 mg daily at that point and was in withdrawals as I had been trying to wean myself).  She pretty much told me I was a basket case and that I would never get off Xanax.  I found a nice psychiatrist who usually changes people over to clonazepam for weaning (he was at least aware of the addictive nature of benzos) but I showed him the Ashton manual and he was willing to give it a go (I had read too many horror stories about clonazepam).  He's not all that experienced with the valium taper but has done some reading on the issue now.  He is positively floored at all the difficulty I'm having since it seems like such a low dose and short time period, but the thing is, he listened to me, and he believes me and is willing to help me go as slow as I need to to get off this poison.  So anyway, I think part of it is just finding the right doctor who is willing to listen, whether they are GP or psych.  There is also such a thing as addiction medicine specialists, not sure if they are helpful or not.  Search for benzowise doctors on the board (somebody has compiled a list) and maybe you can find somebody in your area. 


Thank you for your wonderful reply. I wish there was a site that compared doctors and listed their preferred methods of dealing with certain conditions! I guess that would help the REAL doctor shoppers out there though. But it would be nice to be able to locate someone who professes knowledge about benzo withdrawals. But, like everything in life, I guess it's just a process we have to go through, finding the right person to help us.

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Hi, everyone, just wanted to leave a few pearls of wisdom, I made a big boo- boo this morning, I have a hx of Gerd and have been having a lot of sx's


of chest pressure and other things, the same as always, been there a lot, I have always taken Prilosec for this and no problem. Well this morning,


I bought a two week package. Came home took one, and started to feel weird and loopy and sleepy, well decided I better look at pkg, as I had never


felt this way before with this medication. Duh, it states Speak to Doctor or Pharmacist s about this if on Diazpam,  well went to Google,


the moral to my story, is now I have to wait for about 20 more hours to get this out of my system, but from now on I will be doing some heavy research


on OTC medications. Will get another pillow on the bed and I will deal with it, without this pill that can increase the effects of the Valium, got it now!!!!!



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Hi, everyone, just wanted to leave a few pearls of wisdom, I made a big boo- boo this morning, I have a hx of Gerd and have been having a lot of sx's


of chest pressure and other things, the same as always, been there a lot, I have always taken Prilosec for this and no problem. Well this morning,


I bought a two week package. Came home took one, and started to feel weird and loopy and sleepy, well decided I better look at pkg, as I had never


felt this way before with this medication. Duh, it states Speak to Doctor or Pharmacist s about this if on Diazpam,  well went to Google,


the moral to my story, is now I have to wait for about 20 more hours to get this out of my system, but from now on I will be doing some heavy research


on OTC medications. Will get another pillow on the bed and I will deal with it, without this pill that can increase the effects of the Valium, got it now!!!!!




I have really bad GERD from all this.  I tried Zantac at first but it didn't touch it.  I'm on Protonix now after checking with the pharmacist to see which PPI has lowest interaction with Valium.  It is prescription only but it has helped me a ton.  I think Prilosec and Nexium are the worst offenders for interactions.

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Thanks Hope, I have had Gerd for years off and on, and had it before the benzo trip, but I will call my doctor, and I wasted $10, but that is ok, I do


not want to feel this way for sure, I guess the moral to my story, is look before I take. Are you on the pill always, or just briefly?.

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Thanks Hope, I have had Gerd for years off and on, and had it before the benzo trip, but I will call my doctor, and I wasted $10, but that is ok, I do


not want to feel this way for sure, I guess the moral to my story, is look before I take. Are you on the pill always, or just briefly?.


I didn't have any problems with GERD before I started taking  Xanax in late August.  The GERD hit in October while i was trying to taper.  Really severe.  I take one pill every morning.  I tried the 20 mg dose at first then bumped it up to 40 mg and feel much better from that standpoint.  I plan to take it all the way through my taper and until I'm healed which may be a while.  Still have to watch my diet like crazy.  Also dealing with constipation and now new nausea since starting my Valium taper :(  This stuff hits your GI tract hard.

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Sounds like you have had it rough, these benzo's are the pits for sure. I do take a probiotic and that has helped with benzo belly a lot. Have a call for


My GP, and I will start using the two pillows again.  :)



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Sounds like you have had it rough, these benzo's are the pits for sure. I do take a probiotic and that has helped with benzo belly a lot. Have a call for


My GP, and I will start using the two pillows again.  :)


Also technically you are not supposed to elevate using pillows because it causes a bend at the waist which can make GERD worse.  You can purchase blocks to elevate the bed a few inches at Bed, Bath, and Beyond or somewhere similar and that's supposed to be better.  I actually purchased a special mattress frame that achieves the same effect (my mom has bad GERD and loves hers) and it works well, but obviously more expensive than the blocks.


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Any recommendations for the benzo fever – flu?


No clue on this one.  I just got this with my first V cut.  Mainly chills and inability to stay warm, every once in a while I feel flushed.  Mainly just cold.  I don't know if I've noticed it more because the weather has been colder here or what, but I didn't have this experience while trying to taper Xanax or during my crossover to V.  I have been warming up hot water in the tea kettle and drinking it as I am am positively scared to even drink herbal tea.  Was doing chamomile tea but then I saw on some website that it can mess with Valium metabolism (what doesn't as you discovered with your Prilosec adventure?).  Don't even know if that's true, didn't look like that great of a website, but I was still freaked out enough that now it's just hot water for me.

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Hi, everyone, just wanted to leave a few pearls of wisdom, I made a big boo- boo this morning, I have a hx of Gerd and have been having a lot of sx's


of chest pressure and other things, the same as always, been there a lot, I have always taken Prilosec for this and no problem. Well this morning,


I bought a two week package. Came home took one, and started to feel weird and loopy and sleepy, well decided I better look at pkg, as I had never


felt this way before with this medication. Duh, it states Speak to Doctor or Pharmacist s about this if on Diazpam,  well went to Google,


the moral to my story, is now I have to wait for about 20 more hours to get this out of my system, but from now on I will be doing some heavy research


on OTC medications. Will get another pillow on the bed and I will deal with it, without this pill that can increase the effects of the Valium, got it now!!!!!



Had exact problem with Prilosec years ago before I knew I was dependant on Valium. Did a little digging on internet and found correlation between proilosec and valium. If I'm reading correctly, extensive and poor metabolizers of the CYP2c19 have problems when taking these meds together. Has something to do with MTHFR and metabolism of drugs. I can't take propranalol either..


"CYP2C19 isoenzyme metabolizes several pharmacologically important therapeutic agents. Extensive and poor metabolizers exist for S-mephenytoin, omeprazole and other proton-pump inhibitors, diazepam, propranolol, imipramine, and amitriptyline."

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Clarification. I didn't intend for my post to sound alarmist or to frighten anyone. I was responding from my personal experience and perspective. Everyone reacts differently to medications.


Terribly sorry, I'm projecting my own issues onto someone else's situation.


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Left behind, no worries, I didn't take it that way, interesting. Funny how I took the Prilosec years ago while on V and had no problems, anyway, I am


tossing it, and waiting for call from Doctor, going to raise my head and be more careful with my food choices. In fact I had a reaction to that other


drug you mentioned, I think that is what they gave me for my colonscopy, the Doctor almost sent me to the ER, in fact I am not sure I will ever have


another exam, I was not responding at all like I should, and I remember being sure to ask the Nurse when she called that I was on V and should I take


it that morning and yes she said, I should have waited, but really it was already built up in my body. Thanks for your valuable information.  :thumbsup:

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Hi, everyone, just wanted to leave a few pearls of wisdom, I made a big boo- boo this morning, I have a hx of Gerd and have been having a lot of sx's


of chest pressure and other things, the same as always, been there a lot, I have always taken Prilosec for this and no problem. Well this morning,


I bought a two week package. Came home took one, and started to feel weird and loopy and sleepy, well decided I better look at pkg, as I had never


felt this way before with this medication. Duh, it states Speak to Doctor or Pharmacist s about this if on Diazpam,  well went to Google,


the moral to my story, is now I have to wait for about 20 more hours to get this out of my system, but from now on I will be doing some heavy research


on OTC medications. Will get another pillow on the bed and I will deal with it, without this pill that can increase the effects of the Valium, got it now!!!!!



Had exact problem with Prilosec years ago before I knew I was dependant on Valium. Did a little digging on internet and found correlation between proilosec and valium. If I'm reading correctly, extensive and poor metabolizers of the CYP2c19 have problems when taking these meds together. Has something to do with MTHFR and metabolism of drugs. I can't take propranalol either..


"CYP2C19 isoenzyme metabolizes several pharmacologically important therapeutic agents. Extensive and poor metabolizers exist for S-mephenytoin, omeprazole and other proton-pump inhibitors, diazepam, propranolol, imipramine, and amitriptyline."


MY Lanta.... ( we say that in the south, short for holy cow) I too can not tolerate any PPI,  lets just say they cause life threaten responses for me. I do tolerate carafate 4 times a day. Research that if you like and see if it is an option. :)

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Trudie just my two cents but given the amount of Valium you are on I would be checking with your doctor before I would take any other medication.  I have had benzo flu a lot of times and other than tylenol I don't take anything for it. It is just one of those things we have to live with.  Other things I do - is I use a heating pad to keep me warm- I have the kind that shuts off after one hour so if I happen to fall asleep I know it will go off. I also take a hot bath - some people use Epson salts and find that this helps  or a hot shower. Now with my electric jolt s/x I actually take a cool shower since the cooler water feels better on my skin. 


Other things - try a warm compress on  your head - the beanie bags that you microwave can be used for hot or cold.  And one other thing try to distract - watch a good movie, tv show, read a magazine - anything to get your mind off how lousy you are feeling. 

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Well, I tried calling the two psychiatrists in my area that didn't look terrifying in their pictures and/or have bad reviews :laugh:, and one only sees people who see a primary doc at the same location (which I could do but this is about a half hour drive and I just prefer to have my main doc closer to home, AND I can't switch pdocs right now anyway) and the other has no appts until March and supposedly doesn't take my insurance though I found her through my insurance website. ::) I'm taking this as a sign to wait and see what happens at my next appointment. I am going back to my 85-year-old doc which may or may not be a mistake, because I will not quite be off the ativan by the appointment and I think he will me more accepting of that, whereas the new guy was insistent that I cut the full 1 mg in one month. I'm not really worried about that because I have extra A. What I worry about is the fact that he felt that 2 mg of V was equivalent to 1 mg of A. I'm afraid he's going to take me down to 4 mg per day from the 10 mg I'm on now. But all I can do is stop worrying and hope for the best. That appt is on the 27th so... we'll see how it goes. :-\
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Trudie just my two cents but given the amount of Valium you are on I would be checking with your doctor before I would take any other medication.  I have had benzo flu a lot of times and other than tylenol I don't take anything for it. It is just one of those things we have to live with.  Other things I do - is I use a heating pad to keep me warm- I have the kind that shuts off after one hour so if I happen to fall asleep I know it will go off. I also take a hot bath - some people use Epson salts and find that this helps  or a hot shower. Now with my electric jolt s/x I actually take a cool shower since the cooler water feels better on my skin. 


Other things - try a warm compress on  your head - the beanie bags that you microwave can be used for hot or cold.  And one other thing try to distract - watch a good movie, tv show, read a magazine - anything to get your mind off how lousy you are feeling.


Unfortunately I don't have a bathtub and I'm sweating is Motrin or ibuprofen OK ?

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Trudie I agree with what Kgirl said here:


I have had benzo flu a lot of times and other than tylenol I don't take anything for it. It is just one of those things we have to live with.


I had benzo flu often during my taper and once I realized what it was, I didn't even bother taking Tylenol. It really didn't help anyhow as what I had wasn't a "real" fever, just an artifact of valium withdrawal. It was just something that had to pass and it did when I got down to low doses.


Hope this helps,



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Left behind, no worries, I didn't take it that way, interesting. Funny how I took the Prilosec years ago while on V and had no problems, anyway, I am


tossing it, and waiting for call from Doctor, going to raise my head and be more careful with my food choices. In fact I had a reaction to that other


drug you mentioned, I think that is what they gave me for my colonscopy, the Doctor almost sent me to the ER, in fact I am not sure I will ever have


another exam, I was not responding at all like I should, and I remember being sure to ask the Nurse when she called that I was on V and should I take


it that morning and yes she said, I should have waited, but really it was already built up in my body. Thanks for your valuable information.  :thumbsup:

Thanks Begood. Yes, its quite bizarre what this stuff does to the body.


I'm loathe to take anything new because I never know how I'll react. For me I believe it's a combination of poly drugging, benzos and genetics.


Sorry you had such a terrible reaction to the colonoscopy. I don't blame you for not wanting to get another.


I hope you find a good alternative for the GERD, and am relieved you found some value in what I posted.

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I try to learn something every day and today I did just that, I also am now more aware after how I felt this am, l feel better now, but for sure lesson learned. Thanks again.
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Kasey,  I never heard of carafate. But  I'll look it up. I've used Gaviscon off and on and I don't seem to have a problem with it. :)



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