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Tenacious Tinnitus Club – Ear Pressure, Noise and Hyperacusis


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I used to smoke then began vaping nicotine, then quit completely. I recently began vaping CBD and picked up the old nicotine vaping habit again. It does CHANGE my tinnitus but not in any positive way I've been able to notice. I can actually feel the tinnitus fluctuating when I vape nicotine. But then it's back to same old, same old.


That's what I figured would happen, temporary relief but not a cure.

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Is there any specific med anyone uses to help fall asleep when the tinnitus is super loud? I'm scared to take anything since my ear dr says anything that sedates the brain tends to make the tinnitus louder the next day. When he does prescribe something for it, it's a low dose of Valium which I obviously don't want to go back on. But I've had several nights in the past week where I could hardly get any sleep because the tinnitus was so loud. I was able to sleep while still on benzos.
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Is there any specific med anyone uses to help fall asleep when the tinnitus is super loud? I'm scared to take anything since my ear dr says anything that sedates the brain tends to make the tinnitus louder the next day. When he does prescribe something for it, it's a low dose of Valium which I obviously don't want to go back on. But I've had several nights in the past week where I could hardly get any sleep because the tinnitus was so loud. I was able to sleep while still on benzos.


Your brain is designed to make natural benzo's by adjusting glutamate levels lower and Gaba levels higher.  I read a study that says sleep deprivation forces the brain to balance out faster.  Some nights I can't sleep so I am 36 hours without sleep.  When I finally sleep the next day I wake up with far less tinnitus.  Maybe we all need to take night jobs as all night security guards twice a week :laugh:

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Is there any specific med anyone uses to help fall asleep when the tinnitus is super loud? I'm scared to take anything since my ear dr says anything that sedates the brain tends to make the tinnitus louder the next day. When he does prescribe something for it, it's a low dose of Valium which I obviously don't want to go back on. But I've had several nights in the past week where I could hardly get any sleep because the tinnitus was so loud. I was able to sleep while still on benzos.


Your brain is designed to make natural benzo's by adjusting glutamate levels lower and Gaba levels higher.  I read a study that says sleep deprivation forces the brain to balance out faster.  Some nights I can't sleep so I am 36 hours without sleep.  When I finally sleep the next day I wake up with far less tinnitus.  Maybe we all need to take night jobs as all night security guards twice a week :laugh:

Hi Birdy  :hug: If the above research is right then I should make a swift recovery, my upstairs neighbours effing dog keeps waking me up charging around the bedroom all night while He sat getting high in the lounge and he also keeps me awake sometimes for 2 or 3 days in a row speeding his face off and running and jumping and throwing the dogs ball round all hours he did it from6 AM Friday until 6pm fkn Saturday!! :tickedoff: I'm fed up of ringing the noise pollution council who take forever to get back to try do something, but if that research is correct then the bastards actually doing me a favor?  ???




Love Nova xxx  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

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I just had a good look and all I can find is sleep is necessary for a brain injury, but sleep deprivation may help some people with depression but not those with a brain injury :(




Love Nova xxx  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

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Is there any specific med anyone uses to help fall asleep when the tinnitus is super loud? I'm scared to take anything since my ear dr says anything that sedates the brain tends to make the tinnitus louder the next day. When he does prescribe something for it, it's a low dose of Valium which I obviously don't want to go back on. But I've had several nights in the past week where I could hardly get any sleep because the tinnitus was so loud. I was able to sleep while still on benzos.


Your brain is designed to make natural benzo's by adjusting glutamate levels lower and Gaba levels higher.  I read a study that says sleep deprivation forces the brain to balance out faster.  Some nights I can't sleep so I am 36 hours without sleep.  When I finally sleep the next day I wake up with far less tinnitus.  Maybe we all need to take night jobs as all night security guards twice a week :laugh:

Hi Birdy  :hug: If the above research is right then I should make a swift recovery, my upstairs neighbours effing dog keeps waking me up charging around the bedroom all night while He sat getting high in the lounge and he also keeps me awake sometimes for 2 or 3 days in a row speeding his face off and running and jumping and throwing the dogs ball round all hours he did it from6 AM Friday until 6pm fkn Saturday!! :tickedoff: I'm fed up of ringing the noise pollution council who take forever to get back to try do something, but if that research is correct then the bastards actually doing me a favor?  ???



Love Nova xxx  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:


They say DOG works in mysterious ways especially when your spell DOG backwards  :laugh:

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I have been experiencing extreme fluctuations in my tinnitus and hyperacusis(sensitive hearing).  This includes ear pressure and some ear pain.  Would y'all consider these windows and waves?  I kind of didn't believe windows and waves applied to the auditory issues from my experience in research but I'm kind of hopeful thats what it is. I've had months at times where it's very manageable and then out of nowhere it acts up.  At times it feels like it goes into waves because of exposure to steady Noise even when it's not particularly loud.  Just wondering if anybody experiences this.  At its worst my tinnitus becomes multi tonal, a hiss and a ring.  Also sometimes a generator type sound.  And the hyperacusis when it's at it's worst...well life just sucks.  Any feedback would be sweet.



Then came the heat I was burning up but had no fever.  Then the psychosis started and I thought I was loosing my mind.  After that phase had passed the hyperacusis hit hard.  When I walked on gravel I could hear every grain of rock grinding together and a dog bark would make me jump.

Finally all the other S/X faded away and the tinnitus set in and that symptom was the most ruthless since it lasted for years and I have to take a few drugs to keep it under control.  It seems like it will never heal but it actually does but very slowly.

From all the people I have talked to here the general pattern is that the hyperacusis fades into tinnitus at a fairly fast pace which heals much slower


The ear pain and pressure is controlled by the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve which controls the Tensor tympani muscle which keeps pressure on the ear drum to keep it in tune    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tensor_tympani_muscle

The tinnitus is controlled by a part of the brain sitting just below the trigeminal nerve called the dorsal cochlear nucleus    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dorsal_cochlear_nucleus   

Both these are areas of the mid brain are where the long term healing problems are harbored.


I hope you feel better soon.




I know you dislike me, but were you saying that lidocaine and botox in the eustachian tube helped you with ear pain and pressure, but not from LDLs we typically measure hyperacusis and/or discomfort with external sound caused by the middle ear muscles?












You sound like a botox expert.  What do you need me or the house clinic for?


As the admin's here at BB  have pointed out SO many times "FACEBOOK IS NOT PRIVATE"


Linking to this site from facebook isn't a violation of your privacy. I'm the one on facebook, not you.


Of course I'm not a botox expert, I need to know if it works for the sound vibrations I get from external sound, specifically, mostly, whenever a sound starts. Sure, the vibration follows external sound around for the duration of said sound, but it is most felt at the start. And that's a vibration on top of another permanent vibration tinnitus that's been around since my acoustic trauma, together with a high pitched tinnitus. For many years I was told it was H and misophonia, that it was all in the brain and CBT and TRT addressed it. That's a lie, and it took me time to be in a silent place where I could obsessively read about this issue for the past two years, and found out some people on a couple of forums that had done tenotomy. I tracked down one of the doctors that had done one of the tenotomies and followed him all the way to Greece to have a consultation. The issue has always been that while some people were happy with their tenotomy, there was another case that was worse off, perhaps temporarily perhaps not as we lost track of them, and a few other cases that may have been slightly worse off. So it was a hard decision and I haven't been able to do it. If I'm worse off than how I've been for a decade and a half, I wouldn't even be able to sleep or use a fan to drown out sounds in order to read things online.


So the issue with the woman on the chat-h forum that was worse off from tenotomy is nobody looked into whether she was worse off because her eustachian tube became more problematic, or cuz she got a perilymph fistula because of the operation, or a problem with the eardrum being floppier in the absense of a tensor tympani. I started off thinking this was all due to the acoustic reflex but then the more I read the more involved the eustachian tube seemed to be. Most doctors out there except the handful that saw the greek doctor lecture them, believe middle ear myoclonus has to be objectively diagnosable with tympanometry cogwheels or visible eardrum movement, or an acoustic reflex. Well it turns out the tension from the muscles could be tonic as opposed to clonic, in which case it wouldn't be seen, and it could be all pulling on the eustachian tube to either vibrate or to let in sounds that shouldn't be getting in, making the eardrum vibrate twice, hence making it thump to external sound. The eustachian tubes could be the problem on their own, causing an issue of ventilation that escapes me right now as I only recently started reading about eustachian tube disorders. Obviously I was shocked when I recently read that patulous dysfunction can come without autophony while causing ''hyperacusis'' to external sounds, and that only a handful of PET doctors worldwide seem to know that.


Botox applied to eustachian tube I've seen it both referenced as causing patulous eustachian tube and as curing it, so the issue gets even more confusing.


Since you're a successful case, obviously I need data from you like, how many months did you have the H before the botox application, and how many months since the botox was applied, is the H still gone? Was your eardrum vibrating like mine, or would external sound merely set it off and the thumps would go off on their own, just as bothersome as when the external sound was present? Do you have a high or low pitched tinnitus, or just vibrations and thumps, because that could be another indicator that differentiates the eustachian tube issues with merely middle ear ones. Are your vibrations equally bothersome in total silence as they are in response to sound? Was your condition objectively verifiable, cogwheel tympanometry, eardrum inspection, MRI etc? Is there any variability in how a doctor might apply botox up the nose onto the eustachian tube or is it all just simple?


From the house clinic if they're not experts and you nagged them to do it, then they wouldn't be of much use. I may have a doctor in Barcelona willing to do it if I nag him, I may not, I'll see, then again he may be retiring like the greek guy, and the new generation of doctors may be drinking so much useless international hyperacusis conference kool-aid about the brain central gain and CBT that there could be no one else doing it for decades. Either that or tenotomy, there's very little info about both.


I do not like you very much but maybe you are just desperate for relief. 

I can tell you this.

The docs at house injected me in the TT with Lidocaine (without epinephrine) first to see how I feel. This made the TT go limp.  I felt instant relief. Then we went to phase 2,  BT.


It would be MUCH easier to fine a doc to Lidocaine your TT first since it's is safe and temporary test with effect lasting 3 hours only.  This way you can test it first and find out if you like the change.  The world sounds more BASS'Y to me now and high pitch tones are gone so I can't here song birds chirping but the sounds are coming back slowly since BT only works for 6 to 12 months in a muscle and shorter in soft tissue like lips.

I do not want to speak to you any longer on this topic.  You are blocked.  Go get a Lidocaine shot first, you would be crazy to go any further than that point as a logical first step.  My guess is you will LOVE the results like I did!  Instant relief, I actually cried when I could only here silence and muffled sounds.


WARNING:  After a BT injection in the TT  you will be 50% DEAF for 1 to 2 weeks after.  It's a very scary time but hearing comes back rapidly once it starts resolving!


And here, did you mean that all lidocaine did was make you deaf. Or did you mean that the improvement in LDL outweighed the hearing loss? And were you injected in both eustachian tubes or just one, as your symptoms were in both ears not just one? H and discomfort with sound spreads to both ears unlike other conditions, which is one of the main reasons why it's perceived to be a brain issue.


I ask because I can go and try to convince a doctor, but I don't have ear pain and the only pressure I have is a permanent vibration and the spasms, so I'm not sure if that qualifies as aural fullness. My issue is discomfort with sounds so I'd hit low on an LDL test, but I don't have neuropathic pain elsewhere. Maybe lidocaine and botox applies to pain but not to hyperacusis, maybe botox is only attacking neuropathic pain on the trigeminal nerve and not to the tensor tympani that is suspected to have a role in hyperacusis. I've asked someone who only had lidocaine done and his experience seems to parallel yours now that I've understood it, he said improvement in that he could wear hearing muffs as they wouldn't cause him pain during the lidocaine, but no improvement in LDLs, however he also said no hearing loss, in that he was different.


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Could use some info please. My tinnitus started about 4 months after taper. Whats the likelihood of that? Could it more likely be something non withdrawl related? Couldnt really find info in Ashston manual on people developing it 4 months post taper. Any info would be great. Going on 6 months with constant T. Going to ENT next month but do not have high hopes. Know they would scoff at suggestion of post taper symptom. Anyone know of anyone getting T that far post taper? Thanks in advance for any response.
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I didn't taper, I c/t'd, but my tinnitus didn't show up until about 6 months after I quit and didn't really get bad until over a year out. So four months out seems very likely withdrawal to me. Mine rages, but I've learned to live with it. I play music at night while falling asleep to drown it out and during the day there's plenty of background noise. The only time it really sucks is when I wake up and it lets me know it isn't gone. I'm 30 months out and found nothing that helps. Sorry if that saddens you but really, you can learn to live with it and all my other horrible sxs are long so I can't complain. But if you do find something that helps PLEASE p.m. me!  :thumbsup:
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Thks for replying. I've tolerated pretty well since getting it last November. Had many worse days while tapering. Have an ent appointment next month. I'm sure he won't buy in to the post taper symptom. At first mine was more pressure feeling like swimmer ear. Last couple of weeks ringing has intensified. When I tilt my head can almost feel fluid draining in inner ear. Hoping it's a sign it's trying to correct. Any good news will keep you in mind. 😎
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Could use some info please. My tinnitus started about 4 months after taper. Whats the likelihood of that? Could it more likely be something non withdrawl related? Couldnt really find info in Ashston manual on people developing it 4 months post taper. Any info would be great. Going on 6 months with constant T. Going to ENT next month but do not have high hopes. Know they would scoff at suggestion of post taper symptom. Anyone know of anyone getting T that far post taper? Thanks in advance for any response.


It happened to at least 11 people that I know of.  My theory is that the fatty tissues in the mid brain hold on to the benzo for a very long time and when they run out the tinnitus starts up.


By the SAME token people who reinstate to end the tinnitus need to take the benzo for 4 to 6 months in order to start getting relief like me.


There is some evidence that a drug called Lamotrigine can offer tinnitus relief and also could actually upregulate genes in the GABA-A receptor beta subunit.

I am trying Lamotrigine 50MG now but I feel better on a higher dose like 100mg


Here is one article;  Lamotrigine upregulate's genes in the GABA-A receptor beta subunit.


REF;  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11927166


I actually found hundreds of studies with similar results on a google search.


Is Lamotrigine a benzo brain healing antidote?  Some think so.  Time will tell.

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Thks birdman for not only responding but starting this club. Will look into the lamotrigine. Hope you are doing well.
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Could use some info please. My tinnitus started about 4 months after taper. Whats the likelihood of that? Could it more likely be something non withdrawl related? Couldnt really find info in Ashston manual on people developing it 4 months post taper. Any info would be great. Going on 6 months with constant T. Going to ENT next month but do not have high hopes. Know they would scoff at suggestion of post taper symptom. Anyone know of anyone getting T that far post taper? Thanks in advance for any response.


It happened to at least 11 people that I know of.  My theory is that the fatty tissues in the mid brain hold on to the benzo for a very long time and when they run out the tinnitus starts up.


By the SAME token people who reinstate to end the tinnitus need to take the benzo for 4 to 6 months in order to start getting relief like me.


There is some evidence that a drug called Lamotrigine can offer tinnitus relief and also could actually upregulate genes in the GABA-A receptor beta subunit.

I am trying Lamotrigine 50MG now but I feel better on a higher dose like 100mg


Here is one article;  Lamotrigine upregulate's genes in the GABA-A receptor beta subunit.


REF;  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11927166


I actually found hundreds of studies with similar results on a google search.


Is Lamotrigine a benzo brain healing antidote?  Some think so.  Time will tell.


Isn't lamotrigine generic form of Lamictal?  Thank I may ask are you two my just to see if it improves your T? Thanks!

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Could use some info please. My tinnitus started about 4 months after taper. Whats the likelihood of that? Could it more likely be something non withdrawl related? Couldnt really find info in Ashston manual on people developing it 4 months post taper. Any info would be great. Going on 6 months with constant T. Going to ENT next month but do not have high hopes. Know they would scoff at suggestion of post taper symptom. Anyone know of anyone getting T that far post taper? Thanks in advance for any response.


It happened to at least 11 people that I know of.  My theory is that the fatty tissues in the mid brain hold on to the benzo for a very long time and when they run out the tinnitus starts up.


By the SAME token people who reinstate to end the tinnitus need to take the benzo for 4 to 6 months in order to start getting relief like me.


There is some evidence that a drug called Lamotrigine can offer tinnitus relief and also could actually upregulate genes in the GABA-A receptor beta subunit.

I am trying Lamotrigine 50MG now but I feel better on a higher dose like 100mg


Here is one article;  Lamotrigine upregulate's genes in the GABA-A receptor beta subunit.


REF;  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11927166


I actually found hundreds of studies with similar results on a google search.


Is Lamotrigine a benzo brain healing antidote?  Some think so.  Time will tell.


Isn't lamotrigine generic form of Lamictal?  Thank I may ask are you two my just to see if it improves your T? Thanks!


Yes it is Lamictal.

I am on so many drugs now I am no longer 100% sure which one is working.

I'm doing "HOUSE" therapy (As in the TV show "HOUSE")  I am taking everything that helps all at once.  I feel better so for now it's a win.  For the next year I have to drop them one at a time and see "Where the shoe falls"


Bird  (lab rat)

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Could use some info please. My tinnitus started about 4 months after taper. Whats the likelihood of that? Could it more likely be something non withdrawl related? Couldnt really find info in Ashston manual on people developing it 4 months post taper. Any info would be great. Going on 6 months with constant T. Going to ENT next month but do not have high hopes. Know they would scoff at suggestion of post taper symptom. Anyone know of anyone getting T that far post taper? Thanks in advance for any response.


It happened to at least 11 people that I know of.  My theory is that the fatty tissues in the mid brain hold on to the benzo for a very long time and when they run out the tinnitus starts up.


By the SAME token people who reinstate to end the tinnitus need to take the benzo for 4 to 6 months in order to start getting relief like me.


There is some evidence that a drug called Lamotrigine can offer tinnitus relief and also could actually upregulate genes in the GABA-A receptor beta subunit.

I am trying Lamotrigine 50MG now but I feel better on a higher dose like 100mg


Here is one article;  Lamotrigine upregulate's genes in the GABA-A receptor beta subunit.


REF;  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11927166


I actually found hundreds of studies with similar results on a google search.


Is Lamotrigine a benzo brain healing antidote?  Some think so.  Time will tell.


Isn't lamotrigine generic form of Lamictal?  Thank I may ask are you two my just to see if it improves your T? Thanks!


Yes it is Lamictal.

I am on so many drugs now I am no longer 100% sure which one is working.

I'm doing "HOUSE" therapy (As in the TV show "HOUSE")  I am talking everything that helps all at once.  I feel better so for now it's a win.  For the next year I have to drop them one at a time and see "Where the shoe falls"


Bird  (lab rat)

Thanks Bird!

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Could use some info please. My tinnitus started about 4 months after taper. Whats the likelihood of that? Could it more likely be something non withdrawl related? Couldnt really find info in Ashston manual on people developing it 4 months post taper. Any info would be great. Going on 6 months with constant T. Going to ENT next month but do not have high hopes. Know they would scoff at suggestion of post taper symptom. Anyone know of anyone getting T that far post taper? Thanks in advance for any response.


It happened to at least 11 people that I know of.  My theory is that the fatty tissues in the mid brain hold on to the benzo for a very long time and when they run out the tinnitus starts up.


By the SAME token people who reinstate to end the tinnitus need to take the benzo for 4 to 6 months in order to start getting relief like me.


There is some evidence that a drug called Lamotrigine can offer tinnitus relief and also could actually upregulate genes in the GABA-A receptor beta subunit.

I am trying Lamotrigine 50MG now but I feel better on a higher dose like 100mg


Here is one article;  Lamotrigine upregulate's genes in the GABA-A receptor beta subunit.


REF;  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11927166


I actually found hundreds of studies with similar results on a google search.


Is Lamotrigine a benzo brain healing antidote?  Some think so.  Time will tell.


Isn't lamotrigine generic form of Lamictal?  Thank I may ask are you two my just to see if it improves your T? Thanks!


Yes it is Lamictal.

I am on so many drugs now I am no longer 100% sure which one is working.

I'm doing "HOUSE" therapy (As in the TV show "HOUSE")  I am talking everything that helps all at once.  I feel better so for now it's a win.  For the next year I have to drop them one at a time and see "Where the shoe falls"


Bird  (lab rat)

Thanks Bird!


You are very welcome :smitten:

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Ototoxic Drugs by List


Abelcet Injection (Liposome)


Accutane Capsules

Aceon Tablets (2 mg, 4 mg, 8 mg)

Aciphex Tablets

Acromycin V

Actifed with Codiene Cough Syrup

Actiq (Anesta)

Actonel Tablets

Adalat CC

Aggrenox Capsules

Agrylin Capsules

Alferon N Injection (Interferon)

Alka-Seltzer Original Antacid and Pain Reliever Effervescent Tablets

Alka-Seltzer Cherry Antacid and Pain Reliever Effervescent Tablets

Alka-Seltzer Lemon Lime Antacid and Pain Reliever Effervescent Tablets

Alka-Seltzer Extra Strength Antacid and Pain Reliever Effervescent Tablets

Alka-Seltzer PM Effervescent Tablets

Alferon N

Alumadrine Tablets


Alumadrine Tablets


Amerge Tablets



Anaprox and Anaprox DS



Anzemet Injection

Anzemet Tablets

Aralen Injection

Aralen Tablets

Arithritis Strength BC Powder

Aricept Tablets

Aricept Tablets

Arthrotec Tablets


Ascriptin A/D




Atacand HCT Tablets



Atrovent Nasal Spray

Atrohist Plus

Avelox Tablets

Azactam Tablets

Azactam for Injection

Azo Gantanol

Azo Gantrisin

Azulfidine EN-tabs Tablet

BC Powder

Bactrim DS

Bactrim I.V.


Arthritis Strength BC Powder

Benadryl Parenteral

Betaxon Ophthalmic Suspension

Biaxin Filmtab Tablets

Biaxin for Oral Suspension

Biaxin XL Filmtab Tablets

Bicillin L-A Injection

Buprenex Injectable



Calan Tablets

Calan SR Caplets


Capastat Sulfate

Carbocaine Hydrochloride

Carbatrol Capsules







Celebrex Capsules

Celebrex Capsules

Celexa Oral Suspension

Celexa Tablets

CellCept Capsules

CellCept Intravenous

CellCept Oral Suspension

CellCept Tablets

Cerebyx Injection

Chibroxin Sterile Ophthalmic Solution

Childrens Advil



Cipro I.V.

Cipro Tablets

Cipro Oral Suspension

Claritin Reditabs

Claritin Syrup

Claritin Tablets

Claritin-D 12 Hour Extended Release Tablets

Claritin-D 24 Hour Extended Release Tablets


Clomid Tablets

Cognex Capsules

Colazal Capsules

Copaxone for Injection

Coreg Tablets



Cosopt Sterile Ophthalmic Solution

Covera-HS Tablets

Cozaar Tablets



Cytovene Capsules



Dapsone USP

Daranide Tablets

DaunoXome Injection





Depacon Injection

Depakene Capsules

Depakene Syrup

Depakote Sprinkle Capsules

Depakote Tablets

Depakote ER Tablets

Depen Titratable Tablets

Desferal Vials

Desyrel & Desyrel Dividose

Diamox Intravenous

Diamox Sequels Sustained Release Capsules

Diamox Tablets

Diovan HCT Tablets

Dilacor XR

Dipentum Capsules


Disalcid Capsules

Disalcid Tablets

Dolobid Tablets

Doxil Injection

Duraclon Injection

Duranest Injections

Dynabac Tablets

Dyphenhydramine [Nytol, Benydrl, etc]





Effexor Tablets

Effexor XR Capsules

ELA-Max Cream




Emla cream

Empirin with Codiene







EtrafonEvoxac Capsules

Excedrin Extra-Strength Tablets, Caplets, and Geltabs

Exelon Capsules

Exelon Oral Solution


Feldene Capsules

Fioricat with Codeine

Flexeril Tablets


Flumadine Syrup

Flumadine Tablets

Fortovase Capsules


Furosemide Tablet


Gabitril Filmtab Tablets





Gastrocrom Oral Concentrate

Gengraf Capsules

Geodon Capsule


HIVID Tablets

Halcion Tablets


Hytrin Capsules


Hyzaar 50-12.5 Tablets

Hyzaar 100-25 Tablets



Imitrex Nasal Spray


Indocin Capsules

Indocin Oral Suspension

Indocin Suppositories

Intron A


Invirase Capsules

Isoptin SR Tablets

Kerlone Tablets


Lamictal Tablets

Lamictal Chewable



Levaquin Injection

Levaquin Tablets

Lexxel Tablets


Lidoderm Patch

Lipitor Tablets

Lipitor Tablets



Lithium Carbonate

Lithobid Slow-Release Tablets


Lodine Capsules

Lodine Tablets

Lodine XL Extended-Release Tablets

Lopressor Ampuis

Lopressor DCT


Lotensin HCT Tablets

Lotrel Capsules


Lupron Depot

Luvox Tablets



Marinol (Dronabinol)

Marcaine Hydrochloride

Marcaine Spinal

Maxalt Tablets

Maxalt-MLT Orally Disintegrating Tablets

Maxaquin Tablets



Marcaine Hydrochloride

Marcaine Spinal

Meridia Capsules





Mexitil Capsules

Miacalcin Nasal Spray

Micardis HCT Tablets

Micardis Tablets

Midamor Tablets

Migranal Nasal Spray

Minipress Capsules

Minizide Capsules

Mintezol Suspension

Mintezol Chewable Tablets

Mirapex Tablets

Mobic Tablets

Moduretic Tablets

Momentum Backache Relief Extra Strength Caplets

Monopril Tablets

Motrin Suspension, Oral Drops, Chewable Tablets


Mustargen for Injection

Mykrox Tablets


Myobloc Injectable Solution

Nalfon Capsules

Nadolol Tablets

Naprelan Tablets

Naprosyn Suspension

Naprosyn Tablets

Naropin Injection

Nebcin Vials, Hyporets & ADD-Vantage

Neoral Soft Gelatin Capsules

Neoral Oral Solution

Neptazane Tablets

Nescaine Injection

Nesacaine-MPF Injection

Neurontin Capsules

Neurontin Oral Solution

Neurontin Tablets


Nexium Delayed-Release Capsules


Nipent for Injection


Nipent for Injection

Noroxin Tablets

Norpramin Tablets

Norvasc Tablets

Norvir Capsules

Norvir Oral Solution

Omniscan [less than 1%]

Ornade Spansule Capsules

Orthoclone OOKT3 Sterile Solution

Orudis Capsules

Oruvail Capsules

OxyContin Tablets

P-A-C Analgesic



Parnate Tablets

Paxil Oral Suspension

Paxil Tablets


Pediazole Suspension

Penetrex Tablets

Pepcid Injection

Pepcid Injection Premixed

Pepcid for Oral Suspension

Pepcid RPD Orally Disintegrating Tablets Pepcid Tablets

Pepto-Bismol Maximum Strength Liquid

Pepto-Bismol Original Liquid, Original and Cherry Tablets and Easy-To-Swallow Caplets

Periactin Tablets

Permax Tablets

Phenergan Injection

Phenergan Suppositories

Phenergan Tablets

Phrenilin Forte Capsules

Phrenilin Tablets

Piroxicam [1-3%]

Plaquenil Tablets

Platinol-AQ Injection


Pletal Tablets

Pletal Tablets

Polocaine Injection, USP

Polocaine-MPF Injection, USP

Pontocaine Hydrochloride

Ponstel Kapseals

Prilosec Delayed-Release Capsules

Primaxin I.M.

Primaxin I.V.

Prevacid Delayed-Release Capsules


Prinivil Tablets

Prinzide Tablets

Procardia Capsules

Procardia Tablets



Protonix Tablets

Proventil HFA Inhalation Aerosol

Proventil Repetabs Tablets

Proventil Tablets

Prozac Pulvules & Liquid, Oral Solution

Prozac Pulvules, Liquid, and Weekly Capsules


Quinaglute Dura-Tabs Tablets


Quinidex Extentabs

Quinidine Gluconate Injection, USP

Q-vel Muscle Relaxant Pain Reliever

Rapamune Oral Solution and Tablets

Recombivax HB

Relafen Tablets

Rheumatrex Methotrexate

Requip Tablets

Rescriptor Tablet

ReVia Tablets


Risperdal Oral Solution

Risperdal Tablets

Romazicon Injection


Rynatan Tablets

Rythmol Tablets


Salagen Tablets

Sandimmune I.V. Ampuls for Infusion

Sandimmune Oral Solution

Sandimmune Soft Gelatin Capsules

Sandostatin LAR Depot

Sarafem Pulvules

Sedapap Tablets

Sensorcaine Injection

Sensorcaine with Epinephrine Injection

Sensorcaine-MPF Injection

Sensorcaine-MPF with Epinephrine Injection

Septra I.V. Infusion

Septra Suspension

Septra Grape Suspension

Septra Tablets

Septra DS Tablets

Seroquel Tablets

Serzone Tablets

Sinequan Capsules

Sinequan Oral

Soma Compound Tablets

Soma Compound w/Codeine Tablets

Sonata Capsules

Soriatane Capsules

Sporanox Capsules

Sporanox Oral Solution

Sporanox Oral Solution

Stadol NS Nasal Spray

Streptomycin Sulfate

Sular Tablets


Surmontil Capsules

Sustiva Capsules

Talacen Caplets

Talwin Compound Caplets

Talwin Nx Tablet

Tambocor Tablets

Tarka Tablets

Tasmar Tablets

Tavist and Tavist-D

Tegretol Chewable Tablets

Tegretol Suspension

Tegretol Tablets

Tegretol-XR Tablets

Tenex Tablets



Teveten Tablets

Tequin Injection

Tequin Tablets

Thalomid Capsules


Thiosulfil Forte

Tiazac Capsules

Ticlid Tablets

Timolide Tablets

Timoptic in Ocudose

Timoptic Sterile Ophthalmic Solution

Timoptic-XE Sterile Ophthalmic Gel Forming Solution

TOBI Solution for Inhalation



Tolectin 200 Tablets

Tolectin 600 Tablets

Tolectin DS Capsules

Tonocard Tablets

Topamax Sprinkle Capsules

Topamax Tablets

Toprol XL Tablets

Toradol IM Injection, IV Injection

Toradol Tablets




Tricor Capsules, Micronized


Trileptal Tablets

Trilisate Liquid

Trilisate Tablets

Trinalin Repetabs

Trisenox Injection

Trovan I.V.

Trovan Tablets

Tussend Syrup

Tussend Tablets

Tympagesic Ear Drops


Ultram Tablets

Uniretic Tablets

Univasc Tablets

Vancocin HCI

Vancenase AQ Double Strength Nasal Spray 0.084%

Vancocin HCl Capsules & Pulvules

Vancocin HCl Oral Solution

Vancocin HCl, Vials & ADD-Vantage

Vantin Tablets and Oral Suspension

Vascor Tablets

Vaseretic Tablets

Vasotec I.V. Injection

Vasotec Tablets

Verelan Capsules

Verelan PM Capsules

Viagra Tablets

Vicoprofen Tablets

Vioxx Oral Suspension

Vioxx Tablets

Vistide Injection

Vivactil Tablets

Voltaren Tablets

Voltaren-XR Tablets

Wellbutrin Tablets

Wellbutrin SR Sustained-Release Tablet

Xanax Tablets

Xylocaine Injection

Xylocaine with Epinephrine Injection

Zagam Tablets

Zanaflex Tablets

Zebeta Tablets

Zestoretic Tablet

Zestril Tablets

Zestoretic [0.3-1%]

Ziac Tablets

Zithromax Capsules, 250 mg

Zithromax for IV Infusion

Zithromax for Oral Suspension, 300 mg, 600 mg, 900 mg, 1200 mg

Zithromax Tablets, 250 mg

Zoloft Oral Concentrate

Zoloft Tablets

Zomig Tablets

Zomig-ZMT Tablets

Zonegran Capsules




Zyban Sustained-Release Tablets

Zyprexa Tablets

Zyprexa ZYDIS Orally Disintegrating Tablets

Zyrtec Syrup

Zyrtec Tablet

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Ototoxic Drugs by Category, with Examples




Aminoglycosides (amikacin, gentamicin, tobramycin…)

Amphotericin B


tp.gif Antihelminthics (Praziquantel, thiabendazole)

tp.gif Chloramphenicol

tp.gif Chlorhexidine (for topical use)


tp.gif Colistin

Griseofulvin (antifungal)

Macrolides (azithromycin, erythromycin)


Nalidixic acid


Tetracyclines (Minocycline, tetracycline)

Thiabenzazole (antihelmintic)




Anti-inflammatory agents (NSAIDs, salicylates)


Aspirin (salicylic acid)










Antineoplastic agents






Methotrexate (also for RA)

Nitrogen mustard





Cardiovascular agents








Minoxidil (also for alopecia)









Ethacrynic acid





Tricyclic antidepressants










Substances with abuse potential






Phencyclidine (PCP)

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  • 1 month later...

Can't wrap my ringing ears around the last 2 posts.  Yikes!!!

Hi skatootle  :hug: RE: My girl Birdys two above posts to clarify it for you hun :)



Ototoxicity is the property of being toxic to the ear (oto-), specifically the cochlea or auditory nerve and sometimes the vestibular system, for example, as a side effect of a drug. The effects of ototoxicity can be reversible and temporary, or irreversible and permanent. It has been recognised since the 19th century





And on the link below is a PDF you'll probaly find easier to read when your head is  :D of other drugs and Benzos are on here as well as a few not on the above lists ;)






Love Nova xxx  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

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  • 1 month later...
My left ear just turned off, cleared and then a surge of fear went down my body on the left side. Is this tinnitus or something else?
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Dear Buddies,



Here I am again. 1 year after my oxazepam and zolpidem CT. 1 year later and what a terrible year it has been. In addition to severe nerve pain, sleepless nights, benzo flu symptoms etc, my tinnitus remains very serious. I had hoped that after 1 year I would see some improvement. But nothing is less true. 24/7 a hissing (pulsating) noise in my head. One day more in my head and the other day more in my left ear. I have a hearing aid now, but with this I can mask my tinnitus to some extent. I am desperate and I would like to have some advice from you. I am convinced that tinnitus becomes more severe by fear, but fear is what my daily life is now.  So, very bad for my tinnitus. I do yoga, meditate and sport a lot but without much results. I am now considering taking anti-depressants because apparently I can not calm myself. I'm considering Remeron. The reason is that I noticed that when I sleep better, my tinnitus is also less loud. Remeron can contribute to better sleep  and possibly also to reduce my Tinnitus fears. But I have to admit that I am also very afraid to start medication again. Does anyone have  experience with medication that works well? But maybe I have to give it more time ......but how long?  People, I just do not know! Every day is surviving and I have to break the circle somewhere but I do not know how! Waiting …..or medication ......... and then what medication?




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Hey Birdman, or whomever,

Recently I had blood work done and I am severely Vitamin D deficient..with a range of 30-100, I am at an 11.

My doctor wants me to start an OTC Vitamin D3 supplement (2,000) daily. I have been doing well post jump. My symptoms are really sporadic post jump 9 weeks ago. My tinnitus, still there, but much quieter.

My question is, Vitamin D3, is it possible to make my tinnitus worse? Anyone tried...

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Hey Birdman, or whomever,

Recently I had blood work done and I am severely Vitamin D deficient..with a range of 30-100, I am at an 11.

My doctor wants me to start an OTC Vitamin D3 supplement (2,000) daily. I have been doing well post jump. My symptoms are really sporadic post jump 9 weeks ago. My tinnitus, still there, but much quieter.

My question is, Vitamin D3, is it possible to make my tinnitus worse? Anyone tried...

I've been taking 2000 units of D3 for several years now, I can't tell that it makes any difference in my tinnitus.

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