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Remeron (Mirtazapine) Withdrawal Support Group


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Ms Jolly,


I was put on Remeron at the beginning of my Valium taper and the first thing it did was help me get some precious sleep.  It also seemed to take away a lot of the fear/anxiety that comes with withdrawing/tapering from a benzo.  When I was about 3 months out from the end of my Valium taper and starting to feel better, I quickly (in a 1 month taper) stopped the Remeron.  That was a year ago and I am still in withdrawals from stopping the Remeron.

So if I had it to do over would I take the Remeron again?  I'm not really sure.  I had no ill effects from tapering off the Remeron, until I stopped it completely and the withdrawal symptoms started.  DP/DR, dizzininess, vertigo, tinnitus, etc. all really unpleasant symptoms and they continue one year out.  I would say to anyone considering taking Remeron to help in withdrawing from a benzo, commit to it, take it every night as prescribed, don't try to take a break from it every once in a while - Pure Hell! - and when a lot of your benzo symptoms have subsided do a slow taper from the Remeron, as in switch to a liquid version and take it as slow as you would a benzo taper.  It took Magrita one year to taper off of Remeron after the benzo, that seems about right.

Also, I would always recommend switching to Valium from Klonopin to taper.  Where you are at with the Klonopin is about where I was when I switched to a liquid form of Valium.  Going down .025mg. per day worked for me from about 4 mgs. of V.  I actually started to feel better toward the end of my taper at this rate. Some people have problems switching benzos but I did not. I hope you have a good psychiatrist who will listen to you.


Best of luck

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Hi all,


I just read through your posts and was so let down by the difficulty everyone's having with their Remeron tapers!  I just had my first prescription for it filled today after a horrible time at .19 mg Klonopin...been tapering from .75 for a couple of years.  I read rave reviews of Remeron in other posts on BB and thought this might be the way to complete my Klonopin taper in the next few months.  Or I could switch to Valium.  I've heard that's easier to reduce than the Klon.  If you were in my shoes, what might you choose to do???  BTW, my symptoms are insomnia (duh) - 2 hours last night, some anxiety, shakiness, weakness, cog fog, and fatigue.  Sometimes I feel like I'm on the edge of losing control...yikes!  Gettin' scary!


Thanks ahead for your replies.



Obviously, some folks have difficulty with remeron, but NOT "everybody".  Most remerron users find it an easy drug to withdraw from.


I too 22.5-30 mg/day for almost 3 years.  When I quid, I did a 2 week taper (15mg week 1, 7.5mg week 2, then off)  I had absolutely no WD sxs at all.

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Obviously, some folks have difficulty with remeron, but NOT "everybody".  Most remerron users find it an easy drug to withdraw from.


I too 22.5-30 mg/day for almost 3 years.  When I quid, I did a 2 week taper (15mg week 1, 7.5mg week 2, then off)  I had absolutely no WD sxs at all.



Wow!  That is encouraging news!  I used 7.5 mg last night for the first time and it calmed all the anxiety down so I could sleep...a real God-send after the 2-hour night before!  Thanks for your reply! 



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Builder, I just wanted to ask what, if anything, do you take now for sleep.


Ms Jolly (Jo)



Hi all,


I just read through your posts and was so let down by the difficulty everyone's having with their Remeron tapers!  I just had my first prescription for it filled today after a horrible time at .19 mg Klonopin...been tapering from .75 for a couple of years.  I read rave reviews of Remeron in other posts on BB and thought this might be the way to complete my Klonopin taper in the next few months.  Or I could switch to Valium.  I've heard that's easier to reduce than the Klon.  If you were in my shoes, what might you choose to do???  BTW, my symptoms are insomnia (duh) - 2 hours last night, some anxiety, shakiness, weakness, cog fog, and fatigue.  Sometimes I feel like I'm on the edge of losing control...yikes!  Gettin' scary!


Thanks ahead for your replies.



Obviously, some folks have difficulty with remeron, but NOT "everybody".  Most remerron users find it an easy drug to withdraw from.


I too 22.5-30 mg/day for almost 3 years.  When I quid, I did a 2 week taper (15mg week 1, 7.5mg week 2, then off)  I had absolutely no WD sxs at all.

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Builder, I just wanted to ask what, if anything, do you take now for sleep.


Ms Jolly (Jo)



Hi all,


I just read through your posts and was so let down by the difficulty everyone's having with their Remeron tapers!  I just had my first prescription for it filled today after a horrible time at .19 mg Klonopin...been tapering from .75 for a couple of years.  I read rave reviews of Remeron in other posts on BB and thought this might be the way to complete my Klonopin taper in the next few months.  Or I could switch to Valium.  I've heard that's easier to reduce than the Klon.  If you were in my shoes, what might you choose to do???  BTW, my symptoms are insomnia (duh) - 2 hours last night, some anxiety, shakiness, weakness, cog fog, and fatigue.  Sometimes I feel like I'm on the edge of losing control...yikes!  Gettin' scary!


Thanks ahead for your replies.



Obviously, some folks have difficulty with remeron, but NOT "everybody".  Most remerron users find it an easy drug to withdraw from.


I too 22.5-30 mg/day for almost 3 years.  When I quid, I did a 2 week taper (15mg week 1, 7.5mg week 2, then off)  I had absolutely no WD sxs at all.


Once I started my V taper, if I had occasional sleep problems, I would still take a small dose (approx 3.75 mg) of remeron.


But about a year ago, I tried doxylamine (again, a very small dose) and found it works about as well as the remeron, but does not leave me drowsy the next day, which remeron did.

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Thanks, Builder.  Yes, second day on Remeron (7.5) and I notice how drugged and hung over I feel.  But I need that much to sleep, so....  I'll take the fatigue over anxiety though.  Unisom/Benadryl helped me taper all last year but became ineffective when my anxiety ramped up.  Hoping I can return to them when I'm off and healed up some.  BTW, if you want to try something natural that really worked for me...Kavinace or Seditol might be a couple of supp's to consider.  Both available on Amazon.  Thanks again.
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hi fellow mirtazapine users. i use mirt 3.75mg like once every 3-4 weeks now when im symptomatic and have sleep problems. it works great but i dont like the morning after drowsy hangover. how do you deal with this? would some coffee or chocolate work?


thanks all in advance..



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The only way to get off Remeron quickly is to cross taper it to zyprexa.


It worked for me. I had tried to get off Rememron with horrible withdrawal symptoms and was unable to do so, even at the lowest dose. Remeron turned on me and I had to get off it fast. Cross taper bridging to zyprexa worked with no widthdrawals.

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I have been reading your posts here and I have been researching what other consumers on the web are saying about remron. I was given a script for it last year but only took it twice maybe three times. It was for 15 mg but I cut it down to 3.75. I don't need it for sleep I need it for depression. I am concerned about weight gain but my depression is so severe that it seems like it could be a remedy. All the other AD's  are too scary and the trazodone just doesn't help my depression except for sleep-i'm going to try it for a week to give it a chance to kick in. I fear I will be in brain fog  tomorrow and possibly camped out in front of the refrigerator which is what my doctor told me. But I think I can exercise some willpower in that regard. I hope so anyway. I was able to stop smoking which is why I put on 25 pounds I definitely don't want to put on any more.

My question to you all is the dosage – is 3.75 good for depression or do I need to take 7.5? :idiot:

Thank you all and events for your responses  :)

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Hi ego trapped. Nice to see you again!


Remeron at 3.75 did wonders for me for both sleep and depression. It never really made me excessively hungry. Since every person is unique, I guess there are no guarantees but I really hope it works as well for you as it has for me.  :smitten:

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Hi All,

If you are tapering off of any tranquilizers or antidepressants, the website Back to Life - Council for Information on Tranquilizers and Antidepressants might be helpful. The e book costs around 13 Euros or 16 to 17 Dollars. It is written by medical professionals and gives tapering tables for many tranquilizers and antidepressants. When i am ready to taper off Remeron, i am planning to use this table.

Take Care.

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I tried Remeron once  at 3.5mg, very out of it the next day, waited 4 days and took 7.5mg and had the blackest suicidal depression the next day. Has anyone heard of similar experiences to mine? It was also a liquid version which I found out has aspartame in it but I doubt that was the cause.
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I tried Remeron once  at 3.5mg, very out of it the next day, waited 4 days and took 7.5mg and had the blackest suicidal depression the next day. Has anyone heard of similar experiences to mine? It was also a liquid version which I found out has aspartame in it but I doubt that was the cause.


Yep it did that for me a lot, it seems like it's starting to calm down now that I am taking it regularly. It lessens my anxiety and I sleep right through the day.

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Do you mean it caused depression and s/c thoughts at the beginning?


Yep for me it did now not so much because it's not sedating me as much once I wake up.

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I am off Remeron now but it did help my depression and sleep/anxiety problems for a few years before I hit tolerance again with benzos and had another breakdown this year.  I put on a lot of weight and felt tired but I was on 45 mg and it was maybe too much.


I am in a better place now and came off it cold turkey but replaced it with another AD and came off that in 3 weeks. AD's are easier to come off but you must taper down like benzos or any medication.


Start an exercise program while you are on the Remeron, it helped me to lose the weight and I also felt good after exercise. Don't sit in watching TV, you will only get more depressed. Stay active is my motto on any medication and eat well :thumbsup:

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Hi Benzotired!


You are almost there!


Funny you mention the CBD oils. Someone else suggested those to me this weekend. I think I will try them. Everything I tried for relief is making me anxious. I took oxazepam for some relief (did not intend to take something like that daily!) But it made my mind relax and that is when the anxiety hits. So I wont take this again. I also tried propranolol 10 mg. It is good for the night, but I cant also take it in the afternoon. It almost knocked me out this afternoon with low heartrate but when I started to fall asleep the anxiety was there again. Later in the afternoon it felt very relaxing as long as I kept my eyes open.


Till now I havent had any diziness. I have hyperacusis that worries me. I already was sensitive to sounds but now it is really disturbing. I hope it will pass soon.


My psychiatrist did not believe I was in withdrawal from such a low dose! I finally convinced him with the whole list of symptoms I have.


Good to hear CBD oil is helping you. We need some relief sometimes! How much do you take? Ow, maybe it is hard to compare this kind of stuff. I know a good resource but I dont know anything about concentrations.


Good luck to you too!


I tried CBD oil with no luck dang it..... grrrr. Glad it's working for someone though.

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Any advice please would be greatly appreciated !!!!


I spent 5 years in tolerance withdrawal before I learned what was causing my symptoms and how to get off Klonoplin and Remeron.  In 1/12 I began a 17 month taper from 6/10ths mg of Klonopin.  I finished Klonopin on 6/8/13.  I then waited 5 months and began a 10 month Liquid titration from  30mgs Remeron.  While both tapers were pretty awful, I found the Remeron taper to be worse.  It got especially bad in the last month of the taper.  Then I brought the Remeron down to .05mgs and 9 days ago, I stopped it, having brought it down to .05mg.  Two days later I was hit with complete insomnia.  When I was at about .15 of Remeron, I was still sleeping and it got worse over the next few days of the taper.  Then, once completely off, I lost the ability to sleep at all.  Not even 5 minutes of sleep in the next 5 nights.  Being up all night with these awful symptoms of anxiety and belly bloat/pain/nausea , began a pattern of fearing getting into bed, dark ruminating thoughts all night, and feeling pretty awful all day from the usual anxiety symptoms plus unbelievable fatigue.    I was very tempted to bo back on the Remeron at a slightly higher dose, but have resisted doing this so far.    On the advise of another sufferer, as well as my doctor, I took Unisom, an antidepressant.  Benadryl had not worked earlier.  This put me to sleep for 9 hours, albeit with a antihistamine hangover all day.  The next night it didn't work at all !!!  Others had told me that the same thing happened to them with Unisom.    I have been using high CBD med MJ up to now to help with horrific symptoms, but it would not put me to sleep.  I went to a pot store and they suggested a Chai tea infused with large amounts of THC.  I used it two nights ago and it put and kept me asleep.  LAst night, however, I awoke after 4 hours with great anxiety and bellyache/anxiety in my belly.  The only thing I did differently last night was not to use any CBD capsules before bed to perhaps temper the THC in the chai tea. For now, I think that is what happened. Anyway, I'm really beginning to get frantic over this. 


I was hoping that since I did a 10 month LT at 10%/month, and slept OK pretty much the entire time, that just stopping at 99.6% off wouldn't be too much of a difference and that my symptoms would sort of stay the same after stopping.  Wow, was I wrong. 


What happened and why didn't the gradual taper prevent this drastic change in symptoms and sleep?


I am feeling very trapped and hopeless. I can still get some symptoms releif with the various cannabis CBD products I have, but again, don't want to be doing this all day and night, and it hasn't helped with the insomnia.


Has anyone else dealt with this from Remeron, and how long did it take for this to settle down and for sleep to return?  Sleep is my main concern followed closely by over the top anxiety.

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Oh, this is crazy....I had no idea Remeron was a problem at all- I've been taking it at random for weeks now, up to 45mgs. to knock myself out, because I want to escape reality. The script is left over and is even expired, August, 2014. What am I doing? What have I done to myself? This is really serious, isn't it? My life is a total disaster, and I had the Remeron lying around, and I am a nervous wreck. All random, all unsupervised.

What to do?

If you read my other posts you'll see the condition I am in, with the valium and life circumstances.

I feel totally messed up. No hope.

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I'm sorry to keep posting. I have been very irresponsible in the way I have been using these medications. Perhaps that is a total turn off to everyone. I wish I knew what to do. I guess my whole system is messed up. What to do? Please don't hate me for my weakness,
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I am just responding to you because you are so upset. I am sorry nobody has responded to your needs and I am an EX Remeron user so I am not going to be much use to you.


I got off it fairly easy - not a lot of side effects and am presently tapering my benzo. In a way I am sorry I came off it first as it helped me to sleep and now I don't have it. I am tapering from V also and from 30 mg and doing okay. You have come down 10 mg so don't be disheartened, you are doing fine.


Everyone has opinions, everyone has their own view, we are individuals and must understand our OWN bodies and this site is wonderful for information but if it does not apply to you, you must filter what you read and NOT let it upset you.


One tablet at a time is the way to taper and you might be glad of the remeron when you go down lower on V. Please don't stress about your situation. It is what it is and you must deal with it as it is. Be positive, see what you have done and know that you can continue to do more. It is also reversible if you must reverse it but it is hard enough to taper from V without reading and stressing about other medication. Just one tablet at a time and you will get there. :thumbsup: Be calm, it is okay.

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