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klonopin addiction 7 years


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Hi edro,


Take it from someone who has been benzo-free for 5 months......life is great now.  I have now figured that I had almost 60 w/d symptoms and if I can do it, so can you.  Yes, life gets back to normal.  Benzos affect just about every system in your body encluding erectile dysfunction.  I think you have to get off this evil med and then you will figure out that maybe it is not the paxil causing all your symptoms.  Maybe????  I also believe that we self-isolate ourselves because we can't handle all the inside and outside stimuli.  Our systems are just too fragile.  You will work again and that is not too far in the near future once you really commit to a taper schedule.  You need to tell yourself that your body WILL heal (not that you hope it heals).  Positive thinking will give you the future you desire.  Best wishes.


Patty  xo

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Hey edro,

I know when I was in tolerance and got down to 97 pounds, I didn't want ANYONE to see me. I would do errands at night and even switched grocery stores to avoid bumping into anyone that I knew. I didn't want them to ask me what was "wrong" with me. Patty nailed it by saying that we can't handle all the inside and outside stimuli, so we isolate ourselves; so true! I know what it's like to not have family members understand what you are going thru. I don't think anyone can understand this, unless they have been thru it themselves. I don't agree with your sister about benzos being demonic. If that's the case, then food could be considered demonic because people overeat/gluttony and that is bad for the health/body and causes all kinds of diseases! Anyways, just try to take it a day at a time and not worry about down the road and whether or not you will be able to work again someday. I think you will. I know that mal and Keith, who both tapered off Xanax work full time and are doing great. It's just going to take time and I am glad you are able to stay with your parents during all of this. Things WILL get better....


Lori :smitten:

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Edro you can do this! After the hell I went through when I tried to cold turkey on the Klonopin, I thought getting off the drug was going to be impossible... but I did it! The taper made it more bearable, I'm a little less than a week off Klonopin and already starting to see signs of the "normal" me coming back again. I'm having little bits of time here and there where I find myself actually HAPPY for once (it seemed like that would never happen again in my darkest days).


I quit Paxil too. And cigarettes. None of it was easy, especially this whole ordeal of quitting the benzo use. Probably the hardest things I've ever had to do so far in my life, but it is so worth it. Follow a sensible plan and take it slow, one step at a time, don't overwhelm yourself with all the self-doubt and negative thinking. Don't push yourself to try to quit everything all at once, that will be more than you can bear. I had to, and still do, work hard to think positive and look at things differently than the way I used to, but it really helps to take a negative thought and turn it around.


Oh and I have been and continue to work while doing this, I've had to take some time off on the worst days, but work actually helps to keep your mind busy and not thinking about all the "what-ifs" and other negative or obsessive thinking. You can do it.  :thumbsup:

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Hey Edro,


Sorry about the late response to your question. Hopefully I can help you make your journey back to health a bit shorter and easier. Your body has been through an exceptional level of stress and I would wager that you are malnourished in one way or the other. Either you are lacking in certain nutrients or you have an imbalance in them. Here's what I would suggest:


1.) You need to get a probiotic supplement. Probiotics are what is known as "good bacteria." These bacteria are found in your large and small intestine. They are responsible for the proper digestion and absorption of all other nutrients. When we are under stress, our stomach produces excess acid in the digestive system, which kills these good bacteria and leads to malabsorption of nutrients.  Go to a health food store and purchase a  MULTISPECIES (don't just get plain Acidophilus, get all the others species plus this) probiotic supplement. It should be in capsule form an have an ENTERIC COATING. This coating protects the probiotics from your stomach acid and assures their survival until they get to the SI and Colon. The more money you spend on this the better. Cheap probiotics tend to carry dead spores and are a waste of money. TAKE ONCE EVERY 3 OR 4 DAYS. You don't need it everyday regardless of what it says on the bottle. By the way, yogurt with live cultures can also help in this department. Your stomach might get a little sick at first but over time you will adapt and have a more healthy and balanced digestive tract.



2.) B Vitamins. Get yourself a B-Complex Supplement. B vitamins are also known as stress vitamins. They are lost in large quantities when you are under physical and mental stress. In addition, they are imperative for nervous system and brain health, which is your primary concern when withdrawing from all this garbage. Take the B-complex separate from your multivitamin every day for one week. Then take it every 3 or 4 days from there on, then take it sporadically. I suggest spacing it out after a while because Vitamin B6 can build up in your system and cause problems if taken every day for too long. Generic is ok for these, you don't need to spend a bundle. However, sublingual (liquid form, squirted under tongue) does absorb better.


3.) Essential. Get a pharmaceutical grade multivitamin. Twin lab and GNC make good ones. However, try not to get one of those super potent brands that contain insane daily values like 300%. You should not be getting any more than 100% of your daily value of Vitamin A, Vitamin D and Vitamin E in your multivitamin. These vitamins build up over time in your system. The rest of the Vitamins: B (except B6), C, K etc. are fine in high quantities but not necessary. Get a good multivitamin, not like a Walmart brand or something, but not one that is jam packed with excess nutrients either. Take this every other day. This is all you need!


4.) Electrolytes. When one is under stress, Electrolytes are lost in large quantities. The body's primary electrolytes are Magnesium, Calcium, Potassium and Sodium. They are absolutely vital for bone, muscle and nerve health. I DO NOT really recommend supplementing electrolytes in the long term because these elements are in a very delicate, and not to mention complex, balance with one another in your system and you do not want to disrupt this. If you get too much of one you can really upset the other! So this is what you do: If you want, I would recommend a Calcium-Magnesium drink called Calmax. It has the perfect balance of Calcium and Magnesium that is ideal for your system. Plus, magnesium is a natural muscle relaxant! Let me tell you from experience, this product makes you feel great. Take it before bed 2 times a week and sporadically if desired. You can order it online. Google Calmax. For the other electolyes, potassium and sodium, depend only on diet. Sodium is in everything so you dont even need to worry about it. For potassium: Bananas, Orange Juice, milk, peanuts, Smart Water and green veggies. You will also find your remaining requirements for Magnesium and Calcium in these foods!


5.) Trace Minerals: These include all minerals that are absolutely essential for a healthy body. Among them are Zinc, Copper, Selenium, Chromium. I recommend AGAINST supplementing these as well unless you are proven deficient by a blood test because they work much like electrolyes. There is a delicate balance that you can upset with supplements. So, what to do: Eat right. Zinc is found in meats, copper in green vegtables, especially asparagus, and in peanuts (peanuts are super healthy by the way, just dont get the flavored kind, in the ingredients they should just say peanuts! Don't get the Planters brand with MSG! This is a nervous system toxin! All natural Smuckers peanut butter is great too). Selenium is found in meats. Good sources of Chromium are broccoli and Orange Juice.


This is the best info I have. Just remember one thing. Space everything out and don't overdue the supplements. Everything you buy will say "take one a day." This is not necessary and not necessarily good for you either. Use the advice above. Also, in the long term, an improvement of diet is much more important than supplementation. Supplements are good to keep us vital but nothing beats good foods! Trim back on the sugars and the fast foods. Start eating healthy. Eat a wide variety of Meats including fish, veggies (maybe try some stuff you have never had before), and grains.


Also, I am no professional. Just a dude who got really sick and read alot because the medical community wasn't helping me. If you want to see a dietician for professional advice, i would recommend it. And, although allergies to supplements are extremely rare, keep an eye out.


Your body needs nutrients to recalculate and rebuild after you shocked it with these chemicals. Treat it well and you will feel better!

Good luck! 



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Hey Edro,


Sorry about the late response to your question. Hopefully I can help you make your journey back to health a bit shorter and easier. Your body has been through an exceptional level of stress and I would wager that you are malnourished in one way or the other. Either you are lacking in certain nutrients or you have an imbalance in them. Here's what I would suggest:


1.) You need to get a probiotic supplement. Probiotics are what is known as "good bacteria." These bacteria are found in your large and small intestine. They are responsible for the proper digestion and absorption of all other nutrients. When we are under stress, our stomach produces excess acid in the digestive system, which kills these good bacteria and leads to malabsorption of nutrients.  Go to a health food store and purchase a  MULTISPECIES (don't just get plain Acidophilus, get all the others species plus this) probiotic supplement. It should be in capsule form an have an ENTERIC COATING. This coating protects the probiotics from your stomach acid and assures their survival until they get to the SI and Colon. The more money you spend on this the better. Cheap probiotics tend to carry dead spores and are a waste of money. TAKE ONCE EVERY 3 OR 4 DAYS. You don't need it everyday regardless of what it says on the bottle. By the way, yogurt with live cultures can also help in this department. Your stomach might get a little sick at first but over time you will adapt and have a more healthy and balanced digestive tract.



2.) B Vitamins. Get yourself a B-Complex Supplement. B vitamins are also known as stress vitamins. They are lost in large quantities when you are under physical and mental stress. In addition, they are imperative for nervous system and brain health, which is your primary concern when withdrawing from all this garbage. Take the B-complex separate from your multivitamin every day for one week. Then take it every 3 or 4 days from there on, then take it sporadically. I suggest spacing it out after a while because Vitamin B6 can build up in your system and cause problems if taken every day for too long. Generic is ok for these, you don't need to spend a bundle. However, sublingual (liquid form, squirted under tongue) does absorb better.


3.) Essential. Get a pharmaceutical grade multivitamin. Twin lab and GNC make good ones. However, try not to get one of those super potent brands that contain insane daily values like 300%. You should not be getting any more than 100% of your daily value of Vitamin A, Vitamin D and Vitamin E in your multivitamin. These vitamins build up over time in your system. The rest of the Vitamins: B (except B6), C, K etc. are fine in high quantities but not necessary. Get a good multivitamin, not like a Walmart brand or something, but not one that is jam packed with excess nutrients either. Take this every other day. This is all you need!


4.) Electrolytes. When one is under stress, Electrolytes are lost in large quantities. The body's primary electrolytes are Magnesium, Calcium, Potassium and Sodium. They are absolutely vital for bone, muscle and nerve health. I DO NOT really recommend supplementing electrolytes in the long term because these elements are in a very delicate, and not to mention complex, balance with one another in your system and you do not want to disrupt this. If you get too much of one you can really upset the other! So this is what you do: If you want, I would recommend a Calcium-Magnesium drink called Calmax. It has the perfect balance of Calcium and Magnesium that is ideal for your system. Plus, magnesium is a natural muscle relaxant! Let me tell you from experience, this product makes you feel great. Take it before bed 2 times a week and sporadically if desired. You can order it online. Google Calmax. For the other electolyes, potassium and sodium, depend only on diet. Sodium is in everything so you dont even need to worry about it. For potassium: Bananas, Orange Juice, milk, peanuts, Smart Water and green veggies. You will also find your remaining requirements for Magnesium and Calcium in these foods!


5.) Trace Minerals: These include all minerals that are absolutely essential for a healthy body. Among them are Zinc, Copper, Selenium, Chromium. I recommend AGAINST supplementing these as well unless you are proven deficient by a blood test because they work much like electrolyes. There is a delicate balance that you can upset with supplements. So, what to do: Eat right. Zinc is found in meats, copper in green vegtables, especially asparagus, and in peanuts (peanuts are super healthy by the way, just dont get the flavored kind, in the ingredients they should just say peanuts! Don't get the Planters brand with MSG! This is a nervous system toxin! All natural Smuckers peanut butter is great too). Selenium is found in meats. Good sources of Chromium are broccoli and Orange Juice.


This is the best info I have. Just remember one thing. Space everything out and don't overdue the supplements. Everything you buy will say "take one a day." This is not necessary and not necessarily good for you either. Use the advice above. Also, in the long term, an improvement of diet is much more important than supplementation. Supplements are good to keep us vital but nothing beats good foods! Trim back on the sugars and the fast foods. Start eating healthy. Eat a wide variety of Meats including fish, veggies (maybe try some stuff you have never had before), and grains.


Also, I am no professional. Just a dude who got really sick and read alot because the medical community wasn't helping me. If you want to see a dietician for professional advice, i would recommend it. And, although allergies to supplements are extremely rare, keep an eye out.


Your body needs nutrients to recalculate and rebuild after you shocked it with these chemicals. Treat it well and you will feel better!

Good luck! 




Leben -


I know you posted this with the best of intentions and I am glad this regimen has worked for you.  However, everyone seems to react differently to supplements during withdrawal so we don't recommend any of them.  I'm not saying there aren't any that may be helpful for some symptoms, just that what works for one usually doesn't work for another.  As one example, many people find that extra B vitamins rev up their symptoms while tapering.  Supplements need to be treated like medications which means research and only changing one at a time in case their are side effects or interactions.

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Hi edro,


Lebon has some good advice about getting healthy again, and one day you will be able to use this to the fullest, but right now I would stay away from B vitamins and multi vitamins (they also contain B), they are known to rev up your symptoms.  I tried using B vits. 4 months off for my burning and it made me much worse.  I couldn't handle it.


I've heard good things about probiotic supplements from quite a few people, it helps them with no side effects so you might want to try it.


The best way to get your vitamins is through your foods.  Stay away from processed food, especially anything with MSG and aspartame.  I couldn't eat fast foods, anything with soy in it, or cold cuts either.  High protein foods seemed to help the most, I ate a lot of chicken, eggs, tuna, beef, etc...


It will get better... :smitten:


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Hey guys,


My experience with benzo withdrawal has not been extensive enough to dispute these replies. If supplements are not recommended by the administrators of this site then I would listen to them and not me. Please disregard my last posting. I was not aware that supplements could make withdrawal symptoms worse! Thanks for following up on my suggestions. Sorry for the confusion. Good luck Edro!

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Wow looking back i can see were my life took a wrong turn,when i was working at a factory in 1998,i started to use valium and xanax recreationally,and then i developed obsessive thoughts whivh lead to prescriptions of antidepressants which lead to klonopin,man i screwd up,but anyway i walked some today,and went to church with my sister last night and visited an old friend today,so i forced myself to do something,as far as cigarettes go i am going to have to quit because i have sleep apnea and other breathing problems.I pray that one day i can return to me again instead of this burned out physically wrecked,nervous mess,i am also having chest pain,and imsomnia.
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Hello edro,


Just wanted to let you know that you can quit the cigarettes. I stopped the Xanax back in late August (I never did taper, just stopped after about seven weeks of taking a small amount everyday).  I then quit smoking on October 6th, using the patch.  The patch worked great!  I now have over 15 weeks smoke free.  I still have some side effects from the Xanax tolerance and withdrawal.  Mostly some depression, but it is getting lighter.  you will notice a huge difference when you quit smoking, maybe not right away, but you will.  Good luck on that, you can do it. 


I was only taking .25 Xanax once per day and still suffered tolerance and withdrawal.  That stuff is awful.  I also lost close to 16 lbs, and was down to 107 lbs.  I looked terrible.  I've gained it back though thank goodness. 


Hang in there.  You have to keep a positive attitude.  You will work again, make love again, all those good things.  Stay positive.




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I really feel like my life is over,i am not suicidal but i do pray that the good lord takes me home painlessly and fast.Paxil withdrawal is the reason i was first prescibed klonopin,i feel like i was pushed into hell and i have felt like this since i quit the paxil cold tukey a year aGO.GOD PLEASE EASE MY PAIN.
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Hi edro,


I just read an earlier post from you and you seemed to be doing better? What happened between then and now? You really should just try and take one day at a time. Things will be okay, it will just take some time.


T2 :smitten:

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I really feel like my life is over,i am not suicidal but i do pray that the good lord takes me home painlessly and fast.Paxil withdrawal is the reason i was first prescibed klonopin,i feel like i was pushed into hell and i have felt like this since i quit the paxil cold tukey a year aGO.GOD PLEASE EASE MY PAIN.


edro, don't look back....don't look forward....keep focused on the moment you're in, that's what you have right now. 


I understand your pain but try to keep your mind occupied with reading, movies, tv, etc.  I watched so much tv, old reruns of sit coms...anything to keep your mind from taking over and leading you into endless thinking about your symptoms and the life you feel you've missed.  It will get better...



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That is the problem tropicalsoul i cant seem to focus on tv and my memory is so bad that i cant remember things i have just read,my memory feels like it is shot for good as does my body,im so upset.
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That is the problem tropicalsoul i cant seem to focus on tv and my memory is so bad that i cant remember things i have just read,my memory feels like it is shot for good as does my body,im so upset.


I had to think back about the reading..... I couldn't read for long time a story I had to follow.  I read self helps books, one in particular, The Power of Now, I had to read the pages over and over again but that book helped me a great deal...I didn't read a novel for over a year...I couldn't follow the story but that's all changed...I read all the time again...


I couldn't watch anything violent on TV or anything where I had to concentrate, I couldn't follow the story.  I watched really mindless stuff...one that I watched, and am almost embarrassed to say (but anything to get through wd), was 'The 70's Show'....my kids thought it was hilarious that I was watching that but I couldn't stand much of anything else...a lot of times I would watch tv and take was being said at the moment and forget it...it didn't really make any difference to me what it was.  As long as I had something to occupy my mind other than my own thoughts and fears. 


Find what works for you...keep trying different things to do while you are healing....you will get there, I promise.



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Hi edro,



Are you tapering from the klonopin?  What you are talking about seems to signs of benzo tolerance/withdrawals.


Patty  xo

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I couldn't watch anything violent on TV or anything where I had to concentrate, I couldn't follow the story.  I watched really mindless stuff...one that I watched, and am almost embarrassed to say (but anything to get through wd), was 'The 70's Show'....my kids thought it was hilarious that I was watching that but I couldn't stand much of anything else...a lot of times I would watch tv and take was being said at the moment and forget it...it didn't really make any difference to me what it was.  As long as I had something to occupy my mind other than my own thoughts and fears. 


Find what works for you...keep trying different things to do while you are healing....you will get there, I promise.




My taper gave me the impetus to finally get around to reading "In God We Trust (All Other Pay Cash)" which I've had sitting around for several years (the book that the movie "A Christmas Story" is based on).


During the taper and now off the K altogether, I've been catching up on old episodes of The Office. I had them all stored on my comp (and watched them when they originally aired) but recently bought an Apple TV and am having fun watching everything again. Like tropicalsoul said, ANYTHING to take your mind off the withdrawal. If I get a few laughs out of some jokes I forgot from 2 or 3 year old episodes of a TV show, it's at least a few minutes where I'm not thinking about the withdrawal.  :thumbsup:

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Stoneyco i am tapering i am now taking .5mg in the morning and 2mg at night instead of 3mgs at night i started tapering by taking a 4th less of one of my pills for 2 weeks,and then dropped another fourth,i am going to slow down the taper i get the.5s next week.This paxil wd is very real also the withdrawal effects are almost identical to what is written about benzo wd,i had them before istarted klonopin that is why i was put on klonopin,the doctor then just kept me on both.I feel so hopeless,and stupid for cold turkeying the paxil last year. :'(
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As you know, I went cold turkey on Paxil as well. We were on it for the same time, 8 years. In retrospect, yes, it was stupid to cold turkey a medication I had been taking for 8 years, but what's done is done. You can't change the past. Just look forward to the future, you can get better, you are not hopeless. If I can do this, I'm sure you can do this too.
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Hi edro,


Your mind and body will go back to normal.  Just take it a day at a time like you have been doing and keep thinking that these w/d symptoms are actually the mind trying to be whole again.  The things that kept my mind occupied (and the only things I could do during tapering) is watch calming tv shows, write my journal over and over and over again, and help others on this site.  I couldn't remember words or conversations and during that time didn't care whether I could or not.  Edro, please keep a positive attitude because that is what will get you through this nightmare.  Always thinking about you.


Patty  xo

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I have just read that if you cold turkey paxil you will more than likely experience protracted wd for 3 to 5 years this freaks me out,because i am not functioning.
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Edro -


Even if there is someone somewhere who took some amount of paxil for a certain number of years, cold turkeyed and had a protracted withdrawal, that doesn't mean you will.  I don't know what I can add to what everyone else has told you about the importance of a positive attitude and overcoming your fears.  Start looking for how to do those things instead, okay?

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Hey edro,

I have learned that it is best, if I don't read about symptoms of diseases, people's bad experiences, etc. If I do, I start "what ifing" about so much and put myself in quite a state of anxiety. You are doing basically all that you can do right now....you are doing a slow taper off the klonopin. Now, you have to be patient and finish your taper and let your body fully recover from the benzo. Don't be anxious for tomorrow, today has enough problems of its own; a truth that is hard to live by, but if we would focus on the here and now (today), it can be so much easier for us than trying to figure out the whole picture (the future). You are not alone edros, you have family, friends, and those of us here on BB, who are wanting to see you get your life back and feel better. It will take time, but it can be so worth it. Don't fight it, just accept what you go thru each hour, minute, second, and try to be thankful for the times when you do feel a bit better. I am 29 days benzo free and I am having times when I feel good and my symptoms are very minimal. There is hope, edro, don't lose hope. Turn to God....


Lori :smitten:

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Hey edro,

Wanted to stop by to see how you were doing today? I pray that some relief comes to you, quickly. Just keep trying to take it one day at a time and look for the little accomplishments/improvements that will come. I know this is very difficult, but people have overcome these benzos, and you can as well.


Lori :smitten:

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Hi edro,


Some people do take anti depressants during their taper with no problem, you would have to see how you react to it.  It shouldn't affect your taper but you may have some side effects from it, just pay attention to how it affects you.



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