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Tenacious Tinnitus Club – Ear Pressure, Noise and Hyperacusis


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Hi Zeph, I'm similiar to you in that my tinnitus wasn't caused by benzos either, I had a sudden hearing loss in 2011 that set it off. I also had terrible hyperacusis, but that part is pretty much back to normal now. Like you I started taking benzos to cope with the T and H. As hard as it has been to get off them, I have to admit they helped me when I first started, I needed something. I just stayed on them too long.

Hi Grapejuice, thanks and glad to hear that at least the hyperacusis is better.  Mine has improved a bit. I have to take a subway tomorrow, that's one of the time to put in the earplugs for protection.



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Hi Zeph, I'm similiar to you in that my tinnitus wasn't caused by benzos either, I had a sudden hearing loss in 2011 that set it off. I also had terrible hyperacusis, but that part is pretty much back to normal now. Like you I started taking benzos to cope with the T and H. As hard as it has been to get off them, I have to admit they helped me when I first started, I needed something. I just stayed on them too long.

Hi Grapejuice, thanks and glad to hear that at least the hyperacusis is better.  Mine has improved a bit. I have to take a subway tomorrow, that's one of the time to put in the earplugs for protection.

What caused your t, do you know or did it just appear one day?

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What caused your t, do you know or did it just appear one day?

I don't know for sure.  I had been cleaning my ears a lot, last June and July with the Rhino Ear device, which may have caused trauma, but it could have been headphone use.  I thought that the sound was due to my ear being blocked.  I have upper frequency hearing loss, as well. 


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Because it has now been 27 months, I'm a little worried that I'm still experiencing voice hallucinations. When i lie and rests, it can be a mess in the room. It's so loud that I get really scared, and get a heart beat. Could this be some kind of tinnitus?
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Because it has now been 27 months, I'm a little worried that I'm still experiencing voice hallucinations. When i lie and rests, it can be a mess in the room. It's so loud that I get really scared, and get a heart beat. Could this be some kind of tinnitus?

There is a type of tinnitus called pulsatile.  I'd suggest going to an ENT. 

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Hey just wondered if anyone else has found certain foods make their tinnitus worse? I’m in a bit of a weird place at the moment where I’m really monitoring the relationship between the food I eat and my tinnitus level. I’m not sure how helpful it is really, as my tinnitus is constant just varying in severity, so at this rate I could end up only eating ice if I’m not careful! Just wondered if anyone in this group had any advice on this subject. Tinnitus and Food etc. Thanks 🙏
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Hey just wondered if anyone else has found certain foods make their tinnitus worse? I’m in a bit of a weird place at the moment where I’m really monitoring the relationship between the food I eat and my tinnitus level. I’m not sure how helpful it is really, as my tinnitus is constant just varying in severity, so at this rate I could end up only eating ice if I’m not careful! Just wondered if anyone in this group had any advice on this subject. Tinnitus and Food etc. Thanks 🙏


Low blood sugar and dehydration can make tinnitus much worse.  The trick is to drink lots of fruit juices all the time :thumbsup:

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Because it has now been 27 months, I'm a little worried that I'm still experiencing voice hallucinations. When i lie and rests, it can be a mess in the room. It's so loud that I get really scared, and get a heart beat. Could this be some kind of tinnitus?

That kind of tinnitus could evolve all the tiny muscle groups in your ears getting to many electric signals.  Try an MP3 player and just listen to songs with ear buds and try to relax.

Ear healing is the toughest part for those effected by it like us.

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Along with my very loud and constant tinnitus, I also have constant pop music running in my head.  It's maddening.  The only time I don't notice it is when there is other background noise or I am very distracted doing something.  The music in my head has been a more recent development since the tinnitus has been going on for over 4 years since going off klonopin.  It's gotten worse with time, not better and I think I've lost some of my hearing.  After googling, I found this about "musical ear syndrome"....does anyone else have this?


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Scrabblegirl, 27 months, I still hear music, Status Quo and Def Leppard. Be absolutely sure it was my neighbor (85), who played the same song 4-5 hours at night. I have also heard songs, which I don`t recognize at all. They start, and end, always with an annoying trumpet. It's weird that you hear it so clearly, and the whole text. Laugh or cry? :)
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Scrabblegirl, 27 months, I still hear music, Status Quo and Def Leppard. Be absolutely sure it was my neighbor (85), who played the same song 4-5 hours at night. I have also heard songs, which I don`t recognize at all. They start, and end, always with an annoying trumpet. It's weird that you hear it so clearly, and the whole text. Laugh or cry? :)


If I didn't have the warped sense of humor I do, I'm sure I'd have gone off the deep end by now.

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Never thought I'd be here again.  18 months post Klonopin and my Tinnitus has roared back, mainly due to stress and quitting all substances.  I used weed to cope and sometimes it makes it worse, but often I don't care.  When I jumped T was mild and for months waxed and waned, although mild. But I have NEVER had a T free day after 4months on Klonopin and cold turkey because the Doctor never told me I couldn't stop.  That week T was the worse, and this is the worse since then.  About 3 months ago it starting getting stronger, I am under tremendous stress; I'm a public figure, involved in numerous lawsuits, and have a home situation where there is no peace and quiet. 


I've tried it all. even spent a fortune on that Tebonin from Australia I think.  I don't bother with supplements they never helped and again I've tried them all.  I figured if I ignore it it will go away.  And ignoring it has helped, but right now it's too loud t ignore.  I never had it before taking Benzos, but I believ this is due to hearing loss.  I once sang in the loudest rock band in the world and never used ear plugs.  I also once had a firecracker go off in my hand and remember that was my first (deaf then tinnitus) moment.


Aside from that I'm older now in my fifties, and just hearing someone speak from 10 feet away can be difficult.  I know it's rare for someone to be healing, only 4 months total on K, have very little problems withdrawing, and then 15 months later SHAZAAM!  I hope my old friends here are gone because they are better, but nevethless a little support can be nice.

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Only 4 months on K and all that....wow, that sucks.  For me it was decades, so I figure I'm paying the price.
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Only 4 months on K and all that....wow, that sucks.  For me it was decades, so I figure I'm paying the price.


It was the cold turkey that fried me

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I'm sorry you're being plagued by this again. I'm 14 months out and mine has been screaming and zapping all day. It even kept me up most of the night last night, it was so loud. I've had a stressful week at work so maybe that spiked it, I know stress can worsen it.

Mine wasn't caused by benzos. I got it before going on them due to sudden hearing loss. I actually got put on benzos to help calm it and my anxiety. I was a wreck. I was hoping it would at least overall be quieter now without these huge spikes.

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Hi NYC, sorry that you are going through this again, I am at about 13 months off klonopin now and still have tinnitus 24/7 some days low level and some days very high. Fortunately it hasn't stopped me sleeping for some months now.

Mine was due to a rapid taper that my doctor put me on.

I have kinda decided that it will be with me for life and can accept it most of the time but when I get a wave and feel the doom and gloom taking hold tinnitus really gets to me again. I do still use an ear bud with the sound of crickets from time to time to mask it but not nearly as often as I did in the early days.

This is a really crappy thing we have to put up with and I was really expecting it to be over with by now.

I do hope you are just having a set back and things will settle down again in time.


a blast from the past    2trusting

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Never thought I'd be here again.  18 months post Klonopin and my Tinnitus has roared back, mainly due to stress and quitting all substances.  I used weed to cope and sometimes it makes it worse, but often I don't care.  When I jumped T was mild and for months waxed and waned, although mild. But I have NEVER had a T free day after 4months on Klonopin and cold turkey because the Doctor never told me I couldn't stop.  That week T was the worse, and this is the worse since then.  About 3 months ago it starting getting stronger, I am under tremendous stress; I'm a public figure, involved in numerous lawsuits, and have a home situation where there is no peace and quiet. 


I've tried it all. even spent a fortune on that Tebonin from Australia I think.  I don't bother with supplements they never helped and again I've tried them all.  I figured if I ignore it it will go away.  And ignoring it has helped, but right now it's too loud t ignore.  I never had it before taking Benzos, but I believ this is due to hearing loss.  I once sang in the loudest rock band in the world and never used ear plugs.  I also once had a firecracker go off in my hand and remember that was my first (deaf then tinnitus) moment.


Aside from that I'm older now in my fifties, and just hearing someone speak from 10 feet away can be difficult.  I know it's rare for someone to be healing, only 4 months total on K, have very little problems withdrawing, and then 15 months later SHAZAAM!  I hope my old friends here are gone because they are better, but nevethless a little support can be nice.


I have noted dozens of people who only get tinnitus up to 18 months after jumping.  This delayed reaction is hard to explain.


From what I have read this comes from a benzodiazepine-receptor-deficiency in your brain.  Who knows if they ever come back. For some yes and for others no.


One thing I have noted is that the quicker people taper the more likely they are to develop a long term and nasty case of tinnitus. 


Tinnitus is partially a feedback loop in your brain so to have it is to invite it.  Try too taper slow enough never to get a bad case of tinnitus.







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Only 4 months on K and all that....wow, that sucks.  For me it was decades, so I figure I'm paying the price.


It was the cold turkey that fried me


How right you are!  I wish people would read that and taper slower. 

I think C/T fried my hearing center too.  Excitotoxic shock sucks.

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Hi All

I’m ready to join this club.... you can see from my sig that I tapered pretty quickly in the beginning

Then became wiser....well slower at any rate...

Weirdly, I think, (I haven’t had a chance to read much on this thread yet) my tinnitus increased 2fold with an increased of 1mg of Valium ( oh I regret that decision for multiple reasons)

Anyone else find that Valium made it worse?



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Hi Birdman,


It seems a lot of us the went cold turkey got tinnitus. Wish i could back in time with what I know now. I see your ears are starting to heal after 5 years from your signature. That's awesome.


how are things progressing with the ears?

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