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Sleep Restriction therapy saved my life. An update from jittery18.


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For sure the thyroid affects your sleep


Actually you reminded me about how sick I was a few months before all of my problems started.

Something hit me so hard and I couldn't talk and I couldn't function I was very very woozy four days. Totally knocked out. After that I could not sing in the choir now for almost one year.


I am back to choir but still my voice and vocal chords have not returned totally.

We were pretty sure it was thyroid related but with all the other pills and things that went on it ended up lost in the shuffle I guess.

I am playing the waiting game just waiting for my ground zero and then see what is left over.


I'm sorry your sleep issues have gone on so long. I have small glimmers of hope for mine as now once in a while I sleep three hours at a time instead of only one and a half hours.


I keep trying to stay positive. What else can we do?


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Hi,jittery--so glad this worked for you!  For awhile I tried the same thing in order to reset my night's sleep schedule to 11:00pm to 7:00 am.  I already had a mostly stable sleep schedule, although it was weird: about 2:00 am to 10:00 am most nights, with the occasional all-nighter.  I wasn't working, so maybe I should have just left it alone, since I was getting enough sleep before I decided to mess around with it.  To make a long story short, all it did was throw me into random sleep times during the day and night, like when I first got off the lorazepam.  That lasted for a few days and then I stabilized in my old 2 to 10 pattern.  Now I'm going to leave it alone.


jittery, I think your idea about not worrying if you don't sleep is spot on.  On nights when I don't think much about sleeping, I get tired (of course, at 2 am now) and go to bed.  On nights when I do worry about sleeping, I often end up pulling an all-nighter.  It's important for me to have a distraction of some sort, like light reading or working on a macrame project (I suppose knitting or crocheting would be the same), or even just burning incense and leisurely thinking about stuff, for awhile before I go to bed.  (Watching a movie, even a nice or funny one, won't work, I dream about it all night.  And surfing the Web?  That'll keep me up all night--like tonight LOL.)  The important thing is to keep my mind from getting anxious about sleeping.  This can be tough, since I have a light case of OCD--just enough to get me into trouble with that kind of thinking.  But yeah--being distracted for awhile is helpful to me.  Even so, there are some nights when my sleep is just all screwed up, period.  I guess that's one of those "flashbacks" you were talking about.

My sleep ain't great, but I get along.  Usually have a day of being totally disabled after one of the all-nighters, though.


Keep snoozin


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  • 2 months later...
i hope itsnom to bump this ..... i found this sleep restriction program info very interesting (as i lie here at 5am up for the past 3 hours) lol. 
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  • 1 month later...
Very interesting (and commonly underrated) therapy. I'm going to try to be more strict with myself from today as far as sleep hygiene is concerned
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Ive been reading thru much of this thread off and all day. I have not slept welliin 7 monthes and instead of getting better, it actually got worse maybe a week ago. Im losing track of time! So I read about this method with interest and did some minor googling about it. Since I dont have a sleep doc and couldnt afford one anyway, can you guys suggest some steps I could do on my own? One source I read said that if you dontr fall asleep, you do not have to get out of bed, but MAY lie there are say, read a boring book. Any suggestions for me?


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  • 3 months later...
Is anyone still responding to this thread?  Should I expect the first week of SRT to be sheer hell?  I can't fall asleep so I'm up and down until 3:30 am and then up at 6.  How long until the turning point?
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I am starting tomorrow with a sleep psychologist. She told me to be prepared to stop all my supplements and do sleep restriction. She is major expensive but I am major desperate. I am not sleeping at all without unisom. I am very scared to do sleep restriction because I know I will not sleep at all, just wonder how many days I can do that. No sleep last nite and I feel horrible today. Got up at 3. If I get up at nite, I just get more stimulated and never go back to sleep. I like the idea of staying in bed and reading. HOpe she will let me do that. I will have a better chance of sleeping that way.

After 2.5 yrs off sleeping pills and zero sleep now, worse than at the end of my taper, I wonder if I have some hormone messed up. Have sub clinical hypothyroid so could that be making my sleep so impossible. NOne of my doctors has a clue.

Hate spending money to do sleep restriction cuz I think you can do it on your own. Dr. says she will be my sleep coach. I sure need one. She can't guarantee I will become and olympic sleeper. I just want to be a somewhat normal sleeper. Sure hope she can help me. I'll let you know how she does the sleep restriction. Glad you started this thread again. I was going to look for it this morning. Hope this means I'm on the right path.

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I have done sleep restriction with good results.  I started in April. Went to bed at 12 and up at 6.  I worked back to 1030.  Lately I have had setbacks so I am gonna go back to 1130 or 12. I am confident this will get me back on track.  For this to be successful u hav to be disciplined


No naps

Get up at same time every day. 

It was hard for me to stay up until midnight but when I am strict with sr I see good results.  I will compare notes with u guys.    Mark

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It is tough in the beginning. I found getting up at the designated time after a very bad night to be horrendous but would immediately sit outside in the sun,( if you have any), which did help. summer is probably a good time to start this.


If you can get past the worst of it when you are not sleeping but still have to keep the schedule, it did help me. My unmedicated sleep is much better now.


Good luck to you all.

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I have slept one night (5 hours) out of the last 4.  I go to bed at 12:30 and up at 6am.  Should I try staying up until 1am?  How long before things start to turn around?  I just feel like I'm up and down all night ...feeling worse than before. 
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  • 2 months later...

I wouldn't mind some moral support on this front either.


I've been using a good resource. It is called bed restriction but it is the same thing.



But I'm soooo tired. I don't think many of us who sleep badly at night know how many micro naps we have when we think we're lying awake or how many naps during the day keep us going. I was reading a lot with insomnia have almost conscious sleep phases that boost a little but can't replace proper sleep


I'm on 5 hours strictly from 1-6.30 and it is hhhaarrddd. i'm so tired and feeling depressed because of it. i can't move or think without effort. i just want sweet wonderful bed


i suppose this is part of it - making bed a desirable place rather than a place of stress/anxiety on sleep


Someone say positive things like: it gets better after a few days or the second week when you add time helps.. please :)

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I hope that it works for you.

I never tried it but I am slowly starting to get more sleep.

For me it doesn't matter if the sleep comes in the morning.

I used to start to hover sleep around 2 am til 4 am . Then would gradually fall into a deeper sleep with the deepest sleep being around 8 to 10 am.

Bear in mind this has been a long time coming but some days I am starting to fall asleep earlier (12 to 1 am. And falling into a better sleep earlier also.

I get a lot of physical sxs on the days when I get 4 to 6 hours of broken hover sleep and I feel actually quite ok when I get 7 hours of sleep albeit broken. I never nap at all as I cannot fall asleep no matter how tired I am.


Nö sleep restriction for me thankyou.


But good luck to you .



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Anyone know how naps work with this pgm? Im gonna start SRT tomorrow, ....I love my midday naps bc at least I get SOME rest, so it lessens the worry that comes with insomnia. Anyone know?
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Read this http://www.dassa.sa.gov.au/webdata/resources/files/7_BEDTIME_RESTRICTION_THERAPY.pdf


It sadly says no naps

I've been having naps in the afternoon since my daughter was a baby too. I thought I couldn't get without my naps.


I can't say I don't miss them but I accept they are probably part of my insomnia - giving me a bit of light sleep that makes sleeping harder at night


I know what you mean though about finding some relief. When we have this much trouble sleeping and feel like our mind and world is disintegrating if only we could get some sleep it is easy to think that any sleep will help.

I think though with SRT there are 2 things that go against that thinking: first, there is almost a sense in which you have to stop worrying about it. You aren't going to get much sleep it is horrible but you will try it and see what happens. I'm only 4 days in so I'm certainly still in horrible but interestingly I'm already worrying about sleep less. The other thing is SRT is supposed to increase our sleep pressure so much that we sleep more 'efficiently'/i.e deeper. A lot of insomniacs myself included try to get whatever sleep we can and much of it is light sleep so light that often we think we haven't fallen asleep at all.


So yea... no naps


And yea.. 4th day and really hard. But it has high efficacy and we may as well try it right?


At the very least giving up on caring so much about sleep has been useful and craving bed as a place I immediately fall asleep in is also a nice change from the frustration associated with trying to hang around in bed to get any drop of sleep.

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If you're starting it I'd love to keep this thread open as a place to chat and complain and whinge about it


It isn't nice and a good whinge to someone who understands is always helpful ;)

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No naps allowed with SRT.  I was unsuccessful and threw in the towel after 8 weeks.  It works for so many though, so I wish you luck and sleep!


I am sorry that you are still not sleeping.

I see that it has only been a year for you.


Stay the Course and I believe that you will sleep again.

It has now been 2 1/2 years of no/little sleep for me.

But the good news is that it is gradually improving.


I myself don't believe that the sleep restriction is for people that have damaged brains from the drugs.


it takes time for the brain to rebuild and rebalance itself.

time is the healer.



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No naps allowed with SRT.  I was unsuccessful and threw in the towel after 8 weeks.  It works for so many though, so I wish you luck and sleep!


I am sorry that you are still not sleeping.

I see that it has only been a year for you.


Stay the Course and I believe that you will sleep again.

It has now been 2 1/2 years of no/little sleep for me.

But the good news is that it is gradually improving.


I myself don't believe that the sleep restriction is for people that have damaged brains from the drugs.


it takes time for the brain to rebuild and rebalance itself.

time is the healer.




I'm starting to think you are right Carol


I don't seem capable of sleeping more then a 5-6 hour block at any one time. I reckon this is just when temaze would have been easing off too: it is at its strongest in the first 4 hours. So I'm thinking brain damage.


I might try sleep restriction with the help of a specialist dr in future but for now I'm going to take sleep when I can get it.. I think. In any case I had a nap today so we'll see if it reduces my 5-6 hour block if that remains my temaze-brain-damaged-constant

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  • 1 month later...

Hey everyone - just joined as I'm currently doing sleep restriction therapy in the hopes of getting rid of a 15 year stretch of insomnia as well as the meds that have kept me going (previously ambien & zopiclone). I am currently using Xanax and keeping my fingers crossed that I can start reducing the ammount soon. My problem is never getting sleepy - just being really tired. Sound familiar?


I have done the SRT for 4 weeks now. I go to bed at 1 am and up at 7, so 6 hours in bed with an average of 5-5.5 hrs of sleep. I have Chronic fatigue syndrome and really believe that the key to getting better is my sleep.


Glad to find others like me out here but sorry to see that there are so many of you.....

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Hey everyone - just joined as I'm currently doing sleep restriction therapy in the hopes of getting rid of a 15 year stretch of insomnia as well as the meds that have kept me going (previously ambien & zopiclone). I am currently using Xanax and keeping my fingers crossed that I can start reducing the ammount soon. My problem is never getting sleepy - just being really tired. Sound familiar?


I have done the SRT for 4 weeks now. I go to bed at 1 am and up at 7, so 6 hours in bed with an average of 5-5.5 hrs of sleep. I have Chronic fatigue syndrome and really believe that the key to getting better is my sleep.


Glad to find others like me out here but sorry to see that there are so many of you.....


Hey :)

I thought I had chronic fatigue syndrome until I started tapering off Temaze.

I'm not a dr, and at the risk of sounding like anti-benzo-brigade, I think a lot of your problems may stem from the xanax. Xanax is really short acting so your body goes into withdrawal pretty quickly which means no restful sleep, and/or no sleep, after the xanax comes and goes. You look like you are working hard at your sleep restriction and that is commendable but I fear the xanax will make it hard for it to work.

Tough.. I hope I'm wrong and your hard work pays off. If you find it isn't we are here to help with getting off the Xanax.

Good luck xxx

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I've noticed an improvement in that I have fallen asleep daytime twice which hasn't happened in years and that I am starting to get sleepy these last few Days. Unfortunately at aprox 8 pm and no where near bedtime. So there are improvements, but it is kicking my butt health wise, so it's all about finding a balance I guess.



I had CFS Before I started on Xanax. Tried substituting Xanax for Zopiklone earlier this year but I ended up having to take up to 8!! tablets to fall asleep.

Weird thing is that I am getting these dips of energy in the evening, almost dozing off, but by bedtime I'm even more awake and the last few night I've had to take more Xanax to go to sleep. Look forward to asking the Dr about it on tuesday when the sleep lab has a meeting with us.


I'm just taking 1 mg of Alprazolam (Xanax) which is just enough most nights. REALLY want to sleep with out them!! Any tips are MORE than welcome!


Thanks guys!  :)

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I've noticed an improvement in that I have fallen asleep daytime twice which hasn't happened in years and that I am starting to get sleepy these last few Days. Unfortunately at aprox 8 pm and no where near bedtime. So there are improvements, but it is kicking my butt health wise, so it's all about finding a balance I guess.



I had CFS Before I started on Xanax. Tried substituting Xanax for Zopiklone earlier this year but I ended up having to take up to 8!! tablets to fall asleep.

Weird thing is that I am getting these dips of energy in the evening, almost dozing off, but by bedtime I'm even more awake and the last few night I've had to take more Xanax to go to sleep. Look forward to asking the Dr about it on tuesday when the sleep lab has a meeting with us.


I'm just taking 1 mg of Alprazolam (Xanax) which is just enough most nights. REALLY want to sleep with out them!! Any tips are MORE than welcome!


Thanks guys!  :)


I'm glad it is working for you. I felt it worked somewhat but I was at such a high dose of valium the sleepiness during the day was too much. I plan to give it a god again. As for getting a second wind just before you go to bed you could ask the sleep centre to do some saliva cortisol tests. Sometimes cortisol amps to get you through being tired and then it can have amped you too much. A nice safe option for seeing if it helps is 2000mg vitamin C just before you get that surge. For other options there is quite a lot on cortisol and adrenaline in the insomnia section. Hope it keeps going well and you get some answers at the sleep centre.

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