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not much public support on the forum at all, so I have to assume most people are privately saying exactly what the more vocal ones are. If that's the case, me leaving is the best outcome.


Hi Pam,  :smitten: I  just came across this , I remember well when I wanted to leave

and you came along.....what a nice gesture it was. Giving back now and a

little reminder about the nasty dramas we fought in the past and won.


So this one shouldn't be such a big deal from what I see, you are a great

asset here....competent etc. and people do appreciate your presence very

much so. Don't leave please.....breathe deep through ....tomorrow

is another day.. ....so for God sake stay. (I have talent , hey ? )  ;)

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Thank you for your very kind message Morreweg. At this point I will not be changing my mind. There has been far too much nastiness over one comment that was only ever meant as an obviously misguided attempt to help someone, but with all the noise that has gone on no one has even bothered to look at it that way or hear what I've been saying. The kind of reaction all this attracted is preposterous to say the least. I apologised to Lainey in my previous post, but I'm sure no one ever noticed. There is no way I will even consider staying without any kind of apology for the treatment I've received, but that won't happen. All there has been is more nastiness, and indifference to me leaving. So be it. Frankly I just don't feel comfortable being on the same forum as certain people or those who condone such behaviour. I have asked Magrita to action my cancellation, and I believe that will happen in about 48 hours.
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Hey guys,  need some help please... I have had the flu - still have the flu. It has been 8 days, ( fever/chills daily) now bronchitis. I believe i have a secondary infection and may need antibiotics. I remember reading somewhere that there are certain antibiotics ( if not all) that must be avoided while on valium. Do you have any idea which ones avoid??? I will be speaking to the doctor today. thank you :)
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Cipro and all antibiotics in the same class (fluoroquinolones) should be avoided. They can affect GABA receptors in a way that mimics benzo withdrawal.


Other antibiotics are OK.

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Just curious, is it normal to be tapering and have constant chills even at a relatively "high" level of 6.8 Diaz? As a follow up, does a difficult taper guarantee a elongated degree of suffering once I am off?


Edit: This is despite spreading dosage from 2X to 3X per day.




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Edzo, great that you've been to Ottawa  :thumbsup:! Did you see the Parliament Buildings, Mounties, any museums, National Arts Centre ETC.? Hope you had a good stay, and sorry  ::) if anything wasn't up to snuff!!


p.s. what with Canada, Eh? being officially bilingual (many Francophones dotted around the country, but most in Quebec-few of us Anglophones don't know ANY French, but unless you're like my sis and study hard to become bilingual, people like me can maybe speak/write at the level of a 6-8 yr. old Francophone despite 10+ years of French in school :-[?!), I should also say, "Je m'excuse!" Lo siento to all you south of the border who have a bit of Spanish!!


I had a wonderful time in Ottawa. Managed to see Parliament, at some great food, picked up the HEAVY gold bar at the Royal(?) Mint, and enjoyed the fine citizens of the city.  The main reason for the visit was to watch my Penguins play the Senators in the playoffs a few years back. Wifey and I just got back in January from a week in Quebec City/Montreal.  Pretty chilly up there.  Both cities seemed pretty easy to navigate with lots of English spoken. We've spent a little time in Paris and elsewhere in France, so that helped. BTW, that allows us to speak French at a 2 year old's level.  ;)

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Edzo looking at your signature it looks like you cut after you switched to milk taper. My 2 cents I would have held a lot longer to get out of the swamp so to speak before cutting even a tiny bit but that is just me.  To answer your question yes chills are common as are 'hot flashes' as these drugs mess with our temperature regulation and everything else. 


I am not totally off of the benzos but I truly believe that we heal during our tapers and no one can predict how someone else will heal either during or after we are off. There are no studies at all in this area and we all have different histories and physical make ups. The one thing this taper has taught me is to take one day at a time and don't future trip as to what will be - just deal with today. 

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Edzo looking at your signature it looks like you cut after you switched to milk taper. My 2 cents I would have held a lot longer to get out of the swamp so to speak before cutting even a tiny bit but that is just me.  To answer your question yes chills are common as are 'hot flashes' as these drugs mess with our temperature regulation and everything else. 


I am not totally off of the benzos but I truly believe that we heal during our tapers and no one can predict how someone else will heal either during or after we are off. There are no studies at all in this area and we all have different histories and physical make ups. The one thing this taper has taught me is to take one day at a time and don't future trip as to what will be - just deal with today.


Yes, you are correct. I had spent a little over 2 weeks at 7mg and wanted to "get a move on".


I am trying to follow Ashton's manual and get conflicting opinions. Her table sets forth 1mg reductions every 1-2 weeks until one reaches 5mg (I'm at 6.8mg). Then reductions of .5mg after 5mg.  However others on here state 10% every two weeks. So I get a little confused.  Plus, as you know, this can be scary. I got to thinking, "If I still don't feel great after this long at 7mg, what's to say that I ever will. Might as well keep going down if I have to suffer anyway."


Tonight I will compromise and only reduce my milk by 7ml of the 100ml solution instead of the 10ml I have done the last two evenings. Let's see how that works out.


Thanks for the response,


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Just curious, is it normal to be tapering and have constant chills even at a relatively "high" level of 6.8 Diaz? As a follow up, does a difficult taper guarantee a elongated degree of suffering once I am off?


Edit: This is despite spreading dosage from 2X to 3X per day.





I get chills after every cut and I'm at 12.5 mg right now. They get better after a few days. 

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Just curious, is it normal to be tapering and have constant chills even at a relatively "high" level of 6.8 Diaz? As a follow up, does a difficult taper guarantee a elongated degree of suffering once I am off?


Edit: This is despite spreading dosage from 2X to 3X per day.





I get chills after every cut and I'm at 12.5 mg right now. They get better after a few days.


Do you micro cut or just cut and hold?

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Just curious, is it normal to be tapering and have constant chills even at a relatively "high" level of 6.8 Diaz? As a follow up, does a difficult taper guarantee a elongated degree of suffering once I am off?


Edit: This is despite spreading dosage from 2X to 3X per day.







I get chills after every cut and I'm at 12.5 mg right now. They get better after a few days.


Do you micro cut or just cut and hold?


I am doing cut and hold right now, 0.5 mg every 2 week.  I start to feel chills the day after my cut and they last for a few days.  It's not really my worst symptom just annoying.  I haven't ruled out micro taper but for now am making progress with cut and hold.

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Hi Chessplayer just saw your signature and you're doing well at 4.5 mg. cut .5 in a week . What method you're doing is it cut and hold dry cut or daily MT just curious. I used to do cut and hold dry cut .5. But this time just started Ldiaz daily MT a.m and talent for my evening dose. I will see in 2 weeks how it goes. If you don't mind just asking so I will have another option if my daily MT won't work. Maybe I will go back to cut and hold but only .5 coz I can't cut my tablet anymore for lower dose. Thanks Mcm
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Soon I am going to being my valium taper. I have some things that are bothering me about it.


I have looked at other posts ans sigs, and peope seem to go a lot slower than I was thinking.


3 Examples. One person took 3.5 years to taper off 3 mg. One person took 2 years to get rid of 2 mg. A 3rd took 2 years to get off 16 mg.


I was planning first to do C/T @ 3.5 mg every 14 days. That means in two months, or eight weeks, I will have dropped 14 mg. That seems super fast to me. Plus I do hear of a lot of symptoms here, even with a slow taper. I got off easy when I did my K taper by dropping 5% every 14 days. I think there are two reasons for this. One, I had my Valium as a backup. 2. Kpin has a shorter half life, thus the drug stayed in me for less time. Also, as most know, I am on 70 mg. Also when I did my K taper, I never felt any cuts, all the way down to 0 mg, from 6.5 mg.


I am wondering is I should make my cuts smaller, or hold for three weeks instead of two. I plan to do this for a while and then switch to Vodka titration. Any advice would be appreciated.

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I am doing cut-and-hold. The sequence I've followed so far is 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4.5, 4, 3.5 (holding at each dose for 5 to 7 days). From here I plan to go 3, 2.8, 2.6, 2.4, 2.2, 2, 1.8, 1.6, 1.4, 1.2, 1, .8, .6, .4, .2, 0, again holding at each dose for 5 to 7 days, or longer if I start getting symptoms. I know from my previous taper attempt that symptoms tend to show up at the end. So it's important to slow down the taper as you get close to 0.


This time I am determined to succeed. I also have an escape plan designed to reduce my anxiety levels when I reach the end of the taper. My last taper failed because I couldn't deal with the acute withdrawal phase that happened when I got to 0. This time I will be in a better place to deal with that.



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  Since you are on 70 mg. that cut should be fine.  You will just have to see how it goes for you.  I started my V taper after crossing from Ativan at 20 mg. and I cut 1.25 mg. at a time, very conservative.  I have other issues and am on other meds so I am having a really hard time.  I did ok until I did the last cut to 15 mg.  That seemed to put me in a really bad place, I started with all the burning symptoms I have.  I held almost 5 months at 15 mg. and just started to taper again.  I cut 1/8 of a pill, .68mg. or thereabouts.  I am going to do the other 1/8 of a pill tomorrow which puts me at 13.75mg.  I am going to switch to LT part of my dose and see if I do better after that.  I'm pretty new to all this and am not doing well but you tapered like a champ so I'm sure you will do well.  Everyone is so different.  Best of luck to you and welcome to this board, lots of nice people here.
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This is something I thought I would never do, but I have just sent a message to admin to close my account. I am absolutely shocked about the unfair, unkind and completely untrue things that have been said about me, and to me, over the last couple of days, and it’s all over religion – the irony is actually hilarious. Frankly I just don't want to subject myself to this kind of crap anymore. I'm done. I have put up with a lot of insults and abuse over the years, which usually has been caused by benzos, but this time I just don't want to "get over it" again.


This is all over me trying a help someone who has always been a very stubborn person, and Lainey admits that herself, so that is not another “insult” I seem to be soooo keen to give out. Most people are not aware of the tapering history there. I've tried to help her on and off for well over a year now (could even be two – who counts), but because I dared this time to suggest to her that this "sign from god" she keeps waiting for might actually already be in front of her, because she's on BB with people trying to help her, I now get a barrage of crap from people (not Lainey it should be noted though).


Most of what I said at the time has been totally skewed now because of words being twisted and taken out of context, but anyone with any sense would go back and read it and see that there was never any malice in my intent, only an attempt to get to her to look at it from a different angle. However, it seems my intent was upsetting to her, so I would like to apologise to her. I never intended to upset anyone.


Yes, I posted about it on another thread, but I never named anyone and I simply did it so I could get my frustrations out about hitting a brick wall yet again. I’ve had criticism about that, and probably I shouldn’t have done it, but I was upset about Lainey’s response to me, and I’m sure there have been many things posted about me on the faith board. I wouldn’t know because I don’t go there. Anyway, that wasn’t the problem though, and apart from a few supportive replies, nothing further was said, and I intended for nothing more to be said, until Yogi showed up, clearly wanting to stir it up. Oh the excuse given for being there was very benign and casual, but the intent was actually very clear.


Now it seems I’m being branded by another poster, who has only been here for 5 minutes and clearly knows nothing about me or my history here, as someone who is always in the middle of a fight. I stand up for myself, and I will disagree with people, especially after I have been slighted by someone (ie Shamo), but if I’m such a trouble-maker then I suppose it is a good thing for me to remove myself.


I had thought about just not coming back to BB, but if I still have an active account I would be tempted to take a peek, and frankly I don’t want that temptation. I’ve been on BB too long now anyway. There are many other people who are much better than me at helping people.


This could just be a knee-jerk reaction to the latest round of punches in the face I’ve had over the last couple of days, and maybe I’ll change my mind, but I actually hope not. Frankly BB takes up a lot of my time, and I need to do other things. There is a cooling off period before my account gets closed, but at this point I don't think I will change my mind, but who knows. I actually hope I don't, because I realise now I've been here too long. I should have done what the majority of other people do and just disappear, but I always felt so strongly about this benzo crap that all I ever wanted to do was to help other people.


I've had literally hundreds of people grateful for this help, and telling me how patient and caring I am, and I'm a bit annoyed at myself that I'm letting just a couple of people make me feel this way, but maybe it's all for the best. It's time I moved on.



Geez, I just tried to send you a long PM, and it got rejected. ::)

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Geez, I just tried to send you a long PM, and it got rejected. ::)


I sent a short note of gratitude earlier today with the same response. I'm glad we crossed paths before it all came crashing down.  Back to working on healing now.

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  I cut around every 3 or so weeks, sometimes a month.  I went very slow because I already had s/x and was also dealing with the pain and disability of my spinal issues.  The UT and tongue burning also have made it so hard to keep going.  I'm a really slow conservative taperer so you will probably be able to go much faster than me. I'm hoping as I get a little lower I will feel better and be able to cut a little faster.  Most of the people on here cut much faster than me.  You will be fine, I just know it.
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  I cut around every 3 or so weeks, sometimes a month.  I went very slow because I already had s/x and was also dealing with the pain and disability of my spinal issues.  The UT and tongue burning also have made it so hard to keep going.  I'm a really slow conservative taperer so you will probably be able to go much faster than me. I'm hoping as I get a little lower I will feel better and be able to cut a little faster.  Most of the people on here cut much faster than me.  You will be fine, I just know it.


Thanks free: I think I am going to be cautious at first and drop 3.5 mg every three weeks for a bit. Then see how I feel and maybe go to two weeks. I don't think my pdoc cares one ways or another. He just lets me do what I feel comfortable with. I'm counting on you that I will be just fine.  :hug:


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Geez, I just tried to send you a long PM, and it got rejected. ::)


I sent a short note of gratitude earlier today with the same response. I'm glad we crossed paths before it all came crashing down.  Back to working on healing now.




Geez, I just tried to send you a long PM, and it got rejected. ::)


Interesting.....  I have been receiving PMs, but I just checked and it had suddenly changed to me only getting PMs from admin. I didn't change it..... Perhaps it automatically changed when my pending cancellation became official last night.


I have changed it back to me being able to get PMs from everyone, but my cancellation is due to take effect in less than 48 hours now. I will re-send my most recent PMs. Hopefully people will be able to reply to them this time because I certainly don't want to leave without people being able to contact me.

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Pam, I tried writing you a long one the other night before I posted in public and it bounced back like a bad check. Not that I blame you for blocking them, but your sig makes it look like you just don't want to dispense advice by PM but that you will take them.


Maybe you could just take a long, well-deserved and much needed break from all this heartache instead of chuckin' the whole thing for good. If you beat a benzo dependence, I bet you could stay away from here and not peek for a while. Besides, people will stop talking about you in a few days anyway. Harsh, but true. Don't end it all!

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Diaz-Pam would love to still be Able to contact you

You have been so helpful

I don't know what's going on but pls don't cancel yourself on here!! Ppl need you here!!

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