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I posted this a while back, hoping to get more eyes here. Has anyone had valium lower their breathing/ respiration levels to the point where it became a problem? Im currently trying to cross from X to V and Im up to 2 mg V daily. Even at this low dose I can detect a slowing in my breathing, which was slow to begin with. My BP is usually like 110/65, pretty decent. Im not asking for medical advice  :thumbsup: just wanting to know if anyone else has experienced it and if I should expect it to slow even more as I up the V and down the X. I need to be prepared whenI go to the doc Thursday and give her my progress report. Thanks!

Oh my total V goal is around 12 so I have a long way to go- otherwise I may have to taper off X with V as an IDWD assist ( which it really is helping with)

I dont mean to interrupt, just hoping by bumping my question about being new to valium and seeking advice might be seen by someone on the valium board. There may be another place that I could post it so if anyone could point me there it would be most appreciated. Thank you.




For the time being, you may want to post on the Xanax support thread.




There are also a lot of folks on V (and quite a few now solely on V) on Klonopin Klub, where they would be willing to answer questions as well.




In solidarity,


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I posted this a while back, hoping to get more eyes here. Has anyone had valium lower their breathing/ respiration levels to the point where it became a problem? Im currently trying to cross from X to V and Im up to 2 mg V daily. Even at this low dose I can detect a slowing in my breathing, which was slow to begin with. My BP is usually like 110/65, pretty decent. Im not asking for medical advice  :thumbsup: just wanting to know if anyone else has experienced it and if I should expect it to slow even more as I up the V and down the X. I need to be prepared whenI go to the doc Thursday and give her my progress report. Thanks!

Oh my total V goal is around 12 so I have a long way to go- otherwise I may have to taper off X with V as an IDWD assist ( which it really is helping with)

I dont mean to interrupt, just hoping by bumping my question about being new to valium and seeking advice might be seen by someone on the valium board. There may be another place that I could post it so if anyone could point me there it would be most appreciated. Thank you.


How long have you been off Ambien? Maybe some is still in your system and combining with the Valium to slow down your breathing? I started out on Xanax and Lunesta. My doctor had me drop the Lunesta immediately when I started on Valium because the two of them combined could affect breathing. I never had any breathing trouble, but it may be something to ask your doctor about.

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Hi Everyone, I'm just wondering if milk with 3.5g of fat is okay to titrate with my diazepam tablet?  i went to the supermarket and all milk full fat here where I live have the standard of 3.5g fat only in every milk.  I've check online and only 3.5g fat only.  I want to try milk to make my liquid tapering but I couldnt find 8g fat milk. 


is 3.5g fat not working?  Please help.  at the moment I'm using liquid diazepam BP oral solution 2mg/5ml for my MT, but i want to consider soon and try the milk but not available in my place.



thanks, MCM

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I posted this a while back, hoping to get more eyes here. Has anyone had valium lower their breathing/ respiration levels to the point where it became a problem? Im currently trying to cross from X to V and Im up to 2 mg V daily. Even at this low dose I can detect a slowing in my breathing, which was slow to begin with. My BP is usually like 110/65, pretty decent. Im not asking for medical advice  :thumbsup: just wanting to know if anyone else has experienced it and if I should expect it to slow even more as I up the V and down the X. I need to be prepared whenI go to the doc Thursday and give her my progress report. Thanks!

Oh my total V goal is around 12 so I have a long way to go- otherwise I may have to taper off X with V as an IDWD assist ( which it really is helping with)

I dont mean to interrupt, just hoping by bumping my question about being new to valium and seeking advice might be seen by someone on the valium board. There may be another place that I could post it so if anyone could point me there it would be most appreciated. Thank you.


How long have you been off Ambien? Maybe some is still in your system and combining with the Valium to slow down your breathing? I started out on Xanax and Lunesta. My doctor had me drop the Lunesta immediately when I started on Valium because the two of them combined could affect breathing. I never had any breathing trouble, but it may be something to ask your doctor about.


Kitty beanbag,


I crossed over from X to V and had no problems with slow breathing.  But I was in withdrawal from X so had more of a problem with rapid breathing between doses and V helped calm the I/D withdrawals.  I imagine if you do the crossover slow and incrementally like the Ashton method you should fine.

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Hi Everyone, I'm just wondering if milk with 3.5g of fat is okay to titrate with my diazepam tablet?  i went to the supermarket and all milk full fat here where I live have the standard of 3.5g fat only in every milk.  I've check online and only 3.5g fat only.  I want to try milk to make my liquid tapering but I couldnt find 8g fat milk. 


is 3.5g fat not working?  Please help.  at the moment I'm using liquid diazepam BP oral solution 2mg/5ml for my MT, but i want to consider soon and try the milk but not available in my place.



thanks, MCM


I answered this on 2 of you other threads, but here it is again:


The 8g is a measure of the weight of fat contained in 1 cup of milk.  The 3.5 is not "grams", it is the percentage of fat in the milk.  3.5% milk contains 8g fat per cup.  Your 3.5% fat milk is "full fat" milk, and will work just fine for dissolving your diazepam.

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  Can anyone tell me how to mix up full fat milk with 1.25mg. of V.  I only have 5 mg. tabs so I would quarter a tab and make my cuts from that.  I am going to make another 1/8 tab cut on Wed. and that will bring me to 13.75mg. of V.  So my dose is 6.25 mg. in morning and 7.5 mg. at night as of this Wed.  Cut and Hold is bad for me so I'm going to try the liquid MT.  I want to get to 5 mg. in morning and leave the 7.5 for the night .  Anyway question is how much milk to 1.25 mg. of V and how much do I cut each day.  Thanks so much for your help.
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  Can anyone tell me how to mix up full fat milk with 1.25mg. of V.  I only have 5 mg. tabs so I would quarter a tab and make my cuts from that.  I am going to make another 1/8 tab cut on Wed. and that will bring me to 13.75mg. of V.  So my dose is 6.25 mg. in morning and 7.5 mg. at night as of this Wed.  Cut and Hold is bad for me so I'm going to try the liquid MT.  I want to get to 5 mg. in morning and leave the 7.5 for the night .  Anyway question is how much milk to 1.25 mg. of V and how much do I cut each day.  Thanks so much for your help.


If you have a 1ml and 10ml syringe you could put the entire 5mg pill into 50ml milk.  1.25mg would then be 12.5ml.  When ready to begin cutting I'd suggest .04mg/day (.4ml/day).

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  I have 3 ml and 5 ml. syringes from when I was on liquid Vanco for Cdiff.  These would work also wouldn't they?  Also, how much of a cut daily is that?  How long to taper 1 mg. of V?  Sorry to be so dense, I just can't seem to get it.  I'm so scared I'll mess this up.  The syringes have teas. on one side and ml on other.  I would mix it up in a measuring cup.  Does this sound ok.
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  I have 3 ml and 5 ml. syringes from when I was on liquid Vanco for Cdiff.  These would work also wouldn't they?  Also, how much of a cut daily is that?  How long to taper 1 mg. of V?  Sorry to be so dense, I just can't seem to get it.  I'm so scared I'll mess this up.  The syringes have teas. on one side and ml on other.  I would mix it up in a measuring cup.  Does this sound ok.


You can make it more dilute to make any syringe work, but 3ml and 5ml are almost the same size.  1ml and 10ml work out well.  I would use syringes to measure out the liquid.  Measuring cups are not accurate enough.


.04mg a day would take 25 days to cut 1mg.

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  I will go to the pharmacy and ask if they will sell me 1 ml and 10ml syringes to make it easier.  Thanks for your help. 

They usually give them for free.

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Edzo, great that you've been to Ottawa  :thumbsup:! Did you see the Parliament Buildings, Mounties, any museums, National Arts Centre ETC.? Hope you had a good stay, and sorry  ::) if anything wasn't up to snuff!!


p.s. what with Canada, Eh? being officially bilingual (many Francophones dotted around the country, but most in Quebec-few of us Anglophones don't know ANY French, but unless you're like my sis and study hard to become bilingual, people like me can maybe speak/write at the level of a 6-8 yr. old Francophone despite 10+ years of French in school :-[?!), I should also say, "Je m'excuse!" Lo siento to all you south of the border who have a bit of Spanish!!

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This is something I thought I would never do, but I have just sent a message to admin to close my account. I am absolutely shocked about the unfair, unkind and completely untrue things that have been said about me, and to me, over the last couple of days, and it’s all over religion – the irony is actually hilarious. Frankly I just don't want to subject myself to this kind of crap anymore. I'm done. I have put up with a lot of insults and abuse over the years, which usually has been caused by benzos, but this time I just don't want to "get over it" again.


This is all over me trying a help someone who has always been a very stubborn person, and Lainey admits that herself, so that is not another “insult” I seem to be soooo keen to give out. Most people are not aware of the tapering history there. I've tried to help her on and off for well over a year now (could even be two – who counts), but because I dared this time to suggest to her that this "sign from god" she keeps waiting for might actually already be in front of her, because she's on BB with people trying to help her, I now get a barrage of crap from people (not Lainey it should be noted though).


Most of what I said at the time has been totally skewed now because of words being twisted and taken out of context, but anyone with any sense would go back and read it and see that there was never any malice in my intent, only an attempt to get to her to look at it from a different angle. However, it seems my intent was upsetting to her, so I would like to apologise to her. I never intended to upset anyone.


Yes, I posted about it on another thread, but I never named anyone and I simply did it so I could get my frustrations out about hitting a brick wall yet again. I’ve had criticism about that, and probably I shouldn’t have done it, but I was upset about Lainey’s response to me, and I’m sure there have been many things posted about me on the faith board. I wouldn’t know because I don’t go there. Anyway, that wasn’t the problem though, and apart from a few supportive replies, nothing further was said, and I intended for nothing more to be said, until Yogi showed up, clearly wanting to stir it up. Oh the excuse given for being there was very benign and casual, but the intent was actually very clear.


Now it seems I’m being branded by another poster, who has only been here for 5 minutes and clearly knows nothing about me or my history here, as someone who is always in the middle of a fight. I stand up for myself, and I will disagree with people, especially after I have been slighted by someone (ie Shamo), but if I’m such a trouble-maker then I suppose it is a good thing for me to remove myself.


I had thought about just not coming back to BB, but if I still have an active account I would be tempted to take a peek, and frankly I don’t want that temptation. I’ve been on BB too long now anyway. There are many other people who are much better than me at helping people.


This could just be a knee-jerk reaction to the latest round of punches in the face I’ve had over the last couple of days, and maybe I’ll change my mind, but I actually hope not. Frankly BB takes up a lot of my time, and I need to do other things. There is a cooling off period before my account gets closed, but at this point I don't think I will change my mind, but who knows. I actually hope I don't, because I realise now I've been here too long. I should have done what the majority of other people do and just disappear, but I always felt so strongly about this benzo crap that all I ever wanted to do was to help other people.


I've had literally hundreds of people grateful for this help, and telling me how patient and caring I am, and I'm a bit annoyed at myself that I'm letting just a couple of people make me feel this way, but maybe it's all for the best. It's time I moved on.



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Please reconsider. I have not been on the site for long, but from what I have read you have always given the best help. Don't let people get under your skin, I have and that is one of the many reasons I am now on this site asking for help, from you. I am certain that you have helped numerous people over the years and I was hoping that I would be one. There are too many people here that are suffering, please think of them. :'(  Just don't respond to anything negative, no matter what is said. Please reconsider, your help is so valuable and I know that when I start tapering I will need your wisdom :smitten:

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Hi lking4peace


I'm not sure if we have spoke before, but I'm really sorry that you're another person in this mess. However, there are a lot of people on BB who are very good at giving advice, and I'm sure they will be able to help you work things out. I would probably only be saying exactly what they are would be saying anyway.


TBH I'm just tired of all this tip toeing around that you constantly need to do here. You always have to be so conscious of every single word you say because if you say one tiny unintentional thing out of place, people totally tar and feather you, call you names and make you look like a constant trouble maker.


I've had some supportive PMs from people (which I am very grateful for - thank you), but frankly not much public support on the forum at all, so I have to assume most people are privately saying exactly what the more vocal ones are. If that's the case, me leaving is the best outcome.

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... until Yogi showed up, clearly wanting to stir it up. Oh the excuse given for being there was very benign and casual, but the intent was actually very clear.


This is a lie and you know it. 

I have had zero instances of conflict with people on this forum.

You have had many. 

Let history speak for itself.

There are plenty of talented, informed, compassionate

human beings on this forum--may they rise to meet their buddies in need.


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Please, this is so upsetting, it has gone on far too long and I am just so heartsick for both parties, Both of you Yogi, and DiazPam have given so much to


us on this Support Group, and we need you both, you are both strong intelligent Women. Please find a way to come to some type of resolution, so


all of us here on BB have two of the best people guiding us and giving us the support we still need. I see both sides and I can't change anything that


occurred or was said, but I know I am sticking my neck out here, but I can not sit here and have my heart be torn in shreds, because I am unable


to stay on one side, or the other. Please there is a way out of this, and it is not have both of the best people to leave.  :(

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This is For Diaz-Pam

I have to think that the people that are not saying anything are too sick to write on a computer. It takes every ounce of strength I have to write. When I first had the strength to write my story, I had been looking at this site constantly.  You were only 1 of the 3 people that gave me any hope. One was the moderator welcoming me.

I think the purpose of this forum is to help people, and if you don't want the help or don't agree, then look for someone else you agree with.  We are losing focus that we are here to help people.  People like myself who don't know where to turn.  If everyone was afraid to offer their opinions or suggestions, then we might as well not have a forum, and then where would we be. 

I say ignore them, continue to help.  Please reconsider. We need you.  People like myself want to hear everyone's suggestions and opinions, be it right or wrong, I will make that decision.

Please reconsider :smitten:

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Can this please be taken elswhere?

Maybe just open a thead in off topic or where ever?


I have received pm's from people who need support but do not come to the valium thread right now because of this. These people are HURTING bad and this is very upsetting.


Bashing the forum or whatever negative things arent needed on the main boards, especially with so many new people coming to find refuge here. If i had come on here in the midst of this i might have been to scared to post. We tend to forget that when we might feel a bit better, how hard it is when you are in a confused or desperate state.


I know it is hard to let go, out of experience. I certainly had my ugly moments here.. But its been days now... :-[


I think the people who are still tapering need us first of all.



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... until Yogi showed up, clearly wanting to stir it up. Oh the excuse given for being there was very benign and casual, but the intent was actually very clear.


This is a lie and you know it. 

I have had zero instances of conflict with people on this forum.

You have had many. 

Let history speak for itself.

There are plenty of talented, informed, compassionate

human beings on this forum--may they rise to meet their buddies in need.


Builder has been my go to person and has helped me immensely.  If Pam leaves, please know that there others who will take up the slack and gladly help without any confrontation involved!

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I posted this a while back, hoping to get more eyes here. Has anyone had valium lower their breathing/ respiration levels to the point where it became a problem? Im currently trying to cross from X to V and Im up to 2 mg V daily. Even at this low dose I can detect a slowing in my breathing, which was slow to begin with. My BP is usually like 110/65, pretty decent. Im not asking for medical advice  :thumbsup: just wanting to know if anyone else has experienced it and if I should expect it to slow even more as I up the V and down the X. I need to be prepared whenI go to the doc Thursday and give her my progress report. Thanks!

Oh my total V goal is around 12 so I have a long way to go- otherwise I may have to taper off X with V as an IDWD assist ( which it really is helping with)

I dont mean to interrupt, just hoping by bumping my question about being new to valium and seeking advice might be seen by someone on the valium board. There may be another place that I could post it so if anyone could point me there it would be most appreciated. Thank you.


How long have you been off Ambien? Maybe some is still in your system and combining with the Valium to slow down your breathing? I started out on Xanax and Lunesta. My doctor had me drop the Lunesta immediately when I started on Valium because the two of them combined could affect breathing. I never had any breathing trouble, but it may be something to ask your doctor about.

Thank you Grape- Ive been off ambien about 2 weeks I think? I appreciate the advice to see the doc and I am going Thursday. I just wanted to see if there was anyone else on who may have heard of others having their breathing slowed down. Right now its not a problem, but it is noticeable and Im only 20% where I need to be. I think. SG could tell me lol

I only have 2 more little swaps before Thurs so Ill be ok until then ( if I can get some sleep!) but really I guess Im wondering if its very common. Im starting to think its not, which would be a good thing. Thank you for your insights!


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Can this please be taken elswhere?

Maybe just open a thead in off topic or where ever?


I have received pm's from people who need support but do not come to the valium thread right now because of this. These people are HURTING bad and this is very upsetting.


Bashing the forum or whatever negative things arent needed on the main boards, especially with so many new people coming to find refuge here. If i had come on here in the midst of this i might have been to scared to post. We tend to forget that when we might feel a bit better, how hard it is when you are in a confused or desperate state.


I know it is hard to let go, out of experience. I certainly had my ugly moments here.. But its been days now... :-[


I think the people who are still tapering need us first of all.


Thanks, Moodle.  :smitten:



And that's enough, ALL of you.  This bickering must stop immediately, no matter who started it or who said what to whom - that doesn't matter at this point.  If the arguing doesn't stop now, I'll lock this thread for awhile and no one will be able to post here until we unlock it.


This is from our Rules and Guidelines:


Be polite towards, and respectful of, your fellow Buddies. We do not tolerate attacks upon fellow members. Any account created for the purposes of causing arguments and/or ill-feeling will be banned.




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If Pam leaves, which would suck immensely, there are other people that will help.  Moodle, mrmteo, builder, SG57, etown and many many others.  Forgive me if I didn't list your name.  :)





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